Chapter 381: CHAPTER 371(The Divine Hand Of God)
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene @KeanuEugene
"Where?" Nezu asks as the stadium is eerily silent.
"Passenger plane, in those clouds."
Horizon points to the cloudy sky, then gestures with his hand, making the clouds disperse.
High above Musutafu, they see a plane flying, a common sight.
Horizon continues to stare at the plane, leaving everyone in the stadium and the 1.3 billion people watching at home confused.
And The broadcast manager shows the view from Horizon's visor which is being streamed across the world onto the stadium monitor.
"Clear the field, and go change," Horizon says.
All the students rush to clear the area, with Bakugo, Shoto, and Midoriya leaping and blasting themselves out of the stadium and toward the nearby dorms for their Hero Costumes.
"Uh, it seems like something serious is happening, folks," Ms. Midnight says as she walks back over to Horizon. "Should we evacuate?" she asks, away from the mic.
"No, keep everyone where they are. But everyone around the world needs to stay on alert and listen to what their governments are about to announce."
"Evacuations are already in progress," Ms. Midnight says after receiving a message from Nezu. "But what's go—"
"It's volatile," Horizon cuts her off and drops Sunder, leaving the sword to hover in place.
He reaches out toward the plane and grips the air, making a pulling motion.
Over two hundred passengers and crew members from the plane appear in the stadium, scared and confused about what had just happened.
"Secure them for questioning," Horizon commands as Mudman and Tsukuyomi appear in the arena.
"Got it." Mudman places his palms on the ground and softens the concrete floor, causing everyone to sink waist-deep before hardening it again.
A moment later, the plane Horizon is staring at completely explodes, and even from this range, the explosion is heard.
But before everyone can process that, a dark green gas rapidly spreads through the atmosphere.
"Nezu?" Horizon asks.
"Other cities are reporting the same thing, hundreds of cities."
"No, that's only here."
"They had to get creative to attack Japan, because I am here. How annoying."
The crowd looks between Horizon and the cloud of harmful gas spreading out and slowly descending onto the city, anxious about the situation, but confident he would protect them.
"Above Tokyo, another one," Horizon says as he waves his hand and another two hundred people arrive in the arena.
A moment later, he warps the pieces of an exploded plane above the stadium.
"We'll need to investigate this later. These pieces are in better condition than the first plane."
He waves his hand and warps those fragments away before turning back to the dangerous green cloud above.
Taking a step away from Ms. Midnight, Horizon clasps his hands together and focuses his energy.
"Takt," he commands, and they see the cloud shift and twist before rushing toward the stadium.
The massive spreading cloud becomes denser and denser over the next few minutes as the second cloud from Tokyo joins it.
And they both merge perfectly while Horizon pulls them toward the stage like a narrow twister.
Having controlled the Trigger and brought it nearly inside the stadium, Horizon controls it as a whirling mass of gas above everyone as he makes his second move.
For the first time, he publicly uses his much anticipated Quirk Awakening.
Within his main Room, which covers both Musutafu and Tokyo, he creates another.
A C-Room, meaning Constant Room. A permanent fixture in reality with set rules that even he cannot change once they are set.
It takes immense amounts of energy and concentration, more so than most of his Quirk Awakening abilities.
This C-Room expands to the size of the bus, and unlike his main Room, he cannot hide the range limitation of this ability.
Forming a pale blue sphere in the middle of the arena for all to see.
The barrier of the room becomes solid as it hovers in the middle of the arena, and then the green cloud rushes into it.
As the gas reaches the barrier, he uses Takt to control its movements, while also learning about its chemical structure. With each passing moment, he can identify and manipulate it much easier, all in preparation for the next stage.
A few minutes later, the entire cloud is compressed into the C-Room, and forced back into its liquid state as he drops the sphere.
It cracks the concrete floor, causing some people to scream in fear for a moment.
"The only thing that can pass through that barrier is the exact chemical formula in that liquid," Horizon says. "Nothing in the world can break it, even me. It's safely contained in there."
Before the crowd can cheer, Nezu speaks up. "Other cities are already gassed. You need to help them."
"Send me a list." Horizon immediately gets a list of over 800 cities. "Oh god."
"Just do what you can," Ms. Midnight says. "That's usually enough."
She ignores the awes of the crowd, and is relieved when Horizon warps Sunder into his hand, blade exposed.
He creates a baseball-sized, bright blue, glowing sphere of energy in his left hand and touches it to the blade.
The energy rushes over the blade, entirely coating it in a thin, translucent layer of glowing blue liquid energy.
B-Room, short for Blade Room, allows Horizon to manipulate and alter the properties of his chosen tool. But those alterations will be reverted when the energy runs out.
Everyone watching is amazed at this, but Aizawa snaps them out of it. "All Pro Heroes, be ready, don't let anything that comes through distract Horizon or get to the civilians!"
