Masako’s Life In An Abandoned World

Chapter 2: Static Reality

Parallel concrete walls stretched through the darkness. With dusty cracked tiled floor carpet its way to multiple intersections and rows of LED lights molding on the ceiling. A metallic door squeaked, resounding the silent maze.

* * *

"... Now I see why everything is so quiet..."

The moment I stepped out of that room, I felt more anxious from the sight of jagged claw marks embedded on the red stained wall.

With a step forward, it echoed through the corridor. I tried stabilizing my breaths as it was audibly heard from me not trying to hyperventilate due to panic.

Getting paranoid as if there's something that will pop out from the corner and attack me, the only thing I could do right now is to hug my hair tightly. With the soft texture wrapping my arms, it did help calm my jumbled mess of my mind.

Walking in a slow pace as I'm exhausted despite the sleep I had, I leaned towards the walls needing to support my weakened body.

Usually, Skipping breakfast was the norm I familiarized myself but I couldn't really afford to do so. If I kept putting it on hold then I'll keep on forgetting to eat until my body collapses.

"Hah... Haah..."

Arriving at the entrance next door, with the same design like the others lined up in front. Compared to the others, I noticed that this one don't have suspicious red stains seeping from the doorway. Out of curiosity I tried to slide it open.


With the metal scratching that felt like a hundred of needles puncturing my eardrums, I immediately stopped sliding the door the moment I heard it. Somehow having another pair of ears increased my sensitivity to sound but that didn't stop me from wanting to enter this room.

Repeating the process again and bearing with the noise, I made it so the door was barely open and was enough for me to pass through.

"Hmph- Haa... " I fit my petite body through the gap as I held my breath against the cold metal surface touching my bare body.

Now that I'm inside, I glanced around the room.

As dust particles revealed floating everywhere, the rays of light from the line of broken windows paints the city landscape. Tables and chairs were neatly lined up in front surrounded by bookshelves which glowed from the morning sun. Though they were covered in mold and weird grass that bloomed small crystal-like flowers the sight was quite eye-catching.

Taking every step inside the room, dust began to stick to the sole of my feet making me a bit uncomfortable. Looking around if there's any chance of finding something edible. No matter how unlikely it is, I'll take every chance I get.

Passing through an isle where the books from the shelves are barely recognizable from their deteriorated covers. I then noticed one of which had characters I recognize.

Not thinking it's a bad idea to get more clues, I then read the title.

'List of all registered 'Gifted' - Records from CRea Research Institute - Translated by:Ḿ̸̢̡̥͚͎̪̼͕̰̬̝͙̳̇͗̄̾̿̒□̶̘̝̫̹͉͖͓̅͗̄̋︎̵̛̲̞̜̟̟̲̯̤̌͗̍̂̌̿͑̾̄͂ͅ◆̵̝͓̀̓̚︎̷̲̫̙͚̰̳̼̘̫̲̥̰̈́̿̑͘͠͝ͅ⌘̷̡͖͓̯͓̣͈̃̆͋̄̈́̈́̋́͊︎̶̦̘̆͐̉̆̎̽̉̈́̄͗͋͝ȩ̷̧͕͙̬̹̖̦̪̮̦̏̈̎͋̾̏́̈́͆͌̕͠͝i̸̦͕̻̲̼͇̝͙̭̗̐ ̴̛͕̤̣̫̈̔̿̇̊͛̀̌̀́̀̄̀☠̶͕̤̈︎̶̨̈̈̇́́͛̃̂̔̈́̽͊̐̔̕n̶̡̨̛̯̫̠̯̯͚̹̯̟̱͚̮̊͌̉͂̈̚͝͝ͅ�̸̢̩̯̆̈́͌͝�̵̛̟̫̘̠̜̖̩͙̈͆̃̊̓̓͘̕͠ǐ̶͉̥̭̩͔̽̀̚͜͜͠⧫̶͍̝̘̦̩̯̠̗̹̗̺͖̒́̈͊︎̶̢̨̞͔̺̻̱͇̯̟́̑͋̈̾̒̈́̎́͜ą̶̢̜͍̱̫̘̪̫̺͚̘̄̌̂ͅ '

The cover looked deteriorated but I could still read most of the title.

