Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

065 – People hanging out together

“Please inform that Mr. Pereira seems to be moving alone.”

As Arin, wearing glasses, spoke, the interpreter translated her words into French. Sitting on the boat as if on an outing, Orléans received her words through the interpreter and then spoke to the interpreter.

“Does she really see everything up to there?”

“That’s what she says.”

Orléans, who used Arin’s ability for reconnaissance instead of surveillance, could receive everything that happened to the Floresta Clan through her eyes. And the fact that the final boss they had to face was a monster who effortlessly cut down thick, beautiful trees by the thousands with a single blow.

However, like Pereira, the Clan Master of the Floresta Clan, Orléans, the representative of the ServiHum Clan, was heading to the destination with an undaunted attitude.

“I understand the abilities now. Since intelligence gathering is done, please scout the route for us to enter from this side.”

Upon hearing the interpreter’s words, Arin immediately turned the drone in the direction. After exploring tens of kilometers around the river in an instant, she spoke to Orléans.

“Most of the monsters are waiting near the landing point.”

“Any monsters trying to swim and rush at us like before?”

“No. They probably judged that they couldn’t beat the Master in the river.”

As she said, at the beginning of the operation, hundreds of monsters capable of swimming attacked the boat to assault the ServiHum Clan members climbing up the river. However, all those monsters fell victim to Orléans’s ability before they could get close to the boat, turning into fish food at the bottom of the Amazon.

Thinking back to that time, Arin muttered in a low voice.

‘He’s a master of the river… It might not just be a nickname attached for fame.’

In fact, the ability Orléans showed then was a one-sided massacre that could not even be called a battle. What Orléans did was simply manipulate the river to create two whirlpools rotating in opposite directions, grinding the monsters like a mixer. The more water there was around, the more Orléans’s ability to control water increased, and his ability was currently demonstrating world-class prowess in the largest river in the world, the Amazon.

However, unlike the Floresta Clan, which relies on the force of one individual, Pereira, the ServiHum Clan, a union clan in the European region, had numerous strong individuals besides Orléans.

“Hahaha! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”

Arin, who had been lost in her thoughts for a moment, urgently performed evasive maneuvers, avoiding the body parts of the monster that was rapidly approaching her drone.

Then, through the voice transmission device on her drone, she conveyed her complaint in a translated voice.

“Mr. Sven! Can’t you stop deliberately sending severed body parts toward my drone?”

Since her drone was equipped with a liberal clan-developed multilingual translation device for smooth communication, Sven, the Norwegian dual-axe user, accepted Arin’s complaint in Korean through the translation and responded in Norwegian.

Then, through the bone conduction earphones attached to Arin’s glasses, Sven’s translated voice echoed.

“Hahaha! If you don’t like it, fly higher! It’s annoying to have things flying around behind me like flies!”

“Ugh, fine. There are 45 more approaching from your side. Deal with that.”

“Really?! Hahaha! Exciting! Wait for me! Here I go! Shong-dang!”

Sven swung the blue axe in both hands and rushed forward. Every time he swung the axe, giant ice pillars of pointed shapes rose towards the monsters rushing at him.

Surprisingly, the tough epidermis of these monsters, which could deflect even tank shells, was easily pierced by Sven’s ice pillars. Sven, unable to surpass his own speed, was madly rushing forward, chopping off the limbs of the monsters skewered like kebabs.

In between, Arin’s drone was flying severed limbs of these monsters in the direction where Sven was.

It could be said that it was like an anti-aircraft shell made of flesh and blood flying at almost the speed of a missile, but in Arin’s eyes, it seemed like a threat on the level of a child launching balloons.

“Mr. Orléans. Can’t you ask Mr. Sven to stop bothering me, even though he won’t get hit anyway?”

At her complaint, Orléans just smiled.

Then, looking in the direction where Sven was.

“Sorry, but understand. That’s Sven’s way of expressing affection.”

“Sending a barrage of flesh like crazy at the one and only precious drone in the world?”

“Originally, Sven had a lot of complaints about you, a Seeker, participating in the operation.”

Sven’s usual opinion was that “gate conquest is a confrontation of strength and strength.” Therefore, whenever he participated in an operation, he always led a party composed only of combat personnel, without including a Seeker, who was an exploration specialist, and approached gate conquests with only combat power.

