MHA: The Sentry

Chapter 18: Aftermath

_____[POV: Third person]_____

The room was immersed in absolute silence, broken only by the rhythmic sound of fingers lightly tapping on a metallic surface.

All For One reclined in the darkness, his eyes fixed on the screen before him. Digital reports, images, videos, and confidential files slid across the holographic interface, reflecting on his mask.

The attack on the U.S.J. had been a failure.

Shigaraki had been captured.

Two of the Nomus had been exterminated, and one had fallen into the hands of the police.

And yet, he wasn't furious.

He felt strangely relieved and happy because there was something... interesting.

His eyes analyzed the footage from the U.S.J. cameras, sent by one of his infiltrated spies. The recording was slightly shaky, but the image was clear enough.

A single young man.

Ryuji Fugimoto.

The boy with golden hair and indifferent blue eyes, shattering his strongest Nomu with a single blow.

All For One paused the recording at the exact moment of impact.

The energy that came from that punch... absurd.


The raw power of that boy was something he had never seen in a Quirk before.

And he wanted it.

The name Izuku Midoriya also caught his attention. A boy without a Quirk who, somehow, was using advanced technology to fight on equal footing and defeat one of the Nomus.

"Where did this come from?" He murmured, zooming in on the image of Midoriya's high-tech armor. Common support devices didn't do that, not the ones he had seen or knew about.

And then, the third unexpected element.

An animal.

The images showed a small, agile white wolf, but... when it transformed into its 3-meter form, everything became completely abnormal.

All For One had never expected a Quirk-bearing animal. They were rare. Extremely rare.

And he wanted it too.

All of this turned the failure at the U.S.J. into a goldmine in his eyes.

A soft sound caught his attention.

Dr. Garaki entered the room, wiping his gloved hands.

"A shame we lost Tomura." He sighed, shaking his head. "We still had plans for him."

All For One didn't take his eyes off the screen.

"Don't worry, Doctor." His voice was low but carried an absolute weight. "I no longer need Tomura... for now."

Garaki raised his eyebrows, surprised.


All For One slowly turned the screen, revealing a new image.

The photograph showed a blond boy, his furious expression frozen in the moment of capture.

Katsuki Bakugo.

"It seems U.A. expelled him after an incident he caused." All For One's tone was almost amused. "I think it's our role to welcome him with open arms."

Garaki smiled.

"So, we have a new test subject."


After the incident at U.S.J., Izuku Midoriya was physically exhausted and mentally drained. His poor mother cried so much when he got home that he almost went deaf. Now, she was finally asleep, and he still had work to do.

The cursor blinked on the dark screen, reflecting a faint green light on Izuku's face as he sighed, staring at the absurd number of projects he had drafted. Each one was a crucial piece of his vision, but alone... alone it would take decades.

He leaned back in his chair, ruffling his hair and muttering to himself. He had to create better models of DEKU; his armor had been severely damaged during the fight against the Nomu.

"I guess it's time... I can't do this without help."

Typing quickly, he opened a terminal window and began inputting codes. The screen flickered and soon turned completely black, with a few warning lines appearing at the top.


ENCRYPTION IN PROGRESS... 17%... 54%... 89%... 100%...


A text field appeared, and Izuku didn't hesitate:

Mr. Green: "Blue, are you there?"

For a minute, nothing. Just the silence of the late night and the glow of the monitor. Then, a response appeared.

Mr. Blue: "Mr. Green!"

Mr. Blue: "It's good to hear from you again, my mysterious friend."

Izuku smiled faintly. Even though he had never seen Blue's face, he knew he could trust him more than many people he knew in person.

Mr. Green: "It's good to talk to you again too."

Mr. Blue: "Here to share new projects?"

Mr. Green: "Not this time. I need your direct help."

The response didn't come immediately. A few seconds passed before another message appeared.

Mr. Blue: "...Does this mean you're going to reveal your identity?"

Izuku took a deep breath before typing.

Mr. Green: "Yes. I'm facing some issues in my workshop. My projects are taking too long to complete. I don't have enough manpower. Until now, a close friend and I managed... but it's reached a point where I need your help."

Blue was silent for a few moments. When he responded, it seemed thoughtful.

Mr. Blue: "You know this is a big risk, right? I have a lab and qualified personnel, but I need to know if you're someone I can trust. I don't want the projects I help build to be used for evil."

Izuku nodded to himself. It was a fair request. He looked at the screen and then typed his final response.

Mr. Green: "Then it's time to reveal myself to you."

He attached a file with his location, name, and age. After hitting "Enter," he watched the screen expectantly. The response didn't take long.

Mr. Blue: "...Are you serious?"

Mr. Blue: "Midoriya Izuku... 14 years old?! Are you kidding me?!"

Mr. Blue: "This is a joke, right? You made all those projects while still a teenager?! Now the time I called you a genius sounds more like an insult, haha."

Izuku chuckled a little as he read the message. Of course, he had expected this kind of reaction. He quickly typed:

Mr. Green: "Thank you. I'm studying at U.A. now. Everything I've done so far is to become a hero."

