Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 033: Fate of All Who Live

The first thing to do was gather information - luckily there was very likely no one who had more people looking up this game than us. We didn’t even need to particularly hide this fact anyway due to our cover story of “playing a lot as a family with a lot of physical distance” was air tight. This let us easily put as many people into it as we saw fit; something that came in evidently useless since we didn’t even know this announcement was going to happen.

At least it meant we were quickly able to quickly react to it (as an organisation) which also, naturally, allowed us to find out how to sign up for the closed beta.

Even without the game, being so “revolutionary” the benefits for joining the beta were clear. In fact - in my previous life at least - characters made during the beta’s were crossed over to the main game when it finally came out. One may argue that I already have enough of an advantage against the lowly mortals yet I counter that there is no such thing as “too much power”.

There was no loss even if I didn’t focus on gaining raw strength since influence can be just as important.

This wasn’t “just a game” after all.

Very quickly I got reports containing the required actions to join the beta in addition to other (possibly) important tidbits. Information such as the nations planned, the specs needed to run, the location of a couple server farms the company bought up and more. Obviously the most important information was how to sign up as well as a link to the net site.

It was easy enough to sign up for the closed beta; there was literally a form for it on the main net site yet consumer capitalism did make sure that we wouldn’t get out scott free. Of course it was locked behind preordering the game yet just as I was considering what to do I heard, from inside my pocket, a little *nya* *nya* alongside a vibration. My shock was obviously momentary as relief overcame me. “Thankfully no one was around to hear my personal holopad’s notification sound…”

One may ask why have something so embarrassing as my notification sound (or even what my ringtone would be) and to them I would simply reply… Shut up.

Promptly pulling out the holopad revealed a text message from daddy. Informing me that he had already purchased an account for each one of our immediate family members. I thus sent an immediate reply that I would use said information to apply for everything we would need in order to play as swiftly as possible.

Something that I indeed proceeded to do without getting confirmation. We had long set up protocols about this situation - as well as many others - all so that we can move efficiently as a unit. Since I was the one who was most knowledgeable about the game it only made sense that I should handle direct interactions while Daddy just needs to get the most expensive package.

Now it was just a waiting game to see whether us 5 were to step on our path to divinity; we had no information on whether the closed beta players were chosen based on luck or not. However, if they were chosen on a “first come first served” system, I had confidence we were quick enough. That had nothing to do with how the net site mysteriously went down as soon as we learned about its importance in achieving a place on the beta list.

With that done there was nothing else to do but prepare for classes - as boring as that sounds - since we had already been preparing for literally years.

Though with my intellect it didn’t take too long to come up with the most efficient way to teach these brats what they needed to know about conducting themselves in a medical setting. So that is exactly what I did over the next few days. In fact students began arriving a couple days after we did, yet I heard nothing from my siblings after receiving confirmation they saw my post in the family chat group (explaining sign up).

Understandable though as they were likely getting used to their seniors… Perhaps beating them up for a certain sibling of mine. That was hardly my problem, she couldn’t ruin my image on account of her penchant for violence was already well known, so I just got lost in working on my precious little knight.

Evidently I couldn’t do anything too big since it was pretty much just a little mobile lab that I had gotten my security to set up in the ensuite bathroom. Spirits not needing to do anything as dirty as defecate. I was still able to mess around a little with the various parameters as well as do pretty much anything I wanted when it came to the software side. In fact I got so bored that I decided to develop some kind of game which they could play to prevent boredom from developing when they’re on duty.

It's unlucky that I would have a Silver Knight uprising due to not giving them such petty recreational activity to pass time. Nevertheless, the chance wasn’t zero while it also didn’t cost anything but time to make the chance of such an event zero. Time being something I seemed to have in spades.

After an entire week the new students finally arrived with some sad news also going around that a long term member of faculty jumped in front of a hover car on their way. An absolutely dreadful incident that strangely happened mere moments before I landed according to the data logged on the network. Maybe if I landed a little earlier, or she was a little kinder, such a tragedy could be avoided.

