Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 035: Knife On Their Tongue

I don’t quite know what I expected from the nun, yet she certainly was a rather honest individual, if I was to water down my opinion heavily.

“Hey have you got any more lines; it has been awhile so it would be cool if you continued on so that I could work on getting my young master bingo card filled out~!” Her lips visibly curled up to a grin. She did not even try to hide her contempt for the adolescent punk - especially since she said all this while looking directly into his eyes.

The boy (strangely) didn’t seem to appreciate her comments either. Trembling for a moment until finally whipping out that intimidating pointer finger of him. “I’ll get you as well as that bitch kicked out Frux and don’t think about being able to enter the workforce with that released to every single news outlet!”

Oh my, so scary, but while they were going at it I decided I may as well be efficient with my time thus walking up to the counter. Everyone else had essentially taken to huddling in the corners of the building so it was easy for me to walk up; they had great customer service as a scared worker promptly came up to ask me what I wanted. “Can I have everything on the menu but feel free to take your time.”

Offering them a radiant smile which greatly helped them calm down enough to agree to my request as they had no worries that I wouldn’t be able to pay them.

Being famous came in useful sometimes.

“Heh~ who is it that is in trouble here?” Turning back to the active situation revealed that the nun was now standing over the incensed ringleader, hair matching his face by now, letting her truly tower over him. She even leaned over completely so her torso pretty much casted his entire body in shadow due to him still lying on the ground.

Finally the boy took his pointing finger away from the girl however that was only the prelude for him to go ahead and do something even dumber. Reaching into his pocket for a second only to draw out a butterfly knife that he expeditiously whipped the blade out of then followed up by charging towards the tall girl. My hand did drift towards my holstered side-arm in order to finally put an end to this stupid farce - other hand holding a delicious pastry that tasted like a condensed princess fairytale - though that was unnecessary.

“I’LL CUT-!” He didn’t even get the chance to finish his threat as his wrist (which was attached to the hand swinging the knife towards her) was instantly caught by her as he jumped up to attack her. Seeing that he was stopped he attempted to pull his arm from her grasp. Yet, no matter how much he tugged, he found himself unable to retrieve his wrist.

That didn’t stop him from trying; continuing to bring more & more of his body into trying to tear himself away from the mystery religious woman. Although even as he began using his other hand to punch he didn’t get so much as a finger to twitch. “Let go of me you stupid harlot!”

“I prefer the term… Bastard~.”

“What the f-URAGH!”


A sound that is usually considered very eerie - if cliche - when located in some haunted manor or an old hospital of some kind… Yet it was coming from none of those things. Instead it was from the very wrist that the girl was holding while she just let out a long boisterous laugh as the boy essentially had a seizure while panickily slamming his body against hers.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the bones under her grasp were being deformed from the force she was holding him with. Unsurprisingly the knife had long fallen to the ground yet she wasn’t done. Her foot actually impacted the butt of the knife handle as it rotated toward the ground (timing incredible considering she wasn’t even paying attention to the knife) to land in her awaiting spare hand.

Taking advantage of his mouth being wide open. With no hesitation she moved that knife into his mouth so the flat of the blade pressed down - essentially stopping his screams and making his tear filled eyes look towards her naught but with fear now. “It has been so long since I’ve had the chance to deal with thugs~!”

Excitement clear in her voice as she slowly tilted that double sided from one side of the other, making him well aware of the shard edge as it pressed against his tonsils, a grin still on her face. “Unfortunately I am not like some of my older friends that will just ignore things that annoys them…” Closing her eyes while tilting her head as if to seem amicable.

“I don’t mind you threatening me as it’s honestly cute - like a little dog barking at a wolf - however you decided it was a good idea to threaten the one under my paw. Sadly I can’t let that one pass now can I… Right?” Saying so while slowly tilting the knife upwards thus there was no choice for the poor boy but to show total obedience.

Meanwhile this pastry was just amazing; I would need to see about hiring a baker from here as my own personal bread maker.

