Mantle of the Gods

Book 4 - The Escape - Chapter 48

A car picked us up outside the Clinic.

We drove straight back to the Cathedral. It felt strange just the three of us driving back and leaving Justia there, but she was supposed to come with Gesai after they got some stuff finalized at the Publian Clinic. Trent still had work to do to finish the remodel, but he planned on taking care of that on the weekends.

With all the excitement, I thought I’d be up for hours, but I fell asleep before we left the city limits. I woke up when the car stopped inside the Cathedral. We walked back to our dorms, which seemed a little bit larger than before. When we walked in, I realized that the dorm was bigger. There were eleven beds inside the building instead of seven. The beds in the middle of the room were bunk beds, which meant that twelve people could sleep in this dorm.

“Atlas!” Ether wrapped me in a hug. I pulled in close and kissed her. This felt right, being here with her. She pulled away and buried her white hair in my chest. “I’m so glad you’re safe!”

I stroked her hair. And wished this moment would never end.

Then Aelin happened.

“Atlas! Rix!” She looked around. "Where’s Justia?”

“She’s coming.” I looked at Trent as I remembered a promise I’d made. "Trent, What happened to Sylph? I promised her mother that I’d look after her.”

“Rix already told me about that.” Trent nodded at the redhead who had already walked over to her bed in the corner and curled up on it. "I had her taken to the Clinic. Hye and Suna could use someone to dote on and she’s the same age as Joy, so hopefully they’ll get along and have someone there for each other.”

I nodded. It sounded like Rix had done a good job of taking care of that for me.

“So…” Aelin bent to the side so she could be in my field of vision. "Any new additions to the harem?”

Well…” I had been dreading this part.

“You did?!” Aelin slapped me on the shoulder.

“It’s not a done deal.” Considering what Gesai had done to keep my secret safe, it was pretty close. “Ether has to approve it.”

My love looked up at me with her bright red eyes. "Who is it?”


“It’s two somebodies!”

Aelin looked over at where Rix was either pretending to or actually sleeping. “Did you do something to Rix?”

“No!” At the moment, I couldn’t imagine doing something with Rix. I could imagine her doing something to me, but that was nightmare fuel that I was trying not to think about.

“Hmm, Fray! You better get on this! You’re falling behind in the rankings!”

The homely brunette had been hiding in the bathroom. She walked out in a blue t-shirt and jeans. Blue was our team color, so it was a requirement that if we weren’t going to wear our blue jumpsuit, that was essentially our uniform, we had to have a large amount of blue on our clothes.

My and Rix’s leather armor had been dyed blue. Ether was wearing blue shorts and a white sports bra with a large blue stripe on the side. Aelin had on something that looked like blue pajama top and bottoms with some sort of decoration on it.

“Hi Atlas, I’m happy you’re back.” She blushed and looked away from me.

“You can do better than that!” Aelin motioned towards me. "He’s been starved of female companionship for over three weeks! Give him a kiss!”

“Aelin!” I tried my best to ignore Ether snickering against my chest. "Quit trying to force her in that direction. If it’s going to happen, let it happen naturally.” I looked at Fray. "I’m sure you’re used to…”

Fray ran over and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re back.” She blushed and ran outside.

“Well, I didn’t expect that.”

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