And whenever there was an argument, he used to claim that the participation of a Seeker class, which did not contribute to combat, itself caused as much combat power loss as one person.

“But with the existence of a Seeker, you can gain more benefits, right? Like avoiding danger or choosing suitable weapons depending on the type of approaching enemies…”

“I agree with that opinion. That’s why I included you, a rookie, in this operation. But unlike my opinion, Sven wants you out of the operation.”

“Why? Do I have some kind of hatred?”

“No, the opposite.”

Orléans, who hesitated for a moment.

“His younger sister was also a Seeker, but during a gate exploration, she voluntarily isolated herself and died.”


“She was in a survival-type gate, just like the one you awakened. With about an hour left until the clear time, she realized that an unstoppable number of enemies, approaching at an unstoppable speed, were coming towards them.”

Orléans said. To save her only family, she had to make a decision.

“Sven, who believed in her instructions like iron, bravely ran towards the point she pointed out. But after running for a while, he realized that there was nothing at the point she had told him. What Sven found as he ran in the opposite direction like crazy was a horde of monsters celebrating a feast with his sister’s corpse.”

Arin didn’t know. She didn’t know that there was such a wound in Sven, who always laughed heartily and charged fiercely towards the enemies.

Orléans continued his story with an indifferent tone.

“But revenge wasn’t even allowed for Sven. The moment he ran forward to retrieve his sister’s corpse…”

“The gate was cleared.”

“Do you know what happens if a human attacking the gate dies inside the gate?”

Looking at Arin nodding, Orléans continued.

“They disappear, like the corpses of monsters left inside the gate. On the contrary, if you try to leave the gate with a corpse, the corpse disappears the moment you step outside the gate.”

Since that day, Sven, who lost both the opportunity for revenge and his sister’s body, became a vengeful ghost who lost even the sound of crying.

In such a eerie atmosphere, no one approached him, making it impossible to find even a cruel vengeful ghost as a companion for the operation.

Orléans explained that Sven’s current personality was formed because of that.

“If you can’t find a companion, you can’t even take revenge. Without the power of a companion, you can’t catch more enemies. That’s why he laughs. To prevent his revenge from running away from his side, to prevent his comrades who would help with his revenge from running away.”

Arin didn’t know. In the ServiHum Clan, where heroes gathered to save the world, she thought that everyone would have a personality like a hero in the movies.

However, since the gate conquest required risking their lives to hunt monsters, the ServiHum Clan, a hero’s clan, had members with various stories.

Among them was someone like Sven, who considered revenge more important than saving the world.

She could understand why Sven was trying to exclude her from the operation, even if it made her annoyed.

However, understanding and accepting were two different matters. Therefore, she complained to Orléans in a grumbling voice.

“Even if that’s the problem, tell me directly. What’s with this tsundere-like behavior?”

“Well, he told me, even if he didn’t tell you. He said it’s too dangerous to bring a novice like you to such a dangerous operation.”

“So what did you say in response?”

“I asked him, ‘What would you say if I told you to get out of this operation because you’ve become too weak?’ The moment I asked, he raised his axe and went out while boasting.”

“Sven said that?”

“Of course, Sven is strong, but if we officially clash, I will overwhelm him.”

“But the strength of awakener can’t be known until you actually fight, right? There’s no Scouters that show combat power as numbers, and have you ever fought?”

Orléans was about to answer her, but Arin suddenly raised her hand to stop his response.

“Just a moment.”

Then, she began to concentrate on controlling the drone with her finger on her glasses.

Looking at her face gradually turning serious, Orléans cautiously asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Is there a problem?”

“Sven’s charge was blocked. About 30? No, at least 50 large monsters seem to have blocked the route Sven was charging.”

“Well, if it’s just that…”

“The problem is not that. The beast that stopped Sven are monsters coming out from the direction of the landing point we were supposed to reach. If 50 creatures came out from there, it means there’s an even larger group if you go up that way.”

Arin quickly moved the drone. While avoiding attacks from humanoid beast throwing rocks or bone fragments with dazzling evasive maneuvers, Arin’s scouting drone, named ‘Night Stella,’ was flying through the dense, unimaginable maze of giant tree branches at an incredible speed.