"To think I could see Eastern Scripts here..." I was curious about what's written inside, so I skimmed through the book.

With profiles of strangers varying from elderly to children, under their names were texts I couldn't begin to comprehend.

"... Huh?..."

From simple notes describing each person to date of discovery and whose monitoring them. I saw something I shouldn't have read.

"Threat Level? ... Extermination Protocol? ... Are these people so dangerous that they should to be avoided?"

With each stating their danger like they're some sort of supernatural, my mind couldn't keep up with this new information. But the more I flipped through it's pages, the more I see extreme cases about those people and their unique power called 'Gifts'.

My face paled as I'm starting to get scared about the people who deals with this sort of stuff. With a cold chill running down my spine, I saw a familiar face on the last page.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Sex: F
Date of Discovery: June 6, 121

Threat level: Harmless [Temporary]

One of the confirmed artificially made 'Gifted' that resulted under 'Project: Samsara'. As the true nature of her 'gift' was still unclear. She will be under the supervision of Frolique Sorlaies.

(Last updated on December 12, 125)

Extermination Protocol: [Temporary]
Given her weak constitution, any form of violence against her will be fatal.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

[Why the fuck am I here?!]

I stood there frozen in shock knowing my life as a potential target by these people.

Although I've been labeled as 'Harmless,' it would only be temporary. If by chance they deemed me dangerous just because they said so, then I'm done for, whether I liked it or not.

I examined the at the 1x1 picture, it only showed younger version of my new self. Aside from her strawberry red hair color being more prominent than my current one. I still had hopes of not being found out-


Despite the deteriorated quality of the pictures inside, my silhouette was already a dead give away.

For the first time in my second life, I didn't like having animal ears as it could cost me my life. I instantly covered my ears in fear that someone might be watching me.

After reading something that I could be better not knowing, It added another potential problem I have to face.

'Frolic Sorlaies'

"I guess I should look out for that person..."

Glancing back at the pages, the dates written inside made me estimate how much time had passed since my death.

Sighing as I already accepted my fate, I placed the book on the table so I could get back to it later when I have the time and clear mind.

Continuing to look around for a bit, my concentration has already gone awry as I already forgot what I'm supposed to do. Since I couldn't remember, it wouldn't be bad idea to explore this room a bit more.

I gathered the books from the floor and sorting them out from things I could and couldn't read. The total of those I could were measly 4 and all of them were things about genetics, biology, anatomy and artificial compatibility.

Though I skimmed through them, I couldn't really focus much to its contents as it was hard to understand. I'm becoming more mentally exhausted as it doesn't help at the fact my vision is starting to get blurry from time to time.

Despite I originally came in looking for something, I wasted my time feeling stressed about uncertain dangers that might befall me.

- - - - -

"... N-nothing..."

Leaving the room feeling dejected and not finding anything useful. A glint of hope soon shined through my eyes. Reminding me on what I'm looking for. I think.

While I was aimlessly wandering around, I stumbled across an open room beyond the exit. With a sink in sight I made a run for the faucet-

"Hngh! Haah... Hahh...M-mrgh!... W-why?!"

-but I couldn't reach the handle from either side.

I was frustrated but calmed down after seeing a conveniently placed portable plastic steps next to the large bathtub.


Stumbling on the way that almost made me embarrassingly slip and fall, I managed to regain my balance before grabbing the to stepping stool and place it by the sink.

Using it, I quickly turned on the faucet and wait for the water to come out.


With the faint sound of water gurgling, the faucet sprayed down to the sink.


