Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 83: Shocked Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 83: Shocked Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 83 Shocked Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D.

After seeing the information about mutants, Tony was surprised, but deep down he still didnt care too much, confident that he could handle it.

Until he saw this headline, his face was shocked and solemn.

The devil among mutants, the Messiah?

The ability was out of control and a city was destroyed?

Tony read this news information, and the more he read it, the more shocked and numb he became.

An entire city of things and people was destroyed in this way?

To be honest, Tony doubted the authenticity of this news at this moment.

If someone can destroy a city, is he still a human being?

Until, with the help of Jarvis, he saw a video from not long ago.

A young man in black clothes floated high in the sky, his body emitting a rich light. The sun's rays were directly above his head, illuminating the entire city.

Tony was a little frightened.

Under the light, countless things, including roads, cars, houses, and people, turned into dust particles and dissipated.

When everything calmed down, only a big pit and some building debris were left on the spot, and everything else disappeared.

At this moment, Tony had to face up to the alien group of mutants, or in other words, to face up to this mutant boy.

This man is really too dangerous!

This thought came to his mind, and Tony quickly thought about whether there was any way to counter it and developed something to counter the opponent.

While thinking, Tony Stark also had some inquiring thoughts about the boy.

What kind of person is he?

Why is it possible to do such a thing as destroying a city?

Doubts emerged in his mind

Messiah among mutants...

Tony is confused here, SHIELD has already discovered something is wrong.

When they listed the anomalies one by one, all the dozen or so agents present were shocked.

Oh my God, its like were in a different world!

How did these people and things appear suddenly?

Others are okay, the changes are not too serious. What scares them the most is the addition of a group of so-called mutants!

Is it an alien race?

Nick Fury looked through the information with a solemn expression, and couldn't help but think of a foreign object obelisk that SHIELD had confiscated.

Most people who touch this thing will die, but there are some who are lucky enough to survive, but without exception, these people have all awakened their superpowers.

Their research found that there is a special alien gene in these people.

When he first saw the information about mutants, Nick Fury thought they were members of the Inhuman race. It was not until he saw subsequent information and videos that he had to overturn this conclusion.

Under the gaze of many agents and him, the young man in the sky pointed his finger into space, and then infinite light was released.

Countless buildings melted under the high temperature, fires covered the entire city, and wails could be heard everywhere.

Finally, the whole city turned into dust and scattered under the aftermath of the sun!

The sound of inhaling sounds one after another here.

Everyone felt horrified.

Nick Fury even clenched his hand, one black eye staring intently at the young man high in the sky.

He had to admit that compared to the so-called Inhumans, this mutant was a truly terrifying monster, able to do such terrifying things.

In a short period of time, an entire city was destroyed!

Whether it is the woman at the beginning or the young man who finally destroys the city, each one is extremely terrifying.

Nick Fury couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched a protruding object in his arms, a black BB machine.

This pager is used to call Captain Marvel. Nick Fury is a little unsure whether to call Captain Marvel all the way from outer space.

If there was a surprise, he would definitely be able to resist this mutant boy, or even kill him!

Nick Fury is very confident in Captain Marvel.

This mutant must be controlled. Once out of control, I cant imagine the consequences

He murmured. Nick Fury began to think about how he could capture this mutant boy with minimal casualties, and then control him to prevent him from losing control, or get rid of him.

After all, this mutant is too dangerous!

Nick Fury really doesn't understand how a mutant's small body can release such terrifying power.

He was filled with doubts.

At the same time, if nothing can be done, he will decisively call Captain Marvel back to punish this mutant!

Please investigate this mutant carefully, find his location, and formulate a solid capture plan!

Nick Fury gave the order in a deep voice.

One agent immediately responded to the order and began to take action. Several of the agents looked at each other, and a strange light flashed in their eyes.

We, Hydra, must get this terrifying weapon!

He is ours!

Hydra members were equally eager to find the boy who could destroy the city at this moment, and at the same time they analyzed his weaknesses.

As long as you are a living creature, you will definitely have weaknesses and carelessness. There can be no invincible people!

Former S.H.I.E.L.D. director, secretly hiding undercover Hydra, Alexander Pierce, thought very confidently.

As long as you find this mutant boy and successfully capture him, you can carry out a series of brainwashing work and turn him into a terrifying weapon exclusive to their Hydra!

At that time, who in the world can resist them?

Pierce was a little excited.

At the same time, SHIELD and other major organizations are still secretly investigating to find out who and what caused the world to change and so many abnormalities to appear.

While major institutions are taking action, the American people who wake up in the morning will be stunned.

Especially for people in places like Hell's Kitchen, today is an even worse day.

Who knew that when you wake up, the world becomes more dangerous?!


Damn mutants!

They couldn't help but feel afraid when they paid attention to the information about the mutants. Especially when they discovered Su Yao's information, they became even more silent.

These monsters, especially this freak!

Damn it, wont I wake up the next day and be dead?

At this moment, they feel insecure as never before.

While major organizations are taking action, and even superheroes are taking action, Su Yao is working hard to collect energy points.

Under the sunlight, the energy points continue to rise.

Light energy +1

Light energy +1

Su Yao also knew that there would definitely be many people looking for him.

Looks like Im going to have to disguise myself a little bit.

He threw away the black clothes he had been wearing and decided to find a new one later, and at the same time turned the venom into a black mask, covering most of his face.

I just dont know how long it can be delayed. I just hope that my strength can be restored before those people come.

I dont know how Casillas is doing, and whether he has obtained those Cosmic Cube energy weapons.

Thinking about this very capable tool man, Su Yao's eyes showed curiosity. f reeweb

The next second, his attention was directed to Casillas.

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