Marvel: A Tale of Shadows

Chapter 62: Chapter 62 - Peter Parker's New High School Life

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Peter quietly walked into the room but he unfortunately did not go unnoticed. "Mister Parker, I know you are a Senior now but that does not give you leeway to be this late to class." The teacher voiced her discontent as Peter shyly nodded and walked quietly to an open seat and sat down.

The class passed quickly and as they were leaving, MJ walked up to him as he was packing his bag. "What happened? You are never late." Harry glanced at them as he walked past nodding his head indicating he was going ahead to their next class.

"Yeah, sorry. There was a thing that happened on the way that delayed me. I had to swing over quickly." Peter made certain to highlight his use of the word, 'swing'.

MJ frowned as she looked over at the class leaving, "come on. We need to talk while going to history. Did you start submitting applications for colleges? I personally am just going to apply to a few colleges and have ESU as a backup."

"Umm… yeah…" Peter answered absentmindedly. MJ looked at him in suspicion, giving him a glare. "Fine, I haven't done any applications. I have been busy working on the suit and a few other things." Peter gave in, answering truthfully.

"Peter." MJ shook her head as they walked down the hall, "I told you before. You need to focus on your own life as well. I am all for helping you out with that stuff but you need to live your own life as well."

"But if I am not out there…" Peter trailed off alluding once again, "I just feel a need to help because otherwise someone will… get hurt." He whispered.

MJ sighed, afraid for her boyfriend's mental health. "Peter… you have to talk to someone, stop bottling it up. I am all for helping you with your… side gig. But you need to pace yourself, otherwise you are not going to have any energy for things you need to do in your life."

Peter frowned and hurried his pace. Trying to get ahead of MJ, he was feeling uncomfortable. He knew what she was talking about, he should get help. His aunt was just as worried for him, he felt withdrawn and responsible for so many things.

It might be healthier to go and talk to someone. But who could he trust, he would never truly talk to someone completely openly. He would always be hiding something. He supposed he could just lie and talk about only what he could.

Peter went through the rest of the day contemplating this thought.


As he was swinging through the downtown plaza he was keyed into the laptop that MJ was using. So they could talk. He was tracking down The Lizard. He was having trouble since the first few times he encountered him.

The Lizard was strong enough to put a hole in a brick wall. Fast enough to dash down an alley before he even arrived at the end of it. Agile enough to climb up a wall slick with rainwater or city slime.

Only reason he had no issue was because of the microscopic bristles that should exist across his body that lets him stick to any surface. But this creature's appearance always varied, sometimes it wore a torn up lab coat or other clothes. He got lucky when arrived at the Empire State University to ask a specialist about the creature and it showed up.

"It seems The Lizard does have a pattern. It went to pet shops where lizard type creatures were present. Then a few different medical labs, all of which were researching genetic diseases. There are only three variations that do not make sense." MJ declared as she pulled up a map.

Peter swung and attached himself to the corner of a building, "Then those variations or deviations are mistakes. But then we have to find the common link between all of those. I doubt we could easily acquire that information."

"You are right, but the first one was an aquarium. The third was near the docks in an area known for crimes. The last one was the ESU research lab. While there might not be an obvious link we could find one." MJ suggested as she sent a location to Peter's heads up display.

Peter immediately swung away. Swinging between buildings as he went. "So where am I going and why?"

"I will tell you in a second. But first do you know what homework is due tomorrow? We had multiple teachers give out assignments." MJ reminded him. As shuffling papers could be heard as she did her own homework.

"Umm…" Peter hesitated and flinched as he swung, he forgot about his homework. "Math and History?" He loosely remembered the classes today. He started Pre-Calculus and World History this year.

"Math, History, English, and Spanish all gave out homework." MJ sighed as she reminded him, "which means you can only go out for a few hours. You might be able to get the math done quickly. But the english paper, spanish vocabulary, and History reading questions will all take a lot longer. So you should get home by eight to finish all your homework."

