Marvel World New Magneto

031 After the fact

With Mary's immature control ability, it's too early to want to use advanced skills, but Eric must support her. He would rather take some risks himself than let Mary leave too much regret in her heart. That would make her future growth path more difficult.

Eric stretched out his hand, and Mary hesitated for a while. She didn't know if she was doing the right thing. After all, Eric was not the wolverine with super self-healing ability, and the skills she was going to use were still immature. Maybe she was saving pregnant women. Before he succeeded, Eric had been sucked out of all his energy by her.

Seeing the female disciple's hesitation, Eric smiled and motioned her to do what she wanted, time waits for no one.

Mary looked at the doctor who came to rescue and dropped the pacemaker. The pregnant woman fell down again after being convulsed by the electric shock. She gritted her teeth, held Eric's finger, and put her other hand on the unknown. on a woman.

Now, Eric is about to touch the black hole again.The feeling he had experienced in the tavern where he first met Mary reappeared. This time it was due to negligence after the new life. This time it was sent to the door. For whatever reason, he had to suffer the emptiness again. torture to the extreme.

Different from the unpreparedness last time, this time holding the cold hand again, the consumption of power will be much gentler. Under the control of both parties, the vitality will flow quietly. When the gram and the pregnant woman are connected, the strong side naturally flows to the weak side, so that the two become balanced.

At first, Eric only felt tired, as if he relaxed after a long day of work. This relaxation was accompanied by a strong sense of hunger, and then spread to every part of the body, and gradually even the beating of the heart became difficult. The palms of his hands involuntarily broke out with cold sweat, as wet as his back, and soon an inexplicable paralysis spread rapidly on the surface of his body. He was like a patient who had suffered a stroke. There was a murmur in his ears, and his eyes were black.

This state is very difficult, and Eric knows that Mary is also in a difficult situation. She must carefully control herself to avoid sucking up both the respected mentor and the woman whose vitality is almost extinct at the same time.Seeing the girl sweating profusely, he wanted to comfort him, but found that his tongue was a little out of control.

The woman on the stretcher moved her eyelids, and she began to accept the vitality from Eric. The doctor who had given up hope shouted something to Mary in surprise, and then nearby doctors came to rescue her.

After such a short time, Eric was close to the limit, but Mary's extraction was still not over. There were times when she almost wanted to give up. It was Eric who tried to stop her with his eyes. Why he did this, and whether it was for Mary, even he couldn't tell.

Just when he was about to lose his hold, a hand was placed on his and Mary's, and then another hand came up, and then another... His students all put their hands up and held The girl who used to be extremely fearful, although their strength is meager, but through unity and concerted efforts, the pregnant woman finally relieved her breath.

Her chest rose and fell slowly, and there was a trace of blood on her face.

The doctors looked at the patients in surprise, trying to find the root cause of the miracle. The reporters recorded it all. Although they did not know Mary's abilities, they could guess that the mutants injected their vitality into the dying pregnant woman. In the body, so that she can get rid of the claws of death.

Seeing this scene, even the uncrowned kings who were the most acerbic in character and who were usually the least shy of guessing others with malice cheered.

After simply taking a note, Eric tried to send the reporter off and led the students back to their cars. At this time, the traffic had resumed smoothly, and the moving car took the passengers on the road again.

"Sorry sir, we didn't do well today." Finally recovering from his weakness, Eric regained his energy. He looked at his students, and when he saw his eyes swept over, the students apologized.

What they did is really not good enough. Although they had undergone special training some time ago, from today's action, they still have many problems in details, and they cooperated bluntly and failed to show all the skills they learned.But Eric didn't want to criticize them. In his opinion, today's young people have done well enough. Now is not the time to begrudge students. As long as you give the students confidence, the remaining problems can be solved slowly.

"You guys did a great job," Eric praised. "Although it looks simple and rude, please remember that simplicity is beauty in many cases. You basically achieved your goal according to our plan. I am very happy."

"But people still died, right under our noses, and we couldn't save them." The bloody scene in the school shocked the young people, and they still can't accept the fact that those people were just killed by lunatics.

"That's not your fault. The killing was already in progress before our car stopped. It was you who saved the people at stake. You are heroes." Eric slapped the young men on the shoulders one by one, encouraging them.

With his encouragement, the young people gradually emerged from the dark clouds. After all, they were only in their teens, and they were only a few years older than those elementary school students. Their minds would not stay in one place for a long time, and soon their Emotions returned to normal.

Eric strikes while the iron is hot and praises them.

"Today I am not only happy for your successful completion of the rescue operation, but also proud that I can have such excellent students. You are not only capable, but also full of the noblest spirit in human nature. I am proud of you." He waved He started to talk, and the young people were coaxed into smiles by him.

In this way, under Eric's leadership, on this day they not only visited the respectable legend, but also rescued an elementary school on the way back, and rescued innocent people from the mobs of mobs in public.This experience is not as simple as young people think, it is profound and will have a positive effect on the future of mutants.

Back at the academy and sending the students back to the dorm, Eric went outside alone.

"Sorry, Eric, no one could have predicted such an accident." A man was waiting for him, and he explained when he saw his figure.

"Don't worry about it," Eric replied. "It's better than we expected, there's crime, there's redemption, it's thrilling, and the media will help us get everything we want to show in front of the public. I'd say our original script wasn't as exciting, though It was bloody and scared the kids, but we did save the whole school, didn't we?"

The man smiled, and the yellow pupils were full of charm, and she also felt that this was indeed a not bad accident.

"So, how does it deal with it?" the man asked, pointing to a cage. A ferocious gray-haired beast was locked in an iron fence the thickness of a thumb. It was opening its blood-red mouth and fangs at Eric.

"It doesn't look friendly enough." Eric said, looking at the saliva flowing from the big blood-red mouth, as if he understood what he said, the beast slammed against the cage and roared in a low voice.

The next moment, a fence turned into a sharp thorn, piercing its eyebrows.

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