Madness of the Heart

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Demon Hunting (39)

When the policeman was peeling off the cocoon, the eyes in the cocoon also kept an eye on the policeman.

When Ming Shu came to Xinxiang headhunting company, Yu Caixin had already left.

Cao Xiang, another partner of the company, was quite surprised by the arrival of the criminal police. In their business, occasionally need to deal with the police, but never contact the criminal police.

“Are you here for Caixin? She has just left, and there is a client who needs to see her temporarily.” Cao Xiang said vigilantly, “What happened to Caixin?”

“Which customer?” Mingshu asked, “Where can I see you?”

In the headset, the technical investigator was reporting, “Yu Caixin is driving on Shuichuan West Road. The destination may be her home in the Aegean Shui’an District, Xicheng District.”

Cao Xiang quickly called Yu Caixin’s assistant Xiaoyu, “Ms. Yu said he didn’t say which customer to see?”

Xiaoyu stubbornly said: “Mr. Yu has an appointment with Manager Hou of Xinzhou Real Estate…”

“Xinzhou Real Estate’s headquarters is on Longchu Road, Nancheng District, where did Yu Caixin go?” Ming Shu asked.

Xiaoyu nodded one after another and looked at Cao Xiang, “Zong Yu took me there last week. The details have not been fully finalized. Mr. Yu went over today to discuss the details.”

Long Chu Road in Nancheng District, and Aegean Water Bank Community in Xicheng District, two completely different directions.

Yu Caixin didn’t go to see the candidate at all, but hurried home after learning that the police had gone to Xingguang Plastic Surgery Hospital to investigate him.

What must be dealt with in her family?

“Can I go to Yu Caixin’s office to’visit’?” Ming Shu asked.

Cao Xiang looked hesitant.

The detective came suddenly, and there was no news before, and he had no time to prepare for many things.

Ming Shu knew from his expression that this headhunting company probably had a lot of hidden secrets.

However, the crime squad does not have to intervene with these privates, just turn around and hand the clues to the relevant units.

“I’m not here to check your company today, so you can rest assured.” Ming Shu doesn’t talk nonsense with Cao Xiang, “Where is Yu Caixin’s office?”

Cao Xiang and Yu Caixin are partners in name, but as early as when the Xinxiang headhunting company was established, there were constant conflicts between the two. They had always been in a competitive relationship, and each had their own teams. They usually maintained the apparent peace in the company, privately. In fact, each has its own calculations.

Cao Xiang really didn’t know why Yu Caixin had recruited the police, and he didn’t give himself a vaccination in advance. He missed the number in a critical juncture. He was very dissatisfied. After weighing it up, Xiaoyu asked the police to take the police to Yu Caixin’s office.

“Xiao Ju, I’m in Yu Caixin’s company.” Ming Shu called Xiao Yu’an as he walked, “She should know that we are eyeing her, saying that we are going to see the candidate, but she is actually rushing home. I suspect she is going back. The family handles key evidence.”

“That’s just right. If she doesn’t respond at all, I have to suspect that the investigative direction is wrong.” Xiao Yuan said calmly, “Our people are already in the Aegean Shui’an community, and we will bring her back soon.”

When hanging up the phone, Ming Shu’s heart will follow.

Yu Caixin’s office is very tidy, in keeping with her own temperament. Ming Shu turned around, his eyes rested on the bookshelf.

“Isn’t this the book in the heart of the tomb?” Fang Yuanhang quickly put on his gloves and took the book off. “Some people should be damned–this is what Lu Kun read when he was crazy! I rely on it, she actually and Lu Kun, Li Hongmei reads the same book? Our earliest thinking is not wrong!”

Ming Shu took the book from Fang Yuanhang’s hand, turned a few pages, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

“Before killing Luo Xiangfu, the murderer took pictures.” Fang Yuanhang walked around to the large desk and said that he was going to use his laptop. “Master, do you think the photos might be hidden here?”

“No way!” Xiaoyu rushed up immediately, held the notebook in his arms, and said cautiously: “You can’t just use the general notebook, this, there are our business secrets in it!”

Fang Yuanhang said loudly: “We are investigating the case!”

“But…” Xiao Yu hurriedly sweated out of his forehead, his voice lowered, “but this notebook is really important.”

“It’s okay.” Ming Shu said, “Don’t worry about this notebook for now.”

Fang Yuanhang wanted to insist, “Master!”

