Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 69 Alien Invasion? Thanos Is Coming? ! ! (Please Subscribe!)

"Explosions are the most exquisite art! When the Firework is brilliant and the fire shines, it is perfect to the extreme!"

"The one upstairs is a pervert! This bombing estimated that most of the city would be razed to the ground, and millions of people were killed or injured. W

"It's really scary! But what can Spider-man do?"

"Vulture is really insane. In order to achieve his own goals, he actually tried to destroy a city!"

"The reason why villains are villains is precisely because they are heartless and never take the law seriously. They only have themselves in their hearts."

"What are the people of Avengers doing? Can't you see such a big moving satellite? Why don't you hurry up and come to the rescue? Could it be possible to rely on ten kids who are only fifteen years old?"

"Cut! Heroes don't ask age. What do you mean, look down on others? I'm afraid Spider-man will knock you down with one punch!"

Everyone in the multi-universe and countless parallel worlds saw the plane crashing straight towards the bustling city center, and the superhero's face couldn't help showing a trace of nervous sweat.

As for the super criminals, they wish they all died.

I also want to watch a free Firework feast.

On the light screen of Wanjie Photo, barrages frantically flicked across. Obviously, this group of people is arguing...

But at the moment, Peter inside the light curtain is extremely anxious...

Fortunately, at this moment, Vulture's heart was all on destroying the plane, and he fled with the material box, giving up attacking Peter, which gave Peter a little respite.

Maybe it's because in his eyes, Peter is already a Deadman!

The high-rise buildings on the ground became brighter and brighter, the pedestrians on the street became very clear, and the plane was getting closer and closer to the ground.

And Peter is on the plane of death.

There is no need for him to make a move at all...

However, Peter didn't intend to let it go.

Admittedly, he's not Iron Man, and he's not Thor, who is powerless to control and lift the plane in front of him that is about to crash into the ground and explode out of control.

But he also has his own way.

That is to change the flight trajectory to prevent the plane from falling into the center of the city like a meteorite

"Come on! You can!"

Peter took a deep breath, and immediately shot out. The cobweb stuck to the high-lift wing, and he lifted it up with all his strength.

Not only did it stabilize the rapid downward trend of the plane, but it also deflected its direction and rushed towards the sandy beach on the coastline of the city in the distance.

In the end, it did not lead to a tragic tragedy!

But when the plane slid crazily for a distance of hundreds of meters like a car that couldn't stop on the uninhabited beach, most of the models were able to stabilize.

A terrifying flame trail was left on the long and narrow sandy beach, illuminating the entire dark sandy beach!

Peter was even thrown out directly, spinning crazily on the beach like a ball, and was attacked from the beach all over his body.

When he staggered to his feet, his face was flushed, his brows were tightly frowned, and he pulled off the Spider-man mask in pain.

And it's not just a loss of sense of direction.

An ear-piercing buzzing resounded in the air!

At this moment, Peter felt unprecedented discomfort.

The nauseating dizziness made him feel like vomiting blood...

But when he thought that he had saved a city and tens of thousands of citizens, Peter couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

But at this moment, Vulture didn't choose to give up, and suddenly rushed out of the mid-air from the smoky beach in front of him, directly hitting Peter heavily to the ground.

It turned out that due to the change of the plane, all the materials that Vulture had just secured rolled down in the cabin again, and he was also affected, hitting the beach viciously.

Waking up at this moment, a pair of cold, glaring eyes locked directly on Peter's body.

Then move your hands without mercy!

And after going through a series of events just now, Peter's physical strength is obviously exhausted...

Soon, he was knocked down and couldn't move!

Vulture took the opportunity to find a complete equipment material box from the ruins and prepared to take it away, which was also his original purpose.

However, Peter found that Vulture's battle suit was damaged and was about to explode!

He warned loudly.

Vulture ignores this.

But suddenly, his battle suit lost power in mid-air, and he fell into the sea of ​​flames below...

Without thinking about it, Peter immediately took a deep breath, rushed towards the ferocious flames, the inside of the blazing fire with the pain in his body.

Rescue Toombs, his father-in-law, from the fire.

definitely ended up handing him over to the police......

But the result in exchange made Peter feel a little guilty.

Her father went to jail, and Liz was forced to transfer schools due to family reasons...  

And the story of him and Liz ends here!

This, perhaps, is the price paid by superhero...

Being alone may be the best outcome!

Parallel universe number 92683

"This is indeed an extremely difficult choice, but since you have made a choice, you have to bear the consequences~||.w

"It's hard to have both..."

The bully old spider couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It made him think of himself, of his good friend Harry Osborn.

How much he missed the youthful years when the two were together, but the choice of fate caused the two to part ways.

This is one of the most unforgettable things in his life......

But even if it happens again, the ending will still not change in any way.

Fortunately, he still has his beloved Mary Jane by his side all the time...

That's enough!

In Parallel Universe #120703.......

"It's really pitiful. The first love ended just after it started, and it was cut off by my own hands. It's really Yuelao who shook his head when he came."

The extraordinary Spider-man pursed his lips and couldn't help feeling emotional.

At this moment, he is hanging on the top of the garage, looking at the scene of Peter and Liz being separated, he feels a lot in his heart...

But in the next second, Chaofan laughed.

"The little guy is still young and handsome, and things like love will probably come to you automatically in a short time.

The love of high school students always comes and goes quickly.

So he wasn't worried about little Spider-Man at all, knowing that some people at his age already had several girlfriends.

For example, his good friend Harry


In universe 90214.......

"It's too kind, if it were me, I would definitely kill Vulture!"

"A criminal who knows his identity must never be allowed to live. This is the most stupid act!"

