
Chapter 88: Preparing for the Dragon Extermination

Kazane and the others barely survived the Monster House, so they rested in a hidden room on the 29th layer until noon the next day. They were truly tired from the day before. And Kazane's group immediately took the shortest path to the stairway and set foot on the 30th layer.

◎ Rock Hold Cave 30th Layer

「Today's plan is to explore this layer without encountering enemies as much as possible. We'll only aim at a few monsters.」

Kazane said while her muscles throbbed with pain from moving.

「Hmm. As it's right on the heels of yesterday my fatigue isn't gone.」

Jinrai also replied as he loosened his arms. Immediately after rejuvenating he was acting like an old man.

「That's tough.」

Yumika said with a nonchalant face, since the Wolf God Transformation's fatigue recovery had prevented her from becoming too tired yesterday. Although less fatigue after battle was one of the advantages of the Bangle of the Wolf God, Yumika said「uu」and broke into a cold sweat at the irritated glares from Kazane and Jinrai.

「Well, today I'm completely recovered since my body was barely fatigued yesterday.」

「My shoulder injury was removed by Kazane's thorough Heal. Today you can entrust me with various things, so we'll be safe.」

Tiara and Louise respectively replied. By the way, Sieg was down due to muscular pain caused by carrying stones to Tatsuyoshi-kun.

「So we reached layer 30, but aren't the monsters around here the same as above?」

「Let's see. It seems that way, but there's one new monster. There's a sword-like monster called Bloody Sword.」

Yumika looked at the monster list on the dungeon map and answered.

「If I'm not mistaken it's that guy that drains stamina with its attacks?」

Jinrai nodded at Kazane's request for confirmation.

「That is considerably tough. It takes a fairly long time to destroy it with attacks from a weapon like a spear or a sword, so concentrating on the core point is fastest. Well, magic can easily defeat it, particularly lightning magic.」

「So you're saying it's my turn, right?」

「We'll be relying on you, Louise onee-san.」

Jinrai replied to Louise's remark.「Leave it to me」Louise returned. It seemed that a bit of frustration had accumulated from having to preserve mana in normal battles until now.

One hour later Kazane and the others encountered Bloody Swords. Three were destroyed by Louise's Grimoire 「If I attack with this I will probably recover stamina.」

Kazane said.

「But in the first place you do hardly any damage with that and just kick things.」

Yumika pointed out, and Kazane replied「that's true, isn't it」with a sigh.

Although it smelled of being a dead skill, she fought using it and unexpectedly found her fatigue was gone just past noon, and she became full of energy. It was thanks to『Warrior's Memory』that her swordsmanship was at a level where she could make that discovery. But after becoming energetic she returned to mainly kicking. Well, switching to the main weapon after complete recovery was something like the fate of the bloodsucking equipment, so it couldn't be helped.

After that she searched with dowsing for a while and discovered a hidden room. They obtained a mana potion there. It was a rare item that they had only encountered once in the battle against the Ogres, but since White Fang used a lot of Magic Power they gave it to Sieg.

Kazane and the others descended into layer 31 and decided to spend the night in a hidden room just beside the descent. Kazane's group encountered a rank A party there.

◎ Rock Hold Cave 31st Layer - Night

「Kukuku, I never thought the world famous Fang Spear Soldier would be in a party with so many girls.」

「Shut up Zack. I never expected this to happen either.」

Jinrai was having a friendly conversation with Zack Bastalt, a rank A adventurer in his forties. He was an experienced adventurer that had partied with Jinrai several times.

By the way, Jinrai was rank B. Jinrai was eligible for promotion to rank A since a long time ago, but it was troublesome, so he never advanced.

「Hmph. I've been hearing about your activities. I've heard that those young girls are considerably capable.」

「Oh dear, young girl, is it?」

Louise made an embarrassed smile, and Zack was about to say「I wasn't talking about you」but he thought better of it.

「That lad looks quite young, does he have some kind of special skill?」

Even if he looked young Zack didn't look down on him. Zack recognized that if he was able to make it down to this layer his competency『clearly existed.』Jinrai couldn't reveal Sieg's lineage, so he spoke the prepared story.

「No, this is my grandchild. He's quite excellent, so I am training him here.」

At Jinrai's words Sieg nodded and said「good evening.」

「Grandchild, huh. So that means, no way, that person.」

Zack pointed at Louise and she said「I will leave it to your imagination.」The consequence of leaving things that way would come another day.

「However, you seem to have very severely suffered damage.」

Jinrai examined Zack's party. Some had burns, while others had received significant damage, and Kazane was healing them along with the healer from Zack's party.

「I suppose. It's only a little, as we were meddling with a dragon. He was enraged and kept yelling『where is the wing sword man?』」

「That must be the person who defeated the dragon when he was alive.」

Reincarnated bodies could reincarnate with grudges against those who defeated them when they were alive.

「Yeah. However, I'm guessing from the fact that you all descended to this layer that you are going to fight it?」

Zack's remark made Jinrai nod.

