Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 41: Arrogance

As I looked at the slightly grayish cocoons, soon a group of bees began to break the cocoons, and soon as they came out the first thing they did was start cleaning themselves before looking at me.

These bees were large, but they still did not have the common chitin armor of soldiers, they had a medium-sized bee abdomen full of hair, small antennae and very large wings. They all had 4 arms, 2 of which were "normal" bee hands, and 2 that looked like sickle blades.

"Hello Mom! Good Morning, what can we do for you?"

"Hello Boys, before anything, welcome to the world, I'm your mommy, I love you all of you guys very much."

I had started saying "I love you guys" to everyone, at first everyone was very happy and euphoric, but soon they got a grip, and nowadays they just kept trying to compete for my attention.

"We love you too Mom!"

"You are incredible!"

"The best mother in the world!"

While I let everyone be happy, I took the opportunity to take a look at the status of these guys, I wanted to know what Yard bees could do to help a plantation.


Name: N/D Species: Solitary honeybee 
Level: 1 Class: Farmers Mana: 1.5
Life: 1 Str: 0.2 Def: 1.5
Sp: 1.5 Int: 17.4 Wis: 13.6
+ Information

{Storage Mastery} Lv 1

{Maternal Connection} - locked

{Delicate Handling} Lv 1

Grants the ability to handle delicate flowers and plants without causing damage during the collection process.

{Green thumb} - Lv 1

While taking care of plants you can accelerate their growth and ensure a better development.

{Unshakeble Will}

{Soil Enrichment} Lv 1

Contribute to soil health by aerating the earth with your digging and burrowing activities, as well  by depositing nutrient-rich secretions from yout glans that enhance fertility and promote plant growth.


[Effective pollinator]

You have great pollination techniques, ensuring that pollen is distributed evenly and effectively among flowers to facilitate successful fertilization and fruit production.

Gain XP when pollinating

[Patience and Perseverance]

You know that good things take time to happen, you are very patient and diligent, you do everything calmly and precisely to maximize your results, even if it takes longer


'Humm, they don't seem to be a big deal... But I think they are a long-term investment, we can create a
whole garden with high-quality flowers with enough time.'

"Thank you guys, I was hoping you could create a high quality garden around our house, do you guys think is possible?"

The gardeners looked at each other and began to whisper, it seemed that they were making some plans and programs to answer my question.

"Maybe... We would need to increase our numbers even more, and analyze the terrain around us, we also need some additional information, such as season of the year, weather, water availability, the extent of the flower field and what flowers will be planted."

"Well... You can ask the cooks what season we are in, they seem to be able to feel it, the weather is sunny and pleasant for the almost every day, we have a lot of water in a nearby stream, the field should circulate throughout our house, I would say that within a radius of 20 meters would be enough, and I have no preference for flowers to be planted, but again, you can ask the cooks, they would know how to deal with it."

The gardeners went back to discussing and making plans with the information I provided them, they seemed quite competent and wanted to make a solid plan.

"Well, we can start by preparing the land, we would have to clear a large area, taking out any dirt or vegetation that was growing in that area, then we could start plowing the land and fertilizing it, this process would take some time, but it is essential for the future of crops!"

"That's fine by me, I'll send some workers to help you and ask Levi to build a barn for you guys, in the meantime do you think you guys could take care of some plants for me?"

"Sure! What do you need?"

"We have a group of [Tears of the saint], which we brought from the poisonous forest, they are growing well, but I would like you guys to help them to grow even more."

"No problem!"

When we had finished talking everything over, the gardeners flew into the kitchen to interview the cooks, while I and my entourage started back to my room.

'Can you ask Levi to send some workers to the gardeners? And ask him to build a room for them?'

'- We have already done this mother, Levi has already sent a group of 20 to them, and began to discuss with the other workers the construction of a room for the gardeners, Levi is only waiting for the gardeners, to interview them and know their needs'

'Thank you'

'-I's nothing'


When the nurses finished arranging all the breeding combs, I created a new batch of around 20 cooks and 40 collectors, now that we were growing in numbers the need for new collectors and cooks increased. Food production was still enough to feed the entire colony, but the cooks were starting to get very tired, and the gatherers simply didn't have the capacity to maintain a constant resupply.