"little Spider-Man, it's still a little short..."

The Shadow Spider-man's tone at this moment was extremely cold, and his slightly flickering eyes burst out with powerful killing intent, it seemed to him.

Love or something doesn't matter at all.

What's important is that Vulture knew the identity of Spider-man, but he didn't kill the source of all the tragedies.


How stupid!

In the parallel universe of Marvel Infinity Twisting...

This is a universe folded by Infinite Gems, so many superheroes and even villains integrate together, and there is a moonlight knight Spider-man here!

【Knight Spider】

At this moment, the most rational among the several personalities, Peter, who only has mathematics in his eyes, shook his eyes, and a scornful sarcasm flashed across the corner of his mouth.


"It's just the pleasure produced by the secretion of neurotransmitters, as long as the ratio of the three hormones phenylethylamine, dopamine, and endorphin is secreted."

"You can fall in love with anyone you want, and you can also want anyone to fall in love with you!"

Just when everyone thought that the stocktaking and editing of this issue ended here, the pictures in Wanjie Video were still playing in circulation...

At this moment, Peter was taken to the new The Avengers Base by Harbin.

Tony told Peter with a smile all over his face that he was proud of him and admitted that he had misjudged him before!

Now, he will present Peter with a brand new Spider-man battle suit and invite him to join the Avengers.

Looking at the battle suit in front of him, Peter couldn't help but smile. He was so excited that he couldn't speak, but he listened to Mr. Steck's invitation to join Avengers.

After going through so much...  

Peter understands that he is still too young to meet the requirements of joining the Avengers...

His eyes changed slightly, he gritted his teeth and pursed his lower lip to look at Mr. Stark, rejecting Tony's kindness, because he still needs to grow up for a while.

Now he is still too immature!

Let's start with a Spider-man helping the neighborhood

However, in the multi-universe, countless superheroes were beating their chests and feet when they saw the scene in front of them.

Can't wait to say yes to little Spider-Man.

That's Avengers!

One of the most powerful superhero teams on the entire earth and even the entire universe, and also the most beloved superhero team by the public.

But whoever can join it, this is a matter of Guangzong Yaozu!

"You do not want!"

"Let me come!"

One by one screaming out of grief......

little Spider-Man, at this moment, has become the most envied object of countless parallel worlds, and also the object that everyone wants to be.

However, the way he refused made people feel very sorry.

There are many people who think that little Spider-Man may have lost his head after walking at an altitude of 10,000 meters......

If it was them, they would definitely agree to come down without any hesitation.

But it is also because of this that he can not become a Spider-man!

Not anyone can imitate and replace...

The road of superhero is an extremely long road. Little Spider-Man still has the potential to grow. Now that he enters Avengers, the upper limit is where it is.

"Indeed, I am very optimistic about little Spider-Man's self-growth, and he will surely amaze everyone in the future.

"It's true that he's a bit short of entering the Avengers now, but it's rare for him to be able to see himself clearly. This is the biggest gain of this trip."

Definitely, in the multi-universe, some people think that joining the Avengers is not a good thing, and sometimes the team will become a constraint on individual growth.

At the same time, Spider-man can clearly grasp his own strength, see himself clearly, and know that he is still lacking in strength and needs to be honed.

This is indeed the heart a superhero should have!

At the moment, the picture inside the light curtain couldn't help but black out, and then several gilt characters appeared, diverting everyone's attention away from Avengers.

【After several months...】

Peter's school organizes students to visit the modern exposition, and now everyone is driving towards the exhibition hall on the school bus...

In the back seat, Peter is having a boring little

Take a break.

The life of fighting criminals last night made him a little tired, so he happened to replenish his energy in the car.


But suddenly, an unspeakable strong crisis emerged from his heart, and his naked hairs suddenly stood up.

something big happened!

Startled, Peter raised his head abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, he subconsciously looked towards the window, and the picture that appeared suddenly made Peter's pupils dilate, and he stared in disbelief.

But it can be seen that there is a spaceship in New York that looks like a spaceship in rotation, with huge amounts of figures shrouded in the sky above New York City, under the bright daylight, reflecting its horror


(Wang Le's) He was completely stunned, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

In broad daylight, something like this appeared?

When exactly happened!

In the next second, he immediately turned around and looked left and right. Looking around, he found that the students around him were very calm and indifferent, playing with their phones with their heads down or looking straight ahead.

He reached out and patted Ned on the seat in front, and said in a low voice vigilantly: "Ned, help me divert everyone's attention."

Ned, who was wearing earphones and listening to music, turned his head to look at Peter with a puzzled expression. At the same time, he also saw the strangely spinning spaceship standing above the city outside the window.

"Holy, Shit!"

Ned's pupils dilated instantly, his heart was shocked, and he subconsciously blurted out a mantra of surprise.

But he didn't forget Peter's words.

"We're all doomed!"

"There's an alien spaceship over there!"

He tore off the earphones, stood up and shouted loudly, which resounded in the quiet carriage and attracted the attention of all the students.

"My God! What's that?"

"what's up!"

Everyone looked flustered, and followed the steps of Nei in horror and piled up towards the rear of the rear compartment. Everyone saw the high spaceship through the window.

huge amounts of Shangxian hangs over everyone's heart like a shadow.

Peter took the opportunity to pull out the Web Shooters from his backpack and wear them on his hands. He shot the cobweb and opened the window of the school bus, and then he jumped and turned away from the car...

And everyone in the car was in a state of panic, looking at the blackened spaceship in the sky in panic...

How could there be alien spaceships on earth?

Could it be that aliens are attacking Earth again?

Same as last time?

Chitauri Invasion?.

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