The chat was silent for a few moments. Then, Blue responded.

Mr. Blue: "You remind me a lot of myself some time ago..."

A few more seconds of silence.

Mr. Blue: "Alright. I'll help you. I have enough personnel and resources to move part of my lab to Japan. That way, it'll be easier for us to work together. But before anything... what kind of projects exactly will we be developing?"

Izuku smiled to himself before attaching a series of files about his research. Armor models, support devices, new concepts to enhance hero suits... a true library of innovation.

After sending, he waited.

The response came in less than three minutes.

Mr. Blue: "...Gispy Danger?"


The sun had already risen over the majestic Nine & Tails Inn, and with it, Esunami's workday began. Despite her relaxed posture and perpetual smile, the kitsune was always attentive to the smallest details that ensured the inn remained the most luxurious and exclusive destination in Japan.

She walked through the halls, her immense white tail swaying gracefully with each step. Staff and guests bowed respectfully as she passed, some of the kitsune attendants exchanging discreet laughs upon seeing their boss's lazy, still-sleepy expression.

Esunami simply responded with a soft "Ara, ara, so early and already so lively?" before continuing on her daily inspections.

Her first stop was the kitchen, where the chefs were preparing an exquisite breakfast for the guests.

The aroma of dashi and freshly cooked rice filled the air.

Esunami casually picked up a small rice ball, nibbling on it while praising the team with kind words. "Wonderful as always, my dears. Our master would surely be pleased."

Next, she passed by the hot springs, checking the temperature of the water and the purity of the mist that gently rose above the baths. Everything was impeccable, just as it should be.

Finally, she headed to the reception area, a place she rarely occupied, preferring to leave the task to her attendants. But for some reason, today she decided to make a brief appearance.

The inn was a hidden paradise, and its clientele consisted only of those with pure hearts (couples) or the means to pay the exorbitant fees required to enter. Naturally, this made the place a point of interest for millionaires and nobles around the world, but also for certain... less refined guests.

As soon as she took her place behind the counter for a few moments, she felt a pair of eyes scanning her body. Her expression didn't change, maintaining her usual enigmatic smile, but in her mind, a sharp, blade-like thought emerged: Perhaps I should pluck out those disgusting eyes so they can no longer be used improperly...

However, instead, she simply tilted her head slightly, allowing one eyelid to rise just enough to reveal a shimmering, pupil-less blue eye.

"Ara, my dear, it's not polite to stare at a lady like that..." Her voice was as gentle as silk sliding over skin, but there was a subtle threat underlying her words.

The man quickly averted his gaze, embarrassed and swallowing hard. Esunami sighed softly and called one of her attendants with a simple snap of her fingers. "Dear, could you take over the reception? I believe my brief stint as a receptionist is over for today."

Without further ado, she withdrew, gracefully walking down the hall to her private office.

It was a traditional, themed space reminiscent of old Japanese offices, with a low desk, carefully arranged futons, and a brush and ink set resting on records already filled with financial and guest logs. The room was decorated with paper lanterns, and small blue hitodama floated lazily around, illuminating the space with an ethereal glow.

With a contented sigh, Esunami settled in front of her desk, adjusting the long sleeves of her blue and white kimono before picking up the brush and beginning to review documents. But even as she worked, one thought remained constant in her mind.

A woman's body should not be the target of unwanted gazes... after all, it belongs only to someone special...

Her smile widened softly as she imagined a certain young man who held all her devotion. Ah, yes, her dear master...

_____[POV: Ryuji]_____

Nothing like a day off after the disaster at U.S.J. A whole day without random explosions, without psychopathic villains, and without teachers looking at me like I'm a ticking time bomb about to go off. Honestly? This should be celebrated.

But instead, I'm here, walking down the street with a white furball that insists on drawing attention from everyone who passes by.

Seriously. Have you ever tried walking around the city with a cute animal? It's like carrying a magnet for hysterical screams and kids wanting to squeeze it. But Rice Cake isn't just any dog, so as soon as someone tries to touch her, she dodges like a ninja and gives them a look of absolute judgment.

"Could you make my life easier and stop causing a commotion?"

She just looks at me with those bright blue eyes and wags her tail as if to say, "Your problem, boss."

My destination was just ahead: Rosa's market. Finally, a place where no one cares that I exist because they're too busy being themselves. Or at least that's what I hoped.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by the orange-haired triceratops.

"¡Ryuji, niño!"

Rosa practically shouted my arrival, as if I were some kind of celebrity.

"Buenos días, Rosa."

She smiled, but her attention immediately shifted to the little furball by my side.

"¡Dios mío! ¡Que linda! ¡Mira esos ojitos!"

Ah. Here we go.

Rosa leaned down to try to pet her, but Rice Cake dodged with the reflexes of a professional sprinter and stared at her as if she were a war criminal.

Before Rosa could insist, the door behind the counter opened, and Josei appeared carrying a box. The giant 8'5" tall fox noticed my presence and greeted me cheerfully.

