
Chapter 422: Let's Test Skills

Yui Tsurugu Tsuvara.

Shelkin, the younger brother of Tsuvara's current King Audin, was her father, and his beautiful wife was her mother. Currently, that 13 year old girl was indulging in first time experiences.

When she reunited after a long time with her older cousin Tiara, who she adored like an older sister, a trip to Auriol Beach was discussed and smoothly decided, but the journey was very different from what she had originally envisioned.

At first, Yui thought they would travel by carriage with servants and the like as usual, but traveling directly on the back of the God Dragon Empress, the wife of God Dragon Emperor Naga, was proposed. Her father Shelkin expressed worry about it being dangerous, but since she was in her rebellious phase, Yui accepted that plan immediately; an opportunity to oppose her father's stance was nothing but an additional reason to accept.

Thus, her first air trip began.

Yui had never experienced travel on a Dragon Boat, but due to the『Divine Protection of Wind』covering the God Dragon Empress' back, there was a strange lack of strong wind despite the altitude; if anything, she felt like she was wrapped in something warm. Yui thought it was a very comfortable journey.

And if she looked back, she could see Audin Tower, a worthy new symbol of Tsuvara. She was riding on the back of the God Dragon Empress who created it. That alone made Yui feel like she was a person inside a fable.

Then, just past evening, Yui was told they would stay the night at the God Dragon Empress' mansion. When the God Dragon Empress transformed into a human figure, she thrust her staff into the ground, and the ground started moving and gathering in the form of a square platform, after which a palace that looked like it was covered in crystal mirrors descended from the sky.

Yui was told by Tiara that it was called Kazane Cottage as well as Angel Palace. According to Tiara, God Dragon Empress Kazane was also an angel. She was also part of Minshiana's royal family, with a few other designations as well.

Tiara led Yui by the hand into the Angel Palace also known as Kazane Cottage. The air trip had been shocking to Yui in various ways, but the inside of the Cottage was like another world.

Doors that opened automatically, moving staircases, toilets that shot out water, a bathhouse made of crystal, and a futon that felt like nothing she had ever experienced before. In addition, the contents of the pantry were like a jewel box, with foodstuffs like meat, vegetables, and fruits made of crystal all over the place. Everything felt new and fresh to Yui.

◎ Tsuvara Kingdom, Kazane Cottage, Night


「Ah, Yuuko-nee. You brought Yui for us.」

Yuuko-nee dexterously opened the door of the room with her tail and entered the girls' room. Yui was sleeping on her back. She had apparently gotten tired from being in such high spirits and fallen asleep.

「Though I suppose it is already around 21:00 now?」

Kazane muttered while looking at the Window's clock. That was within the normal range of sleeping times in this world, so Yui hadn't gone to sleep particularly early.

「Are Tiara and the others still talking below?」


After Kazane asked, Yuuko-nee nodded while making a cry. A so-called girls-only gathering was being held in the living room on the second floor. Kazane wasn't the type of person to enjoy such things for a long time, so she went to the bedroom first, and she was currently playing around with Golem Maker.

Then Yuuko-nee wrapped a tail around Yui and placed her on a bed next to Tatsuo, who was crying Kuwaa in his sleep.


After that, Yuuko-nee sprawled out next to Kazane, but she became curious about what Kazane was doing and tilted her head as she meowed at her. Kazane noticed and said「Ah, just a little thing.」

「I'm thinking of making things we can play with at the sea. I picked out some interesting items from Zexiaharts' library.」

The Zexiaharts library Kazane talked of was basically a collection of data with things like 3D modeling data. By manufacturing with Golem Maker based on that data, even a mere high school girl like Kazane could create various things, like houses, Golems, Merlions, and baths.

Though with the Status increases to『Wisdom』and『Dexterity』, and moreover, with Skills like『Intuition』, Kazane was no longer an ordinary high school girl, but could even do things like make the blueprints for Tatsuyoshi-kun by herself.

「Well, is that enough for now?」

So saying, Kazane pushed buttons in what looked like empty space to Yuuko-nee. She was simply customizing a certain thing, saving the data, and closing it... but naturally, Yuuko-nee didn't know that. But she knew that her master's work was over, so she snuggled up to Kazane and rolled over.



Then Kazane plopped onto Yuuko-nee's exposed belly.

Yuuko-nee looked satisfied about being able to cuddle with Kazane. And while savoring the feel of Yuuko-nee, Kazane remembered something she had been curious about and opened her Skill Window.

Kazane selected『Skill Hand』from the Skill list in that Window. Thereupon, another Skill list for allocating points opened.

(Here we go!)

Kazane selected『Skill Hand』from that Skill list,

[Points are not applicable. Please select another Skill]

And her shoulders fell when she saw that Window.

(Ah, it's useless?)

She had been wondering if she could raise the Skill Level of『Skill Hand』first and eventually become laughably overpowered, but it looked like it wouldn't go that smoothly.

