Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 28: Tentacles

Recently played a smut sim called Tentacular involving a small tentacled alien who wanted to bang a hot MILF. And since I'm also play Mass Effect I figured why the hell not. Hope ya'll enjoy.

EDIT: I'm an idiot and accidentally put up the wrong version of this story the first time(I keep multiple versions just in case). The only thing that's changed is the women on the ship, a typo saying there were 8 women on the ship instead of the intended 7 and since I was tired as hell when I posted the character tags have changed to match that.


"How's it looking, Liara?" Shepard asked her bond mate who was fiddling around with a stasis pod the size of a beach ball.

"I'm almost done." Liara answered with excitement coloring her tone. And why shouldn't it? The last time they had opened something like this a real, live Prothean had jumped out of it. And while this one was much smaller and obviously not of Prothean design, Liara couldn't help but be excited at what it could hold.

"I still think it's a bad idea to be opening it in such an open area. What if it turns out to be hostile or carrying some horrible alien plague?" Ashley asked.

"We've scanned the pod several times already and it contains no known or unknown pathogens. It's a completely sterile environment." Miranda said from her terminal.

Ashley roller her eyes. "Back me up on this Tali, this seriously a bad idea right?"

Tali shook her head. If Miranda and Liara say it's safe, I trust them. Besides, if you're really so worried you would be wearing something a bit more substantial." The Quarian nearly giggled.

That statement was true for everyone currently in the science lab. Ashley and Shepard had come straight from the ship's gym and were wearing spandex shorts and sports bras that could barely contain their assets. Tali, Miranda, and Liara were in skintight suits that left nothing to the imagination.

Ashley crossed her arms with a huff, causing some of her breasts to spill out from the bottom of her sports bra. "You try getting Shepard to calm down long enough to suit up when Liara calls her all excited."

"Starting the unlocking sequence now Liara. Keep an eye on the readouts." Miranda spoke up. "Let me know if vitals approach any projected redlines.

A few minutes later the capsule hissed, spewing out pressurized gas and the softest of clicks indicated that it was opening.

"It kind of looks like an octopus." Shepard said as she looked over Liaras shoulder.

It was true. There were 8 tentacles with suction cups jutting out from a bulbous main body and were colored a dark purple with a thin green stripe going down each arm. The face was slightly off putting as it had a large, for its size, mouth and eyes that were now slowly opening and blinked several times as it woke up.

"What? Who? Where am I?" It asked even as it's mouth didn't move.

"Uh, you all heard that even though it's mouth didn't move right?" Ashley asked.

"Fascinating. It must-"

"Geek out later Liara, we're in the middle of a first contact right now." Shepard lightly admonished.

Liara blushed and softly cleared her throat as she focused on the creature in the pod. "Greetings. I'm Liara Shepard and you're currently in the Science Lab of the SR3 Normandy."

The SR3 was the latest iteration of the Normandy class. It was much smaller than even the SR1 and was just large enough for the 7 crew on board to live comfortably. It had no weapon systems and its sole purpose was long term stealth reconnaissance. 

"Ship?" It's eyes suddenly flew open and it stood itself on its tentacles. "Quickly, must flee! Enders near! Must flee or we all die!" It shouted in terror.

"Whoa pal, easy." Shepard said, trying to calm it down. "We're the only ship in the system and our stealth systems are good enough that we could be right next to a ship and they couldn't detect us."

That seemed to calm it down so Shepard continued.

"Now those Enders, do they look like this?" She asked as she brought up a projection of a Reaper Dreadnaught on her omni tool.

"Yes! You fight too?"

Shepard shook her head. "Not anymore. Two years ago we used ancient designs to create a super weapon that destroyed them. This ship is currently on a recon mission to ensure that all confirmed and unconfirmed reports of their forces' locations have been destroyed."

It seemed to sag in relief and calm down, it's eyes taking in those around it, lingering on their forms. "Then Guuk is happy to be found by such beautiful warriors."

"It's nice to meet you Guuk." Shepard smiled. "I'm Jane Shepard. You've met my bondmate, Liara. The others are Miranda Lawson, Tali'Zorah, and Ashley Williams." The woman pointed to each woman as she said their name. "There are two more crew members as well, Shiala and Vashna. But they are currently busy with their own duties but you'll be able to meet them later."

"If I may ask." Liara started. "Why were you in a stasis pod? Were you a scientist or politician attempting to flee?"

"No. Guuk is breeder."

Dead silence met his answer until Ashley spoke up. "Come again?"

"Guuk cumes many times if you like."

Miranda snorted over at her terminal. "That's not what she meant." Miranda said humorously as Adhleys face colored. "She was asking for clarification on what you meant when you said 'breeder'."

"Oh." He said, sounding disappointed. "Guuk tasked by leaders to find willing females to breed to fight Enders. Guuk people have no women after big sickness. So scientists make special Un'kot who can breed with females of any people. More breeders made after Ender's attack." He left out the many changes as his people grew more desperate during the war with the Enders.

