Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Are we there yet?

Chel asked, wiping his sweat. Although it wasnt that long of a walk in the cool weather, the child seemed to lag behind, apparently running out of steam.

On the other hand, Ian was feeling refreshed by the outdoor breeze he hadnt felt in a long time. He was also quite enjoying the view of the unfamiliar street.

Were almost there.

Young master Chel, if youre tired, would you like to return?

At Macks kind words, Chel shook his head.

He might have, if Deo were here. If he turned back alone now, he wouldnt be able to follow his fathers instructions. He had to remember as much of their conversation with Ian as possible and report back.

Ah, this is the place.

The landscaping is beautifully matched to the standards of Fortloga. The lake is also very clear. On a good day, those mountains are reflected perfectly on the waters surface.

Morlins praise wasnt empty words. Even to Ian, who had seen the luxurious gardens of the palace, it was quite impressive.

But that was just for a moment. Ian looked around, hiding his troubled expression.

How large is this place?

Hmm. I havent fully explored it myself.

It will take about thirty minutes if you walk slowly.

The park was bigger than he had expected. Since no specific location was specified, the problem was whether he could meet this childs mother. Even while conversing with Morlin, Ian kept an eye out for every passerby.


Then. At a distance, he noticed a beggar wearing a hat. With not a single strand of hair visible, it was impossible to tell if they were male or female. But there was something familiar among the objects spread out on the ground.

Its the same.

A flower pot of the same species that his mother told him about was there. Ian stopped in his tracks and turned to Chel. Fortunately, Chels hair was a mess due to all the sweat.

My Chel-hyungnim seems to be very tired, perhaps we should take a break here.

Should we?

Would it be possible to ask for a drink, if its not too much trouble?

Just a moment. Rhee!

Mack called the servant walking behind him to bring drinks, and the group sat down at a nearby bench to catch their breath. Ian kept stealing glances towards the beggar, waiting for an opportunity.

While waiting for the servant, I would like to take a look over there. Older brother. Would you like to come with me?

No, Im fine.

Chel was panting heavily, almost stretching out his hand. Ian looked at the three men straight on, silently asking for permission. It wasnt that far from where they sat, so Mack gave a slight nod.

Go ahead. Im sure theres something worth seeing.

Thank you.

Ian walked towards the beggar, crouched down, and started to inspect the items. The beggar, almost lying down, didnt react. This person hadnt fainted, had she? Ian tilted his head to the other side and gathered his magic. His absinthe-colored eyes turned golden, and his brooch, emitting a red light, stopped working.


At his voice, the beggar twitched. Soon, the beggar lifted her head. Golden hair, like the sand of the desert, flowed from beneath the black cloth. Eyes the same green as his. It was Ians mother.


Dont react strongly and just listen to what I have to say.

Ians mother, Philea, was quite beautiful. Enough to understand why she had been involved with Dergha.

Philea raised her head to look at him but stopped at Ians words. Her vision was limited by her own cloth, so she could only see up to his chest.

Ian. Ian

Mother. I am doing well. I received your letters too. Please dont worry about me.

His mothers tears fell drop by drop. Ian silently watched her cry. Sorry, but theres no time. The men behind him wouldnt take their eyes off him.

Please understand that I cant contact you as before through Hannah. And I have a favor to ask. Ian took out a gold coin from his pocket. Did you put this in?

What? Gold coin?

Philea seemed to have no idea. Although he expected it, it was still the case. A subtle emphasis that the count was financially supporting his mother.

Ian smiled and put the gold coin in her hand. Prepare well to hide yourself with this money. Ill let you know the timing through Hannah.

Whether he wanted it or not, Philea was currently an obstacle for Ian. To devour Dergha, it was best to first clear out all foreseeable variables.

The woman held the coin quietly and raised her head. She seemed completely puzzled by what he was saying. Ian. Your eyes

Promise me. That you will do so for my sake.

Golden eyes shining like a lions. As Philea blinked in surprise, tears streamed down her cheeks. Ian. If you want to run away, its okay.

Mother. Im sorry, but.

Master Ian!

The servant placed drinks and snacks on the table. Mack called Ian, but the child couldnt turn his head. He couldnt show his gold-colored eyes to the them.

Im already sorry enough for letting you go like this. So if you want, dont hesitate to run away.

Mack slowly approached. The closer he got, the more puzzled his expression became. The woman seemed to have come to see Ian to convey her determination. She couldnt hold his hand, so she tightly grasped his sleeve.

I will not run away, Ian added in a quiet voice, as if making a decision. Whenever you can, collect Grulla seeds. They will definitely be a great help in the future. Forget the song you sang for me, the lyrics I will send in a letter will be our code from now on.

Mack stood right behind him. Ian loosened his magical powers and smiled faintly. His golden eyes and the red brooch quickly lost their light.

Ill take it in a pot. The price should be about this.

Master Ian? Is something wrong?

