MHA:Quirkless reincarnation

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Unexpected arrival

"How are you feeling?" Keiko asked softly. Holding tatsu's hand, gently caressing it.

He was laying on his bed and had just woken up not to long ago. He was out for a week. His head was spinning and it took a while for him to fully get his bearings. When he did he realised he wasn't alone in his room.

"My head feels like its on fire still *chuckle*" he joked. "Aside from that I'm feeling okay."

"Hmmmm." Keiko noded glad, before a smile bloomed on her face. " You little shit. Broke my nose. If it's wasn't for my quirk I'd have to go hospital for it."

To that Tatsu sweatdropped. Keiko quirk was possibly the most versatile quirk there was, dispite how basic it was. She had the ability to produce a type of energy, with it she could do many things. Strengthen her body, her organs, produce and control fire, ice, wind etc. energy blast, and many more. It was one of the reasons she was called a produgy(the other being her mind).

"Oh, ahahah." The boy laughed awkwardly. "My bad."

After saying so he began to get up his body leaning slightly. Before his body gave in collapsing back on to the bed, a bolt of pain shooting through him.

Seeing Tatsu's defeated look keiko chuckled. "Want some help?"

"I would like that, Yh." Tatsu said a small smile on his face.

After helping him stand up Keiko kept his arm around her shoulder. Helping him towards the mirror as was his request. He slowly lifted his shirt off of himself, with keikos's help, and what he saw stunned him.

Starting from his wrist was a serpentine body full of scales coiling around his wrist, then to his fore arms, to his arms and Finaly towards his back.

(Tattoo image)

He turned around and looked over his shoulder, where the tatto ended. There was a dragons head, it's intimidating expression staring directly at Tatsu.

(Tattoo image)

He tuned back around. "A dragon….huh."

He couldn't help but think it looked familiar. A sense of familiarity washed over him. But he was tooken out of his line of thought.

"Mmm." Keiko nodded. "The head said it's very rare for someone to have a dragon as their tattoo, so you should be happy."

"Nah." Tatsu shook his head. "I'm just glad it's not a shitty koi fish like yours." He mocked.

With a red hue on her face she exclaimed. "Hey! Koi fish are cool…"

"Whatever you say." The young Ryu laughed. "Help me done stairs?

Keiko shook her head exasperated before helping him walk out the room.


(Hiashi pov:)

"Your son is quite interesting indeed." Ryujin belowed, his chest rising and falling.

"You still haven't told us the significance of the dragon tattoo." I rolled my eyes. It had been a week and we were Finaly asked to come back to the throne room.

Me and my wife didn't want to leave Tatsu's side. He's a strong boy yes. He may not be stronger then his elder siblings but mentally he's far above them. But seeing him in so much pain….. as his father I couldn't bare it.

At the very least keiko is wachting over him. With her quirk if his condition deteriorates she can stabilise him. Though the old man said nothings wrong with him he just needs some rest.

"Please Ryujin. Tell us." My wife requested. I could tell she wanted to get back to Tatsu as quick as possible.

"Nothing truly special about it." My grandfather stated. "It's just a very rare occurrence since the tattoo ceremony bagan. There has only been 1 person to accrue it. Now 2."

"Who's that person." I asked curious. I'm old now but even I don't know all the secrets within the clan. No one quite does. Except this man.


That explains why he had that expression on his face when he saw the tattoo. The old man Finlay found someone with same tatto as him.

"Anyways~" Ryujin changed the topic. "The Vassals will be arriving next week. A regular meeting. I want you Hiashi to be here."

The vassals huh…..

"Very well." I nodded. I had no reason to refuse….except for the fact I hated meetings.

"Good. Now then off you~" he shooed us away.


(Tatsu POV:)

What. The. Fuck.

Standing infront of me was non other then All fucking might. The 8 holder of one for all. The number one hero.

I didn't expect to see him when I came down here.

"Ah." He stood up from the sofa upon noticing us. "You must be hmmm Young Tatsu! I see young keiko is here along side you." He nodded towards her.

"All might." She nodded back. They must have seen the look on my face as she added. "Uncle Hiashi and him are close so I've met him before."

'Makes sense.' I shrugged.

"Yes." All might nodded in agreement. "Is your father here? I have a matter to discuss with him."

I shook my head. "No, he's out right now should be back soon though."

"I see." He nodded taking his seat. "I'll wait here for him then."

Alright 2 questions. How the fuck did this guys get into my house? And what does he want to talk to Hiashi about?

I motioned towards the seat opposite him and keiko help me move towards him. I don't think I'll be able to get One for all of him in our first meeting but I can place the seed for me to possibly get it.

About getting it or not. I have no clue. There's a list of pros, namely you know have a powerful quirk and more quirked that are within one for all. But there's also cons namely being one All for ones radar. And a few other pros and cons.

Sitting down I looked up at him unsure what to say causing an awkward silence to fill the room. An awkward silence that he broke.

"Sooo." All might began. "How's school?"

I deadpanned. How's school…. I know he's trying to make small talk but really how's school.

"I'm homeschooled." I replied, causing him to nod and the awkward silence to return.

Just as I was about to break it it was broken by another very familiar voice.

"Toshi!" The voice of my father called out.

Looking to the door I saw Hiashi and Yuki walk through.

"Hiashi." Allmight stood from his seat and approached the old man.


Their hands joined together with force causing a loud sound to echo through the room. Never thought I'd see the day I'd see my father dap someone up.

"It's been awhile since I've last seen you." Hiashi laughed.

"That's because you leave me on delivered for hours." Allmight sighed. "Look I need to talk to you privately."

Seeing the seriousness in his tone my father nodded his head towards us causing Yuki to walk towards us.

"It's good to see you awake." She said planting a kiss on my forehead. "C'mon let's leave these two alone."

She led us out the front door.


(3rd person POV:)

"Look…" Allmight began his tone full of regret." You know I'd hate to ask you this but I'm not sure who else to ask….."

"Bah." Hiashi shook his head. "You know whatever you need help with I'll gladly lend a hand."

"*sigh*" The number 1 couldn't help but release the breath he dddint even know he was holding. "It's….All for one."

To that Hiashi eyes sharpened, his usual care free demeanour no more. "Go on."

"He's in hiding...i need your help to find out where he is. Your family has a rather….large network." The one for all user said.

"They'll be a meeting with the vassals in a week. I'll bring it up with them get the search party larger." Hiashi nodded.

"Thanks…" All might bowed his head.

"Don't worry about it." Hiashi waved it off, "beside it's not just your fight. As long as someone as dangerous and powerful as him exisits my family will be in danger. Considering his deep hatred for us."

All might nodded before getting up to leave." I need to be off."

"Already?" Hiashi shook his head also rising from his seat.

Walking towards his Hiashi embraced his friend. "Take care of yourself old friend. I'll be in contact when I find some information."

"See you later." Allmight nodded before taking his leave.


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