"Would one of those changes be how you are able to talk to us telepathically?" Miranda asked in interest.

Guuk looked at her, his eyes lingering on her breast that were as large as his body, before answering. "Yes. Breeders need to talk to females quickly. Guuk can use brain to send out and read thoughts to talk. Guuk not know how it done though. In case Guuk captured by Enders."

"That's a shame." Miranda sighed, causing her chest to jiggle.

"Guuk sorry he not help." Guuk then let out a large yawn, dousing Miranda in it's surprisingly fruity smell.

"Guuk sorry. Very tired from long sleep."

"It's quite alright." Miranda waved him off.

"Will you need any special accommodations for your stay here?" Shepard asked, easily falling back to old habits of welcoming a new non-human crew member. "Our current mission is too important to be delayed by a diversion to drop you off at a Council planet so you will be stuck here until we are done."

"Guuk know of worse fate than being stuck with beautiful women."

"Just be sure to keep your tentacles to yourself." Ashley glared before turning towards Shepard. "If that's all ma'am, I'll be hitting the showers and calling it a night." She then turned and walked away with Guuk's eyes glued to her ass the entire time.

Someone clearing their throat had his eyes snapped towards Shepard, afraid he might have been staring for too long.

"Are we going to have to lock you in a room to prevent any unwanted advances?" She asked, her tone frigid and Guuk knew he had made a mistake.

"Guuk is sorry for looking too long. Lock not needed. Guuk instructions clear when sent to space. Only willing females may be breed." He said quickly, hoping to avoid a confrontation.

Shepard stared for a moment before nodding slowly. "Make sure it stays that way. Now, let me ask you again. Do you require any special accommodations for your stay?"

"Just something soft to sleep on." Guuk was quite proud of himself for not allowing his eyes to droop to the woman's large breasts.

"I've got a few extra pillows I can put in a corner of my cabin." Miranda offered while leaning back in her chair.

"You sure?" Shepard asked with a raised brow.

"Please Shepard, remember who you're talking to." She said tossing her hair over her shoulder. "Even if he can over power me physically I can still turn him into jelly with my Biotics."

Guuk gulped, fully understanding the statement thanks to his telepathy. "Guuk will behave as expected on ship." He promised. He left out just whose expectations he would be meeting.

"Alright. I'll leave it up to you on how to handle any incidents should they occur Miranda."

"Thanks Shepard." She said before turning to her temporary roommate. "Come on Guuk. I'll show you where you'll be staying for the night."

Guuk nodded and took a few steps out of his pod, only to tumble down to the table top after a few steps. "Guuk weak from long sleep. Guuk can use suction cups to stick to Miranda if she will let Guuk."

"Fine, but only my arm. If you touch anywhere else you'll lose a limb." Miranda said while offering her arm.

"Guuk be good." He said as he carefully wrapped his tentacles around her offered arm.

"Is that slime?" She asked as she felt a trail of something on the back of her hand that quickly dried.

"Yes." He said happily. "It help Guuk stick to anything."

Miranda ran a finger over where the trail had been, not even feeling any residue. "So long as it doesn't stain my clothes." She said walking out of the Lab. "See you all in the morning."


Miranda's room was larger than one would expect for such a small ship, but the small crew complement and long mission time had deemed it a necessity for the crew's mental health. Each room had a shower, full size bed, desk, and dresser.

Guuk unwound himself from Miranda's arm and fell onto the bed as she came up to it. There were small wet spots left behind as he carefully walked across the bed. They quickly evaporated and left no discoloration on the white sheets so Miranda put it out of her mind as she took a few pillows and an extra sheet off her bed and set them up in the corner.

"This is the best we'll be able to set up tonight. Tomorrow though we'll be able to set up something more permanent." She raised an eyebrow and Guuk stepped off the bed and rolled onto the floor, stopping perfectly on the pillows.

"Maybe angry lady let Guuk share bed?" He mumbled tiredly as he covered himself completely with the sheet.

Miranda held back a snort, very much doubting that Ashley would ever agree to that. "I'm going to take a shower Guuk, sorry if that disturbs you." She didn't get any kind of response and quietly went to the shower door. She opened and closed it without stepping in, keeping an eye on Guuk the whole time. After a few moments without any movements she opened the door once more and stepped into the shower, before closing it behind her.

Guuk immediately jumped out of his bed, all signs of weariness gone. His slime had multiple functions, one of which was to permanently mark where someone was so he could track them in real time when nearby. He carefully pulled himself up the bedframe and made sure to coat every pillow with his slime. It did not evaporate so much as get absorbed completely, leaving no trace unless it completely saturated the surface. And once it was absorbed by the skin it would greatly reduce inhibition and increase libido. Miranda had already absorbed much from him through her suit while carrying him, but Guuk hadn't turned entire planets into breeding hubs on his own by using half measures. When he heard the shower start he paused, mind quickly imagining the water cascading down Miranda's pillowy breast and wide hips. It took all of his controle not to try and sneak a peek, he would be getting far more if he was just a little more patient. When his task was completed he quickly hurried back to his bed to get a little more rest.


