Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Isolation (3)

…Shortly after Hong Bi-yeon left Stella.

Baek Yu-seol immediately prepared to follow her. He gathered various magical tools and items as a precaution. Alterisha’s technology had advanced so rapidly that many items were now viable for real combat.

With this level of technology, it might soon be possible to create ‘Hyperspace’ with Eltemon Eltrine’s help.
T hi s w a s c o p i e d fr o m ki n gm t l .o rg

“Are you planning to follow her?”

Flame caught Baek Yu-seol as he was about to leave hastily. She asked with a worried expression.

“What is… this situation?”

“I don’t know.”

“If you’re going, I’ll go with you.”

Despite Flame’s determined expression, Baek Yu-seol shook his head.

“No. It’s fine. I’ll handle it.”
T hi s w a s co pi ed f r om kin g m t l .o rg

“How? No matter how skilled you are, this isn’t something you can solve alone.”

“Right. And having you along won’t solve it either.”


She knew he was right.

Aside from being students at Stella Academy, both Baek Yu-seol and Flame were essentially ordinary civilians.

While showing a Stella student ID or diploma could grant them noble-like treatment anywhere in the world, there were limits to that. It wouldn’t be wise to present a Stella student ID to the Adolevit royal family.

Moreover, aside from that, Baek Yu-seol had a rather unique background for a commoner.

He was acquainted with the Elf King and a co-developer of various magical items.

But… what did that matter?

It was nowhere near enough to make a mark against Adolevit.

Even if Baek Yu-seol had power and authority on par with Adolevit, this was a personal family matter.

What right did he have to stop the queen from exiling her princess?

Even if there was a superpower greater than Adolevit in this world, it wouldn’t be possible.

“So, what exactly do you plan to do…?”

“I’ll have to handle it differently.”

“…And you don’t need me for that?”


After saying this nonchalantly, Baek Yu-seol was about to put his backpack on but glanced back. Normally, Flame would have said something lively, but today she was downcast and silent.

T h i s w as co p i e d f r o m k i n g m t l. o r g
…What’s going on?

Flame seemed different today. Was there something wrong with their conversation? It was their usual back-and-forth, after all.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t figure it out.

‘Is she sulking?’

That seemed a bit strange too.

From what Baek Yu-seol knew, such conversations wouldn’t make Flame sulk. She had always been very cool-headed.

Baek Yu-seol was about to ask something but immediately closed his mouth.

T h i s w as co pi e d f r om k i ng m tl . o rg
[Red Spring March’s Blessing]

Through the other person’s expression, he could infer their psychological state and receive the color of their emotions.

It was a deep blue.

Flame was currently feeling blue. Though he had never felt such a color before, he understood it.

It wasn’t a clear and refreshing blue.

It was a wounded blue, as if her heart had been hit hard by something.

…Did I say something that harsh?

He could see things he hadn’t before. Her emotions were so delicate and vivid that they were now visible.

Even though Baek Yu-seol was usually oblivious, he knew what he had to do in this situation.

“Well, it can’t be helped. I also have things to do at school…”

“It’s dangerous.”


“This is a first for me too, so I don’t know what will happen. That’s why I’m not taking you. It’s dangerous.”

“Oh, oh… I see.”

When Baek Yu-seol said that, Flame felt a bit dazed. Those were clearly words meant to comfort her.

“See you.”

When Baek Yu-seol turned and left, Flame waved her hand nonchalantly to see him off.

She kept walking until Baek Yu-seol was entirely out of sight.


…She suddenly kicked a nearby tree in frustration.


It was a perfect spinning kick with a 720-degree rotation, sharp and beautiful in its form.

“Argh! You idiot! This is so embarrassing!”

She couldn’t manage her expression at all. Over something so trivial, she worried about someone going on a significant mission.

“Huff, huff… Huff…”
Thi s w as co p i e d f r om k i n g m t l . o rg

After beating the tree for a while, she was so exhausted physically and mentally that she couldn’t move anymore.

