Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 029: Flight to Frux

“You know, when you said we could take your aircraft, I presumed you meant the private jet that our father got you for your tenth.” Brother’s voice suddenly made me turn from the documents I was going through on my holopad while using a metal file on my shimmering metallic nails. All three of us siblings were currently located in large (synthetic) leather seats within this regulated aircraft cabin that I had a direct hand in creating.

At least in terms of planning & software development.

As such I could only tilt my head as I found it quite impossible for this compartment to be lacking in any shape or form due to my attention to detail. This was the aircraft I used for nearly all my city-to-city trips as well as those that were longer. It was not as if this beauty hadn’t received thorough stress testing.

Looking around revealed a fridge, we each also had a button to call for the onboard staff, an emergency medical inventory was located nearby in a position that even a child could reach and there was no way that any vehicle had a better network connection. “Hm? I always keep that jet stored in my private hander at Frankfurt airport for the occasional joy ride but I wouldn’t trust it for international trips; especially when over unregulated waters. Although I certainly do not think there is anything worth discussing when it comes to this one, is there?”

To strengthen my point I looked towards Alice who was looking directly towards a wall mounted holovision with all the intellectual investment as a monkey or small child. Happily leaning forward as some cartoon was on the screen. Occasionally causing her to boisterously laugh while clapping her hands like a seal.

“She certainly has no issues… Although everyday since is one where I question how a human looked at her and decided she was worthy of attending the most prestigious academy.” It truly was a miracle that they somehow agreed to take that girl in - everyday I find myself surprised that she even remembered to wake up. 

“Now, now, she is still our siste-”

“-so you don’t deny your own shock that she got accepted?” I interrupted him as he just turned to the side while itching his chin in an obviously suspicious manner.

This was probably the first time I’ve ever seen the frozen faced brother of mine sweat; a few beads trickling down his forehead as he looked toward his holopad. Still he at least had the mental strength to try to refute me a little. “She wasn’t accepted due to her genius but more due to her ability to perfectly control her body - just like with you - except you also have a lot of sway in the cutting edge research field.”

“I am pretty amazing.” Returning my attention back to my nails, wiggling them in front of my face as their metal bodies glittered with the light coming from outside the window as we soared above the clouds. A set of various colours sat on the desk (between me and the holopad) as I wondered which would be the best to keep my style while hiding the slight inconsistency.

Brother wasn’t so relaxed as he shook his head with a long drawn out sigh - throwing his pad aside as he placed his palm on his face. “That is beside the point; I expected you to take us in some commercial jet that you could get off the market for a pretty penny… I certainly didn’t expect you to bring us in a military grade stealth vehicle with fully functioning invisibility from what I understood.”

“Why would I not use the Prayer 05?” Brother really was being silly at this point.

“Because most people don’t use a military aeroplane to arrive anywhere, let alone into an independent nation centred around education.” Shaking his head as if I was somehow the strange one - not to mention what he said didn’t even really matter. “Well it’s fine since this isn’t a simple aeroplane since it’s also fully able to be used as a space faring vehicle with its own resu-”

Alice's voice cut me off from explaining my genius. “Idiot”

Turning my head revealed her pointing towards me with an expression I had to urge to wipe off that makeup coated face of hers. It should even be possible, having spent some of my status points on my physical stats, to teach her a lesson… Right?







<< Recommend {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] Uses Caution>>




“How am I the fool?” Crossing my arms under my voluptuous chest; pushing my bountiful mellons up in such a way that they only seemed even bigger. A sight that caused the average chested brat to pouther cheeks due to being faced with my superior (gothic) offering. In addition our brother seems to have given up since he let out another sigh before picking up his holopad once more. Intent to leave just the two of us to argue in a scene that he has already seen hundreds of thousands of times by now.

Still, despite it being clear that any argument she makes will be automatically inferior, Alexis proudly huffed while attempting to copy my bust-accentuate manoeuvre. Obviously it failed. Nevertheless she did not give up due to this silly little sister not being able to comprehend how below me she is.

“You are obviously too over the top - just because you have that paramilitary - with thinking that it makes sense to bring a weapon of war with you everywhere. Maybe you should take a step back from the conflicts in Asia and come live in the western world with us!” She smugly said as if that actually was some kind of giant “gotcha” despite how short sighted it actually was.

On the other hand (pun not intended) I had finally decided to go with a nice purple as it would match the lipstick I usually decide to wear. Myself being a fan of either black or purple when I decide which to go with in the morning; fitting my goth style while also making my lips look even plumper. “Do you think that, just because I chose not to reveal my hand in wars, people with greed do not see me as a possible target and thus both of you?”

After saying that I started to pain my nails. From the corner of my eye I even saw that brother raised a brow of interest towards my point while sister had her mouth open as if trying to use it to parachute down from my aircraft. “W-what! Wait does that mean you are involved in those nasties wars that are going on in the eastern hemisphere despite saying you were only looking into it as a-”

“Does it matter to you? Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to tell you, indeed I have lent some of my teams in order to ensure that our assets are secured. That is not even discussing the killing I am making in granting weapons to the various parties - amazingly easy considering they all want to pretend that the weapons are their own so no one knows how much is in Furstins pockets.” A smirk on my face as I finished my first nail which I followed up by swiftly moving to the second.


“I made some old men on our board very happy.” Not even willing to listen to the blatantly stupid blathering that this sister of mine will no doubt spout - in an attempt to achieve some petty win - just for the sake of her own sense of superiority over me. None of us particularly cared about ‘morals’ yet me and my brother at least saw it as a useful tool for manipulating the external opinion into our favour.

Still, however, it would not surprise me a little if she decided to randomly cling onto my “immoral actions” to get her petty win which she would proceed to lord over me if given the chance.

“I already know about all th-”


“-at, we needed to beg those old sycophants not to celebrate your achievements using your own money then our own, but what do you mean that we could be targets?” Brother asked with a raised brow that showed he was taking this fairly casually. He had no doubt that I was wiping my own ass which was likely why such a statement caught his attention so strongly.

I was not exactly in a hurry, however, as I continued to calmly pain my nails a wonderful shade of bright vibrant purple. Not wishing for them to be uneven - I even spent some time dabbing & drying them since we still had a little bit until we arrived. Although I still need to do the other hand… Maybe I can switch it up and go black for the other? That would be nice; I could do it with my lips as well.

“Hm… Well even when me and Alexis were recovering from nearly being shot on their soil; American ops basically kidnapped that head scientist of mine in an attempt to get dirt on us. What would others do if even the supposed ‘mighty bastion of freedom’ is willing to do that? Makes you wonder.” All three of us were essentially snorting at the hypocrisy.

It sure was a ballsy move from America to do ten years ago and, from my knowledge, not much has changed in that time.

Some may ask why I have a dislike for a country that seems to hate people with my skin tone and also tried to turn around the near tragedy of a family that came to their country in good faith. In turn I would call those people idiots. At least the war lords are honest in the fact that they won’t pretend to be a paragon of morality & patriotism while stabbing the people they swore to protect in the back for some extra cash.

Most of the time.


“We will be arriving on the island soon.”

Seems like I need to hurry up.

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