The food situation began to get so serious again that new honey and jam silos were being built. The warehouse had a lot of space, and only about 30% of it was occupied by silos, which left a lot of room to increase our inventory.

The boys had finished the studio, and now they were faced with another problem.

Dirty laundry.

The cloths created by the tailors were widely used in the dormitories and for cleaning and maintaining the base, which generated a lot of dirty laundry. The solution found for this was to throw everything away, or clean the dirty clothes and since throwing away fabrics was out of the question, the workers came up with the project of a laundry room. The place would be built with a silo filled with water that would serve as a water tank, and would have several wax basins and cleaning pits.

The plan also said that the place would serve as the community closet, where the workers would store the cloths and anything else made of silk when not in use. The plan to clean all the clothes was to fill the water tank, use it to fill the basins with water and then scrub the fabrics as if it were 1800, the place would also have a drain with a stopper, which would empty all the dirty water. outside the room, and some tools such as grass brushes and stones for beating clothes.

The initial plan was to simply go to a lake with all the dirty clothes and wash them right there, but the soldiers didn't approve of this idea. According to them, it would be very dangerous for workers to spend a lot of time outside and stay in such an exposed place, this could overload the soldiers' work and was not productive.

Even more so when we take into account the frequency with which we would need to wash this dirty laundry. Every day there were things to clean, be it dirty spoons or honey, or dust accumulated in the tanks, the workers dealt with all this dirt simply by licking everything and then spitting small balls of dirt outside the house.

My children had some kind of obsession with cleanliness, I didn't know if it was because they were bees, or something they got from me, I was never a person who couldn't live in an environment that wasn't "sterilized", so I don't know exactly why. where did that come from. Maybe it's an instinct they have to reduce the chance of contamination or illness, or it could just be a prank from the link, but I don't think that's a bad thing, it's actually very satisfying to go everywhere and everything is impeccably clean.

And that's why the cloths were so loved here. The arrival of cloths gave my children the chance to clean everything, without coming into direct contact with dirt, and they loved it. Being able to clean the walls, floor and maintain the base without having to lick everything was a great relief for them.

And now they wanted to build the laundry room to maintain this little "luxury", and I approved, after all there is no harm in allowing them to develop.

And come to think of it, this actually is a little scary. We are bees, but we have a "sivilized" society here, the whole place looks like a small developing village, we are more advanced every day, and we were at the point of creating theaters! I don't know much about city development, but I think that when a small society takes the time to invest in entertainment that means we are developing.

We had a nursery, kitchen, infirmary, bedrooms, cafeteria, a lounge, a general headquarters and now we were creating a laundry room and even a theater!

This place was growing like weeds.


Hans view


My team and I were circling a large lizard, we had spent hours planning this attack, and now it was time to hunt our prey.

I was irritated that Trouble took so many risks, even when our mother had asked us to be careful, I was jealous of how a younger soldier with different thoughts and actions than mine was succeeding, and I felt ashamed that I was jealous of my own brother. We were all from the same family, fighting for the same goal and purpose, Trouble never did it to challenge my authority as the strongest, he just wanted to grow and become stronger, something we all wanted.

Still I couldn't let go of this bitter feeling, this feeling that I should be the best, the strongest and the most reliable, I couldn't let Trouble and his group become better than me and my own group.

I couldn't.

That's why I started taking more risks, I gave up on the small prey that barely gave a drop of XP, and moved on to bigger things. Lizards, small rats and large insects, these guys were my new targets.

Something that was very clear to all of us was that those creatures were stupid, they couldn't think much or create strategies, they could only make a ferociously attack and hope for a good result.

And we took advantage of that.

At first it was difficult, since we only had a spearman and several soldiers, the only swordsman was serving as the queen's royal guard, and couldn't help at all.

So we started small, with creatures like big beetles, strange butterflies, and scary baby mantis.

Over time we got enough Xp for some of the soldiers to evolve, and as we followed this path we got more classes like poisoners, tanks, swordsmen and more spearmen.