Miranda walked out of the shower, her eyes immediately going to Guuk and saw him asleep on his side. She shuddered as a jolt went through her core. During her shower her mind, and fingers on occasion, had wondered about what he had called himself. A breeder. One capable of impregnating any female he mated with. It was Miranda's darkest secret that she had a breeding kink, mostly in part due to her own inability to conceive. Her mind had considered what he would do if given free reign on a ship full of women and had to stop a moan bubbling up from her throat as she realized a hand had slipped between her legs and was rubbing her slit through her suit. 

Tearing her hand away her eyes locked onto Guuk, as if expecting her aborted masturbation attempt would wake him and let out a sigh of relief when he didn't even twitch. She quietly made her way to bed and laid down, just wanting this night to end.

Under the sheet Guuz smiled as he smelled the arousal in the air. It was always the ones unable to have children of their own that were the quickest and most willing to bare his.


Miranda woke with a gasp, body quivering as she approached an orgasm with one hand rubbing between her legs and another grabbing at her breast. After a few moments she all but tore open her body suit in frustration for easier access. One open though a tongue quickly made its way into her vagina, wriggling around inside and licking out. Without thinking she crossed her legs at the ankles behind their head, keeping them there and pushing them in further as both hands went to work pinching, rubbing and rolling her nipples. This wasn't the first time someone had snuck into a ship mates room if she was being a bit too loud.

"Hng-Shit! Almost-!!!!!" She was cut off as the tongue found her g-spot over and over, sending stars across her vision and drove the breath from her. Her back arched and mouth opened in a silent scream as an orgasm crashed into her. She finally let out a gasp as her lungs demanded air and she fell back onto the bed chest heaving and hair sticking to her forehead with sweat. "That was incredible." She panted, still out of breath.

"Guuk happy to help."

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in before she sat up and saw Guuk looking up at her from between her legs with her release all over his face. In a blink she had gone from confused to furious and glowed purple, lifting Guuk up to near the ceiling.

"Guuk is sorry! Guuk is sorry!" He shouted. "Guuk only want to help!" The small alien said frantically.

"Bullshit! You're doing this so that you can try and breed me at some point right?" She growled. "Well don't bother. Even if that did somehow happen, I can't." The last part was spoken with all the bitterness she could muster.

"If Guuk heal you, you could." 

It was said calmly but still caught Miranda by surprise. "What?" She asked with narrowed eyes. "You know nothing of human biology." She slowly set him down, ready to turn him into a smear on the floor if he pissed her off.

"Guuk semen can heal."

"If this is some kind of joke?" Miranda was only just able to hold back from yelling.

"It true!" Guuk said quickly. "Un'kot know trade may be needed to breed. We offer to heal females who not able to have babies if they have Un'kot babies."

Miranda bit her lip in thought. "How long would it take to heal me?"

"Miranda drink Guuk semen every night for week to heal. Eggs be made one month after."

"And how long would you breed me?" The question sent a shot of arousal through body and images through her head.

"Guuk breed Miranda for two years. Miranda giving Guuk six litters."

Miranda closed her eyes as more images flashed through her head, not helped by how Guuk was talking. "If I agree to this, you can't tell anyone. Understood?"

"Guuk promises not to tell anyone."

"Good. I'm going to go get something to put your semen in so I can drink it." She tried to sound reluctant, but there was still a sliver of excitement in her voice.

"Healing semen not work unless Miranda drink directly."

Miranda's eyes narrowed. "Why not?" She asked suspiciously despite her arousal.

"Healing parts evaporate from semen quickly, like slime. If Miranda drink, then healing parts absorbed by Miranda's body.

Clenching her jaw, Miranda exhaled. "Fine. Get over here then." She laid back down, finally noticing that she had been fully exposed the whole time she and Guuk were talking but not really caring enough right now to cover back up. 

When Guuk climbed up she half expected she was going to suck on one of his tentacles and instead he crawled over her and positioned his body over her head, stretching his limbs so he was nearly a foot above her. She was about to ask what he was doing when something started growing out of the center of his body alongside a sweet smell. Her eyes widened as it stopped growing just an inch or two above her. At three inches wide and at least ten long it was dark purple like the rest of his body and covered with bumps and ridges. "Miranda will have to move Guuk penis into her mouth, only using hand not work."

"Why didn't you tell me that before?" She asked, even as she went to grab Guuk's penis, surprised that is was so soft and that it had the same slime as his tentacles. "And lower yourself down a bit until I can fit it in, I'll tell you when to stop."

