Memoirs of an Isekai in Naruto

Chapter 21: Log 21: Your Training Exercises

Log 21 Your Training Exercises 

Ok, kids my training for you has been split between training Skills, Physique, Will, and Chakra control.

The reason I completely skipped over learning more ninja pursuits and skills/techniques like lock picking, kunai throwing, swordsmanship, and medical/biology is that if you didn't want to be ninjas I didn't want you to think you had to.

If you want to drop out of ninja school like your dear old mom I don't want you guys to feel like I am pressuring you guys and wanted you to be happy. I wouldn't love you both any less. 

Sorry, Naruto I am not sure if you will have the choice not to be a ninja due to your situation but I have faith you will be happy as a ninja.


Each of these following skills gave you guys a large allowance for completing them if you remember. This is how I motivated you to learn new skills. However, If you didn't complete your workout routine for the day you would not get any of your allowance. 

All the training I had you guys practice was combined in some capacity with the coin training exercise. I wanted chakra control to be second nature, not something to be forced but just another limb. 

My god you hated the fact if you dropped any of the money you couldn't keep it. I let you get away with dropping the coins if it wasn't blatant and you tried to hide the fact that you dropped the coins and quickly reapplied them. I want you to know that you most certainly did not get away with that. 

In the end, it just helped make your coin training harder when you added the coins back which is what I wanted in the first place but if I didn't make you think dropping the coins had consequences you wouldn't try.

It was hilarious in the beginning watching you guys first start with one or two skills only to drop most of your allowance "without me realizing it". Only for me to catch you guys a few times here and there throughout the day till you had almost nothing. 

What's funnier is when I started to let you add more skills which would either lead to you not working out fast enough to keep your allowance or moving to quickly lose focus and drop even more money.

In the beginning, likely cause you believed that more skills meant more money you guys chose all the skills at once as one can expect you blatantly dropped nearly every coin in front of me or your mother by the end of the day I thought for sure you would quit altogether given the sheer amount of tears on your facts and redness in you eyes near the end. 

One might even mistake the amount of redness in your eyes to be the famous Uchiha Sharingan.

It took me a few days to convince you to give training another shot. I integrated the training exercises more which are the examples I will be mentioning below.

Slowly increasing the number of training skills you were allowed to train along with your improvements convinced you that if you were making more money. However, I was increasing the value of the denomination of the coins used for your allowance which is why you were making more money at first. 

As you improved I used cheaper coins but more of them. I knew you would drop most of the money so it was fine to increase your total overall profit by a little I increased the number of coins greatly. 

Worse case you guys got upset so I would just increase the difficulty of the physical training. You couldn't really complain cause if you were able to concentrate well enough on the coins to carry them all then you weren't working out hard enough.

I think I only had to really pay out to you both the amount of money if you actually only chose to practice one skill and did not lose any of the money. I never broke it down for you nor would I have made it that easy for you both to keep that money.

The skills I have chosen for you to train and the reasons why are as follows.

Walking Meditation: Meditation and walking meditation were the first skills I taught to help you learn to relax and focus which is good for all aspects of life and especially good for chakra control and would be beneficial while trying to practice tree and water walking in the future.

ASL: This skill was trained to give you both an option to secretly and silently communicate in a public area. This would help on any stealth mission in the future. If you can train yourself to cast Fuinjutsu like ninjutsu, then ASL would also be a means of casting instead of hand signs.

Visualization: Any good artist needs to be good at Visualization. I remember playing Spot the Difference between the nearly identical two-picture games with you both as kids. It was always your favorite activity and helped a lot when training mental categorization later and made your mom's Genjutsu nearly useless. She was so upset when you guys both started breaking her Genjutsu. She was so happy in the beginning when she got to play with you both, especially after I told her about spotting anomaly games like "The Exit 8".

Realism Painting: This skill was one that could be practiced while doing wall sits or squats and an easel. I wanted you guys to get used to creating realistic images in your head which would help in Genjutsu. Learning to focus on a single task for a long while improves chakra control. This also practiced your brush strokes which would help Fuinjutsu.

Mind Palace: This was the mental training exercise about building a mental palace where you assign mental items in your mental house specific strings of information. In my world, this was used primarily as a method of memorizing long complicated strings of numbers or complex information for a short term. 

I tried getting you guys to use your spiritual/mental energy to create an actual mental place like in Sherlock Holmes but so far it has not happened yet. It doesn't really matter too much as poor quality pen and paper will always be better than the best memory but this also makes for great mental energy training.

Keen Vision: When doing other skills like visualization, realism painting, and mind palace if you chose this training I decreased the time you could observe the original piece of information and graded you more harshly. 

If you choose none of the other skills I could have you train your vision by having you guys go to a training ground and watch ninjas fight and count the number of times that they attacked one another. The more accurate and the more specific the attacks used the better I made your allowance. Not that it would help much at keeping it. I remember watching you both waddle around trying your best not to jostle the coins off your body only to drop most of it in the beginning. 

