Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 87 – Not option [2]

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When Ross completed his transformation, Prime and Sara were already standing side by side, watching the red monster with a fierce gaze fixed on them. Though not as intense as in their last fight, Prime could still feel the heat emanating from Ross.

"Looks like it's gonna be the same as last time" Prime commented, sighing as he remembered the destruction they both caused on the bridge.

"No, this time it's gonna be different" replied Ross, veins pulsing throughout his body. "This time, I'm gonna destroy you completely" Ross concluded.

Upon hearing Ross's words, Prime sighed again. Despite coming there with the intention of talking, things ended up as he had predicted. Prime was never very optimistic about the possibility of convincing Ross without having to impose his perspective.

"I said it would end like this. You owe me 100 bucks" Sara commented next to Prime, with a smug smile on her face.

Prime nodded with a wry smile as he watched Ross. For some reason, when it came to people, Sara usually had accurate premonitions. Although he had sincerely wondered why this didn't work at the X Mansion, he decided it was because Sara wasn't thinking much about it at the time.

Before responding to Sara, Prime's body dissipated on the spot. Next, Sara was engulfed by a crimson mass. In a few seconds, both transformed, almost reaching Ross's height. Prime and Sara, now transformed, rose as they faced Ross.

"No worries, if I still remember it tomorrow, of course" Prime replied.


With a thunderous roar from Ross, he charged at Prime, who reacted promptly. The two grappled in a strength fight. Although Prime felt they were evenly matched, he noticed Ross's body heat increasing with every moment.

Regardless, Prime wasn't aiming to win in a strength game. With that thought in mind, his arms began to wrap around Ross's, and in a few seconds, something akin to handcuffs formed around Ross's arms.

Next, tentacles grew from Prime's back. His plan was to ensnare Ross in a kind of cocoon, attempting to make him faint from lack of oxygen. Although Prime didn't know if Ross, in his transformed form, needed oxygen, he thought it was worth a try. However, contrary to Prime's initial imagining, Ross roared and, surprising Prime, managed to break free from the tentacles.

"Don't think I showed all my strength in our last fight. That was just a test" Ross said, his veins pulsing from neck to face.

Immediately after, Ross swiftly grabbed Prime's head and, employing all his strength, repeatedly slammed it against the ground in an unrelenting motion. Then, with a swift arc, he tossed Prime into the air. Though Ross's attacks weren't fatal to Prime, they were powerful enough to leave him dazed.

Prime flew for a few seconds before colliding with the ground and starting to roll, shaking his head to regain his senses. As he got back up, Prime closely surveyed the environment around him. He noticed a crowd of people gathered around him. Surprisingly, Prime found himself in the amusement park, a place he personally tried to avoid, knowing it could put innocent people in danger.

(He's giving us a real beating, this is definitely gonna hurt tomorrow) Sara commented in Prime's mind, her voice somewhat shaken.

"Ah, looks like he got you good too" Prime replied with a hint of irony.

As Prime and Sara exchanged words, a noise cut through the air, catching Prime's attention. His eyes fixed on the point of origin of the sound and spotted Ross advancing towards him, holding a car. Although he mentally questioned where Ross had obtained the vehicle, Prime understood it was time to act, not to hesitate.

Extending a tentacle from his hand, Prime lunged it toward a pole, wrapping it tightly around. In a swift motion, Prime propelled himself toward the pole, narrowly avoiding the spot where Ross had collided with the car. Without interrupting his assault, Prime used the pole as a point of leverage to launch himself toward Ross.

Ross, still recovering from his failed attack against Prime, was taken by surprise as the hero's hand grabbed his face. In a fluid and swift movement, Prime flung Ross's head against the ground, causing it to violently collide with the concrete.

However, Prime was promptly interrupted by Ross, who sent him airborne with a powerful kick. Agile as ever, Prime executed a somersault in the air, repositioning himself before touching the ground. However, before he could fully recover, Ross lunged at him. Although Prime managed to block Ross's attack, he wasn't fast enough.

With a precise blow, Ross hurled Prime toward the food stalls. Luckily, there was no one nearby; since Prime's arrival at the park, most people had already fled, leaving only the spectators recording the scene and those who were too petrified to move.

Putting that aside, Prime realigned his focus on Ross. As he expected, the opponent charged at him again. From Prime's perspective, Ross wasn't extraordinarily fast, though he surpassed an average human. Prepared for the clash, Prime awaited Ross's move. When he advanced again, Prime swiftly sidestepped and prepared to counterattack.

Transforming his hand into a hammer, Prime delivered a precise blow to Ross's head, sending him flying a considerable distance, straight towards the roller coaster.

Immediately after, Prime launched himself towards Ross. However, upon landing, he was met only with a small crater, which he presumed to be the spot of Ross's fall. However, upon examining the surroundings, he found not even the slightest sign of Ross's presence.

(Has he vanished?) Sara questioned in Prime's mind.

"I highly doubt it. I'm sure he's still around..."

Before Prime could even finish his response, he was brutally struck in the back, sending him towards the roller coaster tracks. However, in a swift move, Prime extended his tentacles and spun on the tracks, avoiding the imminent impact.

"A dirty blow even for you, Ross" Prime commented ironically, turning to face his opponent.

After striking Prime with a pole, Ross briefly observed him before releasing him. Prepared to counterattack, Prime remained alert. However, suddenly, a loud noise echoed, capturing the attention of both Prime and Sara.

(What's that loud noise?) Sara commented in Prime's mind.

Of course, Prime wondered exactly the same thing. As he turned his gaze, he was met with carts rapidly heading in his direction, each one occupied by children and teenagers.

"You've got to be kidding me, right? I do much better at destroying than saving" Prime remarked, his voice overflowing with desperation.

(Prime, now's not the time for reflections, we need to act fast) Sara urgently said echoing in Prime's mind.

With Sara's warning, Prime regained his focus, directing his gaze back to Ross. He clenched his fist and forcefully collided it with Ross's fist. Although Prime didn't understand why Ross had abandoned the pole he was holding, it was irrelevant, as the pole posed no real threat to Prime - at most, it could tickle him. Ross was probably aware of this too, at least that's what Prime presumed.

The moment Prime's fist collided with Ross's, a powerful kinetic energy burst forth, generating a shockwave that rippled through the environment, reaching even the approaching carts. Realizing this, only one word escaped Prime's lips.


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