This low-altitude high-speed flight was a manipulation that even Arin, a genius in drone control and an awakener, found challenging, but Arin couldn’t raise the drone’s altitude. The upper part of the forest was so densely covered that raising the altitude would make proper exploration impossible.

Arin deliberately passed through the tangled branches, maneuvering the drone forward, and finally, she could see the planned landing point where her boat was supposed to arrive.

Watching the overwhelming scenery through the Night Stella camera, Arin unintentionally covered her mouth.


Monsters. An overwhelming number of monsters. The scene was like a giant organism that made the forest itself wriggle, and in the place where her boat was supposed to arrive, various creatures, numbering at least tens of thousands, were waiting with excited expressions as if they would rush towards them at any moment.

“Is it serious?”

“Orléans, if you remember the story we shared before the meeting? We talked about what would happen when we landed. If we were lucky, it would be like this, if we were unlucky, it would be like that, and in the worst-case scenario, it would be like this.”

Orléans nodded when Arin asked him a question.

“And now, it’s 30 times worse than what we said would be the ‘worst-case scenario.'”

“Thirty times…”

“Let’s change direction.”

As the team’s tracker, Arin suggested her opinion.

“It’s not a level of enemies that we can break through directly. The enemies that stopped Sven, compared to the number of enemies waiting at the landing point, are like drops in a bucket. It would be better to detour significantly and hit them from behind, even if it takes a little more time.”

However, despite Arin’s serious expression and opinion, there was no change in Orléans’s expression.

The fact that the targets they aimed for were clustered together was, on the contrary, what he had been hoping for.

Orléans spoke to Arin.

“A little while ago, Arin asked me a question, right? Whether Sven and I have fought before. Now, I’ll show you the answer to that question.”

Orléans slowly raised his right arm.

Then, with closed eyes, he said, “There’s no need to fight. If you’re a clan member, everyone knows how strong I am. It’s better to find something to hold onto and hold on as tight as possible. It will shake quite a bit.”

As soon as Orléans finished speaking, Arin’s boat began to sway significantly. Following his instructions, Arin grabbed the edge of the boat as tightly as possible.

Then, right in front of the boat Arin was on, an unbelievable sight unfolded before her eyes.

‘Waves?! In a river?!’

Of course, even in a river, there are currents, and waves occur. However, what started rising in front of her was something that, to call it just waves, exuded a terrifying force.

“Listen! The anger of the river!!”

With Orléans’s voice echoing over the water like a resounding echo, the Amazon River, which accounts for an overwhelming 20% of the world’s freshwater, began to ripple.

And then, turning into a massive torrent along the river’s tributaries, it started climbing against the current.

The enormous wave had a presence that reminded Arin of one of the most terrifying natural horrors known to humanity.

“A tsunami…”

At that moment, Arin, who was staring blankly at the supernatural disaster unfolding in front of her, flipped her glasses.

And then, at the fastest speed possible, she moved the Night Stella to maximum altitude.

Before the ‘natural disaster’ with the power to demolish even concrete buildings with a single wave could sweep away her most precious drone.

Safely relocating the drone, Arin wiped her chest and poured out resentment towards Orléans.

“If you’re going to use such a big technique, you should have told me in advance! My drone is the only one in the world!”

“Oh, sorry. This is the first time I’ve used my full power on a river as big as the Amazon, so I got a little too excited. When I used it in Europe, it didn’t have this much power. Is the drone in a safe place?”


“Then watch from there. I’m sure it’ll be a great picture.”

Even if Orléans hadn’t said it, Arin was already focused entirely on the camera screen.

The gigantic city made up of these beast, the continental disaster that Orléans caused on land, was visible enough from the altitude where she lifted the drone.

She silently watched the advancing tidal wave, which was crushing massive pillars like a mixer, creating an unbelievable scene.

However, at that moment.

The monster that had left a larger scar on the Amazon rainforest than the tidal wave Orléans caused was not the only one interestingly watching the colossal wave.

The king of beasts dominating the cosmos filled with various animals.

King Banara, who had left a larger scar in the Amazon jungle than the tidal wave Orléans caused, opened his mouth, looking at the gigantic wave with an expression as if he found an interesting toy.

“Interesting talent.”

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