Seeing the small beating light in the middle of the black canvas I conjured, I had the compulsion to push forth and so I did.

A rectangular block, one that defied any designed or notable aspect of physics, as a planet and then created another one – a donot – with a very small beating light in the middle.

I dotted the black canvas with tiny white lights and then created wisps of gasses that orbited everything in the canvas, truly a work of art. 

Looking at the picture of the solar system I just drew, a pleased smile couldn't help but find its way to my face. 

Creation. One born from Infinity. 

Itching to test the lengths of my abilities, the canvas glowed in green and started flickering rapidly. 

The stars that were scattered across the canvas blinked in fast motion while the satellites and planets orbited faster than a jet turbine while the biggest little ball of beating light grew bigger and glowed brighter with intensity. 

I don't know how long it went on, time and distance were but limited in my comprehension now, but it shouldn't have been that long before I told myself to stop. 

When I looked into the impossible planets in the canvas I had created, I was surprised. 

People, aliens, of different types walked around and transported themselves with sophisticated machines. It was a very lively system as I sat back and watched the canvas with the gaze of a professional painter, a proud smile on his face as he adored yet another masterpiece created with his hands. 

The planet had been around for at least over 500,000+ years, its history etched into the very fabric of the universe and I think someone there had an foresight ability because that statue looks eerily similar to me. 

I kept the canvas in one of my spatial dimensions for safekeeping since I didn't want it to mold or lose its quality over time. 

'Now for the next part.'

I think I've been away from Earth for too long since the time I fused with the Time and Reality Stone. Looking once more at the universe in all its starry glory, everything around me rearranged itself to the picture of Earth I last had. 


"He's going to have it when he comes back, isn't he?" Yelena asked as she looked at the frowning Ororo. 

"I'm back."



Okay maybe I was too quick because even now I could see myself already fusing with the two stones before…!! 

He exploded into lights! 

When the fuck did that happen? 

"Uhm Draul? How can you be back so soon when you just left?" Steve looked at me with confusion and slight apprehension. 

"It's because he's already fused with the last two stones – most importantly the Time Stone." The Ancient One supplied before tilting her a head a bit towards me. "And I believe congratulations on your ascension should be due."

"Don't worry about that. It was the most trippiest experience I've ever had." The others looked at me with various expressions but once they saw, or found out, no change in me, they visibly relaxed. 

"In other words, this entire fight could have been avoided had you fused with all the stones sooner. Am I right?" Bucky asked as he dusted his body after standing up from the ground he laid down on. 

I shrugged. "Most probably, yes." In my defense though, I was still fusing with the two other stones and there was no way I could squeeze the two most complex Infinity Stones into it. I then turned to the two sorcerers and the stowaway, "I guess this is where I bid you all 'till next time'. You have quite the lot to do." I said, referencing to the ley lines and their dead members. 

"That we do. I assume you have no intention of helping out?" She asked. 

"I've helped out the most I can. You guys can take care of the rest. And I also need some sleep." I also didn't mention that I could still feel Dormammu thrashing around in the Dark Dimension due to my own connection with it. 

A part of the Dark Dimension was as mine as it was Dormammu and it was for that reason that Dormammu was very angry. 

Maybe I should pay him a visit very soon. I'm 90% sure the fight would go very differently even if the shackles weren't in place. 

"Come on guys. Let's go home."


It's been six months, currently 2008, since I absorbed the universe and in the last six months, things have been crazy to say the least. 

First of all was that humans had blamed the metahumans first for what had happened. I mean, it's not surprising that they would because there had been no footage(a mistake on my part that I was quick to remiss due to the constant pestering of my headstrong girlfriend) of the attack except the witness of government agencies and the victims involved. 

Since my satellites were involved, all I did was give Fury the access to the files and the man was thankful. The world was in so much chaos than the time I had melted off the top of the Olympus Mons. 

During the last six months, the other people in the house had taken most of their time in training since there was not much they could do. Unexpectedly, the person with the highest development had been Yelena. 

Yes, there was an absence of the Speed Force in Marvel but that didn't mean that there wasn't a similar force. My fear was that she was getting fast, way too fast, that I wouldn't be surprised if she punched a hole or ran through the barrier of this reality into another. And the fact that her physical state got stronger the faster she got meant that she could exchange blows with anyone in the house, bar me of course. 