Guuk lowered himself a bit, not answering Mirand's question, and his eyes taking in her nude form. "Would you like Guuk to help you again?" He felt Miranda stiffen and worried that he might have pushed too far.

"Yes." It was so quiet he barely heard it. "Stop there." 

Guuk grinned widely, he would still only get a few inches into her mouth but that would be plenty for now, and stretched his tentacles across her body. He shuddered as he felt the tongue lick along his reachable length and was quickly engulfed by her mouth. He was only able to use three of his tentacles at his current position and sent them for the 'big three'. He closed the suction cups on all three and sent one for each breast and the last between her legs. He teased the area between her legs, laying feather touches along her lips and circling her clit without touching it. enjoying the moan that she released and her tongues movements and ran the rough and slick bottom of his tentacle back and forth over her clit, angling it just enough to spread her vagina but not penetrate and enjoyed the way she shuddered and moaned at his actions.His other two tentacles weren't idle during this time, circling, flicking, and squeezing her breasts while opening a suction cup every now and then before pulling it off her nipple.

Miranda had let loose as well. Her head bobbing up and down his shaft swiftly while hitting the back of her throat and Guuk would lower down a bit to meet her each time. The slurping sounds she made as she went up and down echoed in the room alongside her moans. Guuk waited patiently for the right moment before acting, spearing several inches of his tentacle into Miranda's pussy as she raised up and lowered himself down, shoving his entire length into her throat before lifting himself a few inches and lowering himself down rapidly. 


Miranda gagged and her throat convulsed around him slightly but she made no move to throw him off, her mind and body now being thoroughly ravaged by the chemicals flowing in her system.

Guuk then really got to work, the tentacle in her pussy sinking in as deep as he could while rubbing the spot inside of her constantly that his tongue had found earlier. She twitched and moaned below him as her body experienced one orgasm after another but Guuk only went harder as he approached his own climax and pulled out almost completely before shoving himself all the way down and came straight into Miranda's stomach. His shaft, and Miranda's throat by extension, expanded and contracted with every spurt. He pulled out after having nearly spent himself, getting the last few spurts on her face and heaving chest, leaving thick strands to stick to her lips, face, and tits. Thick enough that when Miranda slurped a strand into her mouth it took most of what was on her face with it.

Guuk meanwhile grinned widely. This human was just as susceptible as the other species he had come across. With any luck the other two species on the ship would be as well.


So because I'm a hack and a fraud I uploaded the wrong version of chapter one( I keep multiple versions of stuff I write just in case) so I went back and had to change a few things. Nothing big, I just took out Dr. Michelle and Traynor and replaced them with Vashna(A Zelatron character from starwars) and Shiala to even out the human/non-human roster.

Also, gonna be honest with y'all, I like telling a story, however crap it may be, so this will be a porn with plot type of deal. I tried doing the whole 'without' thing but I just couldn't get anything I was comfortable posting written up so I'm gonna be rolling with that. I will try to keep things at least 50/50 porn/plot for this but it might swing over towards the plot side if I end up having too much fun with that.

Anyways, hope you enjoy.




Guuk loved how responsive this female was as he continued to shove his cock in and out of her throat, and couldn't wait to see if the others on this ship were the same. Every action he made seemed to get some sort of reaction. Working her breast or between her legs would get a moan. Trailing a tentacle along her body, a shudder. Penetrating her pussy, a gasp. And shoving his cock down her throat-


It made learning a human's tells so easy. The chemicals he secreted could only do so much, and if Miranda was not actually into it, Guuk very much doubted he could be getting away with as much as he had up to this moment.

Just as his cock swelled Guuk pulled out just enough that he was just at the back of her throat when he came.


Guuk loved the sound and reaction as Miranda struggled with her body's reflexes as shot after shot of his cum hit the back of her throat. He pulled out after the last spurt but a small stream still drizzled out of his tip and onto her face as he waited a few moments before retracting his cock back into his body.

Getting out from over her body Guuk was happy with what he saw. Cum had clearly shot out of her nose from his actions and her mouth from around his cock. She had only left out a few coughs before her tongue and lips got to work drawing as much of his cum off her face as possible while her eyes were clouded with lust as well as acceptance.

After her face was mostly cleared she used a shaky arm to push herself up, Guuk's eyes following the sway of her tits the whole way.

"I- are you done?" She asked, trying to look everywhere but at Guuk.

The small alien gave a nod. "Yes. Guuk not want to hurt Miranda so stopped for the night."

"You can still cum?" Her eyes locked on the spot below Guuk where his cock would be hanging if it were still out.

Guuk nodded once more. "Like Guuk told angry female, can cum many times."

Miranda bit her lip and stood up. "I...need to take a shower."

