Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Ship outfit

3-star 356mm guns, 3-star 155mm triple guns.

There is also a 3-star torpedo compartment and a 3-star repair kit.

Armed to the teeth, Fuso, wearing a blue-quality ship uniform, reappeared in the east of everyone’s field of vision.

Wang Dajian also realized that the weapons in this world seem to be very ordinary, right? They are all at the level of one or two stars, and there are no three-star blue-quality weapons, let alone purple or orange.

There is a huge gap between ships of different qualities!

The speed of fire and the strength of defense are worlds apart.

the most important is……

And repair tools!

At this time, Fusang’s armor was blasted with several holes, and the little robot in the repair tool was repairing Fusang’s armor little by little.


And this operation! ?

All the ship girls are stupid. They have seen special weapons, but they have never seen maintenance robots.

Repair while playing? Isn’t that strong! Invincible! ?

When I saw the word “Dajian” written on the maintenance robot, this…

This ship outfit produced by Dajian Company made all the ship girls jealous.


And received a blue quality ship outfit presented by Wang Dajian, Fusang is particularly tough.

“Follow me and break out of the siege!”

Fusang took the lead, and with Wang Dajian’s heavy armor and maintenance robot, she was simply an immortal.

It can resist the torpedoes of the deep-sea ghosts and advance against the enemy’s artillery fire!

The mountain behind him became more and more surprised.

The ship outfit on my sister…good…so strong!

Ning Hai was also dumbfounded. He only knew that the technology in Wang Dajian’s hands was very strange, but he didn’t expect Wang Dajian’s equipment to be so powerful.

Thinking about it now, it wasn’t a big deal for Rafi to single out a fleet of ships before.

With such an easy-to-use weapon, if it’s not strong, it doesn’t make sense!

Under the power of Fusang, all the deep-sea ghosts were beaten and could not fight back.

In the end, from the disadvantage of being surrounded, they were able to chase the enemy and fight!

Continuing to shock the East, Ning Hai, Ping Hai, and Shan Cheng had a particularly deep understanding of Wang Dajian’s weapons.

That is patience! Strong firepower! Can go in and out! powerful! Invincible!

The speed of fire is fast and the power is fierce, which is unreasonable!

In the end, Fusang alone destroyed more than 300 deep-sea ghosts, which was so terrifying that they were speechless.

The most silent is Shancheng.

I didn’t have a good attitude towards my sister Fusang and Wang Dajian before.

But now, relying on the equipment of my sister and Wang Dajian, they were able to fight out from the east of the encirclement, and finally wiped out the opponent.

They were so shocked that they fell into numbness, until after all the deep-sea ghosts were cleared away, a group of people were still immersed in the East of Shock.

Indianapolis, who was completely ignorant of the truth, came over and said, “Fuso! You came too soon, you were super powerful just now, which country’s equipment is this?”

Fusang was looked at by everyone, a little embarrassed: “This is… this is what I borrowed from someone else.”

“Is it Wang Dajian?”

Ning Hai approached and pointed to the word [大建] on the ship.

“Hmm…” Fusang admitted embarrassedly.

Will Lolita Z23, who was on the side, touched her chin and fell into contemplation: “In this world, there is actually a better ship outfit than Will Manufacturing? Why have you never heard of an arms company called Dajian?”

Several people are all curious, who is this Wang Dajian?

At this time, the ship girls received information from the international port.

“It seems that you have completed the task well, and you no longer need to support the fleet. In this case, you can return to the team.”


They had to go back to the international port first, and then make plans.

But at this moment, the sharp-eyed Ping Hai found someone!

Wang Dajian!

When they were about to leave, Wang Dajian drove a small boat over to catch the boat…

Nonsense, no profit, no profit!

Let others fight, and Wang Dajian will die in the back.

With so many ship girls, Wang Dajian will not bring them back? This is all white money, all oil! It’s all money!

Seeing that Wang Dajian was salvaging, they didn’t stop it, and it was good for someone to clean it up. After all, so many shipgirls’ stumps and broken arms were floating at sea, which was scary.

“Leave him alone, that weirdo. We’ll report from the base first.” Ning Hai pulled his sister who was in a daze.

I just heard this sentence from Ping Hai: “No, I’m thinking about whether I should go over and ask Wang Dajian for a meat bun to eat.”


Up to now, the red cheongsam Pinghai Lolita still misses Wang Dajian’s meat buns.

“Stop talking, I’m hungry.”

Ning Hai felt his dry stomach, the battle was exhausted, and he missed Wang Dajian’s meat buns.

Behind them, Wang Dajian is cool.

“This is sour, so many supplies. It seems that the ship equipment for Fusang has doubled and earned back!”

Wang Dajian was thinking at the time, there were so many corpses during the fight, so many corpses of deep-sea resident ghosts and shipgirls, can he retrieve them?

It was just such an idea that Wang Dajian decided to give the Fuso a very ordinary 3-star ship outfit.


Citigroup sighs. Now, they have caught a bunch of deep-sea ghosts.

“It seems that this uncle is also going to become a European emperor who makes a fortune by picking up rubbish!”

This made Wang Dajian think of a certain advertisement.

Start with a dog, all equipment is picked up!

When Wang Dajian was very happy picking up junk, the United Nations fleet had returned to the international port.

Back in the naval port, the mass-produced ship Niang was sent for maintenance, while Ninghai, Pinghai, and Fusang were called to an open space.

In front of them, a woman in a white navy uniform stood in front of the seven ship girls.

Yan Xiaohai is in charge of the Logistics Department of the International Harbor Ship Niang.

Listening to the logistics department seems to be very low-end, but the logistics department is the most important department in the entire army.

As the logistics leader of the ships of various countries in the international port, in fact, Yan Xiaohai is in charge of everything of the ships, and his power is extremely huge.

More power than any official in an international port.

Therefore, everything must serve the logistics department, because the ship girl is the first combat force.

Yan Xiaohai checked everyone’s equipment, and finally, her eyes were locked on the ship’s outfit on Fusang.

Equipment you haven’t seen? how is this possible?

In the base, there is actually equipment that Yan Xiaohai has not seen before?

“Fuso, get out!”

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