Marvel: I Need A New Body

56. World Tour

[ Somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy ]

"I Am Groot!"

"Indeed Groot, I too thought we were heading to C53 or Earth as the natives called it..." Gamora intoned from her cockpit, sweat rolling down her forehead as she gripped the controls tightly.

"I Am Groot?" The sentient tree inquired, his question dripping with exasperation.

"Then why are we playing tag with the Nova Corps in a deadly asteroid belt, you ask? Well, I suppose Rocket WOULD HAVE A BETTER ANSWER TO THAT.." Gamora gritted her teeth in frustration, concentrating on co-piloting the ship, trying to avoid the treacherous asteroids at a damn high speed.

"Hahaha, Murder Gal, it's not my fault that the crummy plant I stole in the previous mission and sold to Tivan a while ago turned out to be a rather important item for the Xandarians," Rocket's voice crackled over the comm, laced with his signature sarcasm. "Now I think we got scammed with a mere sixty thousand units. Tsk tsk tsk..," .

It seems like Gamora's talk with the supposed killers of her Uncle Maw was going to be postponed for a while.

[ London ] 

It was another one of those mornings when Thor woke up with his beloved Jane by his side. 

Ever since the events of Malekith and Aether, he was mostly seen on Midgard, despite his father's non-subtle disapproval.

Well, the nine realms were stable enough and Asgard was strong as ever. There wasn't anything world-ending that required his presence and except for Fury requesting his help here and there, he was mostly free to enjoy his days with his lover.

As Jane stirred awake, Thor couldn't help but smile at the sight of her tousled hair and sleepy eyes. They went about their morning routine with ease, enjoying the simple pleasures of life together. 

After a while, Jane got busy with her research while Thor sat on the couch gazing at her figure with love in his eyes and a smile on his face.

As he was enjoying his mundane morning, his phone buzzed. It was a rare occurrence, for him to receive a call.

"It was Fury, Jane, he needs me for something. I will be back in a while."

"Hm," Jane hummed, her attention focused on her work, but not before adding, "Take care and be safe!"

Thor smiled wryly and headed towards the door, his smile widening at her parting words. 

As he exited the house, he raised his hammer, calling forth a bolt of lightning that enveloped him, transforming his attire from his pajamas to his usual armor and red cape instantly. 

He swung his hammer rapidly and then took flight, soaring through the skies towards his destination.

[ S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters ]

Arriving at the designated meeting point, the cabin of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Thor," Fury began, "We have a situation in Kansas, I wish you could provide some assistance to-"

As Thor listened to Fury's briefing, his eyes caught a picture of the Maximoff twins slipping out of a brown folder lying on the other side of Fury's table. 

"Ah, these are Eirikyr's companions," Thor remarked, picking up the picture.

The one-eyed man narrowed his gaze, "Are you sure? And who is this Eirikyr?"

"I am sure. This is Wanda and the other one is Pietro, her brother. And Eirikyr is a friend and an ally of Asgard," 

But Fury's skepticism remained. "Your friend attacked Tony Stark a few months ago. And we have reasons to believe that he is planning to seize control of a free nation."

"Well, when I met Stark at first, I attacked him too. Nothing unique or bad here," Thor replied dismissively. "As for taking over a nation, I remember him mentioning saving Wanda's homeland," he added, not enjoying Fury's apparent hostility toward his friend.

Fury deadpanned, "Is he human? And how did someone like him become friends and allies with Asgard if you don't mind me asking."

"He... is a human, yes. He helped us in the Dark Elves fiasco, and after he died..." Thor chuckled remembering the vengeful Scarlet Witch, "Wanda here, slaughtered them all before the Asgardian army could even arrive on Midgard. I thought you would've known Wanda's noble and valiant accomplishment. Oh, Eirikyr resurrected after a couple of weeks though."

Fury's lone eye widened in shock. Keeping the fact that this Eirikyr guy could resurrect after dying aside. That entire fiasco that happened a couple of months back in Greenwich, England was reported to have been taken care of by the Asgardian army!