Guuk gave no answer as he watched her jiggling form enter the shower. After while she exited, completely nude and Guuk took pride in that her legs still wobbled as she walked to her dresser. He had made sure she received her own pleasure as he took his own. He openly watched as she put on, not a bodysuit like the previous two times but a red tank top that stopped just below her breasts and a pair of booty shorts. Both of which hugged her every curve.

"Can Guuk ask questions?"

Miranda paused at her bed, and instead of removing her sheets as intended she sat down in a clean spot at the end. "What did you want to ask?"

"Guuk curious about your species. And Liara and Tali's too." Guuk asked eagerly.

Miranda was slightly surprised that Guuk would ask that but gave an abbreviated explanation of Humans, Asari, and Quarians.

Guuk sat quietly as Miranda gave her explanation. "What about other crew Guuk not meet yet?"

"Well there's Shiala, another Asari who is our communication and sensors specialist. And Vashna, a Zeltron. Vashna's people made first contact with the Citadel only months after the Reaper war and were quick to offer any aid they could. Her people have an empathic ability around those they care for. Vasha is an incredibly gifted physician for her own people and was able to adapt that knowledge to Human, Asari, and Quarian when she volunteered to help with the mission."

"And what are ship crew like?" Guuk asked as he climbed up next to Miranda.

The woman blinked and looked at Guuk as if she had just had some kind of revelation. "You want to breed all of us."

"Guuk breeder." The small alien said by way of explination. "Maybe last of Un'kot and needs females to make more." Guuk put a tentacle on her thigh, and when no resistance came he slipped it up and under her shorts and between her legs. He slowly began pumping the appendage in and out of her already moist pussy with little effort, making the woman shudder.

"Hng-But *gasp* our mission." Miranda was already panting as Guuk started working her up again.

"Mission not take long." Another tentacle slid up her muscled stomach and under her top, circling around her breast and squeezing it gently as the tip played with her nipple. "Shepard say only two days away when Guuk wake up."

Miranda leaned back, supported by her arms from behind and shuddered. "You-ha-said you would only breed-gya-willing females."

"And Guuk will. Miranda is willing, who say others not be too?" Another tentacle joined the one on Miranda's chest but went for the other breast. "Guuk not want to make beautiful warrior females mad, so he breed only willing females. Like he promise." He stopped all of his menstrations on Miranda's body, causing her to gasp. "Miranda is still willing, yes?"

"Yes!" Miranda nearly yelled. "I'm willing." Miranda panted "Just keep going, please."

Guuk resumed his actions with a gusto, going from soft and teasing to rough and fast. Pumping his tentacle into her pussy as deep as earlier, and with a much higher tempo while he was practically mauling her breast. Squeezing and kneading them as quickly as he could. Before long Miranda had reached her peak once more and with a final scream she came, soaking through her shorts. Her back arched a final time as she fell back onto the bed panting.

"I'm willing." The woman mumbled as she finally succumbed to sleep.

Guuk meanwhile grinned as he pulled back his tentacles, giving the one from her pussy a lick. Yes, she would be willing for a very long time.



Guuk watched as Miranda stirred in from her slumber, only needing a few hours himself to be fully rested. "Good morning Miranda." He chirped, causing the woman to jump slightly as she sat up in bed.

"Good morning Guuk. Did you sleep well?" She greeted him as she got out of bed.

"Guuk sleep well." He tilted his head to the side. "Does Miranda need to get ready for work?" He asked, seeing her not make a move to really do anything.

"No. I have off this rotation." Her cheeks colored. "It was the main reason I volunteered to house you for the night." She shifted on her feet. "I was hoping to take a shower, did you need to as well?"

Guuk could easily see the desire in her eyes but decided needed to learn more about the other females of the ship before they were distracted again. "Guuk learned shower while Miranda slept."

"Oh. Alright, I'll be done in a bit." The disappointment in her voice was hidden well but still there.

After she entered the bathroom, Guuk easily gathered up the soiled sheets and placed them at the end of the bed. It was only polite as he had helped to make the mess.

After that he contemplated what to do next. Miranda was already in his grasp and would be a, mostly, unwitting accomplice in turning the other females of this ship to breeders for the new age of Un'kot. But these females were powerful warriors, Miranda's Biotics were proof of that, so he would have to tread carefully so as to not earn their ire.

The sound of a door opening drew him from his thoughts, but instead of Miranda walking out of the bathroom a blue haired goddess entered the room with a playful smirk on her plump blue lips and a sexy sway to her hips. Guuk drank in her form, and if he hadn't been able to control his erection he would be rock-hard right now.

She was tall, a full head more than Miranda, with dark pink skin, and long blue hair. Her bust was a little smaller than Miranda's, and her waist wider, but that gave her much softer curves on her hips and thighs that led to mile long legs.

Guuk had to have her.

The woman's smirk widened a fraction. "So you're the ship's latest occupant?" Her voice was smooth as silk and sweet like honey. "I'm Vashna, the ship's doctor. And you must be Guuk. Liara and I had a small chat about you." She licked her lips and Guuk could see her nipples harden slightly under her lab coat.

