Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Punishing the Beautiful Class Representative

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Class representative, why are you crying?”

Luo Feng felt rather helpless when he looked at Bing Ruolan’s tear-streaked face.

Despite his age, this was his first time seeing a girl cry right in front of him.

Bing Ruolan lowered her head because she could not stop her tears from falling. A bitter smile faintly appeared on her face while she bit her lip and said, “Luo Feng, do you hate me very much? I tried to gain the upper hand and strengthen myself in every way, but I was just being arrogant. Despite my clearly mediocre cultivation skills, I was deluded enough to believe that I could enter the Inner Institution and pass the Golden Halls Assessment by solely relying on hard work. I really thought that I could change my destiny…”

“In the end, I spent so much time cultivating the Roaring Tiger Fist, but I still failed to cultivate it to Level Three. I even dared to ask you to help me with my cultivation… Don’t you agree that I look like an idiot? I harbored these wishful thoughts despite being completely aware that I lacked the skills…”

Bing Ruolan became more emotional as she spoke. Finally, she pitifully cried because she could not hold herself back anymore. Her shoulders trembled and she looked like a weeping beauty.

Luo Feng stared blankly at her.

As he had the impression that Bing Ruolan was an extremely strong-willed girl, Luo Feng never imagined that the other party was actually hiding a soft side.

‘Could it be that she came here and waited for me every day?’ Luo Feng thought as an image of the scattered footsteps outside his entrance suddenly flashed through his mind.

“Hey, that looks like the class representative. Why is she looking for Luo Feng?”

“Did I see that correctly? Is the class representative really crying?”

“How could that be? The class representative didn’t even flinch when she got injured during the martial arts duel class previously, so why would she cry now? You’re definitely mistaken!”

The residences of Silver Moon Class’s students were located here. The students in the vicinity were preparing to go cultivate their skills before they gradually gathered there instead when they noticed the pair.

Luo Feng faintly frowned.

“Come with me.”

He hurriedly grabbed Bing Ruolan’s right hand before he turned around and took long strides toward the inside of the courtyard.


Bing Ruolan instinctively tried to struggle but Luo Feng was unbelievably strong. When he said “come with me,” his words seemingly possessed a bewitching power that caused the girl to unconsciously step forward and follow him.

When the pair entered the courtyard, Luo Feng immediately closed the door. The group of Silver Moon Class students who were left outside merely exchanged glances with each other.

‘This chick is so troublesome,’ Luo Feng thought before he let go of Bing Ruolan. He sighed in relief when he heard that the group of people outside were gradually leaving.

The male students in Silver Moon Class secretly thought of Bing Ruolan as their goddess. Without even thinking about it, Luo Feng knew what the other students would do to him if they saw Bing Ruolan’s tear-streaked face now.

Bing Ruolan’s mood had lightened up after she vented her feelings earlier. She reached her hand out and wiped off the streaks of tears before she forced herself to smile. “Luo Feng, you can just forget the things I said just now. Just pretend that I was making a huge fuss out of nothing. I’m going back now.”

“Hold on.”

Luo Feng held Bing Ruolan again before he looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said, “I don’t like starting things without finishing them. I’m going to ask you a question, so please answer it. Why must you enter the Golden Halls?”

A distracted look faintly flashed in Bing Ruolan’s blue eyes. She hesitated for a while before she said, “There’s an unwritten rule in my family that those who aren’t talented in cultivation must accept the arrangements that are made by the household. I’ve been engaged to be married ever since I was young because my skills are merely average. However, I dislike leaving my destiny in the hands of others. If I work hard and pass the Golden Halls Assessment, I’ll have the right to suggest to break off the engagement so that I can control my own fate!”

There was a rather emotional look in Bing Ruolan’s gaze now. Immediately after that, a beautiful smile appeared on her gorgeous face when she had seemingly thought of something. “However, it seems like it’ll be useless no matter how hard I work. I’m not even qualified to enter the Inner Institution now…”


Lin Xiaoxiao’s silhouette unconsciously flashed in Luo Feng’s mind before he realized that Bing Ruolan and himself were somewhat similar.

“I’ll accompany you during your cultivation,” Luo Feng immediately said while he lowered his gaze.

“What?” Bing Ruolan raised her head in shock. Her beautiful tear-streaked face made her look like a delicate yet pretty young woman.

“I’ve agreed to help you with your cultivation. Until which boundary do you want to cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist to?”

Bing Ruolan finally understood what was going on. Her gaze faintly trembled while she failed to suppress the joyful look that twinkled in her eyes. She carefully said, “I want to enter the Roaming King Tournament in half a month and achieve the Roaming King rank. However, my mentor said that I have to cultivate my Roaring Tiger Fist to Level Four before I even stand a chance.