Im sorry, Sir Mack. I was thinking about whether to buy it or not, so it took a long time.

Ian picked up the pot and laughed. Mac kscrutinized the boys expression, but he couldnt feel any emotion beyond calmness. He glanced at the wanderer and led the child away.

Young master Chels stamina is weaker than I thought, Mack continued in a whisper. He snickered while looking at Chels chest. Ian too, looked back and laughed a bit. Philea was looking down completely, her face covered with a cloth. A woman who knew how to cry silently.

You bought a pot, Master Ian.

What plant is it?

At Dgors question, Ian just laughed. What does it matter if you know? He wasnt particularly knowledgeable about plants, and from the contents of the letter, it was certain that the pot had been cultivated by the child.

Well, I bought it because the flowers were so pretty.

Ive never seen it before Mack! You know this, right?

Why should I?

Arent you an expert in giving bouquets?

Dgor! You!

Surprisingly, however, everyone in the room seemed to be unaware of the identity of the pot. The red petals that seemed to hold watercolors were so gorgeous that you wouldnt forget them once you saw them.

Ian gently hugged the pot and looked back. The woman had disappeared without a trace.

Tick tock.

Were here.

The coachman opened the door, and Deo staggered out. It was clear he was still not sober. At the gate, the servants were waiting for them, holding lanterns.

Young masters, have you arrived?

Are you tired? Please come in.

Master Ian, the lord has requested you to come to his office first.

The butler took off his coat smoothly and brought a wet towel. Ian handed the pot to a servant, then headed straight upstairs.

Knock, knock.

Come in.

The permission fell almost simultaneously with the knocking sound. He must have been waiting for quite a while. As soon as he entered, Dergha stopped moving his quill.

The brooch.

Before any greetings, confirming the brooch was most important. Ian went near the desk and put the brooch from his chest on it.

What did you talk about?

Nothing special. The banquet was held in the reception room of the official residence, and we mostly talked about the capital. After the meal, we went to a nearby park for an academic discussion.

Is that so? Thats it?

Dergha picked up the brooch while stroking his mustache. Next to him was a glass jar containing a transparent liquid, a potion to activate the magic stone.


The magic stone submerged in the liquid emitted light. The same response as when Ian infused it with magic. A moment later, a voice echoed like the sound of waves spreading slowly from a gong.

[Is this an office?

[this is where officials staydispatched from the capital. It is clean and comfortable, like home.

What did he mean by like a home?

It seems to suggest that they live there as if it were their home.

Perhaps because it was a low-grade magic stone, the voice was not clear. Ian had to swallow a sigh internally.

So this is the knack to meticulously track down the imprecise parts.

Feeling tired, should he just let loose his magic and shatter it? As Ian was seriously contemplating this, he heard movement from outside. It was Countess Mary.

Would you look at me for a moment.

Whats the matter?

Her tightly drawn lips held anger. The Count fiddled with his brooch with a frown on his face, and the Countess stalked over, glaring at Ian. As if she was absolutely dissatisfied with the situation.

Do you plan to send Chel to follow that wretched thing every time it roams outside? Are you telling me that the work that justifies pulling him out of classes is merely to follow that thing around and supervise it?

Where is this racket coming from!

You dont look like you wont?

The state of Chel upon returning to the mansion was certainly not pretty. Soaking in sweat like a pig doused in water, his staggering walk was rather pitiful.

Mary declared that she wouldnt send the child as a watcher again, and Dergha raised his voice. There was a lot built up between them already, and it felt like a spark was about to ignite.

Excuse me.

Ian, who had been silently watching the two, intervened. There was no reason to continue listening to the ear-piercing argument between the couple.

Ill take my leave first. Father. I will see you again tomorrow.

With that, he slipped out of the office. It seemed like this was a common occurrence, as the servants were shrinking away and quickly scurrying down the hallway. As Ian descended, he ran into Hannah.


Master Ian. Ive placed the flower pot in your room.

Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to finish my work successfully.

This meant he had a good meeting with his mother. Hannah followed behind him, prattling on.

Once I actually went there, I realized that the park was big. So I told the guests that the Fort district, where they reside, is the closest to the third district.

Ian turned to look at her as he opened the door. Somehow, it turned out that Hannah had managed the task brilliantly. A truly helpful and clever child.

Good. Thank you. If theres anything you want, just tell me.

Yes, young master. Thank you!

After adjusting the lantern light, Hannah bowed and left.

Like Chel, Ian wasnt completely exhausted, but his legs were sore and he was tired. He flopped onto the bed and mumbled, This is going to be troublesome. Should I take Chel to the training ground?

It was about time to start moving, to build up his strength. It was clear that turbulent times were coming.

For the first time in his life, Ian collapsed face-down, utterly drained.

The lingo in this novel is quite medieval-ish. I've tried to translate it best as I could, so please bear with me if there are incongruities in the translation.

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