"Guuk is happy to meet you." He greeted her earnestly.

"I'll bet." Her eyes drifted towards the bundle of sheets at the foot of the bed. "Has Miranda spoken of my peoples empathic ability?"

Guuk froze, but quickly nodded as he recalled Miranda's short explanation.

"No need to fear Guuk. While Miranda had a momentary hesitance she was quite willing and thoroughly enjoyed herself." She let out a deep sigh that sent her chest bouncing. "But I can't gossip all day unfortunately." She winked at him. "As fun as that would be.,Shepard asked that I run an examination on you to ensure that the rest of the crew has nothing to worry about during your stay on board."

"Guuk understands."

"I'm glad." She walked in further and picked up the small alien. Any protest on Guuks side was silenced when she nestled him between her breasts and hugged him close. "Comfy?"

"Very." Guuk answered, not quite sure what was going on bit following along anyways.

"Good. I'll send Miranda a message once we get to the medbay so she doesn't worry." She said as they left the room. "You know, my quarters are right next to Miranda's own and the two of you kept me up quite late with your activities."

"Guuk is sorry. We will, uh, try and be more quiet next time?" Not really sure if he should be apologizing or not.

Vashna let out a throaty chuckle that Guuk could feel against the back of his head. "I'm an empath Guuk. It was Miranda's feelings of; lust, desire, and ecstasy that kept me up more than the noise the two of you made. It took quite a bit of effort on my part to stop myself from projecting those feelings to the rest of the crew, though I might have slipped a bit in Ashleys case. That woman has been far too stressed lately." A door slid open as they made it to the end of the hall. "And here we are. Have you bathed at all since waking?" She asked, depositing Guuk on the diagnostics bed.

"Yes. Guuk took shower while Miranda sleep."

"That's good to know." Vashna said as she went over to a desk in the corner and took off her lab coat, revealing a black choker around her neck, a blue button-up blouse and black knee-length skirt that was barely able to contain her assets. The skirt stretched to its limits as she bent at the waist to pick a scanner off the desk.

Guuks eyes were glued there immediately.

"See something you like?" She asked while looking over her shoulder and thrusting her ass out just a little bit.

Guuk wasn't sure what was happening. Was this a trick? A trap? He had already been caught so answered honestly. "Guuk likes very much."

"I'm glad." She wiggled her ass slightly with a giggle. "I put a lot of work into it." She walked back over from the desk and held up the scanner. "This shouldn't hurt a bit, but if it does let me know and I'll be sure to kiss it better." She winked. "I'll be doing a blood and tissue scan first and then a scan of the slime Shepard told me about. Though given Miranda's continued good health I don't think there's anything to be concerned about.

Guuk let the strange female do her tests, greatly confused by her actions. All of the others on the ship had been guarded and slightly suspicious, even Liara after he woke up was cautious in her excitement. But this one was open and being quite forward.

"Guuk is fine." He said once the tests were completed.

"Shame that." She giggled and sat down next to her patient. "I am curious about something though if you don't mind?" She motioned at a tentacle.

Not sure of her intent Guuk carefully raised the appendage and watched wide-eyed as Vasha took two fingers and dragged them along the length and stuck the slime coated digits into her.

"MMMMMMMmmmmmmm." She moaned as she slowly pulled her fingers out from between her lips. "Tangy. How much did Miranda get last night?" Her cheeks flush.

The small alien swallowed. "Guuk promised not to tell."

"Such a gentleman." She cooed, crossing her legs and causing her skirt to ride up her thigh a few inches. "You know, my people have some of the oldest translated relics in Council space that date back over one-hundred and fifty thousand years. One of the oldest relics tells the tale of a Chieftain from a large tribe brokering a deal from a people that could travel the stars. These people requested a trade of willing females to breed with as their own had died out long ago."

Guuks eyes widened.

"In exchange, they would grant the Zeltron a boon if it was in their power. The chieftain was an old man, and wished nothing but peace and prosperity for his people even after he was gone. So he agreed so long as the visitors could give his own people the ability to know the heart of another so they could never be torn down from treachery, and talk disagreements out peacefully. The visitors agreed and after several years were able to grant the boon and the agreement held for centuries when one year the visitors simply never showed again. It wasn't until we were able to reach our own moon and found an abandoned research facility that the story passed from myth to truth. With that revelation we sought to find the visitors once again but once we made contact with the Council and learned the truth of the Reapers we came to the conclusion on why the visitors stopped their visits." She sounded genuinely sad at the end even as a smile formed on her face and started fiddling with her Omni-tool. "There was a registry for women who would be willing should we ever find those visitors once more and rekindle the agreement." Intricate carving of a figure that was an exact replica of an Un'kot. "And here you are, possibly the last of the people that helped my own achieve near untold levels of peace and prosperity among the galactic community."