“Yu Caixin left the office and rushed home, indicating that her family’s Aiqin Shui’an community has more secrets than here.” Ming Shu said, “and her secrets are our clues. Take a step back. If there is something in this notebook that cannot be read by us, why doesn’t she take it away?”

Fang Yuanhang had already taken the notebook from Xiaoyu’s hand and squeezed it twice, “Yes, it’s not heavy.”

Ming Shu turned the book to the last page, then looked at the other books on the shelf, and called Fang Yuanhang: “Is this book too new?”

“New?” Fang Yuanhang observed for a long time, “I usually don’t read much…”

“Here.” Ming Shu pointed to near the spine of the book. “This kind of cover paper, if you read it many times, there will be obvious creases here.”

Fang Yuanhang said, “So Yu Caixin just bought this book, but didn’t read it much?”

Ming Shu was silent for a moment, and said ambiguously: “It’s hard to tell.”

Criminal Investigation Bureau, Crime Squad.

Yu Caixin is still in a capable professional attire, but the skirt is changed to trousers.

Her high heels stepped on the corridor outside the interrogation room, and there was a crisp sound, as if she was not brought to be investigated, but rushed to meet an important candidate.

The door of the interrogation room was opened, and Ming Shu turned around and looked directly at Yu Caixin’s eyes.

In those eyes, he didn’t see the slightest surprise.

“Meet again.” He pointed to the opposite position, “Sit down, Ms. Yu.”

“You are looking for me for the cafe case, right?” Yu Caixin has a very light perfume smell, which does not match the “rich fragrance” described by the shoe repairer.

“I went to your company to find you today.” Ming Shu said, “Unfortunately, your partner and assistants said that you went to meet the candidate in Nancheng District.”

Yu Caixin smiled and said, “I have to find a reason when I go home to deal with private affairs.”

Ming Shu also laughed, “You said that because you met my colleague at the Aegean Waterfront, right?”

Yu Caixin sighed, “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Employees go home to deal with private affairs. Indeed, they often use the excuses of going out and seeing customers.” Ming Shu stared at Yu Caixin, “Are you boss also playing this trick?”

“You seem to have some misunderstanding about my job.” Yu Caixin is not nervous, “I only work for myself, and I earn hard money, not the kind of big boss you imagine.”

Ming Shu said: “It’s easy to say if you misunderstand anything. Then, Ms. Yu, what kind of private affairs are you dealing with when you go home this time?”

Yu Caixin paused for a few seconds, “Does this have anything to do with you bringing me here?”

Ming Shu simply said: “Related.”

“I forgot to take the medicine I need to take every day.” Yu Caixin said, “I have to go back and get it.”

“There is a pharmacy downstairs in your company, and there are more than one. It takes half an hour to get from Huayun Center to your home without traffic jams.” Ming Shu said, “Why don’t you re-purchase in the pharmacy?”

Yu Caixin smiled and shook her head, “The medicine I take is prescribed in the hospital, and you can’t buy it in general pharmacies.”

Ming Shu asked: “Oh? What kind of medicine is that?”

Yu Caixin was a little embarrassed, and it took a few seconds before she said, “Daying-35.”

“Short-acting contraceptives, prescription drugs.” Ming Shu said.

“I use it to treat hormone abnormalities.” Yu Caixin said, “not for contraception.”

Ming Shu said: “This medicine is actually available in pharmacies.”

Yu Caixin raised her eyebrows, “Really? I don’t know.”

Mingshu was silent, his eyes were searching.

This unexpected silence seemed to make Yu Caixin uncomfortable.

“I don’t understand.” She said: “The coffee shop has been so long. Even if you have anything else to ask me, it shouldn’t be your current attitude.”

Ming Shu asked: “What attitude do you think I am now?”

Maybe Yu Caixin didn’t expect Ming Shu to ask this question, and she raised her eyebrows carefully carved at Xingguang Plastic Surgery Hospital.

“Huh?” Ming Shu said, “What attitude do I have now.”

Yu Caixin became more and more uncomfortable, and after a while she laughed at herself, “You talked to me in this tone, and I thought I was implicated in something bad. You…are you a criminal policeman?”

“I do suspect that you have something to do with a ‘bad thing’.” Ming Shu said by surprise: “No, to be precise, there should be two.”

Yu Caixin inadvertently flicked her fingers twice, very small, but no matter how small it was, she couldn’t escape Mingshu’s sight.

“Cafe…” Just as Yu Caixin was about to speak, she was interrupted by Ming Shu, “We are not talking about coffee shops today.”

