Chapter 14: Chapter 14. The Fated Planning of Training
Gavin awoke with a start. His heart was racing, and his blood was pumping furiously through his body. He was covered in a cold sweat as he looked around his small room. He threw off his blanket and stood up. He was expecting to see a small steel chair, cold damp metal walls, dim lighting. It took him a few minutes to realize that he was not in that warehouse room. That he was not in his dream. He was back awake. "Baby, what's wrong?" a soft, sleepy feminine voice called out from his bed. Erza had woken up when Gavin jolted upright from his nightmare in a panic-filled state. She had one of his oversize hooded sweatshirts on, and night shorts as she sat up in his bed. Her hair was a disheveled mess as she looked at him with concern in her eyes. She had stayed up too late for the party and decided to crash with him instead of driving home so late.
Gavin shook his head as he sat on his desk chair and slowed his panicked breathing. "Just the wildest of freaking dreams," he told her as he opened a bottle of water he had on his desk and took a long appreciative drought. She rubbed her sleepy eyes as she peered over at him.
"You want to talk about it, love?" she asked him with a yawn as she crossed her legs under her.
"It was really weird. It started off as I was in some forest. I heard the most beautiful singing," he began telling her. He remembered the beginning of the dream quite fondly. A smile crept over his lips as he remembered the couple and their combined singing. The rich deep voice of the man and the soft, high-pitched tone of the woman. "I've never felt such calm just from hearing someone sing like that before," he told her as he looked over at her expression, sleepy but attentive.
She nodded somewhat understandably. "Did you recognize them?"
Gavin shook his head as he leaned back in his chair. "No, that's the thing, I don't think I did."
"Okay. But that doesn't explain why you would wake up in such a panic like this?" she asked him concerned. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes like a sleepy kitten as she watched her boyfriend. She ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to brush out the knots as she slowly forced herself to wake up and be alert.
"I was in the forest with the couple and their baby listening to them sing for an unknown amount of time. After what felt like an eternity, the dream shifted," Gavin said softly as he rubbed his face, and hung his head, recalling the dream change. "The next thing I knew, I was in a musty and mildew-infested room with a single metal chair with chains on it. I hear familiar heart-wrenching screams around me. I shift into a wolf and follow the sounds. I get to the same damned room..." He said, and broke off with a choked ragged breath. He inhaled and exhaled as he fought to control his emotions, recalling the dream, or vision, or whatever it was.
Erza got off the bed and shuffled her feet over to where Gavin sat in his chair. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him against her. She recognized this description. It was the nightmare dream he had that day at the hospital. Where the three of them were hung, tortured, and executed in front of him without him being able to do anything. "Shhhh, it's okay baby, we are all alright. It's okay", she said. She knew how badly these dreams messed him up.
Gavin shook his head and let out a shaky breath. "This time it was different. This time, there was a man with a scar on the left side of his face in the room with you guys. He taunted me, berated me for being weak," Gavin said, his anger beginning to mount as he recalled the conversations. Then he executed you one by one."
Erza covered her mouth in horror as she leaned back to look down at him. She couldn't imagine seeing the ones she cared for most in that situation once, let alone several times and being unable to do anything. Even if it was just a dream, it would drive her mad. "It's just a dream, baby. A really crappy, crappy dream. But a dream nonetheless," she said as she gently stroked his back. As uncomfortable as she felt about the situation, she needed to try calming him down and offer him comfort. He's the one mentally suffering from these repeated dreams.
Gavin didn't think so. The way both sections of his dream felt, the emotions, the sensations. It felt so much more real and authentic than just a dream. He just didn't know how to explain it to Erza to make her understand. "Maybe you're right, Erza." Gavin said with a yawn as he let her pull him back towards his bed.
"Come back to bed baby, we can worry about this in the morning after we get a few more hours of sleep," she said, smiling warmly at him.
Gavin couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over him. As if on instinct, he relaxed against her as she pulled him back down on the bed and covered them both up with a blanket. She was ever his haven. His sanctuary. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders as she laid on her back in his bed. He sighed peacefully as he snuggled up against her, his head laid out on her chest as he closed his eyes. He let the soft warmth of her body sooth his ragged nerves. "You're right. It must be just a dream. "Even if it isn't, it can wait until morning," he said with a soft laugh as he cuddled her. He had to shake these feelings off. The reality is that she was safe, she was with him in his house, in his bed, and in his arms.
"Dang right baby. "I need sleep, and so do you," she said, laughing with him as she held him tight against her and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his warmth pressed against her. Soon both of them drifted off back to sleep with gentle smiles on their faces, reveling in the love and adoration each had for the other. After that, Gavin slept more peacefully. He didn't have the nightmare or vision again that night. Rather, he slept deep and long while Erza's arms were wrapped tightly around him.
The next morning, Gavin woke up sooner than he wanted to. As he stirred in the bed, he was hit by the familiar scent of Erza's shampoo and body wash as she laid in his bed. He laid there, even though he was awake. He let the peace and comfort of her embrace wash over him as he woke up. She mumbled incoherently in her sleep as her arms wrapped tighter around his back. Gavin smiled with love and affection as he watched his girl. He still couldn't believe that this was his life now.
