Chapter 23: Chapter 23 The Sport Festival.
Chapter 23: The Sport Festival
(The next day)
"Ughhh- I thought we would have had a longer break after UA was temporarily closed!" Complained Mina as she held onto Harue's Hand more tightly.
"We only got one day!!"
They were currently walking to the school, with Mina not bothering to hide their new relationship as she was clinging on Harue's arm.
Of course only infront of strangers as the pink skinned girl was still too shy to announce it to their friends and class.
"Well it's not like anyone other than sensei and 13 were really injured, so it makes sense for the school to resume." Responded Harue with a calm smile.
"UA also mustn't show weakness to the world in light of recent events." He added with a serious expression and a solemn tone.
Mina nodded softly as they finally arrived at UA's front entrance.
She then meekly let go of his arm and lightly slapped her cheeks to steel herself to meet their classmates.
Harue lightly laughed at her antics as he followed her.
Class 1-A was chattering amongst themselves as they waited for class to start.
Most of the conversation was centered around what had happened at 13's rescue training class.
While some were still shaken from the events, the majority had gotten over it and were trying to not dwell on it too much, as none of them were injured.
"Did you guys see!! We were on the news yesterday!!" Toru exclaimed in excitement.
"It showed a shot of us all in our hero costumes"
"I didn't stand out at all tho..." She muttered dejectedly.
The class gave her an awkward smile remembering her hero suit.
As Toru was being comforted by Uraraka, Kaminari turned to Harue who was talking to Kirishima.
"Dai, I heard you, Kirishima and Bakugo got to fight the main villains!"
"That must have been awesome!!!"
Harue scratched his neck as he replied.
"It was nothing special, All Might was the one who took out the Villains."
"All might threw that guy to space!!" Added a pumped up Kirishima.
As Kaminari and the others continued to question them.
A certain explosive teen tsk'ed and turned his face away from them.
Underneath the table clenching his fist as to not explode at these extra's.
A hoarse voice broke the noise as the class turned to its owner. The chatter quickly quieted down as Aizawa entered the class.
The tired man had both of his arms in a cast, but otherwise seemed healthy.
"Aizawa-Sensei!!! You're already back!!?"
"Sensei are you alright!?"
Some of them asked in concern as the man made his way towards his desk.
"Don't concern yourself over me, after all the battle hasn't ended for you yet."
"!!?-" The class looked at him in shock.
"MORE VILLAINS!?" Screamed Mineta was beginning to despair.
"U.A's sports festival is approaching!" That brought instant relief to the class.
"Wait Sensei!! this sounds like an opportunity for villains to infiltrate again!! is this really all right!?" Ida raised his hand in question.
"On the contrary, UA is taking this chance to show its confidence to prevent any more unforeseen accidents" Aizawa announced.
"Security has increased by more than 5 times the amount of the previous years."
"What should y'all be thinking about, is to use this chance for the opportunity it gives!"
He then continued to explain about the festival and the scouting done by the pros.
As Harue listened to the familiar scene he fell into deep thought.
'Things are going as expected, nothing major has changed so far' he sighed in relief at that part.
Who should I pick for my internship?
Edge Shot?
I'm not really into the whole being a ninja thing he's got.
Best jeanist?
No, his style doesn't match mine, while he does a good job he is a bit too reactive to threats.
I want someone more proactive, someone like Miruko.
I laughed a little as I let go of that thought.
Miruko is known to not take in sidekicks and support staff expect her manager.
So that choice is entirely out as she would probably be even less receptive to a student intern.
The only option that I would be satisfied with and the most compatible with my quirk.
Would be Endeavor.
The man has the record for the most cases solved, higher than even All Might.
His quirk is very similar to mine being just a weaker version.
So he could also help me on developing my move set while teaching me basic pro hero skills.
Harue sighed in defeat as he turned to look at Todoroki.
The half hot-half cold teen listening seriously to Aizawa explain the festival.
'That's properly not going to happen…'
He thought dejectedly as he continued listening pros who he would accept.
(AN: who should he intern for? Im a bit undecided as I don't really know who he should pick, Endeavor is the current choice but I don't know if his personality would allow him to accept the Mc right now)
And so the class came to and as the students made their way out.
"See you tomorrow Harue!!" Yelled Mina after giving him a quick kiss.
Her face still blushing in embarrassment as she was still not used to their new relationship.
"You too!!" Yelled Harue back as he began walking home to prepare himself for the sport festival.
They had been given two weeks to prepare and train themselves and he was not going to waste it.
He was going to dominate and show the world that the future of heroic's lies with him.
As anything less than 1st would be ashame to his abilities.
End of chapter.