Yet, the anger towards herself still hadn’t subsided.
T h i s w as c o pi e d fr o m k i n g m t l .or g

“Ugh… I just want to die…”

As she repeatedly banged her head against the tree, suddenly, she heard men’s voices echoing in the air.

It wasn’t a hallucination from hitting her head too hard.


-Are you okay? You seem very stressed.

-Do you need help?


From the highest point in the sky, angels who had been watching over her were speaking.

Flame was about to tell them she was fine but instinctively looked up. She remembered that the celestial realm had a calming effect and thought that venting her anger on those annoying angels might help restore her mental state.

“Yeah. Let’s visit there for a while.”


-Of course!

-We’ll open ‘High Frost’ for you right away.

As promised, they immediately opened High Frost, also known as the ‘Bridge to Heaven,’ showing that they would grant any of her wishes.

Flame didn’t care about how many angels’ mana was consumed in the process.


With the sound of rolling gems, a warm golden light poured down from the sky. Normally, she avoided attracting attention, but now she didn’t care.


A pair of translucent golden wings spread from Flame’s back, scattering golden feathers everywhere. Glowing like fireflies, the light filled the area, and as her body slowly rose into the air…



She sensed someone’s presence.

Flame looked to the side with indifferent eyes. Normally, she would be very embarrassed to be seen like this, but having endured greater embarrassment just moments ago, she didn’t care anymore.

“Fl… Flame…”

A boy stood there, blankly whispering her name.

He had a broad build and short-cropped hair, and Flame knew who he was.

Feng Hwarang from Class S, First Year.

As a direct descendant of the Feng family, which ruled the entire southern plains, there were rumors he entered Stella to win the power struggle against his brothers.

Although he was usually confident and charismatic, even he seemed startled by Flame’s winged appearance.

“What are you looking at? Never seen a person with wings before?”

“Uh, well…”

Without changing her indifferent expression, she raised her fist and said.

T h i s w a s c o pie d fr o m k i n g m t l . or g
“If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you.”


Immediately after, Flame turned into light and disappeared, leaving Feng Hwarang to collapse on the spot.

‘What did… I just see…?’

He didn’t have many interactions with her, so he hadn’t thought much about her, but today’s impression was so powerful.

Feng Hwarang couldn’t get Flame’s face out of his mind and stared blankly at the spot where she had vanished.

Frostcliff Palace.

The name itself didn’t seem to fit with the fire-wielding Adolevit, and the palace where Hong Bi-yeon stayed, ‘Cheongryeong Palace,’ was even more ironically named.

They say it was named after an ancient hero of Adolevit who fought against Dark Mages with blue hair.

In contrast, her sister Hong Si-hwa’s residence was called ‘Hongyeon Palace.’ Even without the heroic story, one could immediately think of a red image upon hearing it.

Since birth, the princesses’ residences had been predetermined, so even if Princess Hong Erin had not died, Hong Bi-yeon would have been a hated figure from the beginning.

It was inevitable.

Hong Bi-yeon’s mother, Hong Yiel, had opposed Queen Hong Seriu and was utterly defeated.

Her sister Hong Si-hwa’s mother had clung to Queen Hong Seriu, giving up the throne to live a slightly more comfortable and longer life.

However, she died three years after giving birth to Hong Si-hwa, unable to withstand the curse, in her early thirties.

If she couldn’t inherit the throne, her life so far would be meaningless.

“Princess. The Red Milan Tea is ready.”


Wearing a dress adorned with white patterns on a red background, Hong Bi-yeon came out to the garden of Cheongryeong Palace to enjoy tea time.

Though the word ‘enjoy’ didn’t mean she truly enjoyed it, there was no other choice.

The Adolevit princess, upon returning to the palace, must invest at least one hour of the day in tea time.

“Oh my~ Sister. Cheer up! Isn’t it nice to be back in the palace?”