He used to dream and fantasize about having Erza in his bed like that. Not even doing anything sexually, but just simply being together. Now, here his dreams became reality. He rolled onto his back and just laid there thinking over everything. He was a werewolf shifter. He was tasked by an ancient deity to find these so-called alpha apex shifters and restore their clans before they go extinct.
"Hey Veronica?" Gavin called out mentally to his AI companion.
A cool, wet sensation like water rushing over his skin filled his senses. Her response was instant. "Yes, Master Gavin?" she called out in his mind.
"Are you capable of recording, or viewing or, in any way, knowing about my dreams?" He asked her as he mulled over some possible options in his mind.
"Unfortunately, while I am connected to your consciousness, I am unable to view or in any way interact with your dreams, or in a dream-like state", Veronica responded. Veronica wished she had a way of helping her master. She could tell how distressed he was by the dreams he had been plagued with. But she was not created with the ability to monitor those types of problems or issues.
"I understand Veronica. I just thought it was worth a shot to ask." he responded with a mental sigh as he tried to figure out other options. Something about these dreams felt like it was more of a warning of something coming, versus just simply a manifestation of fear and stress. This was now the second time in less than two weeks he had this type of dream, or vision, or nightmare. Whatever he wanted to call these events.
"If there is anything else I can do to assist you, Master Gavin, please do not hesitate to ask me for assistance," her mental voice rang out loud and clear in his mind as he felt her presence recede from his mind. Gavin sighed as he opened his eyes and leaned up to place a soft tender kiss on her cheek before he extricated himself from the bed without waking her. He made sure to cover her up like a blanket burrito before he grabbed a pair of sweats to through on over his shorts and a sweatshirt. He'd worry about taking a shower later, for now he wanted to get some coffee in his system. He shut his bedroom door quietly as he left the room and shuffled his feet downstairs and into the kitchen.
He smiled as he took notice that there were still some dishes leftover from the party the night before. Surprisingly, Aria, Lyla and Tessa had all apparently camped out in the living room last night. He walked into the living room and saw Aria and Lyla asleep on the couch and Tessa had a bunch of bedding and a make-shift bed made on the ground next to the couch. He stopped there with a smile teasing the corners of his mouth as he saw their sleepy, disheveled appearances. Lyla and Aria each laid out on opposite ends of the couch. Luckily, their couch was a deep, wide couch, so there was plenty of room for two thin females to lay down on their sides.
Lyla's blonde hair was a mess and covered most of her face. Aria's black hair was short, and a few strands fell over her eyes. Tessa snored loudly from where she lay on the floor. The blanket was halfway thrown off, as if she had been too hot during the night.
He shook his head at how comfortable everyone seemed to be with each other as he turned and walked quietly into the kitchen. He fished out the coffee container and a filter as he made himself a pot of delicious vanilla coffee.
He took a seat at the kitchen table as he waited for the coffee. The rich aroma filled the kitchen as the coffee was brewed into the pot. He waited a few more minutes, then he got up and put some ice in a cup and made himself some delicious iced coffee. He returned to his seat as he pulled out his phone and took a long, appreciative drink of the cold caffeinated beverage and scrolled mindlessly on his phone.
He was startled when a pair of soft slender arms seemingly appeared out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around his neck as a familiar scent filled his senses. "Morning my love," Erza's soft voice called out in his ear, her breath tickled his skin as she pressed herself against his back. She reached out and stole his cup and took a drink herself as she sighed appreciatively.
He smiled as he turned and looked at her. Her hair was still a crumpled mess, and she wore the same clothes she went to sleep in. "Morning Erza," Gavin said as he watched her drink his coffee. "I hope I didn't wake you up?" he asked her as he turned in his seat to face her.
She shook her head, her hair swaying from the movement. "No, I was waking up when I heard the door click shut as you left. Then I laid in bed as I debated whether to get up or try going back to sleep." She told him as she walked over and made herself her own cup of coffee. She took her cup and went over to the kitchen table and sat across from him as she took a sip.
"So what's our plan for today?" Gavin asked her softly as he held his cup and drank more of the coffee.
Erza shrugged her shoulders. "No idea. You are still in recovery. So if we were to do any training it wouldn't be much until you get the all clear from the doctors," she said as she stifled a yawn.
Gavin frowned in protest as he looked at her, "Oh come on, I can learn and train even with a sore arm," he whispered in annoyance.
Erza shook her head. "No,I will not budge on this. You will take it easy on practical training. We can go over concepts and intellectual knowledge and training, but we will wait to go over practicing physical aspects of the training," she said as she glared at him.
Gavin gulped and bit back his response at the intensity of her gaze. She was rarely stern with him, so he forgot how fierce she could be at times. "Fine, I guess I'll have to settle with that for now," Gavin said softly as he gave in to her demands. Time for more studying, oh joy.