Categorization: I actually learned this from a gag TV show in my past work called Psych. It follows a really good detective who faked being a psychic. 

Back to what I mean by this training exercise. I haven't had much time to do it with you both yet but you should be able to do this with each other. Everywhere you go I want you guys to pay attention to all the people around you and the things. 

At a random point in time, I will have you close your eyes and ask you a question. Like how many men are in the restaurant. How many hats there are or how many posters? I would intentionally walk in with a hat but scrupulously hide it a good while earlier so not only does this training help store items quickly but also be aware of items that are no longer obvious. 

Thinking back to the first time we did this exercise it still gets me to this day. Now when I see the veins on your foreheads throb as you guys overthink every time I ask you guys a question is priceless.

In the end, I hoped for you to build up the mental power to create mental versions of yourself in a mental palace capable of watching the world through your eyes, quickly scanning and assessing the world, and categorizing it in your mental palace. 

This mental you is not out of the realm of possibility as you can create a shadow clone using shadow release Jutsu. This is just a construct made of externalized mental energy so why not internalize shadow clones? It could help you do your thinking, and remembering, warn you in case of emergencies, even control your chakra to help you cast Jutsu or allow you to cast sudo Keiki Genkai.


Working on a workout routine for your age has been worrying. There is so much that could be done in this world like tearing your muscles artificially and healing them with medical ninjutsu.

Maybe even creating a technique that uses the principles of coating the inside of your body with chakra and converting the chakra over specific muscle groups with lighting Nature chakra and the will of thought to surpass the limit of your nervous system.

In the end, I chose to treat you guys like top athletes. Athletes in my world didn't tend to build up useless muscle. 

We worked on cardio exercises or practiced the sport to build muscle in the specific muscle groups that were actually used. 

This also built up subconscious muscle memory so even if the athletes were tired and confused to the point of delirium than people they could still complete what they trained to accomplish. 

With this being the case I didn't want to train you much in my taijutsu styles which you could learn a more specialized version in school. What I mean by that is this world's taijutsu is probably designed for the super-human physiques of ninjas.

So I thought it best for you guys to focus on the fundamentals skills. The only thing otherworldly I did was have you both alternate between working 2 days at full speed and one with special resistance training like weighted clothes or seals. 

I thought it would be best to train your body to get used to pushing yourself as fast as possible instead of getting used to pushing yourself with a heavy load. 

However, training to carry a heavy load or under strain is a necessity as that heavy weight might be something that you need to protect. This is actually how I met your mother. 

Fuck honey if you are reading this you know what I mean right. Kids don't let your mother see these notes no matter what! I need to stop adding flourishes to my writing in the final draft.

Suicide Sprints: Focusing on quick twitch muscles is a must in this world. If you can dodge or quickly run away then you don't have to fight. So I had you guys work on Suicide Sprints on clean flat ground, with small obstacles like divots like real-world running, and uphill to further improve both strength and speed.

Side To Side Jumping: Even if you can move quickly that doesn't mean you can sidestep and dodge. I had you guys focus a lot on this exercise as a part of your routine. The faster you can push off the ground and move to the side the greater the chances you will survive any thrown weapons or explosives.

Cardio: If you can't outrun your attacker and no matter how much you dodge your assailant won't relent, you can run to safety. It is always safer in numbers so getting away and regrouping with allies will always be a safer bet than trying to take anyone on yourself. We live in society for a reason people are safer in numbers.

This is why I had you do more endurance running than anything else. When I mixed in periods of sprints just like in Fartlek training it was meant to simulate your adversaries catching up to you.

Punching: jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. This is because you can't always avoid a fight even as a civilian. I know I had to run from quite a few bandit raids myself in my time and other times we needed to stand our ground and fight.

Learning to stay nimble on your feet, throw, take and dodge punches is a necessity even if you don't learn a specific fighting style. 

Although not all fighting techniques focus on traditional strikes I can still teach you guys a little about BJJ, Krav Maga, capoeira, and judo after you learn Konoha's basic taijutsu in school, that is if I live long enough. Also not sure how these fighting skills work with chakra but hey why not learn the basics. Learning to fight against more styles that can only be safer right?

I have also learned a bit of HEMA but I suspect Kali would be a better fighting style in this world.

Legs and Core: Squats and Wall Sits were definitely to be included once I started teaching you guys how to throw punches. Any and all martial arts require a strong base so improving your balance, lower body, and core strength through these two exercises was a must. Even better these exercises can be done anywhere whenever you have time or can be done when doing other training like painting.

Stretching: Finally, cause you will become superhuman. I have had you guy's focus a lot on stretching. In the beginning, I combined a bit of meditation when practicing yoga. But now I have been stretching you sore. Real stretching is not meant to relax the muscles but to push them in another way. If you want to be able to touch your toes at my age this is a must. 