As she stared blankly at the tea the maid was pouring, Hong Si-hwa, sitting across, joked.

Unlike her usual preference for suits, since returning to the palace, Hong Si-hwa also wore a dazzlingly extravagant dress.

She waved her fan and spoke.

“So? Tell me your thoughts~ I’ve always liked Cheongryeong Palace where you stay.”

“It’s nice.”

“Oh my, that’s all?”


Hong Bi-yeon had no intention of playing along with her sister’s teasing. Despite Hong Bi-yeon’s curt response, Hong Si-hwa kept smiling as if it amused her.

To Hong Bi-yeon, who knew that her sister’s emotions were faint, her fake smile was thoroughly detestable.

The conversation was one-sided.

Hong Si-hwa would chatter, and Hong Bi-yeon would respond.

To get through this tedious time, Hong Bi-yeon never let go of her teacup. Red Milan Tea was one of the few teas she liked.


Clatter, splash!

“Oh no!”

One of the maids ‘accidentally’ spilled tea on Hong Bi-yeon’s dress.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

The maid immediately bowed and apologized, but Hong Bi-yeon just stared at her, still holding her teacup, without saying a word.

She did it on purpose.

Having lived under subtle disdain in the palace, Hong Bi-yeon knew it well.

She was used to such treatment by now.


She wasn’t particularly angry.

She just pondered how to respond.

Should she get angry?

If she did, rumors would spread in the palace that she was a princess with a terrible personality despite her lack of status. Her enemies would multiply, and she would spend her life in the palace ignored and disgraced, without any chance to restore her tarnished image.

Should she forgive?

That was also problematic.

Regardless of how much Hong Bi-yeon was ignored, the maid had still wronged a direct descendant of the royal family.

If she simply said it was fine and let it go, similar incidents would continue to happen, disguised as mistakes. The subtle disdain and bullying would persist.

The more that happened, the less influence Hong Bi-yeon would have.

The wisest response was clear from the beginning.

First, ask about the maid’s family and quietly question her wrongdoing.

Then, calmly explain the gravity of her crime against the royal family and scare her into thinking she would be punished, only to show mercy and forgive her.

Without getting angry, she’d show her dignity as royalty to the palace staff, which wouldn’t eliminate the subtle disdain and underestimation, but it would at least prevent rumors.

Perhaps, her wise judgment might even create a positive image that Hong Bi-yeon was actually kind and clever.

…However, despite thinking it through.
T h i s w as c op i e d f r o m ki n gm t l . or g

‘I don’t like it.’

She decided not to do so, instead standing up and slapping the maid.



She slapped her so hard that the maid’s cheek turned bright red. Looking at the fallen maid, Hong Bi-yeon spoke coldly.

“Be grateful I didn’t burn you.”


“Your family.”

T h i s was c o pie d f r o m ki n g m t l . o r g

“I said, name your family.”

“Baron Haraen’s family… Herael.”

“Baron Haraen? Never heard of it. I’ll remember your family.”


After saying that, Hong Bi-yeon stood up.

“I’ll take my leave.”

“Oh my, my…”

Ignoring Hong Si-hwa’s wide-eyed expression, Hong Bi-yeon walked straight to Cheongryeong Palace.

Was she really angry?

No. She was actually grateful for the spilled tea, as it allowed her to leave the tea time early.

She even felt like calling Baron Haraen to give her an award.

But that’s a separate matter.

‘If I endure all this, I’ll die of pent-up anger.’

Destined to be confined here for life.

Escape was impossible.
Th i s was c op i e d f r om ki n g mtl.or g

Unless she abandoned all her magic and power, she couldn’t leave.

Hong Bi-yeon decided to accept that bitter fate.


That didn’t mean she would tolerate everything.

‘They think they can disregard and demean me…

That’s not going to happen. Being powerless doesn’t mean doing nothing.

At least while I’m confined here… I will make sure everyone in the palace fears my name.’

End of Chapter.

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