Well, that was because there were no digital traces of that whole invasion for some reason. And due to sightings of Thor and the Asgardian army, it was mostly assumed that they were the ones who took care of it.

'That explains the vanishing of digital traces just like when Stark was attacked. I really gotta tighten up the motherfuckin' agents. Even if the events happened in another country, they should've put more effort into gathering correct information!'

But still... this situation seemed strange. Information gathering wasn't simply done by a single agent. And multiple talented agents couldn't fail to 'this' extent...

Something was up...

Fury thought.

'Either she somehow brainwashed all the witnesses in the entire vicinity or someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. purposefully hid the information from me. And I have a good idea who could it be... Alexander Pierce. He has been doing such things for a while now, I fear something big is coming... But why would he try to hide the matter with Wanda Maximoff...' Fury wondered.


"Wanda Maximoff took care of a whole invasive force alone? Is she really that motherfuckin' powerful?" Fury asked. 

"Well, she had Eirikyr's personal army at her command." Thor was smart enough to not tell Fury that the Chitaurians were Eirikyr's army. He didn't want to fuel Fury's hostility against his friend after all.

Fury sighed.

The mysterious man, whose name was Eirikyr Anderson... who was manipulating the Maximoff twins, increasing his influence in an underdeveloped country, attacked Tony Stark a few months ago... was also friends with Thor.

What's more, he had a personal army and could Resurrect after just a couple of weeks of dying... 

When Fury tried to warn Thor of his so-called friend's not-so-good intentions, his concern was not appreciated. 

"Motherfucker also warned me of plotting anything against his friend."





[ Sokovia ]

It had been three days since Erik had arrived after helping save the multiverse and Cindy's arrival in this universe. 

"So, Wanda, Cindy, how about we take a small vacation?" Erik asked as he enjoyed the breakfast made by Wanda.

The idea was met with enthusiasm from the two girls. Although, Wanda tried to be calm, "Do you have a place in mind?" she asked.

 "Why not all the places, a World Tour, I mean... Just like Pietro and Lilja are always roaming around the world..." Erik mused, pondering ways he could make the girls bond and get closer to each other. 

Well, it wasn't like they were on bad terms or anything, both Wanda and Cindy were making efforts to form a friendly bond. But an adventurous trip would surely help cement their friendship even more.

He also had locations of a few Hydra bases that they could destroy for their amusement if they ever ran out of things to do. 

Before getting summoned to fight a multiverse-endangering battle, he was busy analyzing Sokovia's political status. A break would be a nice change of pace.

Anyway... Wanda and Cindy accepted the idea with no problem. 

"Then let's go shopping!" Cindy chirped.

Erik had quite a day ahead of him. The girls dragged him all around Novi Grad, the capital city of Sokovia, to shop for all sorts of essentials they would need for their upcoming trip.

Wanda wore glasses and a cute cap so that no one would recognize her.


In the mall, Cindy convinced Wanda to indulge in an impromptu fashion show for Erik, who watched with delight as the two girls twirled and posed in an array of outfits. 

Wanda exuded an air of sultry elegance, her curves accentuated by the clingy fabrics that hugged her body. Cindy, on the other hand, radiated a youthful charm, her energy and playful spirit shining through with each twirl and pose.

He decided to buy every outfit the girls had tried on.

However, Erik's heated gaze on both of their bodies when they wore revealing swimsuits caused Cindy to dirty her bikini bottoms. Even she didn't know that her pussy juices would overflow this much just from his gaze.

'The horny won't win. I am going to properly follow through with my punishment and show my sincerity to Wanda, no matter what!' Cindy tightened her fist as she affirmed her dedication.

Wanda couldn't help but giggle, reading what Cindy was thinking didn't require powers.

After a satisfying shopping spree, the trio returned to their cabin, Erik had to rent a small family van to throw all their bags into. 

"So, where should we go first?" Cindy asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.


Ahem, hey guys, did you read the first review of the novel in ScribbleHub? See, that's why I had to change the name as it wasn't just one but tonnes of them. Well, I'll appreciate an honest review as well, a review about the story, to be exact.

Oh, another thing, I'm "Famous Author" now, XD!!!


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