Lucifer Quirk

45 – Jeremiah 17:9

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

The standing long jump really wasn't a struggle for them. James had wings after all and so did Himiko when transforming into him meaning they could "jump" just about any distance.

Momo managed to create a lightweight glider that allowed her to coast very far.

Tsuyu and Ida's powerful legs gave them both a literal leg up on the competition.

Yuga unlike with the sprint actually did quite well due to his navel laser redeeming himself just a little from his earlier embarrassment.

Ochaco also did really well due to nullifying the gravity on herself before kicking off for her jump. The only downside was she ended up throwing up. She was already feeling nauseated due to overusing her quirk multiple times during the tests and then he went ahead and used it on herself causing her to fly around in zero gravity spinning around which sent her over the edge.

James brought her a water to help her recover which she was grateful for. James on the other hand was looking at Izuku who was stressing too much about his own predicament to even pay attention to Ochaco's situation.

'If you don't step your game up soon I'll be stealing your girl without even trying to,' James thought to himself while shaking his head at the dense protagonist of the story.

For the repeated side steps test Mina actually performed surprisingly well unlike most other events after using her acid to reduce friction.

Ida also performed admirably, though it did seem moving fast in a straight line forward was his stronger suit than rapidly changing direction the way this test required.

The last event was the ball throw Shota had Katsuki demonstrate at the beginning. All they had to do was throw the ball as far as they could using their body or effect from their quirk.

Himiko went first and with a powerful throw in his form managed to get almost just over 500 meters.

Ochaco went after her. Her quirk was practically a cheat for this test though as she nullified the gravity on the baseball and threw it. It just kept going in a straight line until they couldn't see it anymore without the pull of gravity to pull it back down. Her quirk's only weakness, the heavier and longer she lifted something the more nauseated and exhausted she became was of no concern with something as lightweight as a baseball.

She ended up scoring infinity.

“Infinity?!” Everyone cried out in surprise.

“That's amazing! She got ‘infinity’!” Denki exclaimed in amazement.

James managed to managed to score 682 meters with his throw. He was happy with all the training he had done. Not just because it had made him stronger, but also because he wouldn't have been able to control his outcomes in the tests if it weren't for the control he gained with all the training he did.

Momo Actually managed to get the second highest score creating a rudimentary hot air balloon for the ball. It was almost as effective as Ochaco's effort. The only thing that limited it was the amount of fuel she could produce for the balloon which was limited by her how much she had stored in her fat cells.

Tsuyu actually managed to fling it by using her tongue to swing it like a whip getting a pretty impressive score too. Seeing how dextrous her tongue was James was just a little curious what else she would be able to do with that cute little tongue of hers... cough.

Itsuka also did very well unsurprisingly. Since her quirk was entirely about enhancing her arms all she had to do was activate her quick and throw as hard as she could.

Eijiro and Rikido both having physique enhancing quirks both performed well too.

Finally it was Izuku's turn. He stood in the pitching area completely stressed out. He had severely underperformed in every single test up to this point managing to barely even achieve what an average person could achieve let alone what would be expected of someone attending U.A. and this fact was getting to him.

“It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this," Ida said with concern.

“Huh? Of course not. He's a quirkless small fry, you know,” Katsuki retorted aggressively taking advantage of the chance to mock Izuku whenever presented. 

“quirkless?! Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?” Ida asked him.

“Huh?” Katsuki exclaimed in surprise. Of course he hadn't enquired about what had happened during Izuku's entrance exam. Why would he investigate a quirkless person? He could only have achieved success by cheating as far as he was concerned.

While everyone was paying attention to Izuku, James noticed All Might hiding behind a building watching Izuku from a distance.

James smirked thinking it might be fun playing a prank on the number one pro hero. For a different hero that might be stupid, but All Might despite being one of the most powerful beings on the planet is also the biggest softie around.

All Might was so caught up in Izuku's plight he didn't even notice the boy sneaking up on him. He was too worried about Shota eliminating Izuku from the class if he came in last, which at this point was already almost guaranteed.

When James finally managed to get within a few steps of All Might without being noticed he simply said "Is that All Might?"

All Might practically jumped out of his skin being so preoccupied though. Before even realising the situation he blurted out "All Might?! No he's not here! I'm Yagi Toshinori!"

James was rather amused, but also couldn't help deadpanning. If it had been All Might in his scrawny deflated form he might have gotten away with claiming that, but in his current buff form he was pretty unmistakable as All Might. He had also inadvertently blurted out his real name. He wasn't going to call him out for it though.

"Well that's surprising, because you look an awful lot like All Might sir," he said 'innocently'.

"A.... erm... that..." All Might started started stammering, but eventually he sighed.

"Right... I'm not supposed to be here. Could you keep this a secret for me? I believe in you Busujima boy," he said with his trademark smile. When he said trademark he meant it. His image was literally trademarked and he made money off all the toys and posters of him that were sold. James could actually respect this, even if he suspected this wasn't All Might's own idea, what he couldn't fathom though was why he donated all of the proceeds from that to various charities.

"Of course sir All Might," James said with an equally sunny smile of his own. Unlike All Mights there was nothing genuine about his smile, but no one would ever be able to tell.

The weak villain strategy would have been to ask for something from All Might, but any good villain knew in the long run people would give you much more if you didn't ask for anything in return for favours. Just All Might feeling liked he was a good boy and that he owed him a favour would return his efforts many times more than anything he could ask for.

James gave a slight bow and snuck back off to leave All Might to his stalking of a innocent young nubile boy...

When he returned to his grouped up classmates Momo noticed him.

"What were you up to?" she asked him curiously.

"Just a little fun," he said with a smile.

"Oh, I want to know!" she said excitedly.

He smirked, but placed a finger on her lips which caused her to blush. "It's a secret. Just watch, this is going to be interesting too," he said playfully causing Momo to wonder what he was talking about glancing at the awkward muttering geek that had been coming in last all day.

The other girls looked curiously at their actions wondering what they were talking about.

Meanwhile Izuku had been staring at the ball seriously for a while before finally pulling back with determination in his eyes. He wound up for a throw. It was obvious he was going to try putting his everything into this throw. However right as he threw it the result seemed different from his expectations and the ball dropped just a little ahead of him.

“46 meters,” the measurement device called out emotionlessly punctuating his failure.

Izuku looked utterly defeated simply staring at his hand as if it had failed him somehow. Maybe he used it too much last night.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 12+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Bad Omens - Various Tracks

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