Men for One

Chapter 4: ½ of 1 out of 4. (2)

Arel had somehow managed to sober up. His chest was huffing up and down as a button of his shirt popped, slightly exposing his collarbones. The teen was standing in front of the colonel annoyedly, trying to remove the remnants of the puke from his.. 'Metallica' tee. Kids still listen to Metallica these days? Or was he too old to recall?


The younger's tongue clicked further in annoyance. It's like he's contemplating whether he should leave or not, his instincts telling him to make sure the adult was safe.

Fucking hell. Adults should be the one watching over the younger, not the other way around.

"Are you done? What even is taking so long?"

The teen asks, carelessly handing a bottle of water that landed perfectly straight next to Arel. Oh, who even is this kid? He immediately checks the colonel's temple, making sure that the elder was well enough to walk before extending his arm out.

"I'm not a big fan of helping you, but you better get home safely. Ugh."

He'd comment, supporting the black-haired on his shoulder with.. precarious ease. Arel continuously mutters 'sorry' and guides the blue haired teen to his apartment, which took quite some time as the younger seemed bad with directions.

With the two able to reach Arel's apartment, the adult immediately hands the teen 200,000 Rupyah, which definitely brightened up the blue-haired's mood.

"Alright, payment fee accepted. Take care, puker. Don't mess up other people's shirts next time."

The teen says, waving a goodbye to the adult, who was already on his way up to his flat.

So Arel spends the weekend in his room, enjoying the comfort of the sofa-bed with piles of newly washed clothes sprawled all around him. He's been accepted to the job, obviously, and he starts working in two months time. A part of him was excited to continue his long-forgotten dream to teach, yet another was dreading the whole idea. The colonel skims through his available pieces of designs, hoping to find one suitable for the job he had applied for.

There was nothing to do. The system was offline. The notification he got last night had disappeared, seemingly only appearing when he was with the blue-haired(?) teen.

Oh whatever.

He was going to be without the voice of the General for a bit, and that quite soured Arel. However, as a good soldier, a good colonel, he would wait until his mission properly starts.

With that, the time passes and passes.


Year 202x, August 8.

Two months ago (June 12th, 202x), a mysterious occurrence happened in town. Five people were found dead through different ways of death around the block, with their deaths occurring at roughly the same time. New information emerged in relevance to the topic as authorities report that the killer, or perhaps killers, were initially the targets of the murder, but were able to reverse the situation. Many argue that this was simply speculation, and was not enacted in self-defense, but rather for sport.

As of now, the killers have yet to be found. And questions emerge, have these victims instead killed themselves?


Yikes. Arel skimmed through the daily news article on his phone, checking out relevant news. This is, arguably, one of the first news reports that he's seen report on something that had occurred a while back, opposed to something more recent.

The black haired stare at the phone, then towards the ceiling. It's weird. This news feels.. weird. Tragic killings and stuff and stuff, which doesn't seem right for such a great city.

He really doesn't want to he involved in such a thing, deciding against going through suspicious, dangerous-looking areas for the rest of his time here.

After forming that thought, Arel drifts to sleep, preparing his strength to be able to deal with high schoolers.

Year 202x, August 11.

Today was the official start of the academic year for Haliben. Yes, there were those kids wearing the school uniform just a bit ago, but that's usually because those kids attend the special classes for University prep in the morning, and then spend the rest of the day in the nearby library.

Do the good kids just learn all the time?

Arel walks alongside with the students, looking at the juniors and seniors, noticing flocks of hair that he never thought he'd see all his life in one place. Blue hair, red hair, green hair.. blondies.. That's fun.

The majority of the kids were eyeing him too, whispering about his sudden appearance. It seems like it's obvious he's a newcomer. Huh, why?

Oh. Because he was overdressed. Topped with a white dress shirt and a black blazer, like a salaryman opposed to a teacher. It was fitting for someone who is planning to substitute for just a semester, but Arel finds himself slightly embarrassed when facing the Head of School.

Haliben High has a rather intriguing Head of School, Mr. Alban Wu, a figure that Arel knew about in his 'previous' life. The School Head will soon become a convicted criminal, accused of corruption. Yet, he manages to evade law punishments and makes his way outside the nation. The colonel knows Mr. Alban because he was one of the ones tasked to finish off the convict. Seeing the currently strong and wise man and comparing him to the weak, dying Alban in his past really gets Arel fucked up.

He hates thinking and knowing that all those that ended in his hands had a life too. A personality outside being a dead person, a target. Then again, seeing how Mr. Alban is soon-to-be a criminal, Arel could not find himself to sympathise with him.

"-Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time in Haliben. Thank you for being a substitute teacher here.."

The proud man spoke, looking far too proud that Arel knew his downfall would cost him. The black-haired nodded and smiled, expecting Mr. Alban, the grey-haired, to continue talking.

"You have a day before you need to teach, Mr. Arel, so we have assigned the Student Body Head to help you with the tour. I apologise for not being able to accompany you."

This seems more fitting to be a museum than a school, as if the students were employees and the School Head was the greedy owner. Still, the colonel simply smiles and nods as the aged man leaves to depart, leaving Arel alone.

Until he hears the door behind him reopen.

"I didn't expect people to actually apply for this position.."

The voice bespoke, almost incorrigible to a sound Arel recognises. He swiftly turns around, and oddly, a tear finds itself through his eyes.

Yusol. Choi Yusol. Brigadier General Choi Yusol, his boss.

Albeit far younger, far smaller, and annoyingly less cool than the General Arel once knew.

"Oh geez, you're crying?"

The redhead asks. His seemingly flaming red hair was natural afterall. Many of Arel's ex-colleagues speculated it was dyed, but it seems not. He offered a tissue as he placed both his hands on his hips.

Arel never realized how much he missed having Yusol by his side, but he sure does now.

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