Lowly Ascent

Chapter 303 – Perfecting Dreams

Cain was surrounded by scientists, each looking at him eagerly as he scrolled through their research notes.

'So the drug does work, it creates a stable dream world unlike X which seems to rely on memories to work. Instead, These dream worlds are created on the user's imagination, practically making them gods, but the issue is that the world is built on the subconscious as a conscious mind couldn't hold the dream world together. They seem to have tried balancing the subconscious and conscious' control but the modified drug just caused aneurysms.'

Graphs and profiles of different people used in the experiments showed up. Cain read every file as he piled everything in his mind.

'Although using drug addicts helps with the potent part of the drug, meaning they can take more doses without too many problems, using drug addicts means the data will be off for the demographic they're trying to create this for.'

'But this isn't a problem for now, what interests me more is how the dream worlds can exist and how people can travel from one to another, and why they can't be connected as a whole. The readings from the machines prove the dreams are connected, it's just that they can't join as a whole, only the minds of the people seem to, leaving their dream worlds behind.'

Cain looked at the scientists, (Bring me to where you contain the extracted brains.)

Entering a room off to the side, Cain looked through a cabinet-like space, studying brains in jars. Some of them were fine, others had tinges of red and a few were a coagulation of brain matter fragments.

'Aha! Here.'

Peering closer to a singular jar, Cain felt the presence of the dream realm, his Dream Core going off like a metal detector.

'So these worlds can exist without the owner, it would be required if the end goal was a mass plane for an information network. What's strange is that the owner is dead but the dream continues, though it is slowly decomposing. Does this mean only the conscious leaves when someone goes to another dream? Although most processes of the subconscious aren't needed as a soul body, it should still travel with the owner, even for me that's how it is....'

Learning everything he wanted, Cain returned to the lab and consulted the scientists.

(I must say, you all made a solid foundation. However, there are issues, many that you already know like the inability to conjoin the dreams. But this drug also seems to mess with the soul. I found traces of these dreams still existing, it seems the drug liquifies the soul, akin to melting skin off.)

(The drug separates the subconscious to have it act as the core of the dream while the conscious can go off and play. This might not be a problem now, but it will be if you want to use the drug, otherwise, you are just creating retards.)

Doctor Braun held his chin up with an arm, "There are some subjects who lose motor function and have to learn how to eat or walk again....one even died because they forgot how to breathe..." 

(First, we need to fix the already existing problems. I believe if we can create a balance without separating the mind in the process, we will be 90% of the way there. After that the only issue will be conjoining the dreams, I'll speak more on that when we get to that point.)

Cain hopped to another table.

(The soul merging issue won't be a problem if we succeed; all the dreams will be conjoined together so the minds will be connected at that point, but caution should still be advised if we can't find a way to keep the subject's individualities whole when we try merging them.)

Everyone nodded repeatedly. They were excited to get to work, especially when Cain stayed to help with any issues that arose.


Isaac sat in his room, meditating. Seven days had passed since the Sewn Brotherhood was eliminated and its leader killed.

Knock Knock

"Come in."

The door slid open. Laimir walked in. He said nothing and sat down in a chair across from his partner. He waited silently for Isaac to finish up.

Opening his eyes, Isaac stretched and yawned. "What is it?"

"The higher-ups are sending me on a mission. In the meantime, you are to work solo. Your first mission has been sent to your terminal. All I know is it's about a new cult and a weapons deal. Good luck." Laimir stood up and walked out.

Isaac was used to his behavior.

When Laimir left, Isaac went over to his desk and pulled up the file. As he read it his face crept into a frown.

"Why is the Bureau sending me on this? This is way too hard. This "cult" formed from a powerful gang and now they are dealing in weapons to expand their X business. The most concerning thing is that this cult leader is rumored to be a monster! How am I supposed to deal with that?"

As he continued to read, it became increasingly obvious everything was stacked against him. At least five agents were needed to deal with a threat at this level.

"So this is the con of being a genius...don't the higher-ups think they're overestimating me? A talent that hasn't grown isn't a talent yet. Oh, whatever, I'll just retreat if I face any trouble."

Although the mission was hard, it wasn't impossible. If the cult leader wasn't a monster the threat level would lower several notches. Even if Isaac was overwhelmed, he could retreat. The last thing the Bureau wanted was for him to throw away his life.

"Deadline is by the end of the month. I'll first rest today and then train for a bit. After that last mission, it was easy for me to reach fullness, hopefully, this mission will help in refining my soul."

Isaac lazily got up and went back to his bed, cultivating from time to time.


"Time to head out." Isaac opened his eyes and drowsily looked at his clock. "I woke up an hour late. Oh well."

He took his time to get dressed. It was noon by the time he took a car and was out on the streets looking for his targets.

"The intel says the gang liked to frequent a bar in this area before they became a cult and disappeared. Perhaps there are still connections between the two. Couldn't help to check."

Isaac parked in a nicer area of town before walking ten blocks, reaching his destination.

"Gremlin Bar. Huh."

Walking inside, the lighting became dim as the sunlight was blocked by the smoke of cigarettes. No one paid attention to the new patron and Isaac went about his business.

He first went to the bar and sat down for a drink.

"What can I get you?" The bartender was a young man, black hair with a stubble.

"Whatever you're best at. I'm not picky."

"Okay." The bartender got to work on the drink.

All the while, Isaac was on the lookout, his eyes scanning everyone in the bar.

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