Yu Caixin’s expression is just right, “Since it has nothing to do with the cafe, I don’t think I need to stay here anymore. I cooperate with the investigation for the murdered and frightened children. I am very busy at work, please don’t embarrass me. ”

After speaking, Yu Caixin stood up.

Ming Shu followed and got up. His actual height is much higher than that of Yu Caixin, but Yu Caixin is wearing high heels, and the height difference between the two is reduced a lot.

According to Zhan Huanxiong’s visual observation, the height of the murderer was between 1.62 meters and 1.65 meters. People who have been scouts have better observation ability than ordinary people. As long as Zhan Huanxiong does not deliberately confuse his vision, then this estimate of his height should be accurate.

Yu Caixin looks more than 1.7 meters, but if he removes the high heels, it is actually only 1.63 meters.

“Sorry, I can’t let you leave now.” Ming Shu stretched out his hand and did not make physical contact with Yu Caixin, but the sudden burst of aura made Yu Caixin step back.

Yu Caixin stared slightly, “You!”

“I suspect you are related to the two murder cases.” Ming Shu smiled, “That’s why I invited you to our crime team.”

The three words “serious crime team” Mingshu bite very clearly, and Yu Caixin’s face suddenly appeared confused, surprised, and at a loss.

Like the previous dissatisfaction, these three expressions are also just right.

It was as expected, and has been drilled countless times.

“Sit down, let’s have a good chat.” Ming Shu raised his chin toward the chair, and when Yu Caixin sat down again, he asked, “Luo Xiangfu and Chen Quanhan, do you have any impressions?”

Yu Caixin said, “No.”

Ming Shu raised his eyebrows, “So simply? No need to think about it?”

“What I do is to deal with people.” Yu Caixin said: “Good memory is the basis of my hard work in this industry. If I can’t even remember a person I have met, how can I recommend a candidate?”

“What if they are not your candidates?” Ming Shu said, “Just like… the street photographers in Huayun Center. My heart is right next to Huayun. You must have seen those cameramen who take pictures with handsome men and beautiful women. ”

“You call them.” Yu Caixin smiled confidently, “Many of them invited me to be their model.”

“Oh?” Ming Shu asked, “Since when?”

Yu Cai’s eyes paused slightly, “When will you start?”

Ming Shu said: “Blame I didn’t say it clearly-I just wanted to ask, when did you start to be favored by street photographers? Before you went to Xingguang for micro adjustments? Or after?”

Yu Caixin’s expression suddenly froze, and in the next instant, unconcealable unwillingness erupted in her eyes.

It seemed that something was about to break free from her perfect mask.

Ming Shu didn’t go down immediately, but watched her carefully.

Being favored and not favored is obviously a node in Yu Caixin’s psychology, an emotional switch, even if she has performed well before, she can’t control it at this time.

Because for her, being unfavored is the most unbearable curse.

Ming Shu put the photos of Luo Xiangfu and Chen Quanhan on the table, “On July 2 and mid-April this year, they were killed by the same person. The person who killed them was a woman, and before they were killed, they often searched in Huayun Center. Beautiful women.”

Yu Caixin’s expression has returned to normal after a brief loss of state, her eyes swept across the photo, “I have no impression of them.”

“Really?” Ming Shu Shi pointed to Chen Quanhan’s photo. “But this photographer’s friend still remembers you.”

Yu Caixin’s expression remained unchanged, but her slender neck was obviously stiff.

“He remembered seeing you at Huayun Center who had not undergone plastic surgery.” Ming Shu stared at Yu Caixin’s eyes, speaking slowly, but with unabated momentum. “At that time, you just got off work and came to Huayun Center from Xinxiang. I walked in front of him and Chen Quanhan this time. I want to know, what were you thinking at that time?”

Yu Caixin looked away, “I can’t remember.”

Ming Shu asked: “Can you remember what you are thinking, or can you remember meeting Chen Quanhan?”

“You have no reason for my suspicion.” When Yu Caixin looked back at Ming Fu, her eyes became cold. “May I ask? Why do you think I was related to the murder? I don’t understand what you were talking about just now. Street shooting, plastic surgery, does this have anything to do with you suspecting me?”

Ming Shu suddenly said: “—She is not good-looking and has no special features at all. Don’t take pictures of her.”

Hearing this, Yu Caixin’s pupils tightened, and after a pause in her breathing, she suddenly became hurried.

“You still remember this sentence.” Ming Shu said: “You said you don’t remember Chen Quanhan, but you still remember his evaluation in front of you.”

