Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 103

Chapter 102 – Run It! **** Knight


Hearing Coulson’s words, Patch couldn’t help but frowned instantly, looked at him full of doubts, and asked a little surprised: “Is there anything that you S.H.I.E.L.D. Find me specifically?”

“And I heard that you SHIELD also has a female agent who can fight and a guy who can shoot arrows? Could it be that they can’t even deal with it?”

Putting all his doubts out in one breath, Patch raised his eyelids slightly, and stared at Coulson with a pair of blue eyes, as if waiting for his answer. ??Eight?One Chinese?W?W㈧W?. ? 8 (V) 1 (i) Z? W (V). ?C(i)O?M?

“Mr. Meiwes, what happened this time is a bit special. To be honest, this incident has nothing to do with our S.H.I.E.L.D. The culprit hurts ordinary people, and we don’t even care, let alone bother you again.”

“And the person who caused this incident…”

Coulson quickly answered for Patch, and at the end he couldn’t help but spread his hands helplessly, and continued to say: “Mr. Meiwes, you should not be too unfamiliar with him.”


After listening to Coulson’s answer, Patch couldn’t help but frown even tighter. He pondered for a while, and then asked again: “A person I am familiar with? Coulson, who is it? Tell me clearly.” a little.”

“Tony…Tony Stark.”

Coulson shrugged and announced a name.

Hearing this name, Patch’s eyes could not help but condense slightly, although he was still frowning tightly, but he seemed to have guessed something vaguely in his heart.

“Tony Stark?”

It’s just that Patch didn’t show this in front of Coulson and Melinda. He moved his body a little and continued to ask: “Isn’t Orianna the group of terrorists who just came from Afghanistan a while ago?” Have you rescued him? Could it be that this rich man was kidnapped by someone again? “

“It’s not kidnapping, but it’s even trickier than the one he kidnapped.”

Coulson quickly shook his head, and quickly responded: “Mr. Meiwes, I can’t tell you the details about this matter. You can go to the scene with me to find out.”


Patch raised his eyebrows lightly, and said indifferently, “Colson, is it really such a trouble?”

“It’s very troublesome!” Coulson nodded heavily.

Although Patch had guessed what happened from Coulson’s words just now and his current attitude, he still pretended not to believe it, and stared at Melinda who was sitting on the other side slightly. .

Seeing Patch’s gaze shifted to her, Melinda naturally understood a little bit of him.

“Mr. Meiwes, Coulson is right. What happened this time is indeed very troublesome.” Melinda nodded affirmatively after staring at Patch.

“okay then!”

Patch shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, put the teacup in his hand on the long table, stood up slowly, looked at Coulson and said again: “It’s just that you should know my rules, Coulson. Can’t get enough of me…”

But Patch was interrupted by Coulson before he could finish his sentence.

After seeing Patch stand up, Coulson stood up quickly with both hands, stared at Patch’s fiery exit and said: “Mr. Meiwes, of course I know that you wizards don’t believe in equal exchange. creed?”

“You don’t have to worry about this at all. You must know that Tony Stark is a naked local tyrant. As long as you solve this crisis for him, I think he will definitely pay you a satisfactory reward. “


After listening to Coulson’s quick answer, Patch couldn’t help being slightly taken aback, and at the same time sweated profusely, staring at him unkindly, and muttered silently in his heart: “I’m going, is it necessary to be so direct?”

It’s just that although he was a little unhappy that Coulson had robbed his lines, Patch couldn’t do it directly, because Patch could clearly feel Coulson’s urgency.

So Patch had no choice but to roll his eyes at him helplessly, and said slowly, “Since you understand my rules, then I won’t say anything more.”

However, after saying this,

Patch didn’t follow them as Coulson and the others expected.

Patch suddenly reached out and knocked heavily on the table, raised his head slightly and called upstairs: “Owen…”


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground reached Patch and Coulson’s ears, and then there was a loud response from upstairs: “Hey, master, I’m here.”

“Bang bang…” “Bang bang…”

Immediately afterwards, a sound like a person stepping on a wooden floor entered the ears of the three, and Coulson and Melinda couldn’t help turning their heads to look in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a tall man on the spiral staircase at the back of the hall rushing towards them with a bunch of things in his arms.

The tall man’s speed was extremely fast, one step was a few steps, but in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Patch and Coulson.

The tall man threw the things in his arms onto the table, then turned his head and bowed slightly to Patch, and greeted him with great respect: “Master.”


Patch nodded slightly in response, and then slowly said: “Owen, in order to prove whether you are still valuable, I have a very important thing for you to complete now, as long as you can do it well this time I will I can ignore the tasks I entrusted to you and the disrespect in the past.”

Hearing Patch’s words, the tall man Owen’s eyes seemed to burst into flames, and he asked eagerly: “Master, is the war coming again?”


Patch murmured in a low voice, then glanced sideways at Coulson and Melinda beside him, and said uncertainly, “Probably…maybe!”


Hearing Patch’s answer, Owen couldn’t help being eager to try, and said urgently: “Master, it’s just that you must find me a stronger opponent this time! Otherwise, I will kill the enemy in two or three shots. It’s really boring.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, it costs BB so much to ask you to do something, do you guys really want to go back to the furnace and rebuild it?”

Patch gave Owen an impatient look, then turned around to look at Coulson and Melinda, waved to them, and said loudly: “Colson, May, let’s go! “

Just as he was talking, Patch was about to lift his feet and walk out the door.

But before he took a step, the voice from Coulson’s mouth made him stop immediately.

“Mr. Meiwes…”

Patch turned his head to look at Coulson, and saw that he first frowned and glanced at Owen, then stared at Patch, and said with a strange expression: “Mr. Meiwes, don’t you Are you ready to go out yourself?”


Patch nodded, and opened his mouth to respond: “What kind of things are worth doing by myself? Besides, it is enough to have Owen in battle.”

Just as he was talking, Patch suddenly pointed his finger at Owen, the tall man standing beside him respectfully.

“Oh, right!”

However, after saying this, Patch suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, and said with a light smile, “I forgot to introduce you.”

Pointing to Owen again, Patch continued to say: “This is another of my subordinates——Owen, the black war horse you saw outside the tower earlier belongs to him.”

“And this time I’m going to ask him to help you with that.”


Because of Orianna, Coulson now has no doubts about the strength of Patch’s subordinates. UU Reading www.

But even so, Coulson couldn’t help but hesitated a little after glancing at Owen again, because what Owen said just now and his aggressive appearance really looked like a typical militant!

By the way, isn’t it too dangerous to ask such a guy to help?

“Colson, what’s the matter? Do you have any questions?” Seeing Coulson’s faint worry, Patch couldn’t help but opened his mouth to ask again.


Seeming to have figured it out suddenly, Coulson breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Patch with a smile, shook his head and responded, “Mr. Meiwes, I have no doubts.”

“That’s good, let’s go out now!”

Patch nodded slightly, then turned his head and yelled at Owen: “Owen, hurry up and get ready, we are going out soon, remember to bring your horse over.”

“Run! Hell Knight…”

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