Marvel's Black Steel

Chapter 240: Chapter 238: Beaten Unconscious!

Because of Scott's stupidity in daring to attack me, the destruction I inadvertently caused prompted numerous weapons hidden in the ground to emerge as they pointed at Jean, Scott, and I, though they didn't start attacking as their appearance was merely a warning; however, Scott didn't heed their warning.

"Y-You must've done something to her! You sick bastard! I-I'll kill you!" Yelled Scott furiously as he glared at Tut before blasting him with another intense beam of energy, further destroying the garden.

Clicking my tongue, I raised my hand, blocking Scott's energy beam that relentlessly slammed into my hand, though what really annoyed me was that because of him attacking me, the weapons activated and fired upon him, yet Jean also just so happened to be in the way, which pissed me off. It's one thing to attack me, but putting someone I cared about in harm's way was too much, not even considering that Scott's actions were purely because of his stupidity and jealousy.

Swiftly reaching Jean before the bullets even managed to travel a foot, I placed her far out of harm's way before returning to the front of the X-mansion, where Scott was continuously blasting the spot I had previously been as he was far too slow to register that I had moved from that spot. However, luckily for him, I raised my hand and ejected my aura into the air, creating something akin to an invisible shield as the air itself gained the same durability as me; while it may have been slightly tempting, I wasn't going to just sit back and watch him Scott get killed, I was nowhere near that upset with him… Yet.

'Tsk, and with how he's acting, he might push me to that level.' Thought Tut with an annoyed expression as his perception returned to normal, causing time, which had been near-frozen, to resume.

"DIE!!" Yelled Scott furiously as he continued to blast his energy beam into the ground, not even noticing Tut had vanished.

Glancing at the mansion, I heard the X-Men running to the front to see what the hell alerted the perimeter defenses, with Psylocke arriving first, and if I weren't in an irritated mood, I would've taken my time appreciating how sexy she was.

"Scott!! What are you doing!?" Exclaimed Psylocke loudly as she looked at Scott, who stopped attacking while sporting a faint smirk, only for him to gnash his teeth when he saw Tut.

"I'm killing him! He's manipulating Jean! I know it! He's controlling her somehow! Help me kill him!" Declared Scott furiously as he pointed at Tut, who removed his shirt, revealing his muscular chest that caused Psylocke to raise an eyebrow.

"Don't interfere, Psylocke. I'm going to teach this bitch nigga a lesson." Stated Tut sternly as he side-glanced at Psylocke while raising his fists before shifting his focus to Scott, who attacked once more.

Side-stepping the energy beam, I swiftly neared Scott and punched his stomach, knocking him off his feet as he flew a few feet backward before tumbling on the ground; however, Scott had spent most of his childhood training to be an X-men, so he wouldn't be taken down by such a weak punch, which was exactly what I wanted.

"Stand the fuck up, hoe as nigga; I'm not through with you yet!" Said Tut angrily as he snorted while walking toward Scott, who was holding his stomach in pain.

As I approached Scott, I felt a slight stinging sensation in my head, as if someone pricked me with a needle, causing me to glance at Psylocke, who was looking at me with a wry expression.

"Telepathy doesn't work on me, Psylocke. Also, I don't want to hurt you, so just stay out of this; my beef is with this dumb ass nigga." Remarked Tut in annoyance as he glared at Psylocke, who furrowed her brows while stepping forward.

"I don't wish to fight. I just want to calm things down; I understand you're angry, but let's try to talk things out first." Said Psylocke firmly as she looked at Tut, though the moment she finished speaking, a massive beam of energy erupted from Scott's eyes.

Being engulfed within Scott's energy beam, which was far stronger than before, I was momentarily taken aback as I felt a faint stinging pain from my whole body; it was nothing I hadn't felt before, but I was surprised that I was even feeling any pain to begin with.

'Tsk, Scott could've never done this before. What the hell did Apocalypse do to mutants?' Thought Tut in annoyance as he firmly stood his ground amidst the explosive torrent of energy from Scott's eyes.

