MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 265(Miracle & Magic)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"You know, this isn't exactly what I expected to find here," Majestic says as he looks around Horizon's medical lab.

The Pro Hero was now wearing some casual clothes, a backpack on, holding his Hero Costume within.

Standing beside him is Horizon, wearing some more casual Horizon brand clothes over his body glove while inspecting a vial of Trigger, collected from Gold Chain.

"The lab or the tower?" Horizon says as he takes some notes on a digital screen built into the table.

"Both I suppose," Majestic says as he looks around. "You do realize the public thinks this tower is a doorway to heaven, right?"

"Can't imagine why they'd think that, it's just a building where I live," Horizon shrugs.

"Well a god lives in it," Majestic says as he notices some containers with frozen pieces of flesh labeled 'Nomu Sample 289' at the lowest.

"Don't tell me you believe my propaganda too," Horizon chuckles as he places the vial in a secure glass case.

"If I didn't meet you maybe, or if I didn't have a certain student that's dating you," Majestic stops himself for a moment. "Well, from the way she talks, guess I should think you're a god."

"I tend to have that effect on women, and fans," Horizon says. "I finished studying the Trigger, so let's get out of the lab while the computer double checks my work and cross references it with some other samples."

"Oh, well that was ---"


Majestic suddenly finds himself standing in the penthouse living room beside the couch, looking at Horizon who's already sitting on the couch with a bottle of water.

"---fast," Majestic shakes his head and sits down. "I still haven't gotten used to that."

"Well we only met yesterday," Horizon snaps his fingers and a can of coffee appears on the table.

"So there really isn't any way to say 'No' to your warping?" Majestic asks while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Eh, it's no secret that I can't simply warp anything too freely, but unless you weld yourself to the floor I can move you."

"So things that are bonded in such a way act as one body."

"Pretty much," Horizon shrugs.

"That's---" Majestic thinks it over. "That's actually very concerning, good thing you're a Pro Hero."

"Well I'm still just a student."

Majestic chuckles, "good one, but you might be the only person in the world who still thinks that."

"Maybe, but what about you, your 'Magic' Quirk."

"Prismatic Energy Rings, that's what the doctor suggested we call it, but as a kid I preferred, Magic, not bad right."

"A lot better than I expected," Horizon says. "You were a rescue hero before you became more all rounded, didn't expect those moves."

"Yeah well, I only figured out how to shape the rings into energy blasts about 5 years ago, started taking more aggressive villains on---"

"And then you suddenly dropped out of the top 10 instead of moving up."

"Yeah well, a year in the top 10 was enough," Majestic takes a large swig of his drink. "Plus a few months into it, I found out I was gonna be a dad, suddenly the extra money from the specific people the HPSC wanted me to track down wasn't worth the danger."

"I didn't know you had a kid."

"Because I don't," Majestic raises a finger to his lips.

"Smart move," Horizon nods understandingly. "Do you want any updates on what I find about the Trigger or maybe the Gold Chain gang files we stole?"

"Uh, just between us, this got a lot more dangerous than I told my wife it would be, so I think I'll go back to my regular work."

"Never would have guessed her of all people would go from running through buildings like a wrecking ball to such a worried mom," Horizon chuckles.

"Yeah, she used to really like being a Pro Hero too, but its like a switch flipped in her."

Looking at the rain pouring outside, Majestic finishes his drink, "you know its not too late to go meet up with your friends, they're probably still in a mall about now."

"If only life was that simple, but with power, comes sacrifice," Horizon taps his visor.

"Well, I should really be getting to the train station, would you mind giving me a lift?"

Horizon pauses for a moment, looking out at the floor, but Majestic knew he was focusing on the nearby train station.


---Later that evening...

Sitting on his couch Horizon has Momo in his lap, still wearing the sweater dress she wore to the restaurant earlier today.

Sitting on the floor at the coffee table playing cards are Yui and Sero, and on the other couch are Tokage and Juzo.