“However, it doesn’t matter even if I fail to cultivate it to Level Four…”

The girl was about to explain because she was afraid that Luo Feng would be unwilling, but Luo Feng simply waved his hand and said, “I’ll help you successfully cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist! Right now, you should show me your Roaring Tiger Fist one time.”

He was going to help her successfully cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist!

Bing Ruolan was inwardly speechless when she looked at Luo Feng.

The Roaring Tiger Fist was a Yellow Rank Middle Class martial arts that certain people failed to cultivate to the Success State even after many years. However, Luo Feng’s tone made it seem as though this was as easy as slicing a cabbage.

Although those thoughts were going through her mind, there was no hesitation in Bing Ruolan’s movements anymore. She stood in the center of the courtyard and focused before she immediately did the first three moves of the Roaring Tiger Fist.

Whoosh, whoosh…

Several trees in the courtyard made loud whooshing noises while Bing Ruolan’s fist wind whistled.


Luo Feng watched her for a while before his eyebrows knitted together.

Bing Ruolan’s Roaring Tiger Fist had certainly improved a lot compared to the previous time at Purple Spirit Peak.

However, her movements were still extremely stiff and not sharp at all! Bing Ruolan’s Roaring Tiger Fist was not as impressive as it should have been. Rather, it seemed like a blunt saber.

“What did I do wrong?” Bing Ruolan froze and pinched her fingers like an anxious child who had made a mistake. Luo Feng currently resembled an unsheathed sword as his entire body was shrouded by an intimidating aura.

“Were you really cultivating the Roaring Tiger Fist? That move should have been called the ‘Meowing Cat Fist’ instead.” Luo Feng ruthlessly criticized her.

“Was it really that bad?”

“You’ll know for sure once you’ve tried it out.”

Luo Feng took several steps and walked to the center of the courtyard before he turned to Bing Ruolan and said, “You should attack me with the Roaring Tiger Fist. Don’t hold back!”

Bing Ruolan’s gaze changed before she immediately shook her head. “I can’t do that! What are you going to do if you get hurt?” Her cultivation base was at the peak of the Level Four Strength Boundary while Luo Feng had just achieved the early phase of the Strength Boundary. The difference between their cultivation bases was too great.

Luo Feng confidently laughed before he pointed at Bing Ruolan and replied, “Did you just say that you’re worried about me getting hurt? I think you should worry about yourself instead.”

Bing Ruolan had always been a competitive person. Otherwise, she would not have been determined to enter the Golden Halls. When she noticed that Luo Feng was looking down on her, Bing Ruolan raised her well-defined eyebrows before she bit her lip and said, “You’d better be careful then!”


Before she finished speaking, Bing Ruolan attacked Luo Feng with the Raging Tiger Leaves Cave move.


A light breeze blew when their two fists collided. Luo Feng took a step back while Bing Ruolan only managed to steady herself after taking two steps backward.

“What do you think?” Luo Feng stood there with his hands clasped behind his back and arrogantly glanced at Bing Ruolan.

A shocked expression seeped through the girl’s gaze.

She had only used seventy percent of her strength in that punch so that she would not injure Luo Feng. However, the situation had turned out this way instead. Bing Ruolan never imagined that Luo Feng could withstand the strength of her peak Level Four Strength Boundary.

When she recalled the differences between Luo Feng’s punch and her own earlier, her mind was struck by realization before she understood why Luo Feng agreed to duel with her.

A competitive look filled Bing Ruolan’s eyes while joy stirred in her heart. She shouted with a delicate voice. “Don’t be too full of yourself! I didn’t use all of my strength just now. Watch out! Evil Tiger Turns Head!”

Bing Ruolan stepped forward and twisted her waist before she waved her fist. Her short blue-colored hair fluttered while her fist resembled a fierce tiger’s sharp claws as she threw a punch at Luo Feng.

Since she was not holding back this time, the momentum throughout her entire body had instantly increased significantly.

The tips of Luo Feng’s eyebrows raised a little in happiness when he noticed that Bing Ruolan was finally able to grasp the essence of the move. Luo Feng quietly laughed and said, “You weren’t the only one who was holding back their strength!”


Luo Feng stomped on the ground before he used the Evil Tiger Turns Head and charged toward Bing Ruolan.

Crash! Numerous cracks quickly formed on the ground beneath their feet. Luo Feng took an additional step backward in comparison to Bing Ruolan, but that did not stop him at all. He charged forward once more and said, “Again!”

