Marvel: I’m Thanos

Chapter 012

After receiving Thanos’ order, Ebony Throat immediately dispatched five hundred space warships.

The remaining 1,000 warships were left on alert in outer space.

Of course, he will not be as defenseless as those Asgardian gods.

And here is in Asgard’s sphere of influence, it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

As five hundred warships approached the planet, the Asgardian gods on the ground gradually discovered that something was wrong.

But before they could react, bright lights appeared in the sky.

In the next instant, all five space battleships they stayed in outer space were destroyed, and even slag was left.

Apparently Ebony Throat’s idea was simple, that is, to cut off the enemy’s retreat and then kill it all.


The Asgard gods in the Tooth Tower City are killing at this time.

Although the strength of these Lingxi people is good, of course, in front of their high-tech weapons and equipment, it is obviously a massacre.

By now, hundreds of Spirit Rhinoceros had fallen to the ground forever, and the rest had begun to frantically flee here.

After all, no matter how inflexible the Lingxi people’s brains are, they also know the precious truth of life.

However, how could the Asgardian Protoss let go of the opportunity to slaughter.

So the chase began.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a burst of light in the sky.

When they looked up, they suddenly found that a large number of unidentified space battleships appeared in outer space at an unknown time, and they seemed to be projecting things over.

After a while, fiery red scratches appeared in the sky, like meteors.

And dozens of meteors are flying towards them.

“What’s going on?”

The Asgardian Protoss led by him stopped the chase, then raised his wrist, clicked on the communicator, and prepared to call the spaceship in outer space to ask what was going on.

But after dialing for a while, the communicator just made a murmur of “Shhhh

At this time, because of the change in the sky, the other Asgard Protosses stopped chasing and returned to the captain.

“Captain, we can’t get a signal from our communicators, what’s going on?”

“Captain, is our spaceship destroyed?”

“Captain, what should we do, it seems that the comer is not good.”

“Captain…” Hearing

the constant questions from his subordinates, the captain waved his hand impatiently and said loudly: “Quiet, enter the highest state of alert!”

As the captain’s words fell, everyone quieted down, and then began to silently charge the equipment.

Don’t think that they are Protoss, and the equipment has unlimited energy.

The spears and shields they used just now were energy-consuming.

When everyone is ready, look up at the sky.

At this time, the meteors in the sky were already very close, and they could see what it was a little clear.

This is a rectangular black landing module, like this landing module is common in the universe, generally used during ground landing operations.

Of course, it can also be used as an escape pod in case of emergency.

And one such landing capsule can drop about a thousand people.

Looking at the densely packed meteors in the sky, sweat appeared on the foreheads of all Asgardian Protos.

Are these people friends or foes?

After ten minutes.

The landing module finally descended to the ground.

And these landing modules, after only a slight slowdown, smashed into the ground with a hard shell.

The sound of “Boom…” sounded endlessly.

Fortunately, the walls of Tooth Tower City were strong, and although they were affected, they were not destroyed because of the long distance of the landing module.

At this time, the captain said: “Ali, put in an unmanned reconnaissance plane to check the situation.”

The Asgardian Protoss named Ali nodded, and then took three fist-sized, round iron balls from his waist.

After he threw the iron ball on the ground, he raised his arm and began to operate.

After a while, the three iron balls showed bright red eyes, and then the anti-gravity system activated and flew.

Under the control of Ah Li, three reconnaissance planes flew outward.

And in front of him, a picture of a reconnaissance aircraft appeared.

As the reconnaissance aircraft approached the unfamiliar landing modules, they finally saw them clearly.

These landing modules are all black, but the top is pointy, and I don’t know how deep it is when it sinks into the ground.

But soon, the balance system was activated, and the landing module flattened its body, and the pointed top was like a sharp sword, pointing to the sky.

The next picture plunged all the Asgardian Protoss into fear.

I saw that the landing module opened the hatch, and then a large amount of black tide gushed out.

After zooming in on the screen, you can carefully see what kind of black tide these are, but black monsters.

These monsters are more than two meters tall and have robust limbs, hideous faces and fangs.

If it is a force active in the universe, you will know that these are the most powerful corps in the hands of Thanos, the Dark Order.

And now, these dark orders are rushing towards Tooth Tower City, reaching a speed of more than one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour.

The captain of the Asgard Protoss saw this scene from the screen and immediately said: “Let’s run away, we must not be surrounded.” When

the others heard this, they immediately came to their senses.

“Yes, let’s go quickly!”

“But our spacecraft are gone, how to run?”

“No matter where you run, if you don’t want to die, run first.”

“Yes, we haven’t returned to Asgard, the people above will definitely notice, we just have to wait for rescue.”

Soon, the six men reached a unified opinion and began to run in the direction where the enemy was at least.

Here it has to be said that the Asgardian Protoss is worthy of being a race that can rule the galaxy.

These ordinary warriors, like little supermen, ran fast, and after a while, they ran out of the city.

But unfortunately, the speed of the Dark Order is not slow.

Not long after they ran out of the city, they saw black spots appear in the distance.

“Damn, there are monsters ahead!”

“Captain, what should I do?”

“I don’t want to die, uh…” Before

the battle could be fought, an atmosphere of despair appeared among the Asgard Protoss.

After all, they faced too many enemies this time, and they had no chance of victory.

And the captain who ran in front gritted his teeth and said firmly: “Warriors of Asgard, Odin is on top!” Charge! When

the other five heard this, it was as if they had found the backbone of the main heart, and they immediately showed a determined look.

At this time, they were like heroes, even if they knew that the road ahead would be inevitable, but for that glimmer of hope, they still launched a charge.

After a while, the six Asgardian gods pierced into the black tide like a golden sword.

But no matter how strong their strength was, in the face of the almost endless Dark Sect, they were completely overwhelmed after only holding on for a while.

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