Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 009, Fighting With Wolves

Chapter 9 009, fighting with wolves

is her future object!

When did he wake up? Are you all right?

Before Qin Tianru could think about it, he saw two shadows, one man and one wolf, fighting each other.

Evil wolves are not ordinary wild animals. Evil wolves have a brutal element in their bones, which can not help but be difficult to deal with, and they are also very cunning and clever.

Even if a man holds a Swiss knife in his hand, it is not easy to slander it. One man and one wolf are on guard, and at the same time they launch attacks when they are unprepared, and they entangle each other like this.

This scene of fierce confrontation made Qin Tian feel as if his heart skipped a beat.

But the more time this happens, the less able she is to influence others, so Qin Tianru restrained her worries and pursed her lips tightly, but her face and those bright eyes were full of worry. color.

The only thing she could do was get the torches in her hands as close as possible to provide some light for his vision.


Qin Tianru couldn’t help but exclaimed, because she saw the evil wolf swiping a paw at the man’s chest, and the shirt split in an instant.

You don’t need to look to know that the man’s chest will definitely be scratched, and it hurts just looking at her, how sharp the wolf’s claws are.

In order to make it easier for a man to apply medicine, she took off his coat and only kept a shirt, because it was easier to lift up the shirt, so she didn’t take off all the clothes.

Therefore, after taking the medicine, she put two coats directly over him. After all, it is easy to undress a comatose person, but it is a bit difficult to put them on again.

That’s why this man has only a thin single coat on his body, and he can’t resist scratching at all.

Suddenly, the torch went out!

Qin Tianru was in a hurry, worried that the man would be attacked because he couldn’t see clearly, so he hurriedly turned around and ran back to pick up the night pearl on the ground.

Just as she turned around, she suddenly saw the evil wolf lying on the man’s body, opening his mouth to bite the man’s neck, and the man’s hands were touching the wolf’s chin.

As for the Swiss knife, it somehow fell to the ground during the fight, just not far from the man’s right hand.

At the critical moment, Qin Tianru’s subconscious action was completely faster than his brain’s reaction, and he directly smashed the night pearl in his hand towards the evil wolf.

Fortunately, Qin Tianru’s hand was good, Ye Mingzhu just hit the evil wolf’s head, and the evil wolf tilted his body to one side in pain.

At this moment, the man seized the opportunity, quickly picked up the Swiss knife on the ground, and stabbed the wolf in the stomach with a ruthless knife.


The evil wolf fell to the ground before he could react.

But the man didn’t let his guard down, instead, he took advantage of the victory to pursue and stabbed the wolf a few times until the wolf completely lost the ability to resist.

Seeing this, the man sat down on the ground suddenly, gasping for breath, as if his body had been emptied of all his strength.

Until this time, Qi Han’s heart was still full of doubts, looking at the surrounding environment, his eyes revealed blankness.

what happened?

Why is he here?

Why is he in the wilderness as soon as he opens his eyes?

Up to now, he still clearly remembers the feeling of being unable to breathe when he was on the verge of death a second ago, as if someone had squeezed his throat tightly.

(end of this chapter)

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