Luckily the main story is at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Essentials for Home and Travel

These dwarves are not very tall. Their prototypes are the decorations in the courtyard of Western-style villas. The ceramic dwarfs placed together with the stone benches and tables. Even if they are alive, they are only as high as the calves of an adult. , the kind that can hit your knees without jumping up.

So even though Ciel was a child, the power of a baseball bat and a charged blow could instantly smash one of the unlucky guys to pieces on the spot.

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: EXP 5

Current experience: 230

Your level has increased: free attribute 3


The second victim only had time to scream before he followed in the footsteps of the black hat.

Ciel only had time to complain. No matter how many times he saw it, this upgrade reward was really the shabbiest reward in the game, so he had to focus on the remaining ceramic dwarf.

Plant your feet firmly, apply force on your waist, twist your shoulders, and transmit it to your wrists.

"Vigorously miracle"


Without these inherited combat experiences, perhaps Ciel's movements would not be so smooth, but now, there are countless wizard killers, crooked demon hunters, boring urban legends, New York gangsters, etc. in all the archives of Ciel. Possessed by a boring character, he moves like a seasoned killer who uses a special bat to blow people's heads off.

Although he only has the body of an 11-year-old, his precise techniques are enough to be fatal.

This porcelain dwarf was even more unlucky. It survived to the end and received a full blow from Ciel. As a result, it instantly broke into pieces without even letting out a scream.

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: experience 5, sack 41 to be picked up

Current experience: 730

Ciel ignored the sack floating on the ceramic dwarf fragments, turned around and ran back, because the remaining five ceramic dwarves had already ran over.

Even though Ciel could kill half of them one by one with a stick, these little guys were challenge level 4 wild monsters after all, and they weren't that easy to mess with.

What they are better at is group combat, with high agility and low physical fitness. Their speed is 15 points higher than that of adult humans. Once they are surrounded, each person will hit their feet and calves with a hoe, and the target will soon lose its combat effectiveness.

Then it was mined.

So, don't get mobbed.

Char's agility is only half of theirs, and its speed is indeed very slow, but sometimes the numerical value is not absolute. Seriously speaking, race is also written on the panel, and race is also a numerical value.

As a human, Ciel, although still a human cub, has legs as long as their height, and the distance they can move with their legs is not much slower than theirs.

The bat was put into the space bag by Charles to reduce the weight. He turned his head and began to retreat with all his strength.

"crack clap"

The sound of ceramics clashing constantly came from behind, which came from the bodies of these ceramic dwarves. Their heads, feet and even shoulders were not tightly closed, but like porcelain dolls that were nested together. They would move around once they moved around. ring.

It's like a reminder.


Ciel's battlefield has been chosen long ago. He has made countless novice starts and practiced countless times. He can pass it with his eyes closed.

When he came to the weeds where the mouse traps had been planted, Ciel jumped over, rolled forward to remove the impact, and when he stood up, he had already held the baseball bat in his hand.

"Pa" "Chi"

"Pa" "Chi"

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: EXP 5

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: EXP 5

Current experience: 1730

Every time there was a snap from the mousetrap, there was a scream from the porcelain dwarf.

This group of ceramic dwarves has no real IQ. As long as the trap is not too clumsy, most of them will not avoid it.

When the two mousetraps hit their target, they suddenly bounced off the ground and closed tightly, leaving ceramic shards and ceramic powder all over the floor.

Still, three ceramic dwarfs dashed through the weeds.

"Harley Quinn is with me"

At this time, you can only force yourself.

The specifications of the baseball bat were not suitable for a child like Charles. This thing was probably made of solid wood and heavy. Two consecutive swings made his wrists a little sore, and his strength was not as strong as before.

This time, the charged blow only smashed the unlucky guy in half, but did not completely break it into pieces. Its lower half was kicking around like a headless fly, but the upper half was still holding the ceramic pickaxe. Reluctantly, he continued to crawl towards Ciel.

What a perseverance.

Changing weapons, Ciel made a prompt decision, put the bat aside, and took out the hammer that was already prepared.

At this time, the remaining two ceramic dwarfs also rushed over.

"Don't touch me"

He sidestepped to avoid the attack of one of the ceramic dwarfs, and when faced with the other one, he did not dodge and landed on it with a flying dive.

Ciel was about twice as tall as it and weighed several times as much. At the moment of flying, the sharp pick of the porcelain dwarf cut through the clothes under his ribs, but the porcelain dwarf was also crushed to the ground by Ciel.

"bang bang bang bang"

Being unreasonable, Ciel waved his hand and struck down with four hammers. The ceramic dwarf was very agile, but his constitution was surprisingly low. After four strikes, its head had become fragments. Once its head was broken, it lost its ability to move. .

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: experience 5, sack 41 to be picked up

Current experience: 2230

Then, without raising his head, Ciel let go of the motionless ceramic dwarf fragment and skillfully rolled it to the side.


