Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 111 – Sparring

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Seeing the scene, Prime let out an audible whistle, surprised by Natasha's fighting skills since she didn’t seem like the type who would know how to fight. However, he reflected that considering her beauty, knowing martial arts could be an advantage in certain situations.

"Are you going to hire her? If not, I still have a spot available as my secretary"

Upon hearing Prime's comment, Pepper looked at him incredulously. Tony, on the other hand, shot a look at Prime as if a mortal enemy had suddenly appeared, causing Prime to flash a wry smile, briefly showing his slightly wild canines.

"Over my dead body"

At Tony's words, Prime let out a brief laugh. He had expected a response like that. At that moment, an idea crossed Prime’s mind: why not take the opportunity to have a little fun? Besides, it would be interesting to impress Emi once in a while. In summary, Prime decided it was a good time to stand out.

Moreover, it was true that he was interested in Natasha. From Prime’s perspective, she clearly wasn’t an ordinary person. Although he didn’t know her true identity, there was certainly a reason for her to infiltrate Tony’s circle, even if it was as an employee... or almost.

"Hey! Do you mind if I go next?"

Prime's words drew everyone’s attention. Pepper looked at him with a confused expression, while Tony showed an amused look. Emi, in turn, had her eyes shining with anticipation to see her dad in action. In summary, the stage was set for Prime’s demonstration; all that was left was for his challenger to accept.

"Sure, I don’t mind. Oh, of course, as long as Mr. Stark allows it"

Upon hearing Natasha's words, Tony merely shrugged, indicating that he didn’t care about the matter. With that, Prime walked up to the ring and, as he climbed in, got a better look at the woman. She was quite tall, especially considering that women generally don’t reach such height.

"It will be a pleasure to have this opportunity, Mr. Ryan"

Prime smiled upon hearing Natasha's words. Although she seemed a bit shy and excited, Prime noticed that she wasn’t actually nervous—she was just pretending. However, that wasn’t something that really concerned Prime.

"When you’re ready"

After saying this, Prime took his stance, trying to adopt a martial arts pose. However, despite his attempt, it wasn’t as if he actually knew any specific technique. His skills were almost instinctive, and since Natasha was human, it would be difficult for Prime to feel truly pressured. Although he had read some books on martial arts, he had never really delved into the subject.

Additionally, for Prime, the perception of the world during a fight was different. Slow attacks and vital points became his main focus. His eyes could follow most movements as if they were in slow motion. Prime would have to control himself a lot to avoid seriously hurting Natasha.

As Prime had predicted, Natasha started with a high kick aimed at his neck. However, Prime immediately noticed something wrong. The angle and position of the kick, depending on the force applied, could turn the strike into something fatal. All of this happened at a pace that seemed to be in slow motion for him.

Prime watched Natasha, who had a smile on her face as if she knew something he didn’t. This made him a bit unsettled. He wondered if she had some kind of grudge against him. He couldn’t think of another reason for a kick so aimed at a vulnerable area of his neck, especially if he were human.

Leaning his head slightly back, Prime successfully dodged Natasha's kick. However, that was only a feint, which even surprised Prime. As Natasha’s foot passed through his vision, his senses alerted him to a new attack coming from above. Although he had enough time to dodge thanks to his keen senses, Prime decided to intercept the strike.

Placing one hand over his head, Prime took the hit, which was strong enough to cause him a bit of pain. However, this wasn’t Prime’s real body; his physical strength and senses were far below what they were when he used his main body, combined with Sara.

"You have some great moves"

With Prime's words, the fight came to an end. After all, it was just a friendly sparring match. Something strange happened during the confrontation, but only Prime and Natasha noticed. That’s why Prime decided to end the fight right then and there. Moreover, he didn’t want to expose himself more than necessary, especially since he didn’t know who Natasha really was.

“You fight well too, Mr. Ryan. Do you practice any kind of martial art?”

Natasha asked, and Prime replied with a wry smile.

“Something like that”

As soon as he finished speaking, applause began to echo through the area. Prime and Natasha turned to see Tony approaching the ring. Natasha walked slowly towards him.

“Great fight, although there are still a few areas to improve”

Tony commented. Prime and Natasha ignored his words. Natasha then asked Tony to sign a document and quickly stepped away, leaving only Tony, Pepper, Prime, and Emi in the room.

“Dad, that was amazing! I barely saw her last kick”

Emi said with a smile as she approached Prime. Despite the ups and downs of the fight, Prime had achieved his goal. However, new questions arose. Natasha clearly seemed to know Prime, which wouldn’t be unusual, given that the name "Ryan" is relatively public and many people know it. However, Natasha seemed to have a deeper understanding of him than most.

“I’m surprised, Mr. Ryan. I didn’t know you had martial arts knowledge...”

Prime noticed that Pepper seemed embarrassed when she said this. From her point of view, Prime probably wouldn’t need to learn martial arts, since he wasn’t even human to begin with. His powers likely went beyond what any martial art could teach him.

“Normally, I wouldn’t need to, but humans are fascinating from my point of view, and their martial arts are interesting as well. I haven’t delved into any specific martial art, but I’ve learned at least the basics. It might come in handy in the future”

Prime joked about not being human. Upon hearing this, Pepper seemed a bit curious but also hesitant, as if afraid to ask the question.

“I’m just kidding, Ms. Pepper. You can feel at ease around me. Although I’m not human, I like to consider myself a rational being. After all, isn’t that what defines humans? Rational beings?”

At Prime’s question, Pepper nodded and gave a faint, gentle smile. Meanwhile, Prime watched Tony, who was observing the scene with an unfriendly expression, which made a smirk appear on Prime’s face.

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