Marvel: I am The Gamer

51: Loki’s Death

"NOOOO, LOKI" Thor yelled out in anger as the thunder around him raged, he raged as he pushed his way toward Thanos, but he was immediately intercepted by a large number of chitauri.

"how pitiful" Thanos cast a gloating look at Thor before he hopped back on a small spaceship and left back to his Mothership.

Austin didn't bother with Thor, perhaps he could make it out or not, it didn't matter to him, he had already warned the guy.

Austin watched as the escape pod of the surviving Asgardians was stealthily pushed through a large StarGate which he created with his little remaining mental powers.

"Fuck this is tiring," Austin thought with a frown, he had even deliberately thrown Bruce's banner into the portal and informed him to tell Tony stark about the incoming trouble that earth would soon have to face.

it was life or death.

Austin watched as Thor struggled to fight against the chitauri, Austin decided to help the guy out a little bit at least.

the spaceship of the Asgardians had many small escape pods, Austin pushed his way through the horde of chitauri before throwing Thor into an escape pod and teleporting it somewhere far away, his astral powers were slowly being drained.

Austin watched as the army of Chitauri raised their weapons at him and prepared for their assault to get rid of him.

Austin sighed in defeat as he realized he didn't have enough power to send himself to earth, his mind was drained and he could only lock onto Sakaar.

Austin had his reasons for not fighting Thanos, perhaps if he made the wrong move he could have possibly died while trying to stop Thanos from leaving, the space stone wasn't worth dying over.

Austin took one last look at the destroyed spaceship before opening a portal to Sakaar and hopping through it.

He didn't know why he was wiping everyone's ass but, he hoped in the future they would save him if he was on the verge of death as well.

Thor had been placed in an escape pod and sent to who knows where, Bruce and Brunnhilde as well as the Asgardians had all been sent to earth through a large StarGate that Austin created.

The only thing left now was the huge spaceship which was previously peaceful, but now it was being surrounded by thousands of alien chitauri, some which carried weapons and others which only used their powerful bodies to push their way through the spaceship and destroy everything in their way.


Thanos could be seen sitting on a throne as he fidgeted with the blue space stone in his hand.

A chitauri in mechanical armor approached from the darkness before he kneeled and said to Thanos.

"My lord, it seems like many of the people on the spaceship have silently disappeared within space as if they teleported," The chitauri said with a hoarse voice while kneeling.

Thanos who was sitting on the throne sat up before looking through the glass at the endless space in Infront of him.

"oh?, so be it then, must be their fate, I've got what I wanted," Thanos said before he clenched his fists, his gaze carrying an undescribable resolve as he glanced at the space stone in his hand. 


Back on earth, Tony stark was absent from his avenger's tower, but he could only clutch his heart in pain as Happy showed him pictures of the alien escape pod which had landed chaotically in the forest near the avenger's tower, destroying the whole place and nearly burning down all the trees around.

Tony soon felt a sense of crisis as he listened to Bruce talk about what had happened on the spaceship while they were on their way to earth.

according to Bruce "Some huge creature had appeared and killed Loki before taking a stone from him and disappearing"

Tony didn't know how to react to the crazy story, but he knew better about how terrifying this universe was.

"A titan with a large number of alien soldiers at his command," Tony thought deeply in his heart, he ended the call with Happy as he was overcome with a sense of crisis after hearing about Austin's warning to Bruce.

Tony immediately booked a flight back to New York and decided to assemble the other avengers immediately.

Knowing Austin's teleportation ability which spanned across the universe, Tony was sure that the guy would find a way back to earth no matter where he was, it was only a matter of time.

"sigh what a terrible look," Tony thought before sitting up and pacing around the room.


"What happened to Thor? did any of you see?" Bruce asked as he looked at Brunnhilde and the rest of the Asgardians as they left the ship.

Brunnhilde sighed but she walked up and said "He is probably still there with the other guy, but don't worry I'm sure he will teleport Thor somewhere safe" Even though she said this, she wasn't sure, just the damage caused by the large number of chitauri made it that the spaceship was probably destroyed by now.

"I hope so," Bruce said with a frown, he had previously planned to transform into Hulk and fight Thanos, but the mad titan had easily killed Loki in a matter of seconds before taking the space stone and leaving the scene immediately. 

Bruce, Brunnhilde, and the rest of the Asgardians were safely escorted to rooms to be checked for injuries by Tony's men stationed around the avengers' tower.

It wasn't long before a cleanup team was dispatched to get rid of the escape pod which had landed in the forest, luckily no one had died upon the impact that the spaceship made on the forest.


While the Asgardians were safe, Thor who had passed out from overly exerting himself was seen inside an escape pod that floated aimlessly somewhere in the cosmos.

no one knew where this escape pod was going, but it just kept going, going until it perhaps one day stopped. 

Austin who has saved most of the Asgardians silently appeared on planet Sakaar, he looked on in shock as he watched the state of the planet.

The whole planet seemed to be on the verge of destruction and everything around was being destroyed. 

Planet Sakaar was currently going through a chaotic moment right now, it seemed like the Sakaarians had enough of his use of power and decided to overthrow him. 


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