Yu Caixin shook her head, “I have never heard this sentence.”

“But your reaction just now has given me the answer.” Ming Shu said: “Lying is a natural skill. You are an executive of a headhunting company. You know best how deceptive language is. Words are true and false. A person’s immediate reaction is sometimes the true reflection of her heart.”

Ten seconds later, Yu Caixin laughed out, “I’m still curious, why are you staring at me? These two people don’t know me, I don’t even know their names, at most I just met at Huayun Center. Now, how could I kill them? Is that what you said just now is the basis for you to suspect me? I should remind you-I did not care about my safety and saved a child in front of the murderer. This is what you saw with your own eyes . I hate criminals, how can I be a criminal myself?”

“What a’I hate criminals, how can I be a criminal’. The heart of the tomb hates the unscrupulous, but I am a more cruel murderer than the unscrupulous.” Yi Fei said on the phone: “Xiao Ming, We have searched the Aegean Water Bank, and we have found nothing for the time being. However, Yu Caixin’s return trip was very strange.’Go home to get the medicine’ didn’t make sense. The property management had a great impression on Yu Caixin, saying that she always went out early and late. Go back, never go home during the day.”

“Don’t learn from Lu Yanzhou.” Ming Shu asked: “Is the monitoring on July 1, 2 and 3 adjusted?”

Yi Fei said: “The tune is up, but Yu Caixin goes home late every day, and the monitoring can’t see anything.”

“The monitoring and work records of Xinxiang show that Yu Caixin left the company at noon on July 2nd.” Ming Shu said: “Looking at the communication records, she called seven customers, but what did she go for that day? It’s not yet certain for the time being.”

“That is to say, she didn’t have an alibi.” Yi Fei thought for a while, “The murder has passed so long, she has time to deal with the tools of the crime and the clothes at the time, but the photos taken have traces even if they are deleted.

Mingshu said: “Bring back all the electronic equipment in Yu Caixin’s house, don’t drop the storage card, and let Zhou Yuan do a thorough inspection.”

The technical reconnaissance team was busy late at night and restored all the electronic equipment, but still did not find the photos of Luo Xiangfu and Chen Quanhan.

“I’m innocent.” Yu Caixin raised her neck, holding the winning ticket, “I didn’t kill anyone. Do you know why you can’t find the evidence? Because that’s your imagination, it doesn’t exist at all.”

It was Zhou Yuan and Yi Fei who faced Yu Caixin this time, while Ming Shu was watching the surveillance in another room.

If Yu Caixin was only suspected before, now he has determined that the murderer is Yu Caixin.

The murderer had serious psychological problems, retaliated serial killings, and left clues to provoke the police afterwards.

Knowing that the police had not found conclusive evidence for the time being, the distortion and arrogance in Yu Cai’s eyes could no longer be concealed. She arrogantly stared at the detective in front of her, as if she was saying-you can’t find evidence, what can you do with me?

The same expression once appeared on Hou Cheng’s face.

“Yu Caixin may destroy other evidence, but it will definitely not destroy the photos.” Xiao Yuan said: “The appearance of Chen Quanhan and Luo Xiangfu before they were killed is her trophy.”

“Where will she hide the’trophies’?” Ming Shu supported her chin and walked back and forth. “There is another thing that I find very strange-what is the purpose of Yu Caixin going home? I thought she was going to deal with it and could not be seen by us. But Yi Fei checked it down, and it didn’t seem to be. The reason she gave was “go home to get medicine,” but I don’t believe it. This goes against her way of doing things.”

“Remember that we analyzed when we profiled the murderer, she committed the crime ‘clean’ and would not do unnecessary things.” Xiao Yuan said.

Ming Shu nodded, “We compared her with Hou Cheng.”

“Except for the photos, Yu Caixin should have dealt with the other evidence a long time ago. She has returned home a lot this time.” Xiao Yuan said: “It doesn’t match her ‘clean’ habit.”

Ming Shu frowned in thought, and suddenly said, “She wants to mislead us!”

Xiao Yuan said: “Yes, she went home strangely. The police will inevitably focus on what she did when she went home and ignore the others.”

Ming Shu took a long breath, “She didn’t go home to hide the photo, where is the photo?”

At this time, Xiao Yuan’s cell phone rang.

Ming Shu looked at it, “Who?”

“Yu Caixin’s brother unit in his hometown.” Xiao Yuan said: “It seems that the background investigation has resulted.”

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