Regardless, the academy was left in a little bit of a tough spot as no one else was free enough to show those students (or us) around.

Most people were very busy as a new school term was right around the corner.

I knew all this due to attending a faculty meeting (I had nothing else to do) however that ended up doing nothing to allay my boredom so I kind of tuned out after awhile. There were introductions with the other staff but I couldn’t remember any of their names or faces. Well, except for the hags and old man who liked reading a lot but even then it was just faces.

No reason to remember them for now… I had Big B. to do that. Either way, with both new and old students arriving, the streets below my room got very chaotic. Probably more so than usual on account of that unfortunate decrease in the staff.

Not that it matters to me-

*knock* *knock* *knock*

“What is it?” Turning my gaze towards the door as I sat down on my holopad; my displeasure at being interrupted as I looked through my homework was obvious in my voice. Usually my guards knew better than to do that - as a result it was probably pretty important if they risked their neck.

These were people who had done plenty of coverups for me, they fully knew about my ‘dark side’, due to being humans, so couldn’t help but feel some modicum of fear. I treated them well otherwise so it was perfect for keeping them nice and loyal to me - helped that they also knew I wasn’t human. “People are beginning to ask questions since you don’t leave your room a lot.”


“Well we also heard that there is a shop that is famous among the locals for their food that is ‘obnoxiously sugary sweet’ who were doing a limited run of a lemon flavoured sweet pastry. We thought this would interest you an-”

“Say no more; let’s go” ”I cut him off as I stood up and headed towards the door without care about preparing any fancier clothes than I was currently wearing. I had my six iron as well as a shirt & shorts on so what else could I need? Barging through the door without worry that it sent the captain of my Lynx squad on the floor with a rather large bang.

The rest of my security team didn’t seem particularly shocked (understandable) as they just activated their helmets-faceplates closing mechanism with their neural connection. Upon their helmet was the skull of the very cat their squad was named after. The exact same tradition that held true for each and every one of my various squads… Let’s just say I had enough firepower to make me a force to be reckoned with no matter where I decide to go. A fact that made the “United States” of America behave themselves.

Eventually even the squad leader managed to regain enough senses to close his own helmet and stand up once again. Prompting me to address him. “Lead me to this supposed shop so I can allay any suspicion around me; it would be quite troubling if people sniff around! Oh but keep at least two members posted inside the on-suite. Just in case we have a repeat of the Portugal incident.”

Of course they quickly showed their agreement in the form of a slamming their fist to their chest - leader quickly setting two of their strongest to watch over my little project. Those two comb through the room to gather every bit of important information inside with them. Anyone who saw them wouldn’t for long as they were clearly set to fire first and ask questions later.

Not that I cared much - it would actually be way more interesting if they didn’t since I haven’t been on a hunt in awhile - the taste of a sinful soul was always welcome.

Thinking about that made me lick my lips as we headed out  the school and through the streets.

Maybe it was just me but it seemed like my guards took an extra step away from me… Well, everyone else seemed to find me as cute as always, I’ll just chalk it up to a quirk of working for so long on the battlefields abroad. Perhaps I should review Furstin’s mental health policies?

Obviously people knew better to approach the famous person surrounded by security (especially after the first few viral clips) so we managed to the cute little shop fairly sharply. It was a simple place with a nice pink & white facade with large glass windows that let you see inside the shop. Something that also meant those inside saw as my heavily geared men promptly formed a parameter around the front as I entered.

Everyone was visibly nervous but I just queued up like a nice girl - even granting them the honour of seeing my radiant smile.

At least that was the case before the door to the toilets was slammed open with a bang. A hoard of obnoxious laughs echoed out despite many innocent treats falling to the floor due to the actions of those nasty men. Soon their attention turned to me as I was the most eye-catching by far.

Like usual.

“*whistle* I haven’t seen a beauty like you before.”

I suppose I did need some entertainment.

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