"Mhmmm…" Peter grumbled as he swung down an alley. Narrowly dodging a fire escape. "Actually-"

"There will not be an argument or discussion. You will get back here by eight, that is final. If you can't control yourself, then I will have to control you instead. Keep in mind you gave me external control over your communications and I have a soundtrack of country music queued up for a moment's notice." MJ warned as she worked on her homework.

"Ha… fine. I will be back at eight." Peter stopped on top of a water tower as he arrived at his destination and frowned under his mask. "Now what exactly am I doing here?"

"Huh? Oh! You arrived, this is a popular dining establishment for teachers, especially the science ones at Empire State University. So until either you or I go through this information this is one of three places they could pop up. The other is the lab you went to before and the last is the teacher dorms." MJ explained, "but I figure since those other two places are probably abandoned at this time. See if you can spot some of the science teachers from ESU there. I already made a list and sent it to your phone."

"Okay… I suppose this is part of investigating. We have to wait and watch. Okay, my HUD should pick up their faces from here." Peter decided before he pulled his phone out of a bag he had on his back. It was made for him to quickly drop when he had to run off to fight or chase someone. "I really should make some pockets for this suit the next time I make it."

"Before you make pockets can you make it bullet proof?" MJ suggested sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah yeah, just finish up your homework so you can help me with mine when I get back." Peter responded, annoyed that a topic he thought he got rid of was back.


Peter slipped back into his room through his window as he arrived silently moving to his closet and switching out of his suit. As he was pulling on his sweatshirt he could hear footsteps coming up to his room. He made sure all of his things were hidden before moving over to his desk where his backpack was sitting.

The door slightly opened with his aunt's white head of hair popping inside. "Peter? Good, you are still awake." She moved the door open and stepped inside. "Peter, I know you have been focusing on other things and distracting yourself. But I would really appreciate it if you talked to someone."

Peter frowned and turned his attention back to his homework. "Aunt May, can we talk about this tomorrow morning?"

Aunt May sighed and turned to leave. But before she stepped out the door she stopped. "No." Peter raised an eyebrow in surprise. She turned and looked at him, "Peter I do not know what is going on with you. I may not know where you are going every other day. But I know Ben's death was just as bad for you as it was for me. So this upcoming weekend you are going to this therapist I have been seeing. Then maybe not every day this week but for a few days you will be home for dinner, you will even bring over your new girlfriend."

Peter frowned, "Girlfriend? Aunt May I have no idea why-"

"Peter." Aunt May interrupted him. "I do snoop, so I have found the condoms." Peter blushed a bright red, "both the unused and the used ones. I would love to meet them. Especially if they are getting my shy nephew hot and heavy."

"May!" If Peter was embarrassed before he was now appalled. "I don't- why- Aunt May- why are you going through my trash?"

Aunt May smiled before walking out, "you did not think those trash cans empty themselves did you?"

Peter went white as Aunt May closed the door. Leaving Peter to worry about what else she noticed. He would have to hide his suit better. He then thought of something and pulled out his phone, dialing MJ.

She picked up a moment later, "hey Tiger, you doing your homework? I just finished taking a shower."

"Yes, I am doing it now." Peter glanced at his door, "also Aunt May just laid down the law. I am being told I have to go to her therapist this weekend."

He could hear her smile over the phone, "good. But I doubt that is why you called me."

"Yeah… she also wants me to shop for dinner a few times this week." Peter breathed in and out. "She also found the condoms and wants me to bring over my girlfriend for dinner."

"Ah…" That caught Mary Jane's attention. "So… I need to come over and 'meet' your aunt. Even though I just live next door. Well this will be a bit awkward, Tiger."

Peter sighed, "well I suppose it was going to happen eventually. Did you see the text about the three science teachers?"

"Yeah, I will make a list and we can start individually investigating them this week." MJ responded then there was noise in the background, "Hey I gotta go. Finish up your homework and we can talk about that other stuff tomorrow."

Peter nodded, "Okay." Then she hung up. Peter sighed and looked at his phone before turning his attention to the history book in front of him. "This will get tedious."

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