Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 37: Good vibes

'On one hand I would like to have all the options, but since I can only choose 2, I have to be smart... [Wax Craftsman], it seems like something Levi would get when he evolved, so it doesn't really souds appeal to me, the same thing goes for [Royal Adivisor], Steve was already that, he just needed to have a class to confirm that position.'

'Now, [Honey Fermenter] is the elephant in the room. What can this guy do? Get my bees drunk? Who would want that?! But on the other hand, if they can produce alcohol, then that means they can produce yeast, which would be an incredible ingredient for potions, and between us, who doesn't like having a drink in their free time, they seem to fall into the same area as [Royal Cooks] and the [Bards], they are among the support and production troops'

'Now, [Carpenters]? I don't think I need to say anything, I want this shit! One of the biggest problems I'm facing is my big problem with the lack of resistant materials, if I had these carpenters we could start building with wood!'

'And lastly, these [Farmers] seem like an evolution of the [Gardeners] that I refused a long time ago, at that time I didn't want to risk getting a troop that could be useless if used alone, since I didn't want to produce a large number of troops, but nowadays I don't care about that, if I could increase the quality of all the plants around our house that would be amazing! We could start growing our food in the comfort of our home, instead of sending drones after flowers that are far away. The soldiers could relax since they would have to protect a fixed perimeter, and the collectors would be more comfortable.'

'I don't even need Steve for that, I already know what to choose.'

After choosing [Farmers] and [Carpenters] I gave the warning to Ken and then left the nursery, when I left the large building I was suddenly hit by a super calming melody like the sound of a violin that permeated the air.

As I looked around I could see that the bards were spread out in various positions and were playing a super calming melody in an orderly manner, the workers seemed super happy with the music and everyone worked with smiles on their faces.

The workers had already finished renovating the kitchen and completed construction of the honey and royal jelly silos, and were now focused on building Hans' headquarters and an infirmary.

The general headquarters was a large perfect cube with several entrances and exits, with a large corridor that connected to the other corridors, near the general headquarters an immense room was being built that would serve as the soldiers' dormitory, in addition to a large room that would serve as a refectory.

The soldiers patrolled the place and were always very calm, unlike the tension they had about a week ago, since now that we had a large number of soldiers, no invader was too bold to come in very closely.

The soldiers continued to level up like crazy, and I continued to gain XP for that, no progress had been made yet, but it would happen soon.

Another thing that was happening was that the cooks were as creative as me, with the 'stove' that they now had, they started to produce various unique foods, such as walnuts gratin in honey, preserved fruits, nut bars, fruit jelly, pies and even bread! All using the ingredients that I discovered in my experiments, and ingredients that they made themselves. The bread they created was just a little ball of flour and boiled water, but it was still very bread-like.

All of these things became highly sought after delicacies among the workers, each of them liked to eat different things, especially the scouts, who made a point of bringing more fruits and special ingredients for the cooks.

And speaking of the Boy Scouts I did something I should have done a long time ago, I asked them to find a 'light bulb' for our house, they haven't been successful yet, but if something bright came along they would bring it home immediately.

I also thought about sending Trevis to my first house to get some lamps, but it seemed cruel to send him alone on this trip, but after talking to him, Trevis agreed to go to the place if he was accompanied by some scouts and soldiers, which I accepted. .

He had left yesterday, and hadn't returned yet, but I knew from our [Link] that they were okay.

Another thing that happened was in relation to the collectors, I was afraid that they might be... Schizophrenic. But this turned out to be nonsense, as long they were well fed and 'rested' their hallucinations were mild, like seeing things in different colors and shapes, or losing the sense of space and direction.

But if they were not well taken care of, the hallucinations would get much worse, for example, if they were exhausted or stressed, the hallucinations could start to affect senses other than sight, they could start to feel, smell and hear things that weren't real, and at this point, is all just downhill.

But if they were well cared for and protected they would be normal, like an autistic child I think, they are a little strange but they are completely functional, they just need a safe and calm environment to do their work with an impressive mastery that would make anyone jealous. 

When I got to the kitchen I could see the cooks mixing the big boiler with [Nutritional Pastes] which was still the main source of food, and some other cooks making some unique treats, the whole place was super busy, with cooks walking around and here, workers flying above, and some collectors who came occasionally to collect all the nutritional paste to place in large barrels.

Jay and Ray were certainly the leaders of the place, like the "master chefs", all the cooks asked them for their opinions, and all quality control was done by them.

And when I talk about quality control it's something serious, if the cooks didn't approve of a food it was sent to special tanks that would later be used to create wax. And if one of the delicacies was not approved, the cooks would eat it together, anything that they did not consider worthy would not leave that kitchen.

The silo room was just incredible, with big giant yellow silos, if I were to say a height I would say each silo is 5 meters, but that's not realistic now that I'm a bee much smaller than a human.

