Make your face white with moonlight [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 24

"His Royal Highness Son! His Royal Highness Son!"

An impatient shout came from outside the door. In a place like the Holy See of Light, it can be said to be very rude.

Ludwig frowned, and raised his hand to release a beam of light. He felt the door of his magic power suddenly open, and then saw a clergyman with an unconcealable anxiety on his face bowed hastily. Shen Li strode in:

"Your Highness Ludwig, there is chaos in the west of the city! The blasphemer Hollier you asked the Knights of Light to punish openly resisted and declared that he is under the patronage of Bishop De Novin!"


One of the twelve bishops of the Holy See of Light, his status is still higher than that of Ludwig, the Holy Son.

Ludwig, however, did not move.

The blond boy's brows are still calm, as if the things that make the priests in front of him anxious are not worth mentioning to him.

"Take a breath before continuing. Be mindful of your manner."

"Yes, Your Highness." Ludwig's composure made the cleric involuntarily calm down a little, "Hollier did not accept the punishment order from Lord Knight, but instead gathered hundreds of people and intensified his search for the people. He It is claimed that the knight you sent was bewitched by you and wantonly eliminated dissidents. But he has always followed the orders of Denovin, respected the teachings of the God of Light, spread the will of God among the people, and unified the beliefs of the people... "

Speaking of this, the clergy couldn't help feeling angry and worried, and the speed of speech became rapid.

"He said that he sent someone to the Central Holy See to ask His Majesty Denovin to punish you, the 'true blasphemer'. The Knight saw that something was wrong, so he sent me to report to you... But I'm afraid that at this time, His Majesty De Noven You already know about this!"

Before the cleric could finish speaking, the door of the room was knocked again. The frequency of knocking on the door was slightly hasty, obviously it was urgent.

Is this where things are coming together?

Ludwig frowned slightly, and opened the door with magic again.A bright knight in silver armor with handsome features and a handsome demeanor walked in neatly, knelt down on one knee and saluted: "His Royal Highness, Bishop Denovin has sent someone to invite you over."

Having said that, he hesitated for a moment, quietly looked up at the young man sitting on the chair, who was as delicate as if shrouded by the God of Light, and gritted his teeth and added:

"My subordinates venture to guess that it's probably because of the matter of Houlier, the blasphemer in the west of the city. You...please be careful."

This was not something he should talk about, but the high-ranking Holy Son in front of him was different from the senior priests he had known in the past.Although the teachings of the Holy See of Light claim to be in the land where the glory of God reaches, all peoples are descendants of God and are blessed by the Holy See of Light.But... how many people really consider those who live in run-down slums like weeds as human beings... how many people are there?

Thinking of His Royal Highness Son Ludwig's actions these days, and thinking of Bishop Denouwen's original disposition, the Knight of Light who came to report the news couldn't help worrying.

"Thanks for your reminder."

Came a warm and pure voice with a slight smile.The knight raised his head again in astonishment, and saw that the person in front of him, even after receiving such news, had already smiled and returned him a simple courtesy to express his gratitude without being rude, with no expression on his face. shake.

"Please tell the messenger that I have already rushed to the west of the city angrily after learning that someone has blasphemed De Nuo Wen's reputation."


When the knight heard such a sentence suddenly, he didn't turn his mind for a while, and looked at the beautiful blond boy with a little daze——

Blasphemy, blasphemy. Desecrate the reputation under the crown of De Nuowen?

That Houllier is the cousin of Bishop De Novin's secret lover. He said that he is under the protection of Bishop De Novin. I'm afraid it is true. Why...

"Just pass it on like this, please."

Ludwig saw that he didn't understand why, but he didn't explain it either.Bishop Denovin wanted to find him, and the time was very tight.

After telling the knight what he had conveyed, Ludwig stood up from the large chair and smiled slightly at the cleric who was standing aside before: "I can't lie to a bishop, since I said To the west of the city, why don't we start now—by the way, go through the back door, and don't let the envoys under the crown of De Nuowen see you."

The priest was also confused, but because it was the Holy Son's request, he took Ludwig's order without hesitation, took the other's robe, summoned a few knights, and hurriedly left the Holy See through the back door with him , went straight to the west of the city.

"Host, what are you going to do?"

Not only these two people, the system also couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Ludwig's gourd.

"Of course we have to solve this matter." Ludwig replied very simply, "After all, this is a Holy See that needs to absorb faith."

Therefore, even if it is dirty in secret, and when it really becomes a brawl, for the sake of face and belief, it is still necessary to appear bright.

If according to the strict hierarchy rules within the Holy See, if he really obediently went to meet the bishop, the difference in one level of status would be enough for the other party to deal with him - as the Son of God, he only had a small guard of knights, As for the bishop, not only can he control some economic power, but the guards can be called a private army.

As long as Dernovin didn't make too much noise, it would be no problem to squash him into a round shape.

Even if Cardinal Heyman's position is higher than Denouwen's, the memories of the original owner and the last meeting are enough to tell Ludwig that although the old man treated him very well, he was wise and protective.

If Denovin killed or seriously injured him, Heyman would naturally take care of him, but if it was just making things difficult and obstructing what he was doing now, the old man would probably not say anything.Then his recent move to clean up the scum of the Holy See was completely in vain. Wouldn't that group of people be more rampant in the future?How far will the image of the Holy See be reduced?

