Miss Kaguya Wants Me To Confess

Chapter 45

After all, Miss Sadako was still too thin-skinned to entertain guests, and hid back in the TV without saying a word. RHmPO

"Fujiwara, you can get up." RHmPO

Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly said. RHmPO

"Huh?" RHmPO

Fujiwara Chika was startled, only to find that he was still sitting in the arms of Natsuki Yumiya and quickly stood up when he heard this, "Kaguya-chan should not be eaten..." RHmPO2

"What to eat?" RHmPO

Shinomiya Kaguya tilted his head and looked over, his voice echoing with the timbre of the night. RHmPO

"Nothing." RHmPO

Chika Fujiwara covered her chest with her hands and quickly shook her head. RHmPO

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes turned and looked at Yugong Xia Shu, his expression was cold and calm: "Yugong-san, what happened to Miss Sadako just now?" "RHmPO1

"It's a roommate in the same ward as me." Yugong Natsuki briefly said what happened, and finally concluded, "The roommate relationship is very good now. "RHmPO

"What's nice!" Chika Fujiwara couldn't help but shout, "Miss Sadako is obviously scared by you and hides back in the TV!" "RHmPO2

"Then I'll call out Miss Sadako, and you can exchange feelings?" RHmPO1

"Thank you, I refuse." RHmPO1


"Get down to business." Shinomiya Kaguya stretched out a finger and gently pressed his eyebrows, "What is Yumiya going to do next?" "RHmPO

Natsuki Raimiya quickly said: RHmPO

"Naturally, complete the task as much as possible and earn more rewards." RHmPO

The main task is to survive for twenty-four hours, as long as there is a middle comb in her hand, Miss Sadako, who is seriously afraid of society, does not dare to come out and be scary. RHmPO

In other words, you can hide in the ward for the rest of the day, wait for the main quest to be completed, and then leave the game. RHmPO

Problem: This approach can only get the most basic reward, that is, ten game coins, and at most one daily blind box. RHmPO

Passive avoidance was never Natsuki's choice. RHmPO

In particular, the eye can also see various hints, of course, complete the task as much as possible and get more rewards. RHmPO

Shinomiya Kaguya bowed slightly, and his thoughts coincided with Natsuki Yumiya : RHmPO

"Either don't do it or do your best, and we'll do it together." RHmPO


The darkness quietly ends. RHmPO

The hallway is lit up again. RHmPO

Yumiya Natsuki opened the door a gap, and after carefully inspecting it, said softly: "You can go out." "RHmPO

"I'll go out too." Chika Fujiwara looked out the door cautiously, clenching a fist in her right hand, "The three of us enter the game together, of course, we will leave together." "RHmPO

Hey, don't mess with the flag, it's dangerous! RHmPO

Kotori Yurokuka naturally came out with him, and a person did not dare to stay in the ward at all, God knows if Miss Sadako would suddenly become hospitable. RHmPO

The four came to the hallway. RHmPO

Although the lights have been turned on, the corridor is still a little gloomy. RHmPO

In the surrounding wards, unlucky players came out one after another, several people were still hung with color, everyone's faces were not good-looking, and some even cried out. RHmPO

"It seems that everyone is working hard." Chika Fujiwara clasped her hands in front of her chest, "If only I could help everyone." "RHmPO4

"Can't help." Shinomiya Kaguya's voice was cold and emotionless, "Offering help to strangers for no reason will only be when we have ulterior motives." "RHmPO

Chika Fujiwara whispered: RHmPO

"Natsuki and I can use the combined body technique to capture the extrajudicial madman Zhang San." RHmPO7

"The problem is that you can only get one grievance." Yugong Natsuki spoke, "I helped one person, and another person asked us for help, what should I do?" "RHmPO


Chika Fujiwara stopped talking. RHmPO

Trying to reach out to others in time is called helping, beyond one's own ability, and not saving everyone, that is a fool. RHmPO8

A few people went straight to the nurse's duty desk, and if they wanted to know the secrets of the hospital, the best way was to start with the nurse. RHmPO

After walking a few steps, two players suddenly clashed in the hallway. RHmPO

A male player pushes the girl to the ground, not knowing what she snatched, and then walks away. RHmPO

"Are you all right?" RHmPO

Fujiwara Chika hurriedly stepped forward and helped the fallen girl up, quite angry, "How can he rob someone else's things." "RHmPO

