Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Flying Flame
Chapter 25: Flying Flame
"An obstacle race….?"
The crowd looks at midnight in question as the 18+ heroine continues to explain.
"Yes!! It's a race between all UA classes!" She smiles at them.
"The entire course is a 4 km ring around the stadium!"
"Fufufu… so get going as thats all there is to it, also your free to do anything as long as it's in the course track"
As the students were led to the starting line by the staff Harue turned to the class 1-A.
"All right everybody!! Do your best and good luck!"
"You too class prez!"
Harue nodded seeing their determined looks and also turns to Mina.
"You too, do your best out there"
"Yeah,yeah go get first place then…" A mischievous smile makes its way onto her face as she pats his chest.
Harue smiles at her teasing and squeezes her nose.
"Ahh, You dummy!" Quietly shouts Mina in mock anger while rubbing her nose.
But both of them quite down as Midnights voice rangs out.
The others also stop chatting with themselves and got ready,
'This is it, I need to do well!!' Midoriya face turns serious as he stared at the backs of his classmates.
'To show All Might that I can do it!'
'That basterd thinks I can't compete with them!!!! I will show you then, you fucktard!' Bakugo face scowls in anger as he thinks about Todoroki's words.
'I will beat you Dai, to show that man that his quirk means nothing' Shoto clenches his fist as his right side starts to freeze.
With that the race began starts but just as everyone started running a bright flash of light flashed them.
"Flame on"
A deafening sound rang out as the flash disappears.
"What the….!?"
The students yell as they stare at each other in confusion.
"Damn it!!" Bakugo screams as he propelled himself forward with his explosions.
Todoroki quickly follows him as he got out of his shock.
A massive wave of frost freezes the still confused contestants legs as he made his way forward.
This breaks some of them out of their surprise as they doge his attack and also start running after him.
"Holly Molly I think we already have a guaranteed winner folks!" Present Mic exclaims in awe as he stared at the flameing teen making his way to the finish in break neck speed.
"Harue Dai from Class 1-A!!"
"Quirk: Torch [ He can ignite his body into flame and manipulate it ]
(AN: updated name for his quirk because you guys bullied me for my awful naming :< )
"You sure got a monster first year in your class Aizawa" comments Mic as he turns to his fellow announcer and friend.
"Hmmm, let's see if can keep this dominance up for the other trials" the tired Aizawa hummus in acknowledgment as he replies.
"As always tough on praises!l" Mic laughs and turns to comment on the other students who just now had arrived at the modified 0 pointers.
After a minute he then again turns to comment on Harue as the teen was about to finish the race.
The crowd cheers in amazement as the teen flys past the last part ( The Minefield ) and goes into the entrance tunnel at the end.
[ Class 1-A Harue Dai has finished the race ]
The flaming Harue appears in a firey streak as he then floats in the center of the stadium with his arms spread out.
The deafening sound of screames and cheers made him stop for a minute as he took it all in.
The admiration these people had for him, the look of awe as he floated infront of them.
He had never felt anything like It before it was….
Present Mics voice broke him out of his thoughts as he then heard the crowd's comments.
"Wow that kid is powerful!"
"He's like a mix of Hawks and Endeavor!"
"Yeah that speed is insane, dude's almost as fast as Hawks!"
' I am faster' He sneers at the last comment. 'And also stronger'
I am just better.
With that the orange hair teen descended down and waited for the others to finish the race.
"My baby, my baby!!" Screams Reina as she hugged Mrs Ashido who seemed just as happy.
Akio and another man who had horns on his head ( Mina's dad ) smiled awkwardly at each other seeing their wives antics.
But they also started cheering seeing Harue finish first.
"Young Dai you are truly living up to the expectations set on you!" All might muttered as he watched the flameing teen.
'I just hope those expectations will not burden you' He thought in worry as he stared at the ginger haired teen waving to the audience.
"Is this a joke….." A tall man with red hair and facial hair made of fire muttered in anger.
The man was wearing a skintight suit with streaks of flames attached to it.
[ The number 2 Hero: Endeavor ]
His fist clenched as he stared at the screen showing Harue speeding through the air.
"Such powerful quirk given to a brat….."
"After all of the hardships I had to endure to create the perfect fire quirk…."
"Someone just gets it naturally!! With raw abilities that I had to develop over 30 god damn years!!" He shouts as he radiates immense heats that begins to scorch the floor he was standing on.
"SHOTO YOU CAN'T FALL BEHIND LIKE I DID!!!" Endeavor punches the monitor in anger and leaves the waiting room amidst the confused and scared looks of the staff as they see the 2nd ranked hero make his way to the bleachers.
( 10 minutes latter )
"I haven't done anything. This is just the fruit of the fire they have lit in each other." The 1-A teacher said in a quiet tone.
But those who know him would sense the satisfaction he has for this class.
[ Izuku Midoriya has finished the race in 2nd place ]
A massive noise erupted in the stadium as everyone cheered the student.
"I did it…. I did it!!!" Midoriya shouts in joy as he clenched his fist near his chest.
' I did it all might!!' Thought the boy in joy as he looked up at his teacher who was in the bleachers smiling at him.
[ Shoto Todoroki has finished the race in 3rd place ]
"Pant…pant" the half and half teen stares at the back of Midoriya and then turned to look at the center of the stadium in which Harue was waving at them with a smile on his face.
[ Katsuki Bakugo has finished the race in 4th place ]
"AGAIN!!…SHIT….God damn it!!!" The blond hair teen cursed as he gritted his teeth.
The rest of the contestants also began to finish soon after the three of them.
With the crowd continuing to cheer.
End of the chapter.