Marvel: I Need A New Body

45. New Plan

2nd Chapter of mass release for today, it's hourly btw


Cindy's heart sank at Erik's words, a wave of disappointment crashing over her. 

'Right, what did I even expect with my level of bad luck...'

She had been caught up in the moment, the intense attraction she felt towards him clouding her judgment. 

She had been so certain that their connection was something special, something undeniable. But now, she couldn't help but feel like a fool for allowing herself to hope for something more. 

She forgot that she was the same girl that had to live more than a decade in a bunker just because a spider bit her, and when she decided to escape it after all, she found out that her whole world was being destroyed, and then Morlun nearly killed her...

For more than a decade, the girl hasn't smiled, laughed, felt nothing! This was the first time she felt so happy, it was her first kiss! But in the end, she was betrayed by luck again. The boy she was attracted to, was committed.  

'Well, at least, it seems the destruction of my universe might stop if the mission to kill Ultron is successful. Watcher said that Ultron was destroying universes left and right, he must be the cause of Incursion in my universe...' She thought.

"I see," she said, trying to keep her voice steady, it took every ounce of will to stop her tears and keep her words from choking, "I-I got carried away too. It was as if something came over me. It won't happen again."

Erik nodded, grateful for her understanding, 'Something came over me as well...' 

He knew he had to be more careful and to keep his emotions in check.

Strange clapped his hands, "Well, I don't know what happened between you two guys, but I would appreciate it if you could help consolidate a plan."

Erik nodded and Cindy as well. 

Gamora spoke, "And after we recover the stones, we destroy them."

"How would you even go about destroying the..." Thor began, before catching himself. "Oh, you're answering my question. Sorry. Thank you."

"The Infinity Crusher, designed to disintegrate each stone into nothing." Gamora showed a device made by the dwarfs of Nidavellir.

"Yep. I picked them." Watcher puffed his chest with pride.

"It won't work on the Infinity stones of other universes though," Erik rubbed his chin, "Would it, Watcher?"

The Watcher squinted, 'As expected, he did know about it... The knowledge of this Singular always surprises me. He's not a time regressor, that I am sure of, and I don't think he had multiversal adventures yet to know about that detail regarding the Infinity Stones. A soul with more mysteries than any other. I suppose he could be the hope to save the multiverse from those three threats.'

Strange Supreme's brow furrowed, his expression one of suspicion and concern. "Is what he's saying true, Watcher?"

Watcher closed his eyes and chose to respond with the truth for now, "Indeed, the Infinity Crusher won't work."

'He knew and yet he showed a proud gesture, just as he did in cannon. This doesn't sit well with me...' Erik mused internally. 

Erik was certain that the Watcher had a different plan to save the multiverse from Ultron. The proof of that was the absence of Killmonger and the presence of Cindy and himself. 

In the cannon, Watcher didn't tell anyone that the Infinity Crusher would fail which led to Ultron getting all the stones back, a cosmic-level battle with Strange, his eventual defeat, and Killmonger's betrayal.

Watcher's plan was to separate the stones from the bodies of both Ultron and Killmonger and then seal them away.

However, with Killmonger's replacement, that plan would no longer work. There was no need for the Watcher to deceive the group again.

And yet the Watcher didn't tell on his own accord that the Infinity Crusher wouldn't work. That could only mean that the Watcher was testing 'him' just now. Testing his knowledge that is...

'And the only reason he could have to test me is that he knows something about me, but not enough of it. I don't think I am just over-self-conscious...'

"Then does anyone else have a plan to destroy the stones?" Gamora queried, slightly displeased by the fact her biggest weapon wouldn't work.

Cindy spoke up, "Can't we just use another set of stones to destroy Ultron's stones?"

'We could try... Ultron used his stone in many different universes other than his own, after all.'

"A clash of similar yet different powers might end up in the death of all of you. A whole set against another whole set is too dangerous. And the chances that Ultron still survives are still great as well."

"I see..." Cindy hummed.

"Well, I don't think we should overcomplicate the issue, we should just make Dwarfs of Ultron's original universe rebuild the Infinity Crusher," Erik suggested as he looked at Strange's necklace.

"That's a good idea." Strange nodded, knowing Erik's intentions. 

Watcher interjected, "But Ultron's original universe is his home, even opening a portal there would be like ringing his doorbell. You won't have enough time..."

As the group delved deeper into strategizing and discussing the intricacies of their plan, a hope of winning could be seen.

"Alright guys," Captain Carter called out, "The plan is simple. While, Thor, Cindy, Erik, and I will distract Ultron. Strange, Gamora, and T'Challa will go to Ultron's original universe to revive and then rebuild the Infinity Crusher."

"Okay, wait. Slow down a little bit. There are a few people in the room that don't understand. Not me, I get it. But for them, maybe repeat it." Thor joked.

The Watcher hummed, "You're ready. It's showtime, my friends. Good luck." his eyes glowed as he created a portal to Marvel Undead Universe.