What is robbing something, there is no legal constraint in the game, it is no problem to carry you up and take it away! RHmPO1

"It's okay..." RHmPO

The girl bit her lower lip, her gaze fell on Yugong Xiaki, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she shouted excitedly: RHmPO

"Big guy?!" RHmPO

"Huh?" RHmPO

Yugong Xia Shu raised his eyebrows, feeling a little familiar, and couldn't think of who it was for a while. RHmPO

"We met before at the Grievance Academy, in the exam room, and I was sitting in the corner by the window." The girl's face was full of excitement, "I didn't expect to meet a few bigwigs, and finally there was salvation." "RHmPO

You think too much, we are just new players who have only joined for a long time, and we are not big guys at all. RHmPO

"Sorry..." RHmPO

Natsuki Yumiya wanted to refuse, there was no proctor who could bribe him. RHmPO

"I understand the rules." The girl hurriedly took out two props and displayed the attributes, "This is all my possessions!" "RHmPO

[Prop: A handful of green leeks] RHmPO2

[This item is hybridized and bred by Void Technology Company, leeks are naturally pollution-free, do not need sunlight, soil, air and moisture, can absorb the free energy of the void and grow, cut off a stubble, will quickly grow a new stubble, repeatedly, endless] RHmPO17


Yumiya Natsuki gently pulled the corners of his mouth. RHmPO

is good. RHmPO

It is worthy of a blind box, and any mess can be opened. RHmPO6

Question: What is the use of a leek? RHmPO

Do you cut a handful of leek boxes every day! RHmPO7

Natsuki Yumiya looked at the second prop. RHmPO



[Note: I don't need to say more about the use, right?] 】RHmPO21

"I've only played the game three times, and I don't have much game currency, and that's all that comes out of the blind box." The female player who had a relationship with each other bowed ninety degrees, "Please be sure to accept it." "RHmPO

Game currency is the most important, but Yumiya Natsuki and Kaguya have long verified that game currency cannot be traded or given, and the various props opened in the blind box have nothing to do with it, and can even be directly snatched. RHmPO

After all, the three of Yugong Xia Shu are newcomers who have just joined the game, and the chance of meeting a real big guy with a high rank is very small, most of the things on Mengxin's body are very shabby, and the blind box can only fight faces. RHmPO

"Natsuki-san." RHmPO

Chika Fujiwara is looking forward to coming. RHmPO

Shinomiya Kaguya whispered, "Compared to helping others for free, the equivalent exchange of benefits is acceptable." "RHmPO

Yugong Xia Shu groaned a little, and agreed: "I will accept the things, and I will come directly to my room later, the ward is already safe." "RHmPO3

Things look useless, but at critical moments, they may be able to get miraculous effects, such as cat ear hair ornaments in the Resentful Spirit Academy. RHmPO

"I'm giving you trouble." RHmPO

The girl's face was full of surprise and she hurriedly bowed. RHmPO

"What did that guy rob you just now?" Natsuki Yumiya asked. RHmPO

When I asked, I realized that it was food that was robbed. RHmPO2

Although the game enters in the form of a soul or consciousness, you will also feel hungry. RHmPO

"Huh?" Fujiwara Chika covered her stomach and said in surprise, "I'm actually a little hungry, I obviously went out in the morning to eat breakfast... Can't I go to the cafeteria to eat? "RHmPO

"There is no cafeteria." The girl holding her thigh shook her head, "The entire hospital is only on the fourth floor, and you can't go anywhere else at all. "RHmPO

Yugong Natsuki and Shinomiya Kaguya naturally wanted to verify it, and after coming to the end of the corridor, they found that the corridor was blocked by black fog and could not enter or exit. RHmPO

The darkness struck again, and several people honestly returned to the ward, and after some tossing, they all felt hungry, and for some reason, the hunger was actually quite violent. RHmPO

"It seems that there is still a problem that needs to be solved..." Yumiya Natsuki lowered his eyebrows, "Food crisis." "RHmPO5

The problem is that there is no cafeteria and no idea where to look for food. RHmPO

At this time, Liuhua, who had not spoken much, raised his hand: "That, the grievance spirit who was in the same ward with me before, may be able to make food." "RHmPO

Natsuki Yumiya said curiously: RHmPO

"What kind of grievance is your roommate?" RHmPO

The little bird You Liuhua raised his hand and gestured the horns above his head: "A cow." "RHmPO18

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