Therefore, he must not limit matters to the Holy See.

Only by going out to the outside, confronting in public, under the pressure of maintaining the belief and image of the Holy See, is it possible to make the Denovin bishop back down under the situation of inferior status.

"Little bastard, are you going to hand it over? Are you still waiting for that Holy Son to come and speak for you? Hmm? Do you know who is behind Grandpa? I'm not afraid to tell you that if that one makes a move, that Holy Son may not be able to protect himself." It's..."

Following the guidance of the clergyman beside him, Ludwig quickly reached the place where the trouble occurred in Hollier in the south of the city with the blessing of magic power.From a distance, he could hear that voice that was as rough as gravel but full of undisguised malice.

Ludwig raised the corner of his mouth imperceptibly.

Before, he was still thinking about how to use the people's beliefs to make Bishop De Novin compromise. Who knows that Houllier, who is attached to De Novin, is not only doing evil, but also has no brains. What do the onlookers feel like?

Ludwig approached quietly while observing the surrounding situation.

In the middle of the crowd, Houllier, who was short and thick with a greasy face, was pointing at a tall young man in ragged clothes and yelling.

On his outstretched hand, there were four shiny golden rings on five carrot-like fat fingers, which could almost blind people's eyes under the sunlight.And behind Houllier, there are more than a hundred young and middle-aged men holding wooden sticks and even sharp weapons. It can be seen that Houllier is the leader.

Outside the people in the middle, a large group of people dressed as civilians gathered here to watch everything in front of them. Some had resentment on their faces, some had sadness on their faces, and quite a few of them, amidst Houllier's undisguised scolding, looked His face was numb like a clay sculpture.

Ludwig sighed quietly.

"They are used to it." The system commented flatly in his mind, "So there is no anger or sadness."

Ludwig felt a sense of heaviness.He lives in the interstellar era where technology is extremely advanced and people are the most precious resource. Even if he has been to other worlds in previous missions, the background is similar to the era he lived in.

In the past half month, although he has insisted on rectifying the low-level clergy of the Holy See, after all, he did not do it himself, and there are still too few opportunities to get in touch with the lives of ordinary people.At this time, I watched helplessly that a character who was nothing more than a gangster, with a bishop on his back, could organize hundreds of armed people and yell at hundreds of civilians, who still looked accustomed to it.All he felt was a stabbing pain in the organ in his chest, just below his ribs.

"...I will definitely fulfill the original Ludwig's wish."

He said softly in his head, not sure if he was speaking to the system or just talking to himself.

——Change the corruption of the Holy See of Light.

…Let these people in front of them not be like clay sculptures, numbly and obediently accept the concept that they should live at the bottom and allow themselves to be bullied.

Let them live like human beings anyway.

The thoughts in the boy's heart became more and more determined, but there was no change on his face.Seeing that Houlier had already reached out and grabbed the collar of the young man opposite him, and with a ferocious face telling people to "clean up this kid", he raised his voice and shouted, "Stop!"

At the same time, the pure light magic condensed on the fingertips, forming a gentle air wave, which gently pushed aside the tightly surrounded bystanders to make way for a passage.

Behind him, the eyes of the cleric who followed the Holy Son shrank, and immediately showed horror.

He could see clearly that His Royal Highness the Holy Son did not sing, but directly used the light magic!Even if this is not a big magic trick, the average clergyman needs to pronounce at least a few presyllables for using magic.And this saint...

He has also seen a cardinal use magic, a lighting technique, which is also not a large-scale magic, but hasn't he pronounced the casting syllable slightly?

Casting magic silently, has the realm of this holy son already reached the level of a cardinal?

Naturally, he didn't know that Ludwig, or Bai Yue, had a great spiritual power that gave him a strong ability to summon magic elements.The essence of magic is actually to summon the magical elements stored in the body or in the environment to achieve the desired effect.And Bai Yue's mental will was so strong that he didn't need to use singing to make requests and requirements to the magic elements, but was able to directly invite these elements to come.

At this time, he summoned the light element to open a path in this way.

The civilians followed the sound, and when they noticed his pure white background, a robe decorated with a large area of ​​pure red and complicated gold silk embroidery, a pure gold cloak, and the exquisite round holy crown on his head , They all stepped back and made respectful gestures.Some bold ones whispered: "It's His Royal Highness Son!", but they didn't dare to say anything, just watched him silently and docilely as he walked towards Houlier.

"Stop, Houlier the Blasphemer." The young Son's fingertips lingered with the power of white light, and the warm light golden luster of the mana reflected his face with dignity and elegance, "You have been judged by the Holy See as a violator." Doctrine and oppression of brothers and sisters who are equal under the wings of the God of Light should be judged and punished by God's will! But instead of knowing your way back, you continued to do evil and ruined the honor of a respected bishop. For this reason, bathed in the glory of the supreme God of Light, I hereby declare in the name of the Holy See that you will be arrested by the Holy See until trial!"

His voice is clean and nice. Even people who don't understand the beauty of music theory will feel that this voice has a holy taste.

When he was surrounded by the power of light, he finished a long series of words in a compassionate manner, and almost all the onlookers subconsciously wanted to believe him.

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