"Ah! Ryuji! Here to buy Coffee Jelly again?"

"Unfortunately, no. I came to buy dog food. We're running out at home."

Rice Cake stared at me as if I had just committed high treason.

The judgment in her eyes was almost as strong as her opinion about vacuum cleaners. Which, apparently, are incarnate demons. But don't you basically manipulate air? Being afraid of vacuum cleaners is kind of ironic.

Josei noticed the scene and spotted the fluffy furball.

"Oh! And who's this cutie? When did you adopt her? Is she a boy or a girl?"

Before I could answer, Rosa was already freaking out again.

"¡Es una monada! ¡Mira esa carita preciosa! ¡Un ángel peludo!"

And so began a flood of hysterical compliments and endless questions about the furball. Rice Cake, of course, was loving the attention, wagging her tail and pretending to be an innocent creature.

After listening for far too long about how my wolf is "la criatura más hermosa del universo," I was finally released to grab the dog food.

But as I looked at the packaging, I could already feel the weight of silent judgment beside me.

Rice Cake blinked, disappointed in me on a spiritual level.

"It's this or nothing."

Before Rice Cake could writhe on the floor in a tantrum, three idiots decided today was a good day for a robbery.

Three guys, hooded, two armed, and one clearly compensating for something. They entered Rosa's market and pulled out their guns, pointing them at her and Josei. "Hand over the cash, now!" one of them shouted, trying to sound threatening.

I just blinked. Seriously? Robbing a market? In Japan? I should play the lottery.

Rice Cake started growling, clearly bothered by the smell of these guys. That caught the attention of one of the robbers, who turned the gun toward me. I stood still, my usual monotone expression unchanged.

"Hey, kid, stay quiet!" he growled.

Josei, ever the good soul, tried to intervene. "Please, don't hurt him..." She took a step toward the counter, but the idiot pointed the gun at her again, forcing her to stop.

"Looks like mutants think they can do whatever they want," another robber commented, his voice dripping with disdain. "That thing almost gave me a heart attack. Ugh, disgusting."

Ah... I see. Besides being robbers, they're mutant racists. That didn't make me angry. It made me... bored. Of all the things they could do, they chose this? I sighed and raised my hand, slowly closing my fingers. Their guns twisted as if made of aluminum foil, crumpling into a dense, useless sphere. They fell to the ground with a dull thud.


I took a step toward them, my voice low and calm. "You clearly haven't learned about mutual respect. I'll have to teach you."

One of the robbers, panicking, raised his hand and activated his quirk, firing a sharp spike in my direction. I was ready to slap it back into his face, but... Josei stepped between us.

And was hit.

She fell to the ground with a groan of pain, clutching her shoulder as blood stained her orange shirt. Rosa screamed her name, running to her. I just stood there. For a moment, time seemed to slow as I tried to process what had just happened.

My mind split into two thoughts:

1 - Did Josei really just jump in front of me to protect me?

2 - Did this idiot just hurt someone I know right in front of me?

My gaze met the eyes of the man who shot the spike. And he froze.

Because my eyes were probably glowing with an intense golden light now.

The murderous intent radiated from me like a shockwave. Before he could react, I raised a hand and twisted his arm with telekinesis like it was a wet rag. A sharp snap echoed through the market. He screamed in agony, falling to the ground. The other two tried to run, but I simply applied a bit of gravitational pressure and pinned them to the ground alongside their groaning friend.

Rosa was by Josei's side, trying to help. She removed the spike, making Josei cry out in pain. I approached, serious, confused... and, I'll admit, a little worried about her.

"Don't worry, Josei. I'll handle this."

I extended my hand, and a golden aura enveloped her. Her wound closed instantly, the pain disappearing as if it had never existed.

Josei looked at her shoulder, surprised. Rosa's eyes widened, and she immediately launched into an exclamatory monologue.

"I knew it! Ever since I met you, I knew you were a miracle sent by Dios! Un angel de la guarda! A saint, una bendicion!"

I just ignored her.

Josei, still surprised, looked at me. "Thank you, Ryuji..." Her voice was soft, embarrassed, clearly uncomfortable with the fuss she caused. But she still seemed sad.

That's when Rice Cake approached and licked her hand, whimpering softly.

Josei looked surprised at the furball before smiling slightly and patting her head. "I'm okay, sweetie. Thank you."

Uh...? Did she just touch Rice Cake? Am I seeing things?

I looked at Josei and then at Rice Cake being petted by a hand that almost covered her entire body. This furball is truly enigmatic...


(A/N: If anyone is wondering who Mr. Blue might be, it's David Shield. The next chapter will likely be out tomorrow; I've been working on it for a while now. I wanted to mention something else: the MC will only have a romantic relationship with the chosen partner. However, I'm considering creating an unintentional "harem" as a side effect of the MC's aura, based on the current plot and what I've written so far. But of course, as I said, the partner will be the "chosen one," and I think you might have noticed that in this chapter. I'll stop here for now; see you in the next update.)

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