The water sprayed had rusty color. I was reluctant to drink from it at first but noticing it slowly starts to clear up, I then cupped my hands and filled it with water. Smelling it just in case, I drank from it the moment I think it's safe.


Feeling my throat is relieved, I looked up and noticed a foggy mirror in front of me.

Wiping it with my hands, the same child I saw before had her white hair messed up while looking at me straight in the eye. With bags starting to form, her complexion worsened compared to when I first saw her.

[I should probably take care of myself more...]

With the pitiful state of my reflection made me realize how fragile this body can be. As the reason I'm still conscious right now is because of my ungrounded persistence, but it will soon crumble if I kept on pushing this body's limits toward its breaking point.

"Let's... rest for now..."

Looking towards the bathtub, I thought to myself what better way of relieving fatigue than taking a nice warm bath.


Only my stomach protested making me remember why I went out in the first place.

"I-I'll find something to eat l-later..."


Filling the mossy tub with water since I didn't bother to clean, I dipped my feet as the water level was halfway full.

"... Woah! It's somehow warm!"

Being glad not having to bath in cold water, I beamed in excitement as I know this will be the most refreshing bath since I got here.

With the uncomfortable feeling of sweat all over my body was starting to get to me, even the hair I kept hugging until now felt sticky now that I've mentioned it.

Since I had nothing on me from the get go, I went inside and submerged myself before popping back out for some air.

After soaking my body, I grabbed a bar of soap from inside the cabinet below the sink, I then began foaming it and rubbed my hands all over my body. As I'm doing that, my gaze shift towards my crotch.

"... Ah..."

While I had no trouble washing my chest, totally not because I'm so flat that I forgot I was a girl for a moment, I debated whether I have the right to touch it or not.


Staring at it after a while, erotic thoughts are starting to scare me rather than arousal. My hands shook in fear just from the thought of touching it maliciously. Feeling uncomfortable about the idea, I decided to clean it normally.


"Hwaah~" Resting my chin on my arms, my white fluffy hair began float on top of my back.

Having thought of hair that go below knee-level is quite tedious to maintain as my hands already felt numb just by the strenuous effort of washing it.

"But... It was quite worth it." I said with my soft voice under my breath.

Sniffing it as it doesn't smell of sweat and body odor, I look forward for it to dry as I start to imagine the sheer fluffiness when I touch it.

"... Hehe..."

With my eyes start to feel heavy, I let it take over as I probably need it. Dozing off, I dreamt about my hair being used as a soft body pillow with a small smile on my face.

* * *

The sound of dripping water from the ceiling filled the dark corridor. From the pile of corpses that had been devoured, it shook the ground in their wake.

"... Mo... mmy?..."

Their distorted voices echoed as the creature whose size reached the ceiling of the narrow corridor slowly crawled with its deformed fleshy limbs.

Leaving behind trail of pinkish residue, the lights from the corridor flicker as they slowly disappeared into the darkness.

* * *

"E-kshu~ Ngah! I shouldn't have slept inside the tub..."

With a cute sneeze, a not so cute snot dripped down from my nose. My body wouldn't stop shivering so I wrapped myself in towels. I was lucky that there were some inside the cabinet, if not then I'll be put through so much hell.

Aside from keeping me warm, they also could be used for alternative clothes. With one wrapping around my waist acting as a skirt, the larger one I tied both corners like a cape as my top.

Walking around this maze-like floor, I'm starting to get used to this creepy looking corridor as there wasn't anything scary or dangerous happening, it just looked like a well decorated haunted house now that I think of it.

Passing by rooms that wouldn't open how much I tried. I eventually found a room that had a bed, though it had an empty wardrobe some reason, I decided that it will be my new room from now on.

With other rooms not worth mentioning, I also avoided doors with suspicious red stains near them, as they looked more like death flags if I ever decided to enter.

Almost fully mapping out the dim place internally, I took a turn to the left to complete it.


In the distance, I saw a faint glow in one of the intersections. Upon arriving there, I saw a large staircase with steps that heights half my knee.