Shaking my head, I lowered my stance and forced my way through the energy beams, similar to a certain Saiyan, before reaching forth and clutching Scott's face, covering his eyes and stopping the torrent of energy.

"What's up with all the commotion?" Asked Logan with a grunt as he glanced at Psylocke before shifting his focus to Tut and Scott.

"I don't fully know, but these two are fighting; help me break them apart, Logan." Said Psylocke quickly as she manifested a psionic lasso, which she used to wrap around Tut's wrist, stopping him from punching Scott.

"Stop that boy? Tsk, as if; I ain't scared of a soul, but I know when to pick my battles, and I'm not standing in the way of him just because of a little scuffle… I will watch, though." Remarked Logan with a scoff as he plopped onto the bench beside him, causally watching as Psylocke attempted to stop Tut.

Glancing at the faint purplish psionic lasso wrapped around my wrist, I turned and glanced at Psylocke, who had dug her feet into the ground to stop me. Yanking my arm forward and pulling her with me, I grabbed Psylocke's collar while staring directly into her purple eyes, which were the same as mine.

"I strongly feel we could be good friends, so I'll say it once more: don't interfere." Stated Tut sternly as he narrowed his eyes at Psylocke before casually tossing her back toward Logan, who, surprisingly, caught her.

"I suggest you listen to him… Cigar?" Said Logan lightly as he glanced at Psylocke, who was on his lap, before offering a cigar, which she refused.

With Psylocke out of the equation, I was free to pummel this stupid ass nigga for a little bit, which was precisely what I did; with my hand covering his eyes, leaving him practically defenseless, I punched him in the stomach before slamming him into the ground, causing his brain to rattle as I knocked him unconscious, causing me to grunt in annoyance. I preferred throwing hands like real men, but I could sense other people coming, and I wasn't in the mood to explain myself, so I had to cut his beating short, unfortunately for me.

Dusting my hands off, I swiftly brought Jean back to the front of the mansion as Mr. McCoy had long since deactivated the weapons.

"Love you, Jean." "Um, yeah, l-love you as well." Said Tut and Jean, respectively, as the former leaned down and kissed the latter, who reciprocated before looking at Scott in slight anger.

Giving Jean's butt a little slap, I glanced at the mansion, where I saw multiple people, including the Professor, exit, prompting me to vanish as I flew away before they could attempt to even question me.

However, since I was still quite upset, I spent the next few hours helping people across the globe, which helped cool me off, and I would've continued to do so if it weren't for the fact that I had heard someone call me.



Floating in front of the CEO's office of Frost Technologies, I hovered toward the built-in glass door, which Emma had made specifically for me.

"Yo, what's up beautiful?" Asked Tut with a faint smirk as he winked at Emma, who raised her head before flashing a charming smile.

"Should you really be flirting with another woman when you have two beautiful girlfriends?" Asked Emma lightly with a raised eyebrow as she leaned back while eyeing Tut, whose expression twitched.

"I know you're tracking people close to me, but it's only been a few days since then." "Heh, when it comes to you, I don't cut any corners with my information." Remarked Tut and Emma, respectively, as the former suspiciously eyed the latter, who smirked and winked.

Rolling my eyes, I sat in front of her desk and grabbed the figurine of Blacksteel.

"Damn, this niggga is pretty sexy." Muttered Tut with a faint smirk as he observed the Blacksteel figurine before glancing at Emma.

"So, what's this about? Is Frost Technologies entering the toy market?" Asked Tut curiously as he gazed at Emma, who floated the figurine to her hands.

"It's the plan, but I figured I should ask for your consent first… I wouldn't want Blacksteel to sue me." Replied Emma with a nod as she played with the figurine before glancing at Tut, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, go for it. It would help me become more likable. Despite what I do, a large population still isn't fond of me." Said Tut with a nod as he leaned back in his chair while kicking his feet onto Emma's desk, causing her face to twitch.



If I was Tut I would just fuck Jean in front of Scott while he watches, though that's just me 🤷🏾‍♀️

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