The tall woman didn’t bother to pay attention to the pastries, sad for her, as she slowly pushed that knife further and further into his neck. Taking full advantage of the slenderness of the knife to avoid hitting anything yet still making the punk unwilling to even swallow his spit. Leading to him slobbering all over himself in an embarrassing display. “I’m going to leave this here for now so I hope you can keep a hold of it until I am back to decide what to do with it… Or you~♥”

Letting go off the knife (having it balanced in his mouth and partly down his throat) leading to him being too afraid to move a single inch. Strangely I felt as if that girl may not actually be a nun. Something about being that good at threatening someone did not seem to fit with my image of a woman of the cloth.

“Now that that is done with…” So the girl turned to the tanned girls who were shivering in fear, for some reason, as she began walking toward them with a smile. Turning to the chivalrous boy - who came with the supposed nun - revealed him to actually be stuck in a notebook jotting something down with great vigour as if a student days before his finals.

The Amazonian just moved her finger to jab certain places on both the girls bodies resulting in them completely going limp. From there she checked their pulses before throwing them over her shoulders to begin heading out of the building, turning to me first for some reason. “Ah~ I never got the chance to say this but I’m Miss Trunchbull and will be working as your teaching assistant so feel free to give me something to do jehehe~.”

That… Was a strange laugh…

As she walked out she kicked the white knight in the gut causing him to fall back on his butt however he soon got back up. That didn’t mean he resisted the chance to complain. Seemingly trying to use that as leverage to get the girl to teach him some more which only got a shrug… To the misfortune for the two paralysed girls.

I decided to just ask for their information (whether from the headmistress or from her servers) at a later date and focus on what I can do at the moment.



<< You Just Want To See The Validity Of A Spirit Going Into A Sugar Coma >>



Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you should say it.

Sadly it seemed like the chaos of the day wasn’t completely over as I heard a plethora of footsteps approaching from outside. From what they are saying it also seems like they aren’t too happy with my little toy soldiers blocking them from entering. “One day out of my new home yet it feels like I’m back to the business of my last life again… At least it isn’t boring.”

So I said before filling my mouth with that sweet baked good, biting in to get an absolutely satisfying crunch that only a freshly baked good can give, causing me to squirm a little.

“We don’t want any trouble with you guys however we have a job as well.” Even as he said that in a threatening manner you could tell tension filled the entirety of his person and walking out revealed that it wasn’t just that man. In front of my guards were a squad of uniformed security officers but they hardly seemed impressive when stood across from my guys.

Everyone knew that it was a fight that wouldn’t go well for the security officers, nevertheless their captain refused to step down. This led to them all having sweat visibly covering their foreheads. Quite the opposite of my guys who were professional if perfectly calm despite the threat coming from the guard.

My own captain had his face mask hissing gently as it folded into itself allowing him to meet the eyes of the security captain as he looked down on him. “Then do your job and fuck off.”  As expected; they clearly did not give on hoot about the threats that were being thrown out at them since the officers may as well be children when up against these war hardened veterans.

The crowd who had built to watch the confrontation & chaos that was occurring around the bakery couldn’t help bursting out in laughter.

A result that got the face of the other captain to blanch until he heard the laugher - regaining his confidence once more. Drawing out his electric baton to slap his own palm. “We only wish to see some punishment to someone who was causing trouble with one of our fine professors' children so there is no reason for you to get your mistress involved.”

This made my eyes drift towards the monster that was still carrying the two girls; a smile was on their face but I only felt a shiver go down my spine. My instincts screamed that if this person was pushed too far it would lead to a disaster that could potentially spell doom for the world. As such I planned to step forward then use our middling connection as teacher & assistant to intervene myself yet that seemed completely unneeded as…



“Keep her name out your mouth you dirty cop; we have already looked into all your sort so try threatening my master again and we won’t need her order to put one in your head.” My own captain refused to take any shit so just proceeded to shoot him right in the foot then used the fact he reeled forward to hit him in the face with the stock. Sending the bald middle aged flying down on his ass in a manner that made their opponents look like a set of dominoes.

Unfortunately there was only a certain fake nun who was able to laugh at the scene (making me wonder how she can see) as everyone else was in shock due to the gunshot.

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