Horizon creates another glowing blue sphere in his hand, but this one he tosses into the air just above him before slashing it with Sunder.
The energy of the sphere and his sword clash, then meld, and a sparking energy slash is launched above the stadium.
The slash expands and a portal looking down at Central Park Manhattan opens.
Eyes widen as people can clearly see the other side of the world, a perfected Warp Gate which, until now, Horizon secretly used to move himself and his team across the world in one step.
But unfortunately, the downsides are very apparent to the chosen few who know about this ability.
Unlike Kurogiri, whom he studied to create this ability. He cannot create it on a whim, but must use two of his awakening abilities in tandem to do so.
He also cannot simply connect to any known coordinates, or even a place he has been before.
But can only bridge two spaces he is familiar with, such as making a Warp Gate from UA to Manhattan or Tokyo.
Fortunately, he can create dozens of these even after using a C-Room earlier.
And he does exactly that.
Opening Warp Gates, fissures connecting UA to cities around the world.
Each the width of a bus for him, and everyone, to get a proper aerial view of the cities currently being flooded with the dangerous gas.
Manhattan, Miami, Los Angeles, Seoul, Moscow, Beijing, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Cairo, Oslo, Munich, France, Montreal, Rome, Hanoi, Sydney, Brasilia, and a lucky few other cities have Warp Gates opened to them.
After the portals are set, he creates more glowing spheres in his hand, but these are less dense, more translucent blue.
And instead of slashing them, he throws them into the portals.
Remote Room, allowing him to control the Room as if he were inside them. In combination with his Warp Gate, he can effectively control the twenty Remote Rooms he throws through the portals as if he were standing in the cities.
Each R-Room enters a Warp Gate and instantly expands.
Covering 150mi -240km- from the middle of their city and giving Horizon complete control of what happens inside.
The frustration and strain in his voice are clear as everyone sees the gas in those cities swirl and move upward, away from the people dying below.
He gathers the cloud of gas above each city and begins to compress it as much as he can, but unfortunately, to save as many lives as he could as quickly as possible, he can't afford to use yet another ability and risk breaking his concentration.
'The Warp Gates did their job, but the gap in space they make also acts as a gap in my control. When the Trigger passes through it, I'll lose control of it for a moment. If I want to use a C-Room to permanently store this all away, I'll have to go into each Warp Gate and handle it there. Anything else would risk a dangerous incident of collapsing all these Remote Rooms and letting people die…'
"We're here!" Deku says while landing on the stage, quickly followed by Bakugo and Shoto.
"Shoto, freeze them," Horizon says as he brings the now-liquified gas close to the portal.
Shoto immediately uses his flames and flies up to the Warp Gates.
As he gets closer, he unleashes bolts of ice into the liquid Trigger, flash-freezing it instantly.
"I'm dropping them," Horizon says as he does exactly that, dropping the icicles onto the helpless cities below.
Horizon then focuses his energy on giving simultaneous commands to all the R-Rooms open above the attacked cities.
While nearby, Warp Gates of purple mist open on the floor of the arena.
This terrifies the crowd, but Deku immediately rushes toward the portal and grabs the frozen Trigger that falls upward out of it.
He catches it and gently sets it down on the floor before doing the same for the others that appear, with the help of his classmates, of course.
And Shoto gives them a much healthier coat of ice to ensure more rigid containment.
"Healing Mist," Horizon says, snapping their attention back to him.
They then look at his Warp Gates above to see his healing energy filling the Remote Rooms, being released from the translucent blue barrier and flooding the cities they surround.
"My god," Ms. Midnight mutters as she looks at the Warp Gates above.
"I get that a lot," Horizon says, playfully, casually. But below the visor, he was using everything he could to stay awake and focused.
She ignores his egotistical comment and focuses on the matter at hand. "How many people?"
"I stopped counting after 50 million," Horizon says. "A lot of them are dead. Some didn't inhale any, others…"
"Critical," He says. "My healing only takes them from critical to a coma, but I'll have to take a closer look before I know how to heal them. This strain of Trigger, it did some kind of genetic mutation, rewiring and overloading a person's DNA."
Ms. Midnight looks at the Warp Gates, then at Horizon. Still wearing his PE Uniform, Sunder floating beside him.
'The power to heal the world, in the hands of someone like that…so God does have a sense of humor,' she thinks before noticing another Warp Gate of purple mist opening in the arena.
This one was smaller, human-sized.
And out of it walked Phantom Thief, class 3B's Nieto Monoma in full Hero Costume, now sporting a full masquerade mask for his tuxedo.
Exiting behind him are Cellophane and Simon, who follow him over to Horizon and Ms. Midnight.
"We checked the airport," Simon says. "Caught two people. They're waiting in Horizon Tower."
"Good," Horizon says. "But your first priority is to get all these people out of UA, safely. After that, we can get to work…"