I know it was stupid looking but the better you can dodge an attack the higher the chances you live. 

I don't want to hear from your siblings that you didn't make it home one day because you couldn't twist your back. All I can imagine is both of you growing up to have the physique of bodybuilders and not even being able to wipe your butt. 

Do you think that would be cool cause I don't. I am not even sure that can happen in this world but better safe than sorry.

Grip Training: This wasn't as necessary as the others but back on earth you can't imagine how much I found having a strong grip strength could help in all forms of fight. This is why I have had you always practice squeezing a rubber ball when commuting or relaxing. 

This ball also made a good camo for a Rasengan training aid which no one would suspect. When your hand gets too tired to continue you get to practice chakra control. The stronger your grip the tougher the ball the more you can strengthen a Rasengan before it pops.

Will Training:

These are the will training exercises I have chosen for you and the reasons why are as follows. 

If you remember in the beginning you had the choice of one of these exercises a day and another would be chosen at random. 

You guys hated it so much that when you complained to your mom she made a deal with you guys that if you choose to take all the will training I would do twice the amount of training as you guys. To this day I hate the fact your mother actually convinced me to follow through with this training. 

Luckily she never put me under any Genjutsu or I think I would have snapped. I can still feel the itching and I haven't even put any itching powder on yet today.

Genjutsu: At random times throughout the day if you guys remember by the time you are reading this I had your mom cast Genjutsus on you both. Sorry Naruto as a baby we haven't done this to you yet but at the same time this training won't work exactly the same for you. 

The point of this was to have the Genjutsu include small innocuous changes in everyday items like different titles on books or different colors. 

An example was when your mother told me it took you guys three hours to notice that the living room was supposed to be blue, not green. She told me the confusion on your faces when you entered the room was incredible especially as you couldn't figure out the issue. 

I think this is when you found out illusions could be placed on environments not just into people's minds like Genjutsus

Itchy Clothes: Every day after brushing our teeth we all put on itchy powder and wear itchy clothes. This was a big mistake and I am sorry I made you kids go through with this but it's better this than dead am I right? At the end of the day if you had no red welts from scratching your skin you got to double what was left of your allowance. If you had more than two marks it would start dropping what allowance you had left.

Cold Soaking: I think I hated this training even pre than you guys. As a man who loved warm baths more than anything since my past world having all of our nice relaxing bathing time to be replaced with near-freezing water was a nightmare. 

Your mother had such a good time splashing us the three of us boys with cold water before we bathed. 

So much so, I think this is how your mother agreed to the double my punishment deal. You might say that it was your guys' idea to make this deal but no matter how many times you tried to claim it was your idea I will still never believe you. Your mother looked far too happy when splashing us.

Number Exercises: When completing our workouts your mother would give us a starting value and another number to either add to the starting value or subtract from it. We then had to shout out the next number in the sequence while we worked out. Sometimes she would give us another number and whether to add or subtract that new number.

Chakra Training:

These are still will training exercises but more focused on manipulating chakra. I have chosen for you to train these and the reasons why are as follows.

Leaf Exercise: Using the principle of the leaf exercise I have you guys hold your allowances to your body when you are training. Due to the difficulty I had you guys started small and for short periods of time but as you guys got older I made it a part of your exercises, skill training, and daily life with a small few breaks for relaxation. 

However, if you could keep it going through the whole day you got to double what was left on your body.

Chakra Transfer Technique: This is how most civilians get access to chakra but due to the fact your mom went to ninja school before dropping out she got a bit of training as well as made it so your guys were born with innate chakra. 

Not that it was unlocked at birth but we made sure to unlock it as quickly as possible. Your mother as a full-time mother could make sure you didn't over-exert and injure yourselves.

These training exercises were meant to mimic training your chakra coils like a jinchuriki by slightly overfilling your coils without having to waste your own physical and mental energy to be used for training like the coin concentration. Sadly your mother didn't have enough chakra to really make this all that effective. When you have kids in the future I suggest you help your kids with this exercise.

Nature change: The first thing I had you guys test when you could channel your chakra was your affinities using chakra paper.

I have had you at the end of every day use up the rest of your physical and mental energy to change as much chakra as quickly as possible before heading to bed. I hope by the time you are reading this you have still kept up this habit.

Chakra Control: In the rubber ball you use to strengthen your grip you practice your chakra power. Seeing how concentrated you can compress your chakra and then holding it for as long as possible in the sphere without letting the chakra break and release from the ball. This chakra control was to be practiced in private when you went all out trying to pop the rubber ball. This was also the requirement for you to go up in ball thickness for finger exercises.


Dazzle camo. What can I say this was used by the naval military back in my world to confuse the human eye when launching torpedoes before radar-guided missiles made this camo obsolete. Given ninjas rely on their eyes in this world I think introducing multiple types of camo and gillysuits would only be beneficial even if they don't work on overpowered bloodlines. Looking at you Sharingan and Byakugan.

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