Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 013, Escape

Chapter 13 013, Escape

Now is not the time to consider the durability of the crutches. The most important thing is to get out of here first, and then think about the next step when they find a suitable place to stay.

“Here, let’s go down for the time being.”


Qi Han suddenly saw that the other party’s fair palm was red and swollen, and took the ‘temporary crutch’ with a deep look.

followed, Qin Tianru ran back under the big tree again, picked up the clothes on the ground and hung them on his wrists, then picked up the medicine box with one hand, and the night pearl on the ground with the other.

Seeing this, Qi Han’s eyes flickered slightly, and his expression was thoughtful. Many details that he hadn’t noticed before were all connected at this moment.

“Let’s go.”

Qin Tianru urged, looking around from time to time, afraid of another beast.

“Wait a minute.” Qi Han said solemnly.

Under Qin Tianru’s suspicious eyes, Qi Han picked up the Swiss knife on the ground, dug a hole next to the wolf’s body, and buried the wolf.

The **** smell of wild wolves is too heavy. In order not to be discovered by other beasts as soon as possible, it is best to cover up the smell, which can also buy them more time to escape.


At this moment, a wolf howl sounded not far away.

“No, the wolf is here!”

Qin Tianru’s face turned pale, and there was a trace of nervousness on his face.

Although she is talented and has plant-based abilities since she was a child, she is not arrogant and thinks that she is invincible and has nothing to be afraid of.

Her ability has no other powerful uses at all except that it can ripen seeds, and now it seems to be able to heal wounds.

Qi Han put away the Swiss knife, quickly took his coat from Qin Tianru’s wrist and put it on his body, trying his best to cover up the wolf blood stained on his lower body.


Qi Han swayed his feet and leaned on a cane, and walked in one direction first.

Qin Tianru followed closely, holding the night pearl in half, trying to illuminate the sight of the road ahead of them as much as possible.

While following the man’s footsteps, she couldn’t help but glance sideways at the person beside her, and she couldn’t help pursing her lips when she saw the pained expression on his face.

The two kept silent all the way, and kept walking forward at a faster pace.

Seeing that the man turned into a path, walked through a grass, and walked in the direction of the mountain, Qin Tianru frowned slightly, his hands were scratched by some leaves and branches while walking, and his feet were also poked by the uneven stones on the ground. She gritted her teeth and said nothing.

She is completely unfamiliar with the terrain and road conditions here, so she can only follow him step by step. Looking at his actions, she seems to know where there are safe places around?

So, Qin Tianru followed the other side more obediently.

The two came to the foot of a mountain. Because of the darkness, Qin Tianru couldn’t see the faces of the surrounding very clearly.

“This is it.”

Qi Han opened a grass and walked in.

Qin Tianru’s eyes suddenly lit up, it was a cave!

It seems that their safety is guaranteed tonight, and they can finally rest in peace.

With the light of the night pearl, you can see the situation in the cave roughly. It is not big, about ten square meters, but for the two of them, it is enough to stretch.

Maybe because of the lack of light all year round, there is a damp smell in the cave.

“Are there any matches?” Qi Han asked the woman who walked in sideways.

“I don’t have any matches, but I have this.” Qin Tianru took out a lighter from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

(end of this chapter)

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