Marvel: I am the Man of Steel!

Page 20

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and performed a magic flip.

In the next second, an exquisite necklace appeared in Lin Feng's hands.

A transparent gem is dragged under the silver-white chain.

The gem is very, very magical, with some faint light.

If you look closely, it is very, very light grass green, as if there is a halo flowing inside.

Although it is not a high-end brand, it looks more like a custom-made one.

"Wow!" Susan couldn't help exclaiming!This necklace may be the most beautiful one she has ever seen in her life.

It is even more moving than what I saw in a luxury store with my girlfriends.

"For you, my girlfriend!" Lin Feng said slowly, looking into Susan's eyes.

There is no girl who doesn't like jewelry, and Susan still has a certain understanding of the price of jewelry.

This nearly transparent gemstone that reflects light under the light is expensive.

"Would it be..." Susan said hesitantly, "Will it be too expensive..."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, looking at Susan with sincerity in his eyes.

"In my heart, nothing is more precious than you!"

"Let me put it on for you, okay?" Lin Feng suddenly attacked without talking about martial arts.

A word of earthy love hit Susan's heart hard.

She shyly avoided Lin Feng's affectionate gaze.

Susan didn't refuse any more, but slowly turned her back and slowly raised her hair, revealing her fair and slender neck.

This necklace was exchanged by Lin Feng in the system store, not an ordinary necklace.

The gemstone with a light green halo is a product from the elf town.

It takes a hundred years for the tree of life to form a single essence.

Ordinary people will improve their physical fitness if they wear it for a long time, and it also has the effect of improving eyesight and calming the mind.

Most importantly, it can make the wearer immune to almost the vast majority of poisons

This necklace cost Lin Feng 10 reputation points.

Not too expensive, Lin Feng could afford it.

Lin Feng put on a necklace for Susan.

Susan, who was already very beautiful, looked even more cool and beautiful. Against the backdrop of the sea of ​​roses, she looked like a fair-haired elf.

The two unconsciously looked at each other, expressing affection for each other.

The eyes can no longer accommodate other things, only each other's figure is left.

Two people who fell in love for the first time fell into a sea of ​​roses.

The moon didn't know when, but shyly hid in the cloud.


It was late at night, Lin Feng and Susan hugged each other and fell asleep...

The two of them slept soundly, but there were still many people who couldn't sleep.

For example... black marinated eggs.

Black Braised Egg has dark circles under his eyes at this time, and he just finished a video conference.

The content of the meeting was precisely the Twister monster incident that just happened.

Lin Feng's thinking was right, his information was placed on the table of all major forces before tonight.

The strength he showed was too dangerous.

Hit the hatred into outer space, with incomprehensible combat power.

If it wasn't for Lin Feng's usual role as a superhero in Waist Twister.

So now Lin Feng may have been surrounded by the ZF of the United States.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s analysis of Lin Feng's combat effectiveness and controllability is likely to surpass the existence of Omega mutants.

During the meeting, regarding Lin Feng, Black Braised Egg repeatedly expressed that he would take his time.

Since Lin Feng is willing to be a superhero in Twister, it means that there is great hope to bring him closer to the organization.

However, several other people who were too afraid of Lin Feng's strength expressed that.

We must control Lin Feng's power in our own hands as soon as possible.

If you can't control it, you have to find a way to destroy it.

No matter how the black stewed egg explained, the few of them seemed to be in collusion and refused to let go.

There was no other way, Black Braised Egg could only retreat, and apparently agreed first.

The whole meeting broke up in the end.

Black Braised Dan returned to the office with a dark face all the way.


He slapped his palm on the table and made a loud noise.

Coulson was taken aback.

"Control, how to control?"

"These people have been sitting in the office for a long time, are their heads dumbfounded?"

"Your coffee, sir."

A support worker put down a cup of coffee tremblingly, and retreated with his head lowered.

The director who started the fire was too scary.

Picking up the coffee and taking a sip, the black stewed egg still couldn't calm down the resentment in his heart.

The strength shown by Lin Feng, even the captain of the United States does not have this kind of fighting power

With such a powerful force, as far as Black Braised Egg knows, there is only Captain Marvel at the moment.

In order to control Lin Feng, call the shocking team back from the universe?

Isn't that nonsense, Lin Feng didn't make any mistakes, instead he kept helping the twister solve his troubles.

He continues to project a positive image, and everyone knows that Superman is the guardian of the waist twister.

If you want to move Lin Feng, don't say whether you can succeed or not.

I can't even imagine the consequences.

Is it necessary to use nuclear bombs to attack a superhero who saves people all day long?

Are the people of the United States really blind?

After thinking for a long time, Black Braised Egg looked at Coulson.


"Tomorrow afternoon, come with me to Lin Feng's villa!"

He wasn't going to listen to those scumbags.

If it wasn't for the need for funds, the black stewed egg would have broken skin with them long ago.

Similar things happened more than once or twice.

For the Avengers plan, he has his own plans...

Not to mention black corned eggs, Pierce, an old bastard, was also eyeing Lin Feng.

At this time, the black marinated egg didn't know that his S.H.I.E.L.D. was already riddled with holes.

Pierce is also plotting how to pull Lin Feng into his camp.

Pass down instructions one by one.

Hydra quickly collected information on Lin Feng and made a plan to win him over.

Also staying up late is Tony Stark.

After calling Lin Feng, Tony Stark analyzed Lin Feng's data.

The last time I said that I wanted to test Lin Feng's physical data, there was no suitable opportunity and time.

It's one thing to fall from space, to be able to fly off Earth by yourself in a very short amount of time.

It's another story.

The ability gap represented by the two is not a star and a half.

"Sir, Mr. Lin Feng's data database has been created, do we need to upload it to the data center?" Jarvis said.

"Store to my personal server, no one is allowed to view it," Tony ordered.

Many forces are busy.

Apparently, it was another restless night...

Chapter 19 Gu Yi visits the door, I need you in the future

Early next morning

Susan got up early and limped to the company.

There is no way, she is going to follow up the follow-up of last night's incident.

Lin Feng was left lying on the bed alone in a daze.


Lin Feng shouted, why don't you rest at home for a day after all this?Lin Feng expressed his admiration.

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