The next moment, a pickaxe hit the spot where he was lying down fiercely. This was done by the remaining ceramic dwarf. It didn't care that Charles and his companions were entangled, and it swung the hoe with a fierce blow. However, Ciel had encountered this situation many times in the novice copy, so he had been on guard against its attack and rolled down in time.

Unfortunately, the fragments of its companion were not so lucky. The ceramics that were originally broken into pieces were completely reduced to powder and scattered everywhere.

Ciel stood up, swung the hammer in his hand, and looked at the remaining dwarf maliciously. He was not a coward in one-on-one.

After a while. .

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: EXP 5

Current experience: 2730

Ciel did not relax after getting rid of the ceramic dwarf. He picked up Harley Quinn's baseball bat again, moved his shoulders, and came behind the last half of the ceramic dwarf that was still struggling to crawl.


Powder flies.

Now, the battle is truly over.

. . .

You killed the agile ceramic dwarf: EXP 5

Current experience: 2500

Your level has increased: free attribute 3, acquired skill: Kama Taj Teleportation, acquired item: Hanging Ring Hand Universal

Kama Taj Teleportation:

Quality: Epic

Effect: Opens two teleportation gates that can communicate with each other. The stability, area, and distance change according to the user.

Remember: Karma Taj's signature magic is well known across the multiverse.

Remember 2: It’s not just a mobile tool.

Hanging ring:

Level: General

Quality: Premium

Effect: Assist Kama Taj's mages to better use the portal, but it is not necessary.

Remember: Where is this thing repaired? Does anyone know the address?

After all the enemies were eliminated, Ciel breathed a sigh of relief. Even though the whole battle probably lasted less than ten minutes, it was more tiring than imagined. .More tiring than in the game.

However, looking at the prompts from the panel, Ciel still felt that it was all worth it.

Karma Taj's teleportation technique is finally available.

This is not just about getting a very useful magic, but it actually makes Ciel even more excited. .It was he who finally mastered the first magic that could be called magic in this world.

It doesn't look like an orchid is blooming. .

Level 3 is a watershed in the game, and it can be seen, because the experience of level 4 has skyrocketed a lot, and the experience required for upgrading in the future will only become more and more amazing.

Raising the level to 3 means that after passing the novice stage, you will also get the first fixed skill given by the system, teleportation.

Although Kama Taj does not exist in this universe, as a product of another Goose game, the easter eggs can be linked very easily, so you can just use them.


Name: Charles Diermo

Race: Human 11 years old

Occupation: None

Talent: Magic Awakening New

Experience: 2500

Power: 31

Constitution: 32

Agility: 30

Spirit: 5020

Skill: Kama Taj teleportation technique, clear water like spring, orchids in full bloom

Equipment: The silver-white silver necklace is suitable for the neck, and the hanging ring is suitable for the hands.

Item: Gray Unknown Texture Notebook Unknown

Free Attributes: 6

Space Bag 42100: Expand

Old John's Magic Shop: Expand

Lucky Coin 0: Expand

Ciel looked at his panel with satisfaction, it was pretty good.

The maximum level of the game is level 30. Level 3, level 10 and level 20, level 30 will receive fixed talents and skills. The later the level is reached, the more difficult it becomes to increase the level. It is surprisingly difficult, because this has never been a game that requires level to win. .

The tradition of a certain snow team is rich item drops. In this game, random drops of talents and skills have also been added.

In other words, most things require grinding and fighting, so the experience value is raised so high and the level is kept so low to avoid the emergence of the Shilipo God of War.

No matter how good the things produced in the low-level area are, they will never be able to keep up with the high-level areas. .Of course, it's not absolute. After all, magic itself is ever-changing, and there are also many bugs that exist at all levels. This is the same in any game.

Ciel spent so much effort to deal with these ceramic dwarves just to advance to the third level and obtain the teleportation technique.

Because as the description says, this is not just a teleportation magic, it also has very high lethality.

You can advance, attack, retreat or defend. It is a must-have for newbies.

The Harry Potter system comes with two teleportation spells: Apparition and Apparition. Compared with Kama Taj, the casting time is shorter and it is more flexible to use. In terms of the core requirements of teleportation, it seems that the two of them are better. One chip.

But magic is inherently only the most suitable but not the best. Although Kama Taj magic requires drawing circles and seems slow, it will not be restrained by counter-spells and has a certain degree of lethality. Overall, Say, each has his own merits.

However, after acquiring the skill, Ciel immediately felt something strange.

His mastery of this magic. .It seems that he is not as skilled as he thought, he just knows how to do it, that's all.

There is also a proficiency setting in the game, but it is just a setting. If the proficiency is not enough, you can practice it. Maybe it is because it has become a reality. Ciel feels that his current situation is more like this. .The head knows it, but the hands don't.

He even suspected that it might take several minutes for him to open and close the simplest door.

This is far from what he was at his peak in the game.

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