Guuks eyes darted to the woman's fingers as they went to her blouse and slowly started unbuttoning her blouse.

"I had my name in the registry as soon as I was of age and was quite saddened when word spread of your peoples fate." She removed the blouse, setting her breasts bouncing free from their confines before standing from the bed. "You'll need to restart your race Guuk and that will take quite a while and many willing women who will assist you in that." A single clasp on her skirt was undone and it slid down her long legs revealing nothing more than a moist pussy with a small strip of blue hair above it. "And I can't think of a better way to jump-start it than the 7 women who are stuck on this ship for the next 5 months."

The small alien gulped as he drank in the woman before him. "You would help Guuk?"

"Of course." She kneeled in front of him. "It's the least I could do after what your people did for my own. I would give you the knowledge and opportunities you need to make the women aboard your own breeding harem and bring the Un'kot back to the galactic stage." She took a tentacle in each hand and placed them on her chest and shivered when they started moving and fondling her breasts before Guuk slipped a third between her lips which she gently started sucking.

"Guuk would be honored to restart pact shared by our people."

Vasha looked up at him with hooded eyes and moved closer, taking more of his tentacle into her mouth and eventually down her throat with little effort. Guuk was surprised at the ease that it slipped down her throat and continued going until her lips touched his body and slowly pulled back with her tongue running along the slime-coated bottom the entire way. When she pulled back completely Vashna opened her mouth, showing off the large amount of slime that she swirled around with her tongue before swallowing in one go, with Guuks eyes watching the lump travel down her slim throat.

"A girl could get addicted to that if she's not careful." The woman said as she licked her lips. "MMMmmm." she shuddered a bit as Guuk gave her breasts a particularly rough squeeze. Eyes flashing, Vashna leaned forward while a hand snaked around behind Guuks head to help keep him steady as her mouth met his. Their tongues met and Guuks larger one easily dominated, all but tongue-fucking Vashna's throat as her own carssed it. When Guuk pulled back a thick strand of saliva connected the two before it disconnected and snapped back at Vashna with an audible splat on her neck and chin. It was paid no mind though as Guuk added more tentacles to tease and tweak her nipples and clit. Vashna opened her legs wider to grant better access and had to brace herself on the bed so that she didn't fall forward.

"This is -hng- better then -hah- I imagined." Vashna was barely holding it together right now. Even without the slime that was, according to her scans, upping her sensitivity, amongst other things, and she had no doubt Guuk would have her in a state with little difficulty. She captured Guuks mouth again, this time plundering it with her tongue, enjoying the fruity taste that came with it, and quickly backing off again.

"Guuk had had much practice." The small alien said while grinning widely. "Miranda and Vashna's bodies similar. And Guuk learn Miranda's body well already." To prove this Guuk sank his tentacle deep into her pussy and quickly found her g-spot.

"Aaaaaahhhh." Her already weak legs gave out and Vashna fell to her knees. Already on the edge from Guuks actions she nearly doubled over as she came, squirting out around the tentacle in her pussy. She began to shudder and twitch as Guuk kept her orgasm going by stroking, squeezing and rolling any part of her body that gave pleasure for a few moments before relenting. Vashna had only been kept up by the intensity of her orgasm and would have fallen had not caught her in with his tentacles.

"Sorry." The woman said panting. "That was more intense than anything I've experienced in the past."

Guuk shook his head. "Guuk should have warned you about slime."

"I knew perfectly well what it would do to me thanks to the scan I ran." She stood up on wobbly legs and grabbed the scanned off the bed. "And what's this?" She asked in mock surprise. "It seems I accidentally used my personal scanner instead of the one linked to the ship that would send the report directly to the Commander." She then smiled deviously. "I'll have to remember to send this off to the Commander later." She winked. "After a few edits of course. But for now-" She put the scanner on a side table and crawled back onto the bed, her body regaining some of its strength now that she was no longer being over stimulated. It was a breeding agreement, so how do you want me?" She asked, biting her bottom lip. "On my hands and knees so you can watch my ass bounce with every thrust? Or on my back so you can watch my tit jiggle?"

Guuk swallowed, meeting the woman's lust-filled eyes with his own. "Guuk wants Vashna to stay like that." He said and made his way over.

Vashna giggled. "An ass man huh?" She asked as Guuk wrapped a tentacle around each thigh for leverage. "No wonder you made a move on MirandAAAAAAhhhhhhh."

The air was driven from her lungs and her arms gave way after Guuk shoved his entire length into her dripping snatch with a single thrust. She had never felt this full before and his second thrust felt like it was about to come up her throat and she put a hand on her stomach and actually felt the bulge there on his third thrust. His tempo picked up quickly and his remaining tentacles spread over her body. One wrapped itself in her hair, and with a surprising amount of force, pulled her back far enough that her back arched. Another stretched around and entered her mouth and she sucked on it greedily once the taste of her own juices hit her tongue. Two more went to her breasts, fondling and manipulating the flesh and nipples that sent jolts up and down her spine.

ah ah Ah Ah AH AH AH AH

Vashna was in heaven. Every nerve was on fire and she had been having small orgasums since the third thrust and stars were dancing in her vision. Had Guuk not taken hold of her hair she would still be face first in the mattress as he relentlessly pounded into her.