Horizon can sense Shinso already in the gym training immediately after they all got back, not wanting to be a 7th wheel to the group.

"Wait so you guys got into that new restaurant, how?" Horizon asks.

"It was actually pretty easy," Sero says. "Remember that rich jerk I saved from the helicopter?" 

"Law Matani, right?" Horizon asks.

"Yeah that jerk, well, not as much of a jerk as I thought," Sero says.

"Sero gave him a call and asked for a reservation tonight," Juzo adds as he and Tokage awkwardly sit beside each other. "Apparently that dude owns the restaurant and the building, and he owns Golden Hearts too."

"Huh, that really is a good person to know."

"Well, I don't exactly know him," Sero says. "I called and some guy answered, must have been his assistant or something, but I think that's about as many favors as I can get from that dude."

"Well that's still better than most people you save that are just useless afterward," Horizon says, causing Momo to pat his chest a bit harshly.

"Being a Pro Hero is about saving people, remember?" Momo asks.

An eerie silence fills the room as Juzo, Sero and Horizon share a few glances at each other, then immediately burst into laughter. 

"And that's one more reason you aren't in Team Horizon," he says while giving Momo a gentle slap on the butt, causing her to blush.

"So what's the reason you guys actually save people then?" Tokage asks.

"Money," Sero says.

"To train my Quirk," Juzo adds.

"I made a deal with Nezu," Horizon shrugs. "Oh, and Shinso just wants to show people that 'Villain Quirks' isn't a real thing."

"Well atleast Shinso has a good reason," Tokage adds, giving Juzo an annoyed look. "So the requirement is to be a selfish jerk?"

"Selfish, yes, I just happen to also be like this," Horizon says.

Tokage groans and holds her head dramatically, "how did the two kindest, most gentle and compassionate girls in our classes, fall for you people, ugh."

"Hey!" Sero yells out. "I'm a great person!"

"And I'm Horizon, who else would she be in love with, Deku?" he laughs.

"Horizon likes to act like a jerk," Momo says. "But nobody who truly believed most people were worthless would dedicate themselves so full to helping people."

"Are you sure about that?" Tokage asks.

Momo gestures around them, "we're sitting in a monument built out of his desire to help people, so I feel fairly confident about that."

"Maybe I'm just a horrible person that takes jobs they accept seriously," Horizon says, earning a concerned look from Momo.

After giving him a scrutinizing look she frowns and shakes her head, "no, that doesn't make any sense," she says before leaning back into his chest.

"Anyway, how was the shopping today?" Horizon asks, and as the girls begin talking he focuses on Juzo and Setsuna, who were still sitting awkwardly, constantly stealing glances at each other.

Eventually he decides to be bold on behalf of Juzo, and uses Takt on his friend's watch, controlling his hand with a sudden jerk to rest atop Tokage's.

He sees panic shoot across both their faces for a moment, before Tokage smiles and leans her shoulder against his.

---Hours Later...

In the absolute darkness of his bedroom in Horizon Tower, Law sits with his back against the cushioned headboard with a naked Momo on his lap, after a long and invigorating night of celebration.

Momo gently passes her fingers along his face, the closest she can ever come to knowing what he looks like, trying her best to memorize all his sharp features.

After a few more seconds she can't help herself anymore and assaults him with a legion of intense, passionate kisses.

"That little trick you did... With Juzo's hand...on Setsuna's," she speaks between kisses.

"You noticed?"


"I thought you didn't care...about other people."

"Most people...but he's a teammate."

Momo pulls away as she begins adjusting herself on his lap, feeling his excitement between her legs again.

"So you care?"

"It's a start, but in this world there are only two types of people, those who are important to me, and everyone else. Playing Hero puts the people I care about in danger."

Momo groans and she lowers herself down to his lap, "have you thought about...playing villain?"

Law pushes her back down onto the bed, and she immediately wraps her arms and legs around him pulling him on top of her.

"Just not playing at all, but I think I'd be a good villain."

"Let's find me what you'd do to his weak and helpless Pro Hero you've captured..."


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