I had two options at hand: Climb up or Head down.

Taking a peek on what's below, I could barely see anything as it was too dark.

"... Nope..." The stairway continued to descend into the darkness which made me want to pick the other one.

Climbing back to where I came from, I looked at the path going up. Seeing patches of light where covering the shadowed concrete walls, I instinctively knew I had to go there first as it feels like the safest option.

Having no hesitation left I climbed up the stairs-




"FINALLY!!! ... At... Haah... Last... Haaahaha..."

Reaching the end of the stair that seemed never-ending with this pathetic body of mine. I rest my body on the door to catch my breath.

There were times that I stepped on my hair almost making me fall down to the ground which I always had a mini heart attack every time that happened. If someone could see me right now, they wouldn't hesitate to call an ambulance thinking that there's a dying child in front of them.

"O-okay! This better be good!"

Declaring as such I pushed the door with all my might.


Strong gusts of air passed through the gaps as I struggled to open it. With a bit more effort, the wind suddenly weakened making me flop on the ground bruising my button nose red. The door slammed to the other side making a crash loud enough to hear from down below.

"Mrngh! Why does everything feel like they're against me!"

I shout to no one.

Kneeling down on the ground scrapping my knee a bit, the gentle breeze brushed my flowy white hair. Raising my head, I froze from the sight in front of me causing mixed feelings inside my heart.

As I exhaled, buildings reached out the afternoon sky as everything fall into ruins with giant trees that grew from those towering broken structures, everything felt so broken where no amount of effort can fix it.

However, beyond the horizon was a thick wall of thorns covering the entire city like a cage. Though it was barely noticeable, it's shape and slight bending of light in the distance were the indication that it was there.

Getting right back up, I went on full autopilot and just gaze the entirety of the view around me.

Walking toward the railings as leaves from the giant tree behind flutter past me, I looked down below as everything was covered in fog, barely making out what's down below.

Everything was static as the sudden song of birds played in the distance.

It was like the world in front of me kept saying 'You're all alone and free to do whatever you want, consequences won't matter as there'll be no one to judge you.'.

With an empty void filling in my heart, there was probably no one here that I could rely on. As the vast forest surrounds the ruined caged city, it felt like everyone had abandoned me.

So with an indifferent expression I paint my face, I looked around the rooftop just to pass some time.


As the sun sets into the horizon, I sat on the ledge snacking on the leaves I gathered from the giant tree at the back. As the wind swayed my hair, the sweet taste from those leaves filled my mouth. Although it was somewhat appetizing, it still wasn't enough to make me full.

I took a glance at the plants I taste-tested before.

The lime colored grass that had a golden cotton ball attached to a straw taste like raw flour, when I tried to put it inside my mouth, I immediately coughed it out as it was too dry.

Moving on to the next was the dark green and white moss that traumatized me. I could still remember the bitter taste and the unbearable itch it caused to my tongue. I really had to run back down to drown myself in water. It really was tiring running up and down to those stairs...

After that incident, I decided to take a nibble rather than a full blown gobble. With limited variety of plants here, the only thing that was acceptable to my palate were the leaves from the tree and the flowers growing here and there.

When the stars are getting visible, I called it a day and went back down again. As I walked through the corridor, I noticed a blue glow I didn't notice before. I was at the darkest parts so it's understandable that I may have passed something without my knowing.

"G... 1, 2, 3 ...9... 10.."

There, a set of buttons counting up to ten, lit inside the pitch-black corner. I tried pressing one of them and see what happens.




With neon blue lights showing an arrow pointing up, beside it was the letter 'G' turning to 1... 2... and continued counting up until it stopped at 10.

I stood idly, sometimes playing with my hair, while I wait for the elevator door to open. It kept making mechanical sounds so I waited patiently as I thought it was too rusty and had trouble opening the door.

With a minute of waiting, the door finally moved.


But it didn't prepare me for what I saw next.

* * *

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