Guuk could not believe how incredible this female felt and it had taken a great deal of restraint not to cum as soon as he had entered her. She was tight and wet like Miranda's throat but a thousand times better. He had waited a moment between thrusts after she fell forward on the first one, but when no objection was made he quickly picked up his pace and used his free tentacles to bring as much pleasure as he could to his first breeding female.

She was not as vocal as Miranda but her body still reacted in wonderful ways, twitching and shuddering was far more frequent inside and out of her body. He noticed that he could make her pussy tighten around him almost on command when he pulled on her hair just a little more than regular. His grin turning devious he drew a tentacle back-



The strike on her ass left a dark pink mark and Vashna moaned out around the tentacle in her throat. When she turned to look back at him, he brought his tentacle down again and her eyes rolled back into her head and her pussy squeezed him harder than he was prepared for. He slammed in as hard as he could, a tentacle coming down on Vashna's ass a final time.


She let out a moan as she squirted her own release around Guuks cock, going limp and twitching as Guuks release prolonged her own. Strong spasms marking every spurt of cum going into her womb for the next minute.

When the small alien removed his cock only a small glob of semen dripped out, and he carefully repositioned the woman to lay on her back as she didn't seem to have the strength to do it herself. "Can Guuk get you anything?" Let it never be said Guuk didn't have excellent bedside manner after sex.

Vashna chuckled weakly. "I could use some water, there's a bottle on the desk. What about you? Do you need anything to eat or drink?" She asked as Guuk stretched a tentacle out to her desk and grabbed the water bottle.

"Guuk only needs water. He absorbs radiation for energy." He brought the bottle carefully up to her lips.

"You can have the last of it." She said once she had her fill. "How long until I start showing? Vashna asked with a hand going over her stomach.

"One month." Guuk answered confidently. "Vashna tummy small. Will show quickly."

Vashna let out a pleased hum as she stretched her arms over her head. "Then I guess we should get you started on the rest of the crew."




After about half an hour Vashna finally regained enough strength to make it to the shower, where she started telling Guuk about the other women on the ship.

"Tali is a tentacle freak, something that stems from her life growing up. Did Miranda tell you about the Quarians recent history?"

Guuk nodded, recalling Mirandas short explanation on Quarians having to spend nearly their entire lives in fancy hazmat suits, even as his eyes trailing over the flawless skin of Vashna's back.

"Good. Tali, as well as many other Quarians, were quite touch-starved and she migrated towards a species known as the Hanar for sexual release and companionship. They're essentially floating gas bags with half a dozen or so tentacles and she had taken several as lovers since the end of the war, some at the same time. She'll likely be easy to convince as she's had nothing but neuro-sims to satisfy her desires on the ship for nearly two years now." She turned around giving Guuk a full frontal view as she lathered up, enjoying the way his eyes drank in her form. "Shial has a bondage kink that has grown with her age and will have on at least one item or another as she goes about her day, though it is normally hidden so as to avoid making the other women uncomfortable. I've caught her more than a few times practicing a human form of bondage known as Shibari. I'll provide you with some reading materials so that you can familiarize yourself with the various items she has on board."

"How much convincing will Guuk need for Tail and Shiala?"

"Not much. Both women are sexually frustrated to the point where I'm surprised Tali hasn't tried to simply throw herself at you for a bit of relief. Play to their desires and they will be yours."

"What about others?"

Vashna frowned. "Thay will be difficult to start but easy once you have them in your grasp. Ashley has an alien rape kink stemming from a xenophobic belief early in her life. The xenophobia, thankfully, has died off to near non-existence due to her service with Jane. Your best option is to simply take her in a confined area, I recommend the cargo hold, and play to that fantasy. She'll fight you at first but once you have her down it'll just be a matter of time."

Guuk nodded. He had taken such women in the past.

Vashna rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. "Jane and Liara will be difficult. Your best bet is to take them at the same time. Jane is a war hero, the first to warn the galaxy about the reapers and led the charge when they first arrived, pulling the galactic community together through sheer force of will to finally end them and is all but worshipped as a god by some people."

Guuk gulped.

"It's because of that she's developed a humiliation kink a mile wide and three deep. Liara is her bondmate and has developed a cheating fetish right alongside Jane's own. I've been studying the development for a research paper as I'm sure Jane's wants and desires have bled through the meld to effect Liara's own. Convince Liara and you'll have Jane as well." Freshly cleaned and dressed, she held out an arm for Guuk to grab onto. "Shall we get started?"

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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