Lucifer Quirk

57 – John 13:21

John 13:21

After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”

Itsuka laughed out loud patting James on the shoulder. "He's not wrong though!" she said with a wide smile causing more of the class to chuckle along with her. She managed to defuse the situation with little effort and even Denki managed to relax again.

Unlike with Denki, James just rolled his eyes at her. She responded by sticking out her tongue to tease him.

When he looked over to Momo he could see a heavy blush on her cheeks as she watched Himiko in his form closely on screen. He could only shake his head as it wasn't like she hadn't seen most of his body already. They had been on plenty of trips to the beach and pool together over the many years they had known each other so there wasn't anything new to see.

A few of the girls were doing the same, but felt like something was off. Despite Himiko looking like him, something was missing. They just couldn't quite put their fingers on what and it was disappointing.

Since Himiko only had James' blood to rely on and Rikido had his Sugar Rush which enhanced his physical strength five times over for three minutes only giving them physical abilities they didn't seem to be doing much to prefer beyond talking. The class couldn't listen in on their conversation since they only got the visuals not audio, but it was a safe bet that they were likely discussing their strategy for dealing with the hero team.

They could also see Ashido Mina and Aoyama Yuga preparing outside of the building.

It would be quite interesting since Himiko and Rikido both only had access to direct physical methods while both of their opponents were of the more ranged variety instead. Mina had her ability to throw her acid and Yuga's ability to shoot a laser from his navel.

Usually this would give the ranged party the advantage since they could dictate the engagement, even more so when the villains were forced to protect the bomb. However James knew even if Himiko only had a fraction of power that was enough to make all the difference at the current level of first year U.A. students. She was used to being trained by him after all. Though she couldn't use the knife skills she was most skilled at James had made sure him, Himiko and Momo were trained in a variety of armed and unarmed forms of combat. This was to ensure all of them could react to a wide variety of situations.

"I wonder what their plan is," Tsuyu said paying close attention to their preparation.

"Not much. Himiko is probably strong enough that a simple plan is more than enough for victory," Momo reluctantly said. Despite her problems with the girl she couldn't deny her abilities. They had sparred plenty in the Busujima family training grounds for her to know better.

Eventually they seemed to have made up their minds. Rikido remained in the bomb room while Himiko left and found herself a spot for an ambush. He wasn't sure whether it was his training or her innate propensity for villainy, but she managed to find a good place to give the heroes a nasty surprise.

Tsuyu hummed in thought.

"Himiko seems to know what she is doing," she said holding her finger to her lips thoughtfully her head tilted cutely. She was watching her moves and preparation closely figuring she could learn something from watching her.

Unlike James who had, outside of tricking Shoto by distracting him for Toru to capture, only shown the use of brute force Himiko was forced to show off some of their strategic and tactical training in practice surprising their classmates and even All Might looked surprised.

"Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team F and Team E," All Might announced.

It was finally time.

Yuga confidently walked into the building despite his preposterous hero costume. A highly decorate full plate armour with a sparkling purple cape. To top it off he even had a crazy pair of winged sunglasses... or was it supposed to be a visor? James wasn't sure. All he knew was that it was way too extra.

Mina chased after him sliding using her acid slime. She spilt some on Yuga's fancy cape putting some strain on his ever positive expression.

Even if it wasn't for his knowledge of the original storyline he could easily see through Yuga's mask. His ability to detect lies or even just falsehood in general had received a severe upgrade this life. He had become any scam artists worst nightmare. There was no benefit to him interfering yet though so he let him be.

Yuga and Mina started off quite cautious, but as they proceeded without running into the villain team and the edge worse off they started to become more careless. They started off thoroughly checking every corner and room, but by the time they were getting closer to the bomb room their checks had turned into mostly cursory glances.

This helped Himiko who was crouched behind a desk to hide in one of the many nondescript rooms in the building. As soon as they passed she poked her head out and snuck after them.

She kept stalked them from the shadows. She was so good at it that they remained completely unaware she was even there. When Mina finally went ahead of Yuga to go inside a room for a quick check Himiko took her opportunity. She snuck up behind Yuga with the capture tape in hand.

Without Mina even noticing she managed to grab Yuga from behind, preventing him from targetting her with his navel laser that could only shoot forward. The moment she did she had covered his mouth with her hand so he couldn't make a sound while wrapping the tape around him.

He tried to struggle, but once he noticed he had been wrapped in the tape he gave up.

She dragged him off like into the shadows without Mina even finding out like some kind of horror movie antagonist.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Papa Roach - Various Tracks

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