Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Yi Han’s weakness!

The impact of jumping over a distance of tens of meters made the tank at Yi Han’s feet a pile of scrap iron. It shouldn’t be a discus with human flesh in between…

Yi Han did not give up his intention to continue the attack. Instead, he lifted the discus under his feet with one hand and threw it at the helicopter in the sky. Although the helicopter in the sky was a threat, it was quite noisy. of……

Under Yi Han’s tremendous force, the discus directly exceeded the speed of the bullet and hit a helicopter. The Flightman inside went to see Lincoln before he could skydive.

Looking at the general Yi Han on the battlefield like a madman, Ross snatched Roar’s screamer and cursed directly: “Let you change into the anti-tank missile attack immediately, what are you doing now?”

Those soldiers heard General Ross’s anger and quickly accelerated their actions, and then one after another anti-tank missiles blasted at Yi Han, and at this moment Yi Han was playing with the tank in his hand like a toy. .

I didn’t notice the attack of anti-tank missiles at all, but the anti-tank hit Yi Han only made him feel some pain and body shaking, and did not cause any actual damage.

Feeling the slight pain from his body, Yi Han didn’t plan to continue playing. He threw down the tank that had become a pile of scrap iron in his hand, and then moved his gaze to other targets again.

The American soldier, who was stared at by Yi Han’s ferocious eyes, also very honestly gave up the tank and ran away…

That’s right, just abandon the car and run away! Just because Yi Han’s eyes are fixed on them! At this moment, they have never thought about going to a military court after escaping, or encountering any other crimes, just want to stay away from this monster!

After all, they are self-aware, and dealing with monsters like this is obviously beyond the scope of their ability. After all, if they are allowed to participate in the battlefield, they will surely not be afraid to charge forward, but dealing with monsters like Yi Han? Haha…

Although what they have received since childhood is obedience to orders and the courage to sacrifice, but sacrifice is not so sacrificed! They and that monster are not of the same level at all. No amount of ants can bite the elephant!

The two soldiers who fled were also cursing General Rose in their hearts.

Yi Han looked at the American soldiers who had just abandoned their tanks and ran away. He couldn’t help but contemptuously said that he was not afraid to die? What about the honorable sacrifice for the country?

However, Yi Han did not catch up with the two American soldiers who escaped. Instead, he changed his eyes to other tanks, intending to break the remaining tanks.

The two American soldiers who fled like a fuse ignited a frenzy of escape on the battlefield, and the few American soldiers who survived followed suit.

In less than a while, the remaining seven tanks became unmanned…

And General Ross looked at this scene through the binoculars and shouted angrily: “What kind of idiot’s soldier is this! I must send him to a military court! Escape on the battlefield? How funny it is!”

And the frustrated General Ross hadn’t noticed the contemptuous eyes of the officers around him. He was very disdainful of General Ross, who knew that he was going to die and was thinking about filling the hole with the soldiers’ lives.

After all, no one would like a general who treats his soldiers like a grass.

However, he is the highest commander of the general, so I can only despise it in my heart…

General Ross, who had vented his anger, knew that there was no use in getting angry at the moment, so he immediately launched the next plan!

A plan that has invested more than two billion yuan to deal with Yi Han!

The sonic chariot that received the order directly formed a siege and drove out and immediately surrounded Yi Han, and then bursts of sound waves directly hit Yi Han!

The sound waves from seven or eight ultrasonic machines directly hit Yi Han. Even the terrifying Yi Han found that his head felt dizzy. There was no way for Yi Han to be helpless. He raised his hands and covered his ears, trying to make his mind feel better.

At this moment, Yi Han also wanted to run over and destroy those sonic tanks, but the ultrasonic waves emitted by those sonic tanks were not only harsh, but also had a repulsive force. He couldn’t get close to those tanks at all.

So Yi Han could only cover his ears very aggrievedly, and approached those tanks step by step, but every step he took, he would re-draw to the same place, so Yi Han could only keep walking in place.

…………………………(This is the second update, and the third one will be delivered in 40 minutes! It is still shameless to ask for a collection! Monthly tickets, flowers, rewards! I beg your brothers for your support! )

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