The portal opened onto a desolate mountain, the barren landscape stretching out before them. As the group emerged one by one, Strange immediately set to work, casting intricate barrier magic to secure their location.

"Hasten friends. Today we feast. For tomorrow, we fight." Thor announced, with a flicker of lightning dancing around his hammer.

"Uh, Thor," Erik interjected, raising a cautious hand, "perhaps it would be wise to control your lighting for tonight. It emanates divine energy, brimming with life. It might defeat the purpose of, you know, this being a safe place."

Thor paused, his expression shifting from one of excitement to one of sulkiness. But he shifted his mood in a second, "Aye, the battle to come will be one for the ages. But we must strike first, and strike hard."

'Would this prevent Ultron from finding us sooner' Erik could only wonder about that.

In a few moments, the Guardians of the Multiverse had their toasts, ate some delicious food that Strange conjured, and shared the stories of their adventures.

Thor was especially enjoying this and he was also the star of the group, his tricks, shenanigans, and playful comments never let the easy vibe away. But after a couple of hours, he fell asleep like a log, snoring loudly. 

T'Challa laughed. "He certainly knows how to make an impression, doesn't he?"

Erik chuckled, shaking his head. "That he does. Though I fear we may have to invest in earplugs if we're to get any rest tonight."

"Um, Eirikyr." Cindy asked with hesitation, "Would you mind coming with me, I have something to talk with you about."

He didn't need to wonder what she wanted to discuss. 'It's definitely about what happened earlier,' he thought, recalling the intense moment they had shared before being interrupted. 

T'Challa raised his brows with an amused smirk, "Go on, we don't mind a bit."

Erik could sense T'Challa's teasing from his words, 'This guy has been really enjoying the drama going on between us, hasn't he?'

Taking a deep breath, he nodded at Cindy. "Of course, lead the way."

Cindy offered him a small smile, turning and heading away from the warmth of the campfire. Erik fell into step beside her, the sounds of others' laughter and conversation fading into the distance.

As they put some distance between themselves and the others, Cindy slowed her pace, her expression pensive. "I wanted to talk about... what happened earlier," she began, her voice soft.

Erik nodded, steeling himself for the conversation. "I understand. It was a moment of..."

Cindy's gaze met his, her eyes shimmering in the moonlight. "As I said earlier, I don't know what came over me. But it felt something basic, something primal," she said, her words carrying a weight that seemed to hang in the air between them.

Erik felt his breath catch in his throat, his heart thundering in his chest. "I see, it was the same with me too. I don't know whether it's your presence, your scent, I don't know... But I'm-"

As Erik confessed that he felt it too, a glimmer of hope ignited in Cindy's heart.

She shook her head, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "No, don't. Since you feel it too. I can say for sure that there's something special between us, Erik. A connection that I can't quite explain, but it's there, and it's real."

Cindy took a breath, "As I told everyone in the pub, my powers are similar to that of a spider. My senses help me sense danger, they steer me AWAY from it, never TOWARDS something. But after seeing you today, they have been-"

Erik continued Cindy's words, "Pounding, racing in your veins, drawing you towards me. I know, it's the same for me too. It's a long story but my body has some spider DNA as well." 

"Do you think it's because of that then?" Cindy wondered. 

"I didn't have spider powers for long, maybe that's why I didn't realize it till you said it but yeah, maybe that really is the case."

Cindy nodded thoughtfully, her gaze drifting to the night sky above, "It's like... we were meant to find each other, meant to be together."

Turning her head back to meet his eyes, Cindy asked softly, "Do you believe that, Eirikyr? That fate has brought us together?" There was a mixture of uncertainty and hope in her question, seeking validation for the emotions she was experiencing.

"But we're from different universes, and we would most definitely return to our universes once this is all over..." Erik smiled wryly.

"Yeah, maybe, when Watcher summoned me here, my universe was on the brink of destruction, turning into nothingness. Maybe Ultron was behind it and I hope killing him would save my universe... and then as you said, we'd return to our universes." Cindy walked closer to him.

"But if that's the case, shouldn't we let ourselves enjoy each other's presence? If it's just for today..." She said in a whisper, snaking her arms around his neck, a devil enticing him for sin.

His heart raced as she leaned in closer, their bodies pressed tightly against one another, her pheromones driving him crazy.


Something came over... 

And suddenly, he felt like loosing the leash he had on himself.

Suddenly, he felt uncontrollable...

Erik slid his hands down to her waist, pulling her even closer. Their lips met in a fiery kiss, the intensity rivaling that of their initial encounter. 


Well for those who don't know, this kind of thing happened in comics too. That uncontrollable lust thing. It only happens with Cindy Moon though. This time Neith interfered so it was an extreme case! 

Another thing, the addition of Cindy isn't going to ruin Erik and Wanda relationship at all! She's going to fit in just perfectly with them.  

And Thanks for reading! Next chapter is r18.

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