Yelena aside, the others were coming along splendidly with their abilities. Ororo would be right behind Yelena when it came to how high she's taken her abilities. She was a fully fledged Goddess so it was par the course that her growth rate would be phenomenal and it hasn't been anything but. 

A few days after our battle, she had left the house to go over to the Mansion due to how the news channels had started portraying the incident. America had a dark sky for the next three days and they were even fearing floods if the weather persisted, thankfully it had not. 

The X-men tried as much as they could to help but even though Sublime was gone, the hate was still there. Though not as irrational as it once was, it nevertheless was still there as it was basic human nature to fear anything different from them, more so when they were no longer at the top of the food chain. 

I didn't focus much on the humans of Earth and their petty issues because that was what it was to me at this point; It was all pettiness. 

They had been forced to hurry up with their meta liberation movement with Krakoa which had managed to draw both Natasha and Yelena to its cause which in turn had drawn in Steve and Bucky – lucky them. 

For my part, well I'd been living life fast – literally. I once went to the Dark Dimension to comfort Dormammu and that had been a good fight, a very heated one in fact, though it still didn't stop my inevitable encroachment, something Dormammu seemed to realize. 

Just like the way he brought along the Dark Dimension with him, I also brought the universe with me anywhere I went because this was me – in all forms of the word. To be honest the fight had been rather pointless as none of us were able to completely suppress the other though we both knew that that was bound to change as time went on. 

Despite my ardent reluctance at the idea, Ororo with a Yelena tag team finally managed to get me out of the house to do something productive – volunteer work… at a budding mutant nation. 

To say I was livid would be an understatement. 

I had tried as much as possible as I possibly could to steer clear of the dependency that the mutant kind had and leave them to their own devices but NO! It just had to find a way to rope me in. 

Natasha was of the mind to put an intent warding barrier all over the island but I had no comment to make on it since I fully well knew that I wasn't going to be doing that(even looked into the future to make sure), regardless of the fact that I could do that with a snap of a finger – something I think they thought I would do if they managed to enlist my help, but jokes on them. 

Oh and guess what? Little miss righteous(Ororo) had taken it upon herself to help the Scarlet Witch after she found out about her condition. To say I didn't have a slight panic would be lying. 

Sure she was a child and wasn't the 616 version, but what I saw when I truly looked at her was enough for me to understand that her potential completely dwarfed this universe….astronomically. 

She really was such a cheat code. 

Girl was a mess when Ororo found her and I'm kinda glad she's getting help. When Ororo had asked me for help on Wanda's case, I had immediately referred her to the Ancient One. 


You seriously didn't think I was about to take her in, did you? 

I had nothing against the girl, even liked her a little bit, and even though I was as big as a whole universe, my heart wasn't(or so I always tell myself). I was not a good teacher and if there ever was someone who could really teach her and maybe stop her from going all psycho in the near future, it was the Ancient One. 

She was still cool with me even after finding out that I was the one who axed her dad so that increased my favorability points towards her. It takes a certain kind of chill to be cool with that. 

Ororo had blasted me with a huge dose of divine lightning immediately after she found out that those were the first thing I told the girl after we met for the first time. All in all, it was harmless fun, at least for me it was. 

Though I did show her some of my crazy hexes so she'll be sure to traumatize her future enemies. Let's just say she was the newest addition to my friends list. 

Aside from the deal with Wanda, everything else was going at a normal pace. I did help out with Krakoa though… doing some heavy lifting… like every other meta with superhuman physiology. 

Just because I could snap my fingers and create an utopia for them didn't mean I was going to do it. They'll have to till the damn hard ground for anything they wanted. 

Charles and I did have a talk by the way. He was trying his best to be amicable in his own way, not that I cared much for it though. I might have had a problem with the guy a few years back but I had grown past it…literally. I was too big to dwell on little things like that. 

Somewhere along the way, Yelena had asked me to build the car she wanted and I had to build it piece by piece since she wanted to help too, so no snapping of finger again. And damn was I itching to do a Thanos snap. 

"Hey, Draul. Mind tossing that truck over here." Colossus' thick accented voice drew my attention. 

I looked at the truck he was talking about and sighed. I would admit that it was strangely freeing, mentally, working out like this. 

I grabbed the back of the truck and flung it towards the huge man who caught it with a grunt before taking it away. 

"Humans sure are stupid."


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