Main Male Lead Disqualified C6
“Isn’t it her responsibility to check the weather and bring an umbrella?”
Hanbin frowned and looked outside.
“There’s no doubt. Lee Jeong-hwan must have cursed me.”
Since Hanbin felt fine after meeting Jeong-hwan, he decided to go to school from the second period onward. Jeong-hwan nagged him, saying there was no point in going since he had already informed the school that Hanbin wouldn’t be attending. But in the end, he followed Hanbin to school anyway.
“I was so distracted by Jeong-hwan staring at me that I forgot my umbrella.”
Of course, it wasn’t like Hanbin had checked the forecast and ignored it. He simply hadn’t known it would rain in the afternoon.
“There should be some abandoned umbrellas in the classroom. I’ll just grab one of those.”
But of all days, today there weren’t any.
“Well, I can just share one with a friend.”
Hanbin tried to stay optimistic. After all, what are friends for? He thought it would be fine to share an umbrella with his friend.
“No way, did no one bring an umbrella?”
None of the friends he usually walked home with had brought one. They had all assumed someone else would have.
“Yeah, I mean, the weather forecast didn’t say anything about rain, so it’s understandable.”
“The forecast did mention rain. You just didn’t check.”
I wondered who the annoying voice belonged to, and it turned out to be Jeong-hwan.He unfolded his umbrella with a smug look, making Hanbin let out a laugh in disbelief.
Hanbin urgently calls out to Jeong-hwan, who is leisurely walking away under his umbrella. About five steps later, Jeonghwan finally turned around.
“I helped you earlier today. Can’t you at least share your umbrella with me?”
Hanbin raised his voice. He didn’t mind getting rained on, but something about Jeong-hwan’s smugness made him want to mess with him. Jeong-hwan took a few steps closer, holding an umbrella.
“Wait… is he actually going to share?”
Hanbin had only been half-joking, so he was caught off guard when Jeong-hwan actually stepped toward him. Just as Jeong-hwan tilted the umbrella slightly, making it seem like he was going to share, he abruptly straightened it again and smirked.
“Shouldn’t you have checked the forecast and brought your own umbrella?”
Hanbin’s face burned with frustration. He had completely fallen for Jeong-hwan’s trick.
“And this is exactly why you have no romance in your life!”
“I do not care if I do not have.”
Jeong-hwan didn’t look back as he continued walking away, completely unbothered. Hanbin, watching his retreating figure, suddenly dashed straight into the rain.
“Hanbin, what the hell? Should we stop him?”
Hanbin’s friends were shocked to see him suddenly start running.
Hanbin had one goal,to steal Jeong-hwan’s umbrella.
“Are you crazy?!”
Jeong-hwan, caught off guard, shouted in frustration as Hanbin stole his umbrella. Hanbin was surprisingly fast for his look, running at full speed while keeping the umbrella over his head.
Jeong-hwan, clearly furious, chased after him with an intensity that made it seem like he’d kill him the moment he caught him.
“Haha, shouldn’t you have held onto your umbrella more tightly?”
Since Hanbin had gained some distance early on, Jeong-hwan couldn’t catch up easily. Feeling confident, Hanbin turned in the middle of the chase to tease him.
That was when it happened.
“I knew from the start you were asking for it.”
Hanbin was running while looking back when he suddenly slipped on the wet road. And it wasn’t just a simple fall. He landed straight into a puddle, soaking his pants in muddy water.
Jeong-hwan slowly approached Hanbin, who was lying face down.
‘He looks like a drenched stray dog.’
Seeing Hanbin in such a pathetic state, Jeong-hwan lost the will to even scold him.
“You should’ve just accepted it when I offered.”
Hanbin, embarrassed by his appearance, got up, grumbled to Jeong-hwan for no reason.
“We’re both drenched now, so I guess we don’t need an umbrella anymore.”
Jeong-hwan swept back his wet bangs and muttered.
“What have I done? “
Hanbin felt a wave of self-awareness hit him. Sure, Jeong-hwan had been annoying, but his reaction was far too immature.
“You’ve already done the damage. What am I supposed to say?”
Jeong-hwan was thrown off by Hanbin’s unexpectedly gloomy expression.
“Just don’t do this next time. I’ll share, okay?”
Jeong-hwan eyed Hanbin, whose brown hair matted down from the rain. He really did look like a wet dog. Not just any dog, but one that had jumped into a muddy ditch for no reason.
“Doesn’t this remind you of that webtoon you were talking about?”
Jeong-hwan tried to change the subject.
“Didn’t you say getting caught in the rain together was romantic?”
“Not like this…”
“Still, we’re both standing in the rain together, aren’t we?”
Jeong-hwan shrugged, deciding to just accept the situation.
“Besides, even if we had shared the umbrella, two guys crammed under one would’ve still ended up soaked.”