All silos were "labeled." The silos had colored rims made of colored wax, which workers used to determine the functionality of a tank, the yellow rice tanks were filled with common royal jelly, the green ones with honey, and the gray ones were with "poor quality jelly" that was supposed to be used to create wax later.

The silos also had a priority system, the more rings a silo had, the more important its contents were. For example, a silo with 1 ring was just regular feed jelly, and a silo with 2 yellow rings contained jelly to feed the larvae.

The whole place was busy, with collectors turning on the taps to fill their chests with jelly, and then leaving to take the jelly somewhere else. And there were some workers who monitored everything and ensured that the honey in the silos was always of excellent quality.

The kitchen had an entrance that led directly to the outside, to enter the stores you had to enter through the corridor connected to the kitchen or one of the doors, a 'door' was in the ceiling, and was an easy access entrance for the bees and the another door gave access to another corridor that went straight to the workers' dormitory.

The bedroom was above the cafeteria/party room. When you arrived in this large room you could see dozens of tables scattered around the place, filled with chairs made solely of hard wax with large holes in the back, and tables that were large bars of hard wax supported by wooden rods wrapped in hard wax.

On one of the walls there was a large bowl of honey right in the middle of the cafeteria wall, one part was next to the cafeteria, while the other part could be accessed easily from the corridor. To the left of this honey bowl, there was what looked like a buff table, like the tables in a school cafeteria.

The entire worker system was designed to be highly efficient, collectors could quickly access silo storage across the hall, fill their chests with food such as nutritional paste and then simply empty it into this basin, then workers could bring the cooks treats. and put them in the buffet for anyone who wants to pick them up.

At the end of it all, there was never any food left over, as both the workers made a point of not leaving any leftovers, and the cooks knew how much they had to produce so there would be no leftovers.

Access to the bedroom was right in the center of the room, being a large vertical corridor that went only upwards. When you went up to the place you could see that there was no separation by rooms or anything like that, every floor was just a soft floor made of normal wax with several pillows made of plant fibers for the workers to sleep on, they didn't seem to have this issue of 'privacy', everyone slept together and together, using their manes as warm blankets.

At the top of the dormitory there was an exit/entrance exactly like the one in the warehouse, so workers could come and go easily at any time.

We were all very humble, well it's not like we had a choice, but we were still humble. We didn't have things like lights or follow toilets, but still everyone seemed super happy. And once the [seamstresses] were born we could make things like blankets, curtains, pillows, table cloths, and even clothes for whoever wanted to.



You earned 34 Xp from your bee


Your soldier has leveled up to Lv 5


Your soldier has leveled up to Lv 5


2 of your soldier's now can evolve.


Your soldier has evolved into a [Warrior].


Your soldier has evolved into a [Sworder].


A few hours had passed, and I was doing some experiments in my lab when I got the news that but 2 of my soldiers evolved, they chose unique classes, but nothing I haven't already seen, so I was good with it.

Now I was creating some gears with the wax alloy that I created, my helpers Albert and Isaac had made clay molds that I was using for the task, I had managed to create 4 rustic gears with an irregular shape and strange appearance.

The gears had varied shapes and sizes and I had created them with that goal in mind, I also used the Bee 'rubber' to create a belt with a clay mold and had made a wax alloy plate with some holes.

On this board I placed all the gears and then secured them in place with hard wax astes. I placed a very large toothed gear at one point and a small gear at the other end of the wax alloy plate, then connected the 2 gears using the other parts I had and ran it rubber.

At the end I put a hand crank connected to the large gear on the steering tip and sprinkled everything with plenty of bee "oil". Then I started turning the crank to see the results and I was happy to see that all the parts moved easily and without making any noise, as I turned the crank the larger gear rotated, making the smaller gear connected to it rotate even faster, then this gear made the belt move and the belt made another gear rotate, and in the end I had a small gear that rotated quickly as I turned the crank.


"What is this thing for Mother?"

"I'll give it to Levi, so he can learn those mechanical principles to build my windmill later!"

My assistants seemed impressed and clapped their hands at my little creation, it was nothing fancy and you could do better with Lego bricks, but if you take into account that I created this prototype of the absolute 0, being a bee! That makes me a very badass Bee.

After completing my prototype I put it on a shelf that was nothing more than hard wax boards stuck to the wall and supported with sticks and decided to go out for a snack, I asked my assistants to clean up all the mess and then go rest.

When I left my lab I was greeted with the sight of the sunset and the beautiful melody of the bards, all the bees were flying quietly through the area while doing their jobs and I could see a group of soldiers bringing the chrysalidades of the soldiers who have evolved recently.

Arriving in the kitchen I took a small jar that contained a food made specifically for me by the cooks, it was a royal jelly that had exotic and different flavors every day, the cooks knew that I did not like to poop, so my menu only contained things like honey, jelly and nectar.



The individual "Matt" has leveled up to lvl 5


The individual "Matt" now can evolve.


The individual "Matt" had evolved into a [Sentinel]



'Gee! Matt evolved! He was working at this hour!? He should be wanting this evolution very much.'

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