Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 66 – Peaceful day

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After the conversation between Peter and Prime, Peter returned to Sara's room with a radiant smile. Gwen, Ned, and Sara soon noticed that something had happened to make him so excited. Sitting in the vacant seat next to Gwen, Sara, with a playful smile, put her hand on her face as she looked at Peter and asked.

"Happy with the answers you got?" Sara asked, her gaze fixed on Peter.

"I guess so... he seems like a good person" Peter replied with a modest smile.

Hearing the exchange between Sara and Peter, Gwen and Ned exchanged confused looks. From Peter's delay in returning and his tone of voice, they both understood that he had probably met Sara's relative and that they were having an extended conversation. However, they still couldn't understand why Peter seemed to be judging Sara's relative.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Ned, while Gwen, beside him, also nodded, indicating she was equally curious.

"Um... it's nothing major," Sara replied as she stretched. "Anyway, what do you think about starting this work soon? If we finish early, we'll have more time to do something else"

Hearing Sara's words, everyone agreed and quickly got to work. Peter, Gwen, Ned, and Sara plunged into the task, and although Sara initially found it challenging due to the mathematical nature of the work, she soon got the hang of it and excelled. The group worked diligently, and an hour later, they were satisfied to have completed the task efficiently.

"Finally done" Sara commented, stretching. She could literally hear her bones cracking as she had been in the same position for almost an hour, except for the moments when she went to get water or to the bathroom.

"Now that we're done, do you guys want to do something?" Sara asked, her eyes scanning each of her friends.

"I don't have any ideas in mind, you guys can decide" Gwen remarked.

"I'm hungry" Ned replied, catching everyone's attention. "What?" Ned asked.

"Nothing, it's just that now that you've mentioned it, I'm hungry too" Sara replied, placing her hand on her stomach.

Although Sara needed to eat to nourish Prime, the same didn't apply when Prime ate something in his human form. In fact, Prime had already tested this before, but it didn't work out. Since his main body and his other form were not completely connected, eating in human form only fed that form, leaving his main body still hungry.

"So, everyone up for getting something to eat?" Sara asked, and everyone nodded in agreement.

With everyone's confirmation, the group prepared to leave. They decided to leave the work at Sara's house for convenience. After all, it would be more practical to leave it there, avoiding the hassle of carrying the materials through the streets. As they reached the living room, they found Prime, who was still sitting, working on his notebook. He noticed the approach of the young people.

"Are you heading out?" Prime asked, closing the screen of his notebook.

"We're going to grab something to eat, maybe pizza or burgers" Sara suggested, shrugging.

Hearing this, Prime thought for a few seconds. Anyway, he was already considering the idea of ​​eating something. Combining the useful with the pleasant, he concluded that it would be a good idea to accompany them.

"I'll go with you. You can order whatever you want, the bill is on me, after all, you always take such good care of my Sara at school" Prime said with a friendly smile.

Though Gwen and Ned felt somewhat uncomfortable with Sara's relative's presence, in the end, they realized they had no say in the matter. Moreover, from both their perspectives, he seemed like a pretty cool guy, so they decided to give him a chance and get to know him better. After they finished getting ready, the group headed to the elevators. Upon reaching the lobby, they exited and began walking the streets.

Prime found it ironic to live in a luxury apartment without owning a car. Well, what could he do? He hadn't had time to go to a car dealership yet. But from Prime's point of view, the kids didn't seem to mind. In fact, they didn't even seem to have noticed as they chatted happily.

After a five-minute walk, the group finally arrived at a fancy family restaurant in the neighborhood. Gwen, Ned, Peter, and Sara peered eagerly inside as their stomachs began to growl, signaling that it was time to eat.

"Let's go in" said Prime, opening the restaurant door. Followed by the kids, he entered and headed to an available table.

Although it was a fancy restaurant, no reservation was necessary. Prime had visited this restaurant before with Sara, so he knew this. In fact, he remembered Sara's smile as she savored the delicacies served according to their orders.

"Are you sure it's okay? This place seems expensive" Gwen asked as she looked around.

Gwen, Ned, and Peter also felt a bit uncomfortable about eating at that place. When Sara invited them to eat, they all thought they would go to a more casual restaurant or something.

"Don't worry" Prime said with a reassuring smile. "As I said, I'll pay for everything, so feel free to order whatever you want"

Peter, Ned, and Gwen exchanged brief glances, unsure of what to do exactly, but ended up accepting Sara's relative's kindness. During the meal, the group sampled a variety of dishes. Prime noticed that, overall, Gwen, Ned, and Peter were ordering only items they had never tried before. As the dishes arrived and were tasted, they began to relax and enjoy themselves.

"I hope you're enjoying the food. Sara and I really appreciate the dishes at this place. Since we first tried it, she fell in love with the ambiance. As she spent a lot of time alone, she wanted to take her to more places like this" Prime said, trying to start a conversation and involve everyone.

"I heard Sara lived in an orphanage for a while" Ned suddenly commented, catching everyone's attention. "And I guess maybe I shouldn't have said that, huh?"

Everyone naturally turned their gaze to Sara, mentioned in the conversation, but no matter how they looked at her, Sara seemed indifferent to the matter.

"It's okay, I really don't care much about that" Sara explained, shrugging.

Of course, Sara's words didn't instantly improve the mood, and Prime knew there wasn't much he could say to change that. However, upon noticing the suggestive smile on Sara's face, he instantly knew he was in trouble.

"By the way, what were my parents like?"

Everyone's gaze went straight to Prime as soon as Sara asked that question. Although they normally didn't care, it would be dishonest to say they weren't curious, after all, now there was someone who could answer that question.

(I know you're trying to lighten the mood, but what the hell kind of question is that? You know I have no way of knowing something like that) Prime mentally spoke to Sara, giving her a suggestive look.

(Well, in the end, you are my relative, right? So why not entertain them by telling stories from my life?) Sara replied mentally to Prime's words.

Prime's eyebrow twitched at that moment, and he sincerely wondered where Sara had gotten this playful side from. Certainly not from him. Anyway, Prime had nowhere to run.

"Honestly, I haven't been in touch with my family for years. I guess you could say I'm abandoned too, so I'm not sure how the others are. When I found out Sara was in an orphanage, I came here as fast as I could. Anyway, I don't have many memories of Sara's parents" Prime replied, sighing.

"Anyway, let's talk about something else... Why don't you guys tell me about your families? I guess you already know about ours, so it's only fair to know about yours, right?"

After that, the group continued to talk until it was late enough for everyone to go home. On the way back, Prime called a taxi for the three youngsters and sent them home. Then, Prime and Sara returned home while discussing the day.

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