Jeong-hwan started walking, and after a moment, Hanbin hesitantly followed. Then, suddenly, Jeong-hwan grabbed Hanbin’s bag and pulled him closer.
“Your house is closer. I’m stopping by.”
“My house?”
Hanbin jumped, pointing at himself in shock. Jeong-hwan looks at him like he is being ridiculous.
“Who do you think got me drenched? You think you can just ignore that?”
“I wasn’t trying to ignore it!”
Hanbin spoke with a dazed expression, as he made up his mind.
“Fine.You can come in.”
Jeong-hwan couldn’t understand why Hanbin was hesitating so much. He had already been to his house earlier today. Oh, wait. Hanbin had seemed reluctant about it then, too.
“But don’t come into my room.”
The condition that was hastily attached sounded suspicious.
Jeong-hwan pretended to think about it before replying.
Jeong-hwan is now determined to get into Hanbin’s room no matter what.
“Since my family won’t be home for a while, you can shower. I’ll find you some clothes to wear.”
Luckily, Hanbin’s house had two bathrooms, so they didn’t have to wait for one another. Hanbin, feeling a bit pressured, hurried to shower first so he could prepare everything for Jeong-hwan.
“Lee Jeong-hwan’s house is ten minutes walk from here. It actually makes sense for him to stop by instead of walking home in the rain.”
He feels unnecessarily nervous. Jeong-hwan had barged in without much thought, yet he was the only one feeling restless, which annoyed him a little.
“I should find the biggest shirt I have. He’s taller than me.”
Hanbin was grateful he had plenty of oversized shirts.
“…Wait, do I have to lend him underwear too?”
“…Come to think of it, I should probably give you some underwear too.”
Hanbin wanted to die. He really should have just sent him back! This was his own fault for not thinking ahead.
“Hey, did you give me this T-shirt on purpose?”
“You probably didn’t know, but I actually wear stuff like that all the time.”
Fresh out of the shower, Jeong-hwan frowned as he looked at the clothes Hanbin had left for him and shouted in frustration.
The T-shirt Hanbin had given him was something no one would dare wear outside.
“The chick’s eyes are in a weird spot! You seriously go out wearing something like this?!”
Hanbin had handed him a bright yellow T-shirt with an oversized chick’s face on it. It might have been fine,except the chick’s eyes lined up exactly where his nipples are.
“The chick’s eyes are in a weird position? You actually go out wearing this?”
“My brother gave it to me as a gift. You are bad mouthing about my brother?”
It was one of the many shirts his brother had drunkenly purchased and dumped on him, with no receipt to return them. Even Hanbin was too embarrassed to wear it outside.
“The shirt you’re wearing is looking okay.Hey, take it off; I will wear that instead.”
“Why are you being so unreasonable? Just wear what I gave you!”
Finally, Jeong-hwan took off the ridiculous chick T-shirt and strode toward Hanbin. He looked ready to strip Hanbin’s shirt off at any moment.
“It was a gift from your brother! I can’t wear something that important. So I’ll just take the plain one instead.”
“Hey, hey!”
Jeong-hwan, half-serious and half-joking, reached for Hanbin’s shirt, trying to lift it. But before he could, Hanbin firmly grabbed his wrist.
“Stop it.”
Hanbin quickly turned his head and spoke. Seeing his ears turn bright red, Jeong-hwan finally realized the position he was in.
At some point, he had ended up straddling Hanbin, his hand gripping the hem of his shirt, exposing a bit of his stomach.
“…I’ll give it to you, so move.”
“You should’ve just said that earlier.”
Jeong-hwan awkwardly moved off of Hanbin, trying to act like nothing had happened. Hanbin immediately sat up.
“You say whatever you want. And your jokes go too far.”
Its the perfect moment to apologize, but the words wouldn’t come out. As Jeong-hwan scratched the back of his head awkwardly, Hanbin got up and went to the balcony to grab some clothes.
‘I think I already brought all my clothes inside… Should I give him my brother’s? But he’d hate that.’
Hanbin couldn’t find anything suitable, and the delay made Jeong-hwan wait longer than expected.
“Don’t you have any clothes in your room?”
Standing felt embarrassed walking around shirtless, but there was no way he was putting on that chick T-shirt again. Annoyed, Jeong-hwan got up and started searching for something to wear himself.
“Hey, no way!”
Hearing the sound of someone entering his room, Hanbin rushed out in a panic.
But it was too late,Jeong-hwan had already opened the door and stepped inside. He was standing by Hanbin’s bookshelf, flipping through something he had just taken out.
“I told you not to go in!”
Genuinely angry, Hanbin pushed Jeong-hwan, but frustratingly, his strength wasn’t enough to budge him.
“I was wondering what you were hiding.”
Jeong-hwan smirked, holding up a book.
“You really read stuff like this?”
Hanbin’s face went completely pale.