We attracted the antention and fury of large prey using poisonous troops, they could sting them with poisons capable of causing extreme pain or discomfort. So when these creatures started to run after the poisoners the tanks tooked the lead, they made the creatures attack them and protected everyone.

Using this method, with coordinated attacks and some attack waves, we could accumulate great damage on these creatures and then eventualy kill them.

The swordsmen can cut their ankles, so they couldn't get away, the spearmen impaled them and right after the struck they ran, creating open wounds that would kept bleeding, the poisoners applied stings with stunning effects, and the tanks kept them immobile or distracted.

With this strategy, we managed to kill a creature that resembled a frog, a very small mouse with rabbit legs, and a large spider that looked like an unarmored crab.

And now we would use the same strategy on this lizard.

This guy was dangerous, we had studied him for a long time, he was really dangerous.

He had a tongue that could stretch like a frog's and grab things from afar, in addition to being able to camouflage himself almost perfectly in the environment around him.

He was also very fast and had a little of common sense, he would run away when he detected danger, but we wouldn't give him that chance.



At my command a group of soldiers started heading towards him, they were accompanied by a tank and were going to fight with the lizard, at least that's what we wanted him to think.

The lizard looked with large yellow eyes at the approaching bees and seemed to have become interested in the apparent "free meal", and tried to catch one of the soldiers with its tongue.

But halfway through,  the tank entered the middle of the way and received the tongue blow. And soon he was hooked back by the lizard who tried to eat him but realized that it was very difficult to swallow, or even chew a tank.

While the creature was distracted trying to eat the tank, a group of 3 poisoners sneaked up behind the lizard and without hesitation stung it.

In response, the lizard let out a small scream, which the tank took advantage of to get out of the creature's mouth and grab its face, then all the poisoners ran away without leaving a trace and the rest of the tanks flew to help their brother to immobilize the creature.

The creature realized that the situation had reversed very quickly and tried to escape, even with its face covered in bees and being poisoned, but before it could do anything it was suddenly impaled by several spearmen, who focused on more sensitive and vital points such as the neck and legs.

The lizard realized that him had been hit and tried to turn himself invisible so we would lose his track, but the bloodstains and bees floating in nothing gave away his location very easily.

Soon the swordsmen came and began to make large cuts on the lizard's legs and body, to ensure that it could not escape.

The creature began to despair upon realizing the extent of the damage it had received, and tried to struggle furiously to get the bees away from its body, In the middle of all this, his invisibility had already disappeared, and now he was just trying to create an opening to escape, something that clearly wasn't going to happen, since the tanks didn't even budge, and the poison had already started to set in and take effect.

The lizard started to move less and less and soon stopped moving, but it was still alive, so everyone let go of the lizard and moved away, letting a group of young soldiers get close and deliver the final blows.

The group of junior soldiers began to tear, cut, chop and sting the fainted lizard without any hesitation, they attacked the eyes and neck and after a pause everyone started to clap.

Which meant the lizard died.

I didn't participate in all the battles, I was already at level 4 and the priority was the junior soldiers who hadn't yet achieved an evolution.

"Big brother! We did it! He's dead!"

"Good job all of you, now be quick and harvest the meat, we can use it as bait to attract a significant number of carrion insects."

"Got it!"

Soon everyone began to dismantle the lizard, tearing off large pieces of meat and scattering them around the region, placing them in holes, difficult places to access and branches. This meat would serve to attract small scavengers, such as meat beetles, flies and ants, they gave little Xp of course, but they always came in large quantities, so we could earn a lot killing them.

"Brother, 3 soldiers have achieved enough levels to evolve, don't you think it's better if we go back for today?"

"Hmmm, No, send the soldiers who can evolve home accompanied by the most tired members, and let's take advantage of this creature's carcass."


Those days our group had become very powerful, we were not deadly individually as the members of Trouble group, but together we could cause great damage.

'I'm the best, I have to be, forgive me little brother, but I'm not going to let you pass me, I'm going to show mom who between the two of us is the most powerful'

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