「I won't tell you to stop. We are adventurers. But don't make a mistake. You will abruptly die. It is that kind of foe.」

「I will keep that in mind. But I would like you to tell me any features you know about that guy.」

Zack said「I see」and started answering.

「The size is about 10 meters or so. Its skin is hard like a rock, so it's probably a Black Rock Dragon from a rocky mountain.」

A dragon's characteristics varied greatly depending on the surrounding living environment. Hard skin tended to be seen more often in dragons that lived in rocky mountains. Conversely, dragons that lived in the ocean had sheer and slimy skin and scales. The color often revealed the dragon's element.

「So the fire breath isn't wide, but it's correspondingly powerful. It seems to have a wild personality, and its defense is centered on protecting its abdomen. We could not cut into the soft abdomen, but it was relatively easy to scratch it. 」

「I see.」

「I don't think it happened very often, but some rock-like scales were blown off a few times from arrows. So shoot it.」

He mimed like an arrow had pierced him and raised his arm.

「Be careful.」

「Hmm. That is a good way to deal with muscles.」


Kazane scratched her head from being praised by the healer.

「It feels like they're warming up from inside.」

「It's actually a strengthening of the healing ability to encourage revitalization.」

Kazane replied to the Boxer who was receiving treatment.

「I see, it's to deal with more than the surface wounds.」

「Well it feels like it makes it better, but I do not know how effective it is.」

It promoted blood circulation. It sounded like it would be good for stiff shoulders.

「Even so, you are the Ogre Killing Princess. I never thought I'd meet you.」

「Did Job-san participate in the Ogre suppression as well?」

「I was just fighting at the entrance.」

「If Job's true ability were known it wouldn't have been strange to have been elected as a subjugation member. It seems that since you had only recently came to that town it wasn't known.」

「Stop it, I don't need to hear fishy excuses like that.」

「Well Kimberly-san doesn't seem to be the kind of person who wouldn't use that information if he knew it. Wouldn't it have been inevitable?」

Kazane returned. Such a reply completely ignored the matter of Jiro-kun.

「It seems that you are probably here for the dragon, but it's seriously dangerous. Its level seems to completely overshadow the Berserk Ogre's.」

At that remark the Berserk Ogre Greaves glowed a little.

「Uwa, what is that?」

「Ah, I guess it got slightly angry. It was made from the horn of the Berserk Ogre.」

「It's a terrible and villainous design.」

Job looked at it fearfully.

「It seems to have upgraded after repeated battles.」

「I see. I hear the soul remains in armor made from monster materials and grows along with the equipping person.」

「Is that how it is? It won't possess me, right?」

「I've never heard of such a story occurring. But I've heard they sometimes won't reveal their true power to the person equipping them. Well, you should be fine since it has grown like that.」


Kazane said as she observed the Berserk Ogre Greaves. They were enemies when it was the Berserk Ogre, but now it was Kazane's partner.

「Best regards from now on as well.」

When Kazane patted them the greaves glowed red in response.

◎ Rock Hold Cave 32nd Layer


The next day, Kazane and the others explored the 31st layer and were advancing on the 32nd layer.


Kazane gulped.

「We're only looking today. We'll fight tomorrow.」

Kazane also cautiously nodded at Jinrai's remark.

「Yeah, we've been fighting a little bit so far, and I want our Magic Power to be fully recovered.」

Kazane looked at the enemy's displayed Status and thought (uwaaa).

(Level 232 huh. That's severe)

Since an ordinary dragon was around level 100 it had considerable ability. Its level was around 70 different from Sieg, but the Status criteria was different between humans and dragons. Although it would not be impossible for Sieg to beat it if it was the game, Kazane thought that the 10 minute time limit was quite severe considering that level of dragon's health and that it was the defensive type.

「I can't leave it to Sieg alone after all.」


Sieg trembled behind her. He was wondering if he was expected to do it by himself. Of course, she was talking about Sieg the summoned Heroic Spirit.

「How is it? Do you need to keep observing?」

「No, let's go back.」

Kazane said, and everyone nodded. They went back to the hidden room on layer 31. Zack's party seemed to have already turned back, so there was nobody there.

The decisive battle was tomorrow.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 27

Health: 92

Magic Power: 165+300

Strength: 46+10

Agility: 37

Endurance: 27

Wisdom : 46

Dexterity : 30

Spell : 『Fly』 『Torch』 『Fire』 『Heal』『Firestorm』

Skill : 『Warrior's Memory』 『Night Vision』 『Crushing Blow』 『Dog’s Sense of Smell』 『Golem Maker: Lv2』 『Rush』 『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』 『Healing Principle: Second Chapter』 『Air Jump: Lv2』 『Killing Leg: Lv2』 『Fear Voice』 『Invisible』 『Tiger Eye』 『Wall Walking』 『Intuition』 『Cheat Death』 『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』

Yumika: 「So that's why the greaves changed.」

Kazane: 「Yeah. It seems like it. I wonder if they will change in the future.」

Yumika: 「If they get any sharper it will be dangerous.」

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