After that, Kazane tested to see if any of her other Skills couldn't have points applied to them:『Apprenticeship Cancellation』『Nil Principle』『Skill Hand ( 1 )』and『Evolution Hand ( 1 )』 were no good, but it seemed the Skill『Halo』that similarly came from『Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch』could be raised. In addition, it looked like points couldn't be applied to the other Principle-type Skills as well as『Mental Attack Complete Protection』,『Soul Breaking Blade』, or『Cheat Death』.

(Do those have no room for further growth, or maybe there are other requirements?)

『Cheat Death』changed causality to avoid death,『Mental Attack Complete Protection』was described as complete, and『Soul Breaking Blade』showed extraordinary power against devils; each of those Skills were excessively powerful regardless of Skill Level. The Principle Skills were the foundation for magic, and in the first place, they were knowledge itself, so Kazane thought there was probably no concept of strengthening that could be applied to them.

After Kazane had spent a little time fiddling with the Window while lazing on Yukko-nee's stomach, Yumika and the others apparently finally finished talking, as they returned to the room.

That day, they immediately went to sleep, and after they did early morning training and ate breakfast, they resumed their air trip with dragon Kazane as the guide to their destination, Auriol Beach.

◎ Tsuvara Kingdom, Ronoi Region, Coastline

「We decided to travel directly over the sea, but are you okay?」

Tiara asked on Kazane's back. Since they were flying in the sky, crossing over the sea was faster than going along the coast, so Kazane was going over the sea. It was the first time Kazane was flying over the sea, but it seemed there were no differences between the sea and the ground, as she wasn't having any particular problems. The Skill Level of Dragonization had risen, and with her high amount of Magic Power, there were now no worries about running out and having Dragonization come undone.

『Yeah, I'm fine. In the sky, it doesn't matter whether I'm over the sea or the ground.』

So saying, Kazane continued flying above the sea's surface. Dragon Kazane advanced while flying at low altitude so they could see the sea more closely.

「Uwa, amazing. The water goes on for forever.」

「Huh? Is this your first time at the sea, Emily?」

Emily nodded after Yumika's question.

「I thought it would be similar to Lake Shirodieh, but it's completely different. I didn't expect it to be this vast.」

Emily said so while looking at the horizon.

「However, I think Emily-san is lucky. We go to Auriol Beach every year, but this is the first time I've seen such a wonderful view.」

After Yui spoke, Emily said「Heeh?」as she looked around once again. The waves glittered brightly as they reflected the light from the sun.

『Tatsuo, you're not having any problems?』

『Indeed. When we came out over the sea, I felt a tingle, but I'm fine.』

After those words, Kazane tilted her head. She felt something disquieting from Tatsuo's words.

『A tingle?』

『Yes. I smell a sign as if there's something big down below over there. That's what the sea is like, right?』

Tatsuo said while crying Kuwaa, and Kazane was flooded with an unpleasant premonition.

Tatsuo inherited the『Dog's Sense of Smell』Skill from Kazane. When Kazane looked back, Yuuko-nee was sticking her foreleg out from inside the carriage attached to the miniature Dragon Boat and was waving it around. That was their signal for danger.

Then, when Kazane cautiously surveyed the sea, the sea in front of them began to swirl, and something like a mountain started rising from the center.

『The sea is becoming a mountain. This is the sea?』

「Heeh, there's something like that.」

Listening to Tatsuo's carefree words, Emily was also impressed by the scene she was seeing for the first time. Thinking she shouldn't be too scared of sights she didn't know, she stayed calm for now and watched. Though only Tatsuo and Emily were calm.

「Onee-sama. What is that?」

「I don't know ... but it looks really big?」

Yui said with a pale face, and Tiara replied as she stared at it with wide eyes.

「This is bad. Kazane, ascend!!」

『Ok! Tatsuo, fly up too.』

『Ah, yes. Understood, Mother.』

In accordance with Yumika's words, Kazane and Tatsuo flew up higher. The miniature Dragon Boat followed them.

Immediately after that. They emerged from the sea.

「Uwa, there are two!?」

『And they're both big shots.』

Yumika spoke, and Kazane replied. Neither of their voices were calm.

Because before them were two huge monsters: a large whale-like monster called『Leviathan』and a gigantic squid-like monster famous for pulverizing ships, a『Kraken』.

They jointly shared the status of being the world's largest sea monsters.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Apprenticeship Cancellation』『Nil Principle』『Skill Hand ( 1 )』『Halo』『Evolution Hand ( 1 )』『Kick Devil』『Kick Decapitation Wave』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv3「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv3』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』『Magic Power Absorption』『Red Body Transformation』『Friendship Tag-team』

Yumika: 「This is why you shouldn't raise flags so often!」

Kazane: 「Ahーer, let's run away now.」

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