Bing Ruolan had started to grasp the concept of the Roaring Tiger Fist, but she was worried that this feeling would slip away from her. However, a faint smirk appeared at the corner of her lips when she saw Luo Feng charging toward her again. Bing Ruolan’s figure flashed as she met Luo Feng head-on.

Bang, bang, bang…

Both of their figures were constantly intertwined in the courtyard. For a moment, it seemed like there was a windstorm when the fierce wind blew chaotically. There were also terrifying cracks everywhere.

Luo Feng was incredibly strong, but Bing Ruolan’s skin was as tough as steel because her cultivation base had reached the peak of the Strength Boundary. Soon, they had fought more than ten rounds with each other because they matched in terms of strength.

As the fight went on, Bing Ruolan’s heart grew more and more fearful.

She initially assumed that she could suppress Luo Feng because her cultivation base was higher than his.

However, she never thought that Luo Feng could see through the flaws of her movements and use them to his advantage every time. She simply felt like a puppet that was being fully controlled by Luo Feng now.

Although this feeling made Bing Ruolan rather depressed, she was still pleasantly surprised because her Roaring Tiger Fist had clearly improved under Luo Feng’s meticulous guidance.

This was particularly true for Raging Tiger Leaves Cave and Evil Tiger Turns Head because those two skills were already perfect now. Meanwhile, her Flaming Tiger Sets Fire had also improved significantly! During the duel, her vitality slowly seeped into the meridian cycle inside her kidneys. It seemed as though she could advance at any minute!

‘So this is his true power…’

Bing Ruolan secretly looked at Luo Feng from top to bottom. Her gaze seemed somewhat complicated when she looked at his fine and handsome face.

Since they had rarely interacted with each other in the past, Bing Ruolan only knew Luo Feng as a weak student who had yet to advance after three years. Nobody would have imagined that he was simply a diamond in the rough who was hiding a brilliant sparkle!

“If you make any mistakes during your cultivation, you’ll be punished later…” Luo Feng’s voice suddenly roused Bing Ruolan.

“I’m sorry…”

Bing Ruolan’s cheeks felt slightly hot. She frantically suppressed the chaotic thoughts in her head before she focused her whole mind and body on the duel again.

Luo Feng adjusted his great spiritual power according to Bing Ruolan’s cultivation. He would use more strength if his opponent was stronger, and less strength if they were weaker.

As time passed, their auras became more in sync. Eventually, their movements became so similar when they clenched their fists that they were seemingly looking in a mirror when they were cultivating.

If someone with a high cultivation base was here, they would be able to tell that Luo Feng and Bing Ruolan had currently entered a cultivation boundary known as Abandoning All where they had completely immersed themselves in their martial arts.

Abandoning All was an extremely mysterious cultivation boundary that some martial arts masters failed to enter even once during their entire lives.

However, once an individual had entered the Abandoning All boundary, their cultivation would progress ten times faster than usual. It could even reach up to a hundred times faster!

Those two people were unaware that their strength was increasing at a rapid pace.


Luo Feng was completely immersed in the duel when he felt a sudden warmth in his chest. The heat began surging throughout his limbs and bones before the skin on his whole body kept getting hotter!

“Are these the effects of the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pill?”

Luo Feng felt rather shocked when he suddenly realized this.

He never imagined that the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pill that was hidden inside him would take effect and spread throughout his entire body when he was training with Bing Ruolan.

Once the effects of the pill had integrated into his flesh and body, Luo Feng felt his newly activated meridian cycle warming up. He felt like a butterfly that had just broken out of its cocoon.

‘I’m really going to advance!’

Luo Feng’s gaze lit up with joy when he felt a restless feeling inside his body. His figure flashed before he dodged Bing Ruolan’s fist and stood behind her.

“Why did you stop, Luo Feng?” Bing Ruolan was awakened from the Abandoning All boundary as well. There was an anxious look in her eyes when she looked at Luo Feng.

Bing Ruolan had just touched the edges of the Level Five Meridian Cycle. She was currently at a crucial moment when she was about to advance. If she lost this chance, she would not know when it would appear again. Bing Ruolan hoped that Luo Feng would continue to guide her to advance past the boundary.

Luo Feng stood behind Bing Ruolan and smirked. “You made a mistake just now, so it’s time for me to punish you.”

“Punish me?”

While Bing Ruolan was stunned, Luo Feng had already reached his hands out and clasped Bing Ruolan’s smooth, jade-like fingers from the back.

Bing Ruolan